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/lit/ - Literature

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7434341 No.7434341 [Reply] [Original]

>someone on /lit/ reads good book
>recommends it to other /lit/ users
>many other people enjoy the book
>it becomes popular among /lit/ users
>this makes it a "meme" and automatically bad
every time

>> No.7434381

It would be great if anything close to this happened.

DFW, Joyce, Pynchon threads are spammed daily, to the point that no one reads anything new because the "contemporary literature is all shit" groupthink has poisoned the well. Its been this way for years.

The forced meme to get Gaddis and Bolano on the same level partially reflects the fact that people are sick of talking about the same shit over and over again. What interests me is that this could mean that peak-/lit/ has come and gone.