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File: 1.15 MB, 1999x2224, liberal-arts-education.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
744721 No.744721 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.744727

Liberal Arts is a hobby.

>> No.744738

few people hold such delusions

>> No.744747

May 08 - Nov 08

Learn some fucking patience you wad.

>> No.744753
File: 35 KB, 479x505, embee_op_570x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people measure themselves by other things than mansions and villa's, and are quite happy with their <100k/year salary

>> No.744760


>> No.744764

But... but... but... girls LUV money

>> No.744767

Sounds like someone relies too highly upon their degree instead of finding other ways to make their resume interesting.

>> No.744772

Girls are only good to have kids with, anything else is fake, true love doesn't exist. Any girl who goes after the millionaire is untrustworthy. You need to homely type, that still has a nice pair of tits and would do anything for her kids. They are well within your reach with a liberal arts degree.

>> No.744784

ITT: people depending on degree to make money

>> No.744787


All right, Mister Financial Advisor.

How do I made the Moneys without a degree?

>> No.744793

start a website with 1 million pixels
sell each pixel for a dollar

>> No.744800

/jp/ is that way

>> No.744811

Money is nothing. The means to survive and be happy are everything.
That doesn't have to be money
inb4 underageb& commie. I'm actually a believer in capitalism- I just don't care for money.

>> No.744823



>> No.744830

lol you will soon enough

>> No.744840

Nope- hardcore capitalist.
I hope not. I quite like my life of little spending.

>> No.744853


don't stop believin, fuck the haters, if you make enough to have a roof over your head and food on your table you can be happy

>> No.744859

That is exactly what I mean. Thank you, kind stranger.

>> No.744874


you dont care for materialism. there is a difference. im the same though not nearly as judgmental

>> No.744885

Hmm, you may be true. But I could also live comfortably just growing my own shit and not involving money at all, all primitivist-like.

>> No.744889

This. Grades alone aren't shit unless you're going to grad school. Just keep getting varied types of experience. Actually tons of shit you can do with an english degree, you just have to be flexible at first.

>> No.744897


most of us could if it werent for the state :(

>> No.744900

assuming you have enough saved up for retirement, of course, unless you want to work when you're 75.

also i hope you have health insurance

>> No.744905

Hey, don't let silly things like the state stop you. I don't doubt, if you were determined enough, you could make it out there and slip under the radar of the authorities. You'll have to deal without many things you take for granted, like electricity and tapwater.

>> No.744922

trade school>liberal arts degree

>> No.744929

Probably true, but I really enjoyed liberal arts classes. Maybe a waste of money, but I still liked it.

>> No.744930

enjoy your empty life

>> No.744952

this is true, make money then learn and do whatever you want

lol why do you have to PAY someone to read books and talk about them? seriously, why?

>> No.744991

>implying you need to waste thousands of dollars and years of faggotry to have a fulfilling life

lol someone's butthurt, enjoy your daycare :P

>> No.744994

i love the humanities but i'll be damned to pay that much money for something i can do on my own time. unless you plan on teaching, the liberal arts are a bad idea.

>> No.744998

because of criminal/financial complications i haven't been able to pursue much formal education. i am taking classes in stage craft and would love to build fantastical sets for the theater (my major inspiration would be henry darger paintings and terry gilliam movies) i know it's a stretch, but anyone involved in the theater and could give me some hints?

>> No.745005

try not to be so gay

>> No.745006


enjoy your debt and useless degree

>> No.745008

posting in a troll thread

lawyers need a bachelors degree. so i opted for the easiest one and the one i'd have most fun getting, english lit.

people get mad at lawyers for plenty of reasons, and i suspect this misdirected "well *my* degree has more career opportunities and will ultimately pay more" mindset being reversed is one of those reasons

>> No.745010

and that would help me in theater how?

>> No.745012


hmm, good point. carry on...

>> No.745050


not a theater or film guy, but i have talked and listened to enough of them to know that you should make as many connections in the business as you can, and then some. Not just kinda sorta trying to make connections when the chance comes along, but actively, continuously, constantly doing it, and maintaining those connections so that you are a person they will think of when they need someone to design sets or whatever it is you want to do. Toil like a motherfucker, not just at improving your skill but just doing it a lot and doing it well so people trust YOU to work in THEIR plays.

Also, be willing to compromise and work with others, part of making and keeping connections is being decent to work with. People will want to work with a solid, practical guy more than they'd want to work with some whimsical guy who gives them all kinds of great stuff--that they can't use for whatever reason, and I do believe plays and films are a giant hassle and thus a vast number of things happen that result in sets needing to be changed.

>> No.745068

that is really good advice. I know networking is everything and luckily i'm okay at that. I was just wondering how much schooling people look for in that field. I know for actors it is quite a lot but i don't know for the technical side