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/lit/ - Literature

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743594 No.743594 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /lit/. I'm looking for some Dark Fantasy. Though it has a fairly broad definition I generally mean something with themes like Berserk.

I wouldn't consider A Song of Fire and Ice dark fantasy, even if it seems to get tagged with the genre.

I've seen The Black Company series mentioned a couple times and was interested.

Any suggestions?

>> No.743605

Hey man, have you read the Elric of Melnibone series yet?

Shit's dark.

>> No.743609

Clive Barker has some pretty good dark fantasy.

>> No.743631


>> No.743633

The Conan stories of Robert E. Howard.

>> No.743643
File: 197 KB, 1174x851, berserk2ch0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't. I shall look it up.

Ah, can't believe I forgot him.

On my to read list.

I'll look this up as well.

>> No.743652


If you haven't already, read the Tale of the Children of Hurin. It's unusually dark for Tolkien. It included incest, rape, suicide, and other delicious things of that nature.

>> No.743684

Maybe... The Sundering by Jacqueline Carey...

>> No.743691

Don't understand how black company is dark. It thinks it is, but it practically farts unicorns and bleeds rainbows compared to how dark it sees to think it is.

Maybe the later books get "dark", but it will be a bit before I get to the last 2 volumes because I'm loaning them from a friend.

Don't get me wrong, it isn't a bad read, it's just nowhere near as vile as it claims it is.

>> No.743695


Glenn Cook tries way too hard to be edgy. You can feel it in each book.

They're decent reads, but they would be more enjoyable if he weren't doing his damndest to NOT be like all the other fantasy fiction books out there.

>> No.743706
File: 76 KB, 600x776, normal_harry_potter_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying that wizards are a separate race of humans.

Seriously, J.K. Rowling. Fuck you and your legion of morons.

>> No.743720
File: 258 KB, 1024x768, Berserk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I enjoy Tolkien, so I'll definitely add that too.

Doesn't seem to be Dark Fantasy from what I'm reading, but looks interesting. I'll group with my Fantasy list.

Hmmm, wikipedia calls it Dark Fantasy, but that's wikipedia. Does it have any horror elements?

>> No.743815

I second both Elric and Conan.

Also, though I seem to be suggesting it a lot lately...the Coldfire Trilogy by C.S. Friedman. Shit's fairly dark, as I remember.

Berserk rocks, btw - just throwing that out there for others who stumble onto this thread and haven't read any of it. The anime's great too.

>> No.743836


Oh, almost forgot - The Magister Trilogy, also by C.S. Friedman. Only the first two books are out right now, but the third shouldn't be too far off by this point. Possibly better than Coldfire, though I can't say that for sure until the 3rd book is out.

>> No.743842

all the ravenloft books with Strahd, and i heard death knight soth was preddy gritty too, but i dont think ravenloft is even out anymore

>> No.743917
File: 1.16 MB, 1735x1200, ps2berserk_re42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've already got Coldfire down, looking into The Magister Trilogy. Thanks.

Also, yes Berserk is great.

Holy shit, there's a lot of books for this setting.

>> No.743938

Are you reading Gantz? Claymore is also ok. For a bit I considered it the new Berserk as Berserk is basically 6 months per chapter.

>> No.743977
File: 100 KB, 576x826, [large][AnimePaper]scans_Vinland-Saga_NekoiEchizen(0.7)__THISRES__190609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep up with both, but I don't really care for them too much. I ended up marathon-ing both of them for some reason.

Give Vinland Saga a shot if you want something somewhat similar to Berserk.

>> No.744035

Sad Tale of the Brothers Grossbart by Jesse Bullington

House of Leaves by Mark Danielewski (seriously read it, whether or not it's fantasy is debatable but it's scary, angsty, crazy and dark as all fuck)

Gormenghast series by Mervyn Peake

Fevre Dream by George R.R. Martin (it has a scene where an evil vampire cuts up a screaming baby on a platter, how darker can you get?)

China Mieville's New Crobuzon series (people merged with animal parts as a form of punishment? An evil oppressive government? A crime-infested city that never sleeps? You got it it!)

ANYTHING BY CLIVE BARKER. Seriously, Imajica, Great and Secret Show, Cabal, The Damnation Game, Hellbound Heart and Abarat are all genius. Avoid Sacrament and Galilee and you're gold.

Lost Souls and Drawing Blood by Poppy Z. Brite (borders on Mary Sue fanfic territory... imagine the author of my immortal as a published novelist. Then imagine relishing every minute of it).

Caitlin R. Kiernan's Daria Parker or Deacon Silvey books.

Shriek! and Finch by Jeff Vandermeer (you will never look at mushrooms the same way again)

Abhorsen trilogy by Garth Nix (it has undead and the main character is a zombie slayer)

Ignore anyone telling you either Black Company or Malazan Book of the Fallen have any substantial grimdark. Second does have some cool supernatural shit, though (Shadowthrone, fuck year)

>> No.744042


All a bit too cornball and pulpy to really be called "dark." They're about as dark as an Iron Maiden album on a bright spring day

>> No.744047


As far as dark manga are concerned, check out Parasyte and Lament of the Lamb. Battle Royale might work too depending on what you're looking for.

Avoid the manga versions of Ju-On and Ring like the plague, the art is abominably bad.

>> No.744053
File: 97 KB, 445x629, Berserk 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own House of Leaves and the Abhorsen trilogy, [Abhorsen is one of my favorite young adult fiction series] I'll research the rest. Thanks for the loads of series.

>> No.744085
File: 197 KB, 540x668, historie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not really in need of any dark/dark fantasy manga. I've already read just about every manga in that genre that even slightly pulled my interest. I'm only lacking in books and comics for the genre.

Yeah, Parasyte was another good one. Hitoshi Iwaaki is a great mangaka, even if his art is a little plain.

>> No.745139
File: 626 KB, 1511x1100, berserk-vol26-chap02-fr-1415-f-cb-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 hours should be an alright amount of time to wait before bumping. Maybe get some input from a different group of /lit/ goers.

>> No.745439

Vinland Saga is nothing like Berserk besides both of them featuring tough as nails warriors.

>> No.745480

Someone mentioned Abercrombies stuff. Richard Morgan has started writing fantasy in a similar vein now, though just one book as of yet.

>> No.746822
File: 190 KB, 770x1110, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, the Golden Age Arc in Berserk is very similar to Vinland Saga.

Oh, the sci-fi author who wrote the Takeshi Kovacs novels? Didn't know he was writing fantasy now. Thanks.

>> No.746852

Vinland Saga is a lot like the early Berserk before it went off on a tangent where nothing happens for the last 15 years. I just read it and came to thank the guy for recommending it.

>> No.746858
File: 87 KB, 576x912, [large][AnimePaper]scans_Vinland-Saga_zazou8888(0.63)__THISRES__227308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

>> No.746880

The first law trilogy = fucking win

>> No.746883

Again op. Read some Robert E Howard Conan stories.

>> No.746904
File: 121 KB, 239x300, Conan the Barbarian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've looked into them, but just how cornball are we talking here? Like >>744042 mentioned.