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7435353 No.7435353 [Reply] [Original]

Just found out that I'm going to be a father. What books can I read to prepare for this?

>> No.7435371
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>> No.7435379


>> No.7435384

Are you asking for book recs to help with your wife's son?

>> No.7435415
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This one? Any particular reason?

>> No.7435421

Don't actually know the sex of the child yet.

>> No.7435432

Oedipus Rex.

>> No.7435443

A Modest Proposal

>> No.7435470

He implied that you're an actual kekkeridekkeridoo.

>> No.7435478
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Maybe because I watched Gladiator last night

>> No.7435486

Every generation has to learn to raise kids pretty much from scratch, good luck OP.

>> No.7435489


>> No.7435528

I'm not a poorfag. Actually just got a promotion today. Making really good money in software.

Right. 100% sure it's mine seeing as how it was IVF.

Fair enough. I'm just looking for literature featuring fathers worthy of emulation.

>> No.7435532



>> No.7435542

Fathers and Sons
If you're into it, Arab poetry focuses on the father-son/father-daughter dynamic a lot

>> No.7435548

The answer (to the question of which books can prepare one for fatherhood) is probably none.

But a good book about fatherhood is The World According to Garp

>> No.7435552

everything you can cuz you're sure as hell not reading while covered with vomit to the soft sounds of projectile infant shit and bloodcurdling screaming. read. everything. before. it's. too. late.

>> No.7435562

how about a book about circus-arts? i have the strong feeling that your child will be a mongoloid.

>> No.7435563
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>> No.7435576

Just read anything you want and come to the realisation that no book will help you with real life issues like this one whether due to a fictional character's lack of realism or completely differing circumstances to your own, and that one who requires a book to tell him how to deal with his problems will never become an independent, strong father figure just like a man given fish cannot feed himself.
Parenting advice from 4chan? Really?

>> No.7435602


>> No.7435611
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You should read anti-natalist literature about how you're the worst fucking scumbag on the planet and then abort the baby

>> No.7435638

this, op

>life is suffering
>baby didn't ask to be born
>take a realistic look at the risks of existence, the depth of horror that's possible, and the realization that it can and does happen to anybody
>realise you're literally gambling with the welfare of a sentient creature without its consent so that you can feel good for obliging the DNA molecule's agenda
>kill self, SO, and baby

search your heart, you know it to be true

>> No.7435652

try unbecome a father

>> No.7435660

>not realizing that God exists and that giving birth to a child gives him the opportunity to live in eternal bliss after passing through the trials here
LMAOing @ ur life

>> No.7435666

this dezu

>> No.7435669

>not raising your child to be the übermensch

>> No.7435673

you just became a father of satanic trips. well done

>> No.7435677
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rofling at ur brain atm

>> No.7435686

A guide on how not to do things.
Abortion for dummies

>> No.7435692

To what point and purpose?

>> No.7435695
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>> No.7435701
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Mephistopheles pls leave
>mfw when schopenhauer is burning in hell right now

>> No.7435709

Was it an accident OP?

>> No.7435772

Nice picture tbqh.

>> No.7435799
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Madame Bovary.

>> No.7435808
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Mother here

pic related is god-tier parenting book

>> No.7437548

There is not one fucking book to prepare you.

Be smart, vigilant, patient and frugal. Save your fucking money. If you read, it's to calm your nerves! No book is going to help you be a father. That comes from within

>> No.7437553
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>> No.7437592
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>> No.7437605
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prepare your clitty

>> No.7437614

King Oedipus
King Lear

>> No.7438451

you couldn't get her pregnant and/or she couldn't get pregnant the old fashioned way?

stop weakening the gene pool with your shit sperm/eggs

>> No.7439614

Infinite Jest

>> No.7439619

David Benetar's Better Never To Have Been, so you can realize how bad you fucked up

>> No.7439655



just watch Eraserhead over and over.. and over


>this meme again


>> No.7439669

I expected the first post to be Lolita, but this works too.

>> No.7439748

Its counterintuitive to most people that childbirth is in fact unethical

>> No.7441849
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And this, if you want to keep your kids: http://goodmenproject.com/arts/a-guys-divorce-survival-guide/