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/lit/ - Literature

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7442396 No.7442396 [Reply] [Original]

Recommend books with Alternative stories/What if

Bonus points if recent history

>> No.7442408

If you want anything that is anywhere close to plausible then don't go with that one.

>> No.7442479

I think what you are looking for is «speculative fiction».

>> No.7442593

ward moore - bring the jubilee (the south won the civil war)
otto basil - wenn das der führer wüsste (the nazis won ww2)

these 2 are my favourites

>> No.7442654


>> No.7442677


Hawthorne Abendsen, The Grasshopper Lies Heavy

>> No.7442719

If you want anything that is anywhere close to plausible then don't go with that one.

>> No.7442737

What? It's possible that we might have lost the war. Just imagine if the Allies had developed the bomb first.

>> No.7442756


or also if Day D didn't work well, or Stalin didn't want to get involved with the war, or the US were too late on backing up the UK. There are a gazillion of stuff that could have make the allies lose the war

>> No.7442763

You completely missed the joke.

>> No.7443047
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>> No.7443947

Ada, or Ardor

>> No.7444174
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>> No.7444206
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>> No.7444212

>inb4 "The High Dick in the Dick Castle by Dick D. Dick"

>> No.7444280
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>> No.7444305
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>> No.7444313
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>> No.7444317


moar pls O_o

>> No.7444344

I see what you did there.

>> No.7444361
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>> No.7444437
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>> No.7444445

I love you family.

>> No.7444456

ohhh so close to the big get fampai

>> No.7444495

Eh whatever :/

>> No.7444516

my sides are in orbit thanks anon

>> No.7444544
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>> No.7444565

>not using the "AS" from castle or the "ass" from classic

>> No.7444570

Keep it going. I love it.

>> No.7444653

To get back on point, the Axis of Time trilogy by John Birmingham is pretty good.

>> No.7444659
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last1 1dick 1luv

>> No.7444672
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>> No.7444679


>> No.7444685


>> No.7444877
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>> No.7444898

You've a beautiful mind, anon ^_^

>> No.7444909

Thank u senpai <3. I think of new ones, but i should also be working lol.

>> No.7444910

God gave you a gift

>> No.7444938
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To OP: Jubilee. Dick got inspiration from it for Man in the High Castle, and honestly it's a lot better.

>> No.7444993
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god is dead family, and we dance around his corpse

>> No.7444999

i don't know whose dick that is but i want it in my mouth tbqh

>> No.7445010


>> No.7445022

you are a god

>> No.7445026
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me 2 senpaitchi, nice double trips :^)

>> No.7445187


>> No.7445410

it's not

>> No.7446188


OP here, ruined my thread, but im actually having a laugh, so it's ok, keep it going

>> No.7446193

There's another one! :D

>> No.7446522

ya it is

>> No.7446762
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>> No.7446777
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>> No.7447206

>Harry Turtledove
the guy is living proof of quantity ≠ quality

>> No.7447219

these what-if stories i always hate.

i see it more in movies though, and worse. like, what if a man won the lottery? boom, shitty movie. what if remote that controls time? boom, adam sandler.

>> No.7447222

yeah senpai they are in basically the same tier as modern remakes/reinterpretations

>> No.7447227

y dont u suk my ase~ ?

>> No.7447239
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>> No.7447244

>:^( !!yEuJsifeLUH 12/10/15(Thu)15:37:05 No.7447227▶
le dick trip

>> No.7447260

The problem is, OP, that you probably aren't seeing all the posts. If you are just viewing
[lit] through the /lit/ board, you don't see the green posts, the posts with letters in their ids, or anything numberless. Together, those make up about 40-70 percent of [lit], depending on the day. So conversation will appear disjointed and spastic, because you won't be getting the full picture.

I actually just flipped over to the /lit/ interface to make this post, and it's pretty funny how unintelligible [lit] is like this.