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File: 98 KB, 616x283, german meme trilogy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7448142 No.7448142 [Reply] [Original]

Can we please have a thread about the new meme trilogy?

>> No.7448155

>forced memes all of them

>> No.7448159

Has anyone here even read or heard of one of these? I only know of Arno.

>> No.7448168

i still think peterburg and finnegans wake should be there along with zettels traum.

the man without qualities isn't enough of a pleb filter

>> No.7448173

Finnegans Wake isn't obscure enough to be on a true meme list.

>> No.7448195

read vol 1 of musil. pretty horrible. don't plan on reading the rest.

>> No.7448205

how about:
Zettels Traum
Larva: Babel de una noche de San Juan

>> No.7448213

im on board with this

>> No.7448216

>pretty horrible
I'll fight you. I'll fucking fight you. Say that to my face you uncultured scum. Say that to my fucking face

>> No.7448228

Post your address.

>> No.7448235

Spiegelgasse 1, 8001 Zürich, Switzerland

>> No.7450066

I truly believe this is meme enough to pass for the new trilogy, except the middle should be Prae, not whatever the fuck someone changed it to

>> No.7450077
File: 253 KB, 850x500, nova_imperium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7450096

How is it enough meme?

And clearly haven't read Jahnn, since you don't even know what it is. Also, it's german trilogy.

>> No.7450113

Because nobody has read these.

>And clearly haven't read Jahnn, since you don't even know what it is

that's the point

>> No.7450117

>no having read traum and man without qualities

why do you even come here

>> No.7450122

>i will force this meme
>milhouse is a meme is not a meme

>> No.7450123

I started with the Greeks tbqh familia

>> No.7450131

Why does it need to be obscure?

The original trilogy wasn't obscure at all.

>> No.7450137

In the last thread were at least 3 anons who read Jahnn.

>nobody has read Musil

>> No.7450150

Nobody doesn't include the 5 autists who have, sorry to burst your assburgered bubble

>> No.7450159

you're funny mate, but you should try harder, I believe you can do it better

>> No.7450237

why dont you start threads about books instead of memes


>> No.7450335

what's the second one? Googling is bringing up color swatches

>> No.7450347
File: 279 KB, 1560x750, 1446508967881_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking heretic. This and the original are the only ones that were created by many anons, and they are the only ones that should remain.