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File: 158 KB, 538x632, Red Pill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7443720 No.7443720 [Reply] [Original]

How accurate is this?

>> No.7443733

not very accurate. level of knowledge is irrelevant to happiness. iq generally correlates positively with happiness, though it would be worth examining if this holds for increases in IQ even past the top say 1%, it might break down.

i also suspect among poor people increases in iq correlate with happiness up to a certain point, but then begin to decrease.

>> No.7443784

Confirmation bias. All happy smart people are too busy actually doing shit to post on internet forums and make little pictures.

You can guess which camp I belong to.

>> No.7443790
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posting superior shop

>> No.7443791
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>> No.7443804

At the end of What is Man?, Twain's mouthpiece tried comforting his interlocutor by assuring him that humanity will remain generally cheerful despite acceptance of the darkest of ideas.

>> No.7443812

If you read enough do you make it to space and die?

>> No.7443823

It isn't. Think about how many smart dudes have complete shit opinions.

>> No.7443824


According to these pictures you need to read exactly 26 (I'm counting the one he's holding) books to be upset at the state of the world, and you need to read exactly 100 more books makes you optimistic again.

>> No.7443830

It's been my experience that, after some amount of reading, I discovered particular and concrete examples about how horrible the world and my society was and how the very lifestyle I was raised to live is complicit in this process.

After more reading I've discovered that history is a wild wide open thing and that human life takes on an astounding variety of forms, that all persons are blind-sided by the particulars of their time/culture (in substantial ways) and that we currently have more access to world intellectual traditions than we have ever had, which has exploded and expanded my notion of what it means to be human.

Realizing that western philosophy is a myopic and heavily intellectualized system of names and vocabularies which in no way has solved the questions of perennial philosophy has been a stroke of good luck, which is certainly not to say that western philosophy should not be studied but rather is to say that it must be complicated by more total investigations into older and more foreign intellectual traditions.

This is how I can make sense out of the "reading makes things bleak and then incredible" meme picture.

>> No.7443833
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>> No.7443876
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>> No.7443884


>> No.7443899


>> No.7443914

Or your legs need to be exactly 26/100 books longer.

>> No.7443945

technically it hasnt shown that he's read any of the books, just standing on em. besides, he's probably standing on the terry pratchett and the ringworld series.

>> No.7443950
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>why don't they just get a ladder?

>> No.7443951

Not very many. Donald Trump is a popular exception though.

>> No.7443955


>> No.7443959


>> No.7443966

is he actually autistic

I've never been able to get into his comedy, it makes sense on a conceptual level but when it comes to delivery it just comes across as self absorbed and plagued by poor pacing.

What am I missing

>> No.7443967
File: 1.75 MB, 650x1637, dude enlightnementlmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7443974

>Realizing that western philosophy is a myopic and heavily intellectualized system of names and vocabularies which in no way has solved the questions of perennial philosophy has been a stroke of good luck

What would meet the criteria of a "perennial philosophy"?

>> No.7443982


>> No.7443992
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mfw manlets will never achieve enlightenment

>> No.7443998

the truth


>> No.7444022

Troubled geniuses make for compelling characters but they're pretty rare in reality. Damaged prodigies, however, are much more common. IQ scores correlate pretty heavily with low neuroticism. Interestingly drug use, introversion, and being a night owl both correlate with neuroticism and having a higher IQ although neither party touches each other very much.

Nerds like to think they're fictional characters. That's why they dress like anime characters and put on cringey personas. The reality is that they're nothing special. Even if you're one in a million there's still thousands of people just like you.

Sorry senpai, Tyler Durden was right. You're the same decaying organic matter as everyone else.


>> No.7444023

>memes = nihilism

I don't think anyone can refute this

>> No.7444076

I miss old Sam before he adopted his libertarian-anarchist-pretends-to-be-a-national-socialist gimmick

>> No.7445369
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best version

>> No.7445373
File: 2 KB, 28x28, 1[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cant be mad about X if you dont know about X.
So the way for knowledge to be irrelevant to happiness would be if there are more things to be happy about than to be sad about, and I am not convinced thats true for most people.

>> No.7445691

>people who read are sad
Then why read at all?

You know this image had to be created by some dude who read the introduction to a book by Kurzweil or Prometheus Rising and now thinks they're a genius.

>> No.7445760

Assuming the book people are about 170 cm tall, Nietzche is 19 meters tall and stirner has a 45 meter wingspan. Does being edgy make you bigger?

>> No.7445771

>Even if you're one in a million there's still thousands of people just like you.

Pretty comforting desu, means there's friends to be made as long as both of you can get over being an edgelord.

>> No.7445775

Clearly anon is using ancient near-eastern symbolic aesthetic

>> No.7445780

Explain please.

>> No.7445796
File: 333 KB, 369x650, naram_sin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The size of the individual and placement in the image reflects their importance both spiritually and in a DBZ Powerlevel sort of sense.

>> No.7445801

Oh, ok. That's cool. Are you into ancient near-eastern history?

>> No.7445807

And I thought you were referencing Ahura Mazda with Stirner

>> No.7445812
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The symbolic structure is the same.

>> No.7445821

Do you have any book recs?

>> No.7445848


If I wanted to read more I would look at the most recent monographs on varied wikipedia pages from ivy league tenured professors and then download on bookzz

>> No.7445879

Thanks. If you're interested Seyyed Hossein Nasr has a book entitled Anthology of Philosophy in Persia which goes from ancient history up until around now. You can find the 4 volumes books on bookzz and book4you

>> No.7445890


>> No.7445892

primitivism(as in plato's cave) -> rational absolutism -> positivism -> transhumanism

>> No.7445900

you are such a faggot

>> No.7446134

Its very acurrate. The world is a horrific place. Of course you can stil be happy

>> No.7446194
File: 380 KB, 1500x1000, Tabakskollegium-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7446213

I only managed to get past the first paragraph. This is what you would call "fedora".

>> No.7446234

oh yes? how come? Debate some of the arguments

>> No.7446274



There's evidence that seems to substantiate the idea that the smartest/most neurotic people tend to be more predisposed to depression because of incessant thinking / judging but other than that there's no connection.

Plenty of dumb people are depressed, and you don't need to read a lot to be cynical/existential/nihilistic.

>> No.7446318
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It's something more like this.

>> No.7446320

When you read books you realise the evils in society like corporations and capitalism