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/lit/ - Literature

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7439892 No.7439892[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any visual novels worth going through?

>> No.7439925


>> No.7439933

>visual novels
Admit that they're nothing more than artsy comic books and I'll make some suggestions.

>> No.7439937

I don't really know much about them, to be honest, so, alright?

>> No.7439946


Your logic is flawed and shortsighted anon

>> No.7439962


>> No.7439970
File: 1.34 MB, 2138x2775, Habibi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You won't regret a single page...

>> No.7439986

Craig Thompson? he isn't good! haha!
OP! don't read Craig Thompson!

>> No.7439992
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Bottomless Belly Button by Dash Shaw is pretty good

>> No.7440010
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Would be nice if either of you ellaborated, if you've got the time or the interest.

>> No.7440029

Can't say it looks very interesting, but I'll definitely at least give it a shot. Thanks.

>> No.7440030

Habibi is pretty racist to be honest.
Blankets has got this whole, weird, reddit-atheist thing going on.
I feel like his work is kind of emotionally manipulative, but I never really cared that much about any of his characters.

>> No.7440040

>emotionally manipulative
>weird, reddit-atheist thing going on
The combination of these two is really a turn off, thanks for the input. For the sake of fairness, I'll download and check it out either way. At least some of it.

>> No.7440044
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Not good?! What in the fuck are you talking about son? Regardless of what you think of the story the artwork is gorgeous and masterful.

>> No.7440049

looks kind of pre-Taipei Tao Lin-y. I like it.

>> No.7440144

You know visual novels and graphic novels are two different things, right?

>> No.7440156

I had to read Blankets for college. Fucking egotism and damn boring shit for like 500 pages. Fuck Craig Thompson.

>> No.7440965


>> No.7441509

Saya no uta
katawa shoujo

>> No.7441541

cant say it looks interdasting.
one fucking page
no boobs?
no splosions?
no pew pew?
Have you ever read a book with chapters and no pictures, Anon?
I ask this in all seriousness, because you sound like someone who is out of his depth.

>> No.7441551

>Blankets has got this whole, weird, reddit-atheist thing going on.
Eh? I remember checking out the first few pages years ago and immediately put it down because... well because of the inexpressive art and appalling inking mostly, but also because it looked like christfaggotry desu

>> No.7441601

Add Yume Miru Kusuri but otherwise good.

>> No.7441900
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Wool. Pic related: it's Wool

>> No.7441968

>tfw comics are the superior storytelling medium but commercialization ruined it

>> No.7441981

Technically all novels are visual unless they're an audio book.

>> No.7441995

I second Habibi. Fuckin great

>> No.7442024

swallow me whole, by nate powell

maybe some american splendor by harvey pekar, altough it isn´t a "novel"

i don´t know…

jimmy corrigan?

>> No.7442037

>this thread
You are all fucking stupid.

>> No.7442062
File: 2.31 MB, 1915x3032, V-for-Vendetta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related

>> No.7442064

Just to be sure, since the replies are a bit confusing: Are you talking about graphic novels (novels in the comics medium) or actual visual novels (video game genre)?

>> No.7442137
File: 1015 KB, 2852x3984, CN7PUkY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Literally the most E P I C visual novel of all time.

It has it all: action, well-developed characters, eloquent prose, and super sexy ero-scenes.

>> No.7442148

Saya no Uta is the only worthwhile VN because it's not unnecessarily long and has an interesting premise that is pretty well executed.

>> No.7442150
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Seems to be graphic novels. In that case, this is a work that is absolutely brilliant, and should be regarded at the absolute top of the horror genre, and would not work as a piece of written literature.

I would like to play more Visual Novels, but they all seem to revolve around dating Japanese School Girls in various settings. I think a good Noir one or a Le Carre type open ended one would be nice, but its strictly a niche market right now.

>> No.7442166
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Nope. Nope. Nooooope.

>> No.7442178
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>> No.7442182

Only if you like HST, tho.

>> No.7442207

Intricately woven book with one of fiction's cleverest villains

>V for Vendetta
A eulogy for a better world

>Like a Velvet Glove Cast in Iron
What Ghost World wants to be

Those are the only I've read, apart from Bone, which I read when I was about 13 and loved, though in retrospect definitely would be considered 'young adult.' I've also heard Maus is good.

>> No.7442394
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Maus is good to read. It could be fairly educational to some.

>> No.7442433

one of the best i've ever read, good taste anon

>> No.7442585
File: 424 KB, 670x451, 40_days_dans_le_d_sert_B_p21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moebius also made some interesting works.
Maybe not from a literary viewpoint (?), but definitely from an aesthetic one.

>> No.7442596

deva zan

>> No.7442597
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>> No.7442599
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>> No.7443045


Can definitely vouch for the Wool/Silo Series. I always pictured Jules with dirty-blonde hair for some reason, even though she's not described that way.

Also all these anon's loving Habibi, they know what's up amirite fellas? :)

>> No.7443051


>Therefore must bring your intelligence into question

Classic form.

>> No.7443083
File: 439 KB, 960x1275, Incal-Eng-0_zoomed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moebius is amazing. Would strongly recommend reading the incal

>> No.7443094
File: 947 KB, 1096x1920, recs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Like a Velvet Glove Cast in Iron
>What Ghost World wants to be

you realize they're both from the same creator, right?

Also, despite those comics Moore being good, they are A) overrated B) extremely dated C) your description of them makes you sound like a insufferable dunce who can't even read a fucking funny book without coming out as a major asshole who sits at starbucks pretending to write all day.

OP, depends on what you want, but http://comraderecs.tumblr.com/ has some very good lists (like /lit/, /co/ is mostly shitposting, but they do manage to make a decent rec list every now and then)

I took the liberty of highlighting some stuff from one of their lists, if you want a better place to start

>> No.7443107

I am guessing you are a /co/ or anime person and are trying to find something non-superhero or with less pew-pew, 'splosions to read.
Maus is the best graphic memoir.
You might like Scott Pilgrim since you are a pleb.
>Black Hole by Charles Burns is good
>Ghost World
is good if you are not confused and threatened by women.
If you are coming to 'visual novels' (I think you mean graphic novels, which are often non-fiction and not novels but we are nation of memes) from comics and not from novels, then
will not make you happy.
If you can read big-kid books with chapters and w/o pictures , then give it a shot. It's super well conceived and executed and super depressing but will open your mind to the unique storytelling possibilities inherent in comics

>> No.7443109

"les aventures de lapinot"
not even joking, look into it.

>> No.7443148

From Hell you plebs

>> No.7443193
File: 61 KB, 341x499, 1362000702821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A) overrated
somewhat I guess
>B) extremely dated
pic related

>> No.7443199

This is fucking great.

>Journalism is just a gun, and it's only got one bullet. But if you aim right, that's all you need. Aim right, and you'll blow a kneecap off the world

Fucking yeah man

>> No.7443206
File: 27 KB, 397x500, Asterios-polyp-bookcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really dig Asterios Polyp by David Mazzucchelli. It's a nice example of the art being central to the narrative, instead of a crutch for mediocre writing.

>> No.7443243

>eloquent prose
nigger i like fate but seriously?

>> No.7443272

It's a great book but it's becoming another go to for plebs to talk about "exceptions" to comics teh way that Watchmen is.

>> No.7443277

Eddie Campbell

>> No.7443279


Kill yourself.

>> No.7443318
File: 244 KB, 670x491, al_Druillet008_Yragael.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the heads up, man. I'll remember to mock anyone who mentions it in the future.
Gotta keep them plebs in their place.

>> No.7444840

Calm down, young grasshopper, for your assumptions lie on the quickest of sand–

>> No.7445114
File: 9 KB, 180x180, dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7445709


Have some standards. It's nice, but Tumblr tier.