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/lit/ - Literature

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7442706 No.7442706 [Reply] [Original]

Gather around guys, get closer over here.
To be honest with you I didn't want to do this on camera but I'm not happy right now.
I have the feeling that some guys here don't want to write. I don't know if that's true or not true, whatever, but I don't know what the fuck everybody thought they were coming here for
Does anybody here not want to write? Did anybody come here thinking that they would not write? No? Speak up, anybody who came here thinking they weren't gonna write, speak up, let me hear it.

When I say 'very,' I can't even explain what a unique opportunity this is. If you ever wanted to really be a writer, and when I say a real writer, you wanna be like Borges, you wanna be like Steinbeck, you wanna be like some of the guys on the wall in here
It's an amazing opportunity. You really don't have to worry about whatever's going on in the real world right now. You study with your teachers, we've got some of the best teachers there are, you have nothing to fucking worry about every day except getting better at what you supposedly want to do for a living.

>> No.7442710

You're gonna write in front of a lot of people, a lot of people. And it depends on sales. We’re not scumbag publishers. We're not. We're not Random House, we're not any of these other guys, but if you make them money, they'll make you money. That’s the way it works, that's the way the entire industry works. If you write and sell copies, you could make a lot of fucking money. This board is the opportunity for that to click for one of you guys.

Chris might not be the fucking greatest guy to live with and hang out with, but guess what, the public might want to read his shit.

You never know.
Kenny might not be the most well-read guy in the world, but people might like him. Something might click. You never know what's going to click with somebody. You have no fucking clue the opportunity you have here.

Any questions? Does anybody not wanna be here, does anybody not wanna do this fucking thing. Does anybody not wanna write?
Is that a no?

Do you wanna be a fucking writer? Do you want to be a writer? That's the question. It's not about your research, it's not about your fucking bookshelf.

It's about do you wanna be a writer?
It's not all fucking signing autographs and banging broads when you get out of there. It's not, it's no fucking fun, man, it's a job just like any other job. Being a writer isn't all fucking girls and signing autographs. It's fucking hard work, but you have the opportunity to fucking make money, be famous, and do something for the culture.

That's what this is all about. So the question is: not did you think you had to do this, did you think you had to do this.. do you want to be a fucking writer?

That is my question, and only you know that. Anybody who says they don't, I don't fucking want you here, and I'll throw you the fuck off of this board so fucking fast your head will spin. It's up to you, I don't care. Cool?

I love you all, that's why you're here. Every guy that's on this board right now, your teachers dig. They believe in you. I just want to make sure you guys all want to be fucking writers
That's it, that's all I want to know. Cool?

Have a good night, gentlemen.

>> No.7442721

woooooo *claps gently* wooooooooooooo haha *breathes harder* wWOOOOOOOOOOO *jumps up and claps enthusiastically* YEAH. YEAH *wild-eyed like a cavalry horse* WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAHA YES! YES! LMAO WOOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.7442774
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It's not your fault, Will

>> No.7444398
