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/lit/ - Literature

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7435109 No.7435109 [Reply] [Original]

I've been reading 'The Decline of the West' by Oswald Spengler and 'The Ever-Present Origin' by Jean Gebser and I'm finding them both incredibly profound in terms of scope and vision. Can anybody here recommend any other books or authors that are similarly amazing.

>> No.7435126

Capital by Karl Marx. The Ego and Its Own by Max Stirner. The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest.

>> No.7435137
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>> No.7435160


>> No.7435179

Sexual Personae - Camille Paglia

>> No.7435536

Try Mircea Eliade, OP.

What got you into Gebser?

>> No.7435584

Oriental Despotism by Wittfogel

>> No.7437434

pretty based

>> No.7437560
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I wrote out some of Spengler's views on Shakespeare.

Be forewarned however, that this is paraphrased, and may thus be untrue to his original intent.

>> No.7437573
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How a culture turns back into a Mere Civilization once again. (We are now living in a very Late Civilization, ourselves)

>> No.7437577

do all these predictions have a way out or are we just expected to ride it out while the world slowly decays

>> No.7437586
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Spengler is much more of like a machine which you must key into, than an answer book.

He states that several high cultures have solved problems in several different yet equally characteristic ways.... but there is no one way of reading him.

>> No.7437639
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He basically saying that art exists whether we're in the midst of a Culture (Yang), or in the midst of a Civilization (Ying), as we are today.

However he's reminding us of the fact that Classical man possessed no sense of his own becoming... He was a spiritual Ying, in spite of all of his prowess, there was no interior life.

>> No.7437672

Spengler's justification of "physiognomic thinking", or Organic-thinking, is ultimately a higher, male form of Intuition. Its a Western conception of Yin-Yang.

This process of Organic-thinking is higher because it is extra-personal, and it's male because it is culturally absorbent, and thus it 'belongs to this world'. So he takes what he wants to from Chinese thought, but he does choose to complicate it for Western understanding.

>> No.7437956


> or are we just expected to ride it out while the world slowly decays

Pretty sure Spengler bought bunch of Shakespeare and did exactly that innawoods.

He is the original Doom Paul "Why didn't you listen?"

>> No.7438003

>that picture
I don't agree with that dychotomy. In my (obviously highly constructed) views it is like that:
The logical is not hot or active, the intuitive (emotional) is, and thus the female is hot and soft while the man is cold an hard.

Also, while I agree with the night/female vs day/male dychotomy, I consider the moon male and the sun female, due to the quality of their light. The moon is cold and clear, while the sun is hot and blurring.

>> No.7439011
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Neither do I, that's why Spengler made alterations to it with a broad theory on Spiritual Qualifications in the last 3,000 years or so.

This is one way of simplifying his ideas.

>> No.7439031

I'm a little unclear on Spengler's views concerning Puritanism and the Renaissance, they send to wind up under different categories. Yet it's an interesting system which complicates the Ying-Yang theory.

>> No.7439036

I'm quite interested in picking Decline of the West.
Do I need a proper understanding of something prior to buying it?
Also, is too mystical or can you even use it as, say a quote for an essay or something? What I mean is, is he respected on Humanities/Social Theories?

>> No.7439041

>Do I need a proper understanding of something prior to buying it?
I'd say of money.

>> No.7439099

He did oppose Nazism, which is more than say, Neville Chamberlain did.

It can be esoteric to invoke his ideas, it depends how you care to use them.

One thing you should have going in is a sense of what he calls the Seven High Cultures, and a good chronological reference book. If you know about epochs and eras then you'll be able to navigate his rather broad analogies. Definitely keep a journal while reading it.

>> No.7439199
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I enjoy pic related. :^)

>> No.7439265
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>tfw male
>tfw self identify as night

am I transmetaphhysical yet?

>> No.7439271

>tfw otherkin is just the next step in living the pomo literary lifestyle

>> No.7439302

What do you mean?

Gotcha, thanks.

>> No.7439312

>What do you mean?
I was making a lame-ass dad joke.

>> No.7439329 [DELETED] 

I'm interested in dank modern esoteric shit like this.

I've read some Eliade (Rites and Symbols of Initiation, Cosmos and History) as a part of a philosophy of religion course I took, I've been very interested in picking up this and Weininger's Sex and Character.

Which one should I read first?
Picking up this also, sounds interesting.

>> No.7439339


Logic and intuition are hardly opposites.

>> No.7439407
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I was reading about Spengler and some faggot made a comment that mentioned Gebser so I went and checked him out.

>> No.7439421

You can just pick it up, but his writing is very dense so it is best to re-read sections to understand what he is trying to say.
It's annoyingly difficult to get editions that aren't abridged.

>> No.7439663
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If you like Eliade you should definitely check out pic related

>> No.7439673


Huh that's funny because it's the same reason I'm going to check him out too.

>> No.7439688


That penmanship's pretty dank anon

>> No.7439720


>tfw technological developments over the next century will make it a reality

>> No.7440119

Wittgenstein loved this and considered himself a "Splenglerian."

No idea how, if at all, it influenced his philosophy.

>> No.7440303
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>>>7437560 #
>>>7437573 #
>>>7437586 #
>He is the original Doom Paul "Why didn't you listen?"


>> No.7440369

This shit is so fucking dank

>> No.7440508

I'm surprised by this
I'm also surprised by the fact that History and all the social sciences are full of Marxists, Post-Marxists and Post-structuralists ideologists, yet the really 'clever' people has this niche opinions and views of topics. The same could be said for Nietzche and how he thought about Enlightment and Modernity.

I think that it has to do with the fact that people like, say Lacan, Zizek or Althusser all took ideas from Marx and Freud (which where legitimately smart and changed how we thought about things) and used them to create their own theories. Not to take credit for them, but they are/were more like followers than makers of trends. I'm sure people won't remember them in 200 years. We don't talk about Fichte or Schelling, but Kant is still a topic of discussion.
I don't know, my 2 cents.

>> No.7440519

>We don't talk about Fichte

tf nigga

maybe your pleb friends don't but fichte is not forgotten

>> No.7440687

Freud also identified Akhenaten as Moses.

Just saying.

>> No.7440691

Long headed, sun worhipping bastard.

>> No.7440764

It's easier to write Tlonian Marxist fan-fiction than it is to investigate actual reality. Modern academia is as deep as the DC/Marvel universe.

Thank god for Paglia and Bloom.

>> No.7440773
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>Tlonian Marxist fan-fiction

>> No.7440793
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Recommending Guenon, Joseph Campbell, and Evola.

Pretty decent Spengler youtube page: https://www.youtube.com/user/EmpiricalMethod

>> No.7440922

Freud's Moses thing is wrong but actually pretty neat. It's not far-fetched or crazy or anything. It's a neat idea.

>> No.7441010

You have very nice handwriting

>> No.7441034

Agreed, intuition is like compressed logic and should not be confused with the wild guessing some people call intuition

>> No.7441168

Remember there was an incredible effort by the soviets to push communism and communist ideals across the planet. Lacan, Zizek and Althusser are the few intellectual products of it.

But since we are living in a time of the rise of the alt-right, specifically the intellectual bubbling of the alt-right as a living field of thought, I'll give some books to recommend.

Imperium by Yockey, as a Neo-Spenglerian thinker and political theorist. You can tell when you read his works that he has legal training.

Arthashastra by Kautilya, it is an obscure and practically forgotten text on statecraft outside India, but it is the guide to caesarism. It blows the fuck out of Machiavelli in terms of ruthlessness and ironically in benevolence.

I can't wait to see some of the politicians who rise from alt-right influences, as veiled socialists and centrists.

>> No.7441172


The West is dead and it's because of leftist betas like /lit/

>> No.7441188


one of the few good things about /lit/ is that there isn't a political consensus and there thankfully aren't many who even give a shit about politics, at least on the board

>> No.7441370


/lit/ is full of SJWs.


Somebody just got finished reading World Order.

>> No.7441859

If you've been on /lit/ since its inception you'd know that's completely false.

Since day 1 /lit/ has been having massive anti-feminist threads, topics about how all great writers are reactionary (ie Shakespeare).

Just because we like Zizke doesn't make /lit/ SJW. For fuck's sake, Zizek says he likes the Hitler Youth and fascist discipline. He calls vegetarians "degenerates."

>> No.7441884

yeah but in the last couple years we've had actual faggots who bought all the marxist stuff in their college classes as well

>> No.7442573

That's true but to be expected when /pol/ ends up on Israeli news.