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/lit/ - Literature

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7432569 No.7432569 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, how did your love for books start?

Unrelated, but how do I quit video games to read more?

>> No.7432573

>/lit/, how did your love for books start?
comic books
>Unrelated, but how do I quit video games to read more?
comic books

>> No.7432589

My dad gave me a bunch of books and told me to read them and I did and it was great. Been going strong ever since.

Read something that is so enjoyable that you'd rather read than play video games.

>> No.7432590

When I read my first book all by myself.
"I Love Books" I was 5.

>> No.7432594

comic books aren't books you fucking retard.

>> No.7432595

When I was a teenager I had an existential crisis about life being meaningless and how the only possible ethical injunction I could find in life was "lol I guess just have fun and jerk off a lot before you die XD!!", and the only way I could escape this panic was by convincing myself that I could overcome the meaninglessness of life by heightening my consciousness and understanding of the world as much as possible. Maybe if I reach such some transcendent state of knowledge, I can stick my cosmic nirvana dick in the universe's shitter and discover the true meaning of life. At least I can go out fighting.

Once you go far enough down that path, you begin to make lots of interesting connections between ideas, and start developing weird convictions that you are onto something. I'm not sure whether it's true, or you just go insane at a certain point, but it's a lot better than constantly having that feeling of "IT THIS REALLY IT???? JUST WORK 9-5 SO I CAN AFFORD MORE BURGERS????" You still get to eat burgers though.

>> No.7432596

I liked books as a kid. Didn't read much after around 12. Picked up a book my mother shoplifted when I was around 16, read it, and loved it.

>> No.7432597

It says "books" right in the fucking name.

>> No.7432598

Comic books are not books, they are comic books. They have pictures instead of blocks of text. They are for young children. Adults don't read comic books.

>> No.7432600

I don't know...I've just always read. Ever since I was a kid. My parents brought us to the library a lot...Probably because we were poor and the library is free.

>> No.7432602

When I was a wee lad, my teachers would read Roald Dahl books to us. I read a few beast quest books but I thought they were meh. When I was twelve, my friend told me to read the Darren Shan Saga, and that's where my love of books began

>> No.7432603

The problem is that the Final Fantasy games are literally crack. What do I do?

>> No.7432605

Speak for yourself, mate

>> No.7432607

Can't give you a general advice on how to drop video games entirely, but it worked best for me to just drop them entirely after realizing that it was the worst possible form of escapism.
You're experiencing nothing, it's just a small cage and you're moving on fixed rails inside it. There's no creativity behind it, and nothing about it is inspiring. You won't broaden your horizon by going through a limited and predestined experience. There's no lesson to be learned.

I actually found myself being frustrated after even thinking about playing them. I still cringe when I think about all those sleepless weekends spent in front of my computer, when most of my "friends" were vague formations I mainly talked to over Teamspeak, and usually only about video games and shitty movies, and when waking up way past sunrise was the norm.
I feel like quitting that crap was the most effective way to better myself.
Now I mostly read and shitpost on /lit/ and /p/ and I never felt more at peace with myself.

>> No.7432608

>Adults don't read comic books.

>> No.7432617

Based never played a good game in his life bro

>> No.7432625


There's literally nothing wrong with playing video games. It's only a problem when it's all you do in your spare time. A few hours a week can be relaxing and rewarding.

>> No.7432627

How the fuck do I quit 4chan?

>> No.7432632

It was the polar opposite of rewarding and relaxing for me. Different folks, different strokes I guess.

>> No.7432634


Delete your account and never come back.

>> No.7432637


Your comment inspired me to come up with a foolproof way to combat heroin addiction: never take heroin again!

>> No.7432645


That's how I quit smoking.

>> No.7432657

That's how I quit porn.

>> No.7432661

Need help with this too.

>> No.7432667

>isn't it fun to be retarded xDDD

it's really not

>> No.7432677

In my experience it's much easier to not start than to quit. Try starting your day off by reading and decide to read X amount of time/pages before you are allowed to play.
Also remember that even if it takes some effort in the beginning, it should always be fun. Read stuff you enjoy and read it at your own pace.

Now this is the real question.

>> No.7432688

That's how I quit shitposting.

>> No.7432689
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>isn't it fun to categorize things in arbitrary systems of worth based on my personal opinions and then lord over people that don't adhere to them?
>isn't it fun to dismiss things by outdated and uninformed perceptions of said objects?
>I am an adult! Adults do adult things!
>Look how intellectually superior I am!
You fucking loser.

>> No.7432693

literature tho
comic books aren't /lit/, hich is not to say that they can't be high brow (just look at franco belgian comics they're doing now, some of them are quite good -but I speak about those I know)
Comics also can have depth, but it's useless to compare them to /lit/ or to have an inferiority complex. They arent books, like some anon said, they're their own art form: comic books (the 9th art)

>> No.7432721
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So when you said "video games are shit", you actually meant "i am shit".

>> No.7432725

Since when is /lit/ so apologetic when it comes to video games? The stance here was usually bookz good vidya bad.

>> No.7432728

It's just kids from /v/. Ignore them.

>> No.7432729
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Since when is /lit/ such a circlejerk of plain simple people? You are allowed to disagree, you know. It isnt illegal and it isnt immoral.

>> No.7432730

There was nothing else to do.

>> No.7432736
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Calm the fuck down and read an actual book m8

>> No.7432738

>how do I quit video games to read more
Stop being a fag and just quit. Searching for some technique or trick to quit is just procrastination.

>> No.7432740

I read about one book a year through middle school because all of the recommended reading at that age was garbage. In 9th grade a friend from the internet pitched Lolita to me in teamspeak and I started signing up for more English classes. Then I had an artsy girlfriend with bretty gud taste. Eventually, reading did mostly take the place of video games

>> No.7432742

Nobody cares about what you read.
Your bookshelf full of classic literature that you didnt enjoy reading doesnt make others value you more.
You will die alone, and despite pretending you enjoy it, you will cry.

>> No.7432743

The pleb in action.

>> No.7432748
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>projecting this hard
>being this assblasted
Either underage or autistic manchild detected

>> No.7432749
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>the 9th art

Arguing what is art and what isnt is the easiest way to spot a poser pseudo-intellectual. Works every single time, no exceptions.

>> No.7432754

If you're not reading for yourself then you're doing it wrong.. If you're reading picture bookz you're also doing it wrong.
I bet you have a collection of action figures and super hero merchandise. I'm also guessing you're a virgin

>> No.7432755

Don't engage with the /v/ and /co/ plebs. Their lives center around these forms of entertainment so they perceive any criticism of those media as a personal attack.

>> No.7432760

Comic books are pretty huge where I live (France) and some of them are rightfully recognised as art. I think part of what makes this argument exist is that comics are seen as "all dumb capeshit" and that there's nothing beyond that. Comics are pretty dumb, but bande dessinée (BD) has some good stuff.

Think about the medium. The bande dessinée is an upcoming serious art form.
I read literature and prefer literature to comics, but don't be a jackass and listen and blindly agree to take part in the stupid, stupid debates between /lit/ and /co/ and /v/.

>> No.7432763

I didnt mean comic books in particular. Graffiti can also be art. A bonsai tree arrangement can be art. Website design can be art.
Arguing about what is art is stupid, as it is terribly subjective, and if we want to get technical pretty much anything could qualify.
Also saying something like "comic books are art" means that even the most lowly and basic ugly three panel no punchline comics too are art, while something like a beautiful and functional chair made by having the three grow into that shape isnt.

My personal and very flawed idea of what art is relies on it being hard to replicate. A heap of shit may be art, because it represents the post war sentiment of Poland blah blah, but its easy to replicate. A chocolate sculpture of an eagle is harder to replicate, and as such is art to me more so than all the modern art.

>> No.7432792

>b-but muh circlejerk

>> No.7432799

Just remember there aren't any good games right now and you'll eventually get tired of repeating final fantasy over and over.
Time came and now I only replay some games a couple hours a week, when I'm too tired to read and just want mindless fun.

>> No.7432805

just beat it

>> No.7432806

It's less a circlejerk and more of an intellectual mindset.

>> No.7432807

>comics are seen as "all dumb capeshit"
That's in Klapistan m8

>> No.7432812

>trying to communicate with /v/
Even they know they can't discuss anything.

>> No.7432829
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literally brah literally

>> No.7432833

Anyone have tips with reducing time on 4chan?

>> No.7432931

>Just remember there aren't any good games right now and you'll eventually get tired of repeating final fantasy over and over.

Bitter jaded cunts say the same about books, so there you go.
Some people are just broken and cant enjoy things.

>> No.7432935

It started when I stopped reading the Bible. Seriosuly I don't know how anybody can claim to appreciate literature and be limited in thought. The best literature beyond a theoretical understanding is decidely atheistic in content and view.

>> No.7432938

what was it anon?

>> No.7432977

I was really depressed at Uni so I finally picked up a book, then I just read a lot

>> No.7433002

>Implying I'm not enjoying myself right now

>> No.7433004

My parents read to me because they love(d) me.

>> No.7433007

>Le us vs them mindset

>> No.7433346

Drizzt series

>> No.7433356


>> No.7433439
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I became an avid reader like three months ago and I can't stop. I stopped watching tv and I don't spend much time on 4chan anymore.

Here's how I did it.

>Remember the average person reads like zero books a year. If you read 5 pages a day, you are 5 pages above the average person

>Don't force yourself to read. Commit to read 5 pages a day. I swear after three days you'll feel like reading more and after a month or so you should be reading 50-100 pages a day for pleasure

>Read various books at the same time. When I grab a difficult book or one that makes me sleepy I grab another and switch. This should refresh your head. Keep them thematically different. I read economics and fiction.

>It isn't a race. Reading slowly won't make you sleepy that fast. Try to acknowledge what books are for you to read fast and which aren't.

>Buy the physical copies. When you get the books from your own money you'll feel the need to read them to avoid the feel of wasting your money.

>Start with books highly discussed here so you feel motivated to discuss.

>> No.7433453

Java isn't JavaScript.

>> No.7433471

you used the wrong pepe

>> No.7433475
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I became an avid reader like three months ago and I can't stop. I stopped watching tv and I don't spend much time on 4chan anymore.

Here's how I did it.

-Remember the average person reads like zero books a year. If you read 5 pages a day, you are 5 pages above the average person

-Don't force yourself to read. Commit to read 5 pages a day. I swear after three days you'll feel like reading more and after a month or so you should be reading 50-100 pages a day for pleasure

-Read various books at the same time. When I grab a difficult book or one that makes me sleepy I grab another and switch. This should refresh your head. Keep them thematically different. I read economics and fiction.

-It isn't a race. Reading slowly won't make you sleepy that fast. Try to acknowledge what books are for you to read fast and which aren't.

-Buy the physical copies. When you get the books from your own money you'll feel the need to read them to avoid the feel of wasting your money.

-Start with books highly discussed here so you feel motivated to discuss.

>> No.7433478

I was a kid without a lot of other options for entertainment. Started young, given a box set of children's classics and all that.

Instead of actively trying to avoid going on 4chan just find other things/websites to gradually take up your time.

>> No.7433483

when i had read the secret garden red fern the cay etc in school so the hobby developed

>> No.7433496


Sophie's World when I was an early teen. 13 or so. Also got me into philosophy. It has a special place in my heart, great sentimental value. I still reread it every couple of years for this reason.

There are thousands upon thousands of ways to quit video games. If you're going to roll with >>7432589's advice, I'd recommend The Count of Monte Cristo. Not only is it compelling, thrilling and entertaining, it's also pretty long, and might help dispel some of the negative beliefs that you may have (many non-readers do) about reading.

>> No.7433503
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>Advice starts out with comparing yourself to others

Doing this for dick-measure points is vain, lame and disingenuous.

>not keeping your interest in literature a secret to everyone but the members of a Nepalese whittling forum so as to avoid having your pursuits be tainted by vanity

>> No.7433513

>quit video games a year ago
>come back for mgs5
>see a trailer for FF7 remake
>worry I'm going to have to buy a ps4 to play it
>announce it's going to be episodic
Dodged that bullet. The best way to quit video games is to be disgusted by the practices that flood the industry today. Even the fucking metal gear game has coins I can buy to complete shit faster like a fucking phone game.

>> No.7433568

Fascination with books started with my father reading me fairy tales before sleep, and gradually making me read more and more of the story myself. Respect for books never left ever since.
Oh, and /lit/ and asoiaf really helped me read more shit.

Can't recommend anything for vidya, just lost interest desu.

>> No.7433579
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1) My mother read to me every night when I was very young. One of my earliest memories is her reading "Goodnight Moon" to me before bedtime.

2) There's no secret. Find a book you will like and read it instead of playing a video game. I enjoy video games, too, and I know what it's like to not be in the mood for reading, but if you mean what you say about quitting video games I suggest you go cold turkey.

>> No.7433587

the first step is to quit video games

the second step is to read more

>> No.7433769

>Eventually lose interest in video games
>Come back for mgsv
>Rent a ps4 with the game
>It's unfinished
>Literally threw the revenge theme and the big boss story to the trash for the sake of le ruse
>Online components behind paywall

Yes, I'm still pretty mad.

>> No.7433775


That's how I quit heroin.

>> No.7433789

Well up until this year I never read much. I read Dune two summers ago which was awesome, but never really looked into books outside of that.
My speech teacher recommended we read 1984 and out of boredom I did. Ever since then I've been reading more, coming here for recc's and /lit/ guides

>> No.7433839

Tintin and misc. french comics.

But Lord of the Flies was the first book I read that I thought was deep and serious. After that I got into proto-/lit/core with Dostoevsky and Melville (yes, I was 14 and still didn't understand but forced myself).

>> No.7433860

*unfurls burqa*

>> No.7433866

almost 2016<
replying to stalest of stale pasta<

>> No.7433873

>Unrelated, but how do I quit video games to read more?

Play Morrowind and roleplay as a scholar. Collect and read every book in the game. Just don't stop reading once you've collected every book. Optional: murder all the anti-intellectual Redoran plebs.

>> No.7433876



>> No.7433877


>Implying House Hlaalu capitalist pig-disgusting merchant scum aren't the true cultural plebs

>> No.7433897

Find books that captivate you. Stop listening to these losers and read what keeps your attention.

>> No.7433940

Take the gray pill and realize reading is just another tool to gain power over yourself and others.

>> No.7433951

Also in response to your second question a good start would be to delete all your vidya, make your steam PW and security questions gibberish and then toss it, sell your game console and other physical games, and tear out your big fancy gaming GPU. Pretty foolproof plan but I myself don't have the intellectual resolve to do it so I doubt you will either.

>> No.7434202

> /lit/, how did your love for books start?

I think it was always there. My parents red to me a lot and I listened to audiobooks and looked at pictures in books long before I could read on my own. In my childhood home we had a pretty large private collection and they took notice of what I liked and was interested in and would recommend more of the same type and show a genuine interest in what I was reading. They would also regularly take me to the public library. I have to some degree inherited their tastes in books and literature.

>> No.7434211
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>My parents red to me a lot

Apparently not enough

>> No.7434220

That's how I quit drinking.

>> No.7434251

>/lit/, how did your love for books start?

Read when i was younger but stopped. A few years ago i was browsing 4chan as usual and come to /lit/ of a whim. Started reading again and loving it ever since.

>Unrelated, but how do I quit video games to read more?

Don't know. Most of my teens was spent playing video games and was a huge reason why i stopped reading in the first place. All my friends have moved on, so i don't have anyone to play with so i lost a lot of interest. Games are no where near as fun by yourself. Doesn't help that after playing so much vidya and with so little innovate stuff come out not a lot peaks my interest. So yeah, video games getting boring for me just killed my the amount of time i play, although i still play them.

Just set a side time to read every day or whatever you want to schedule and them still play video games. Nothing saying you have to quit them if you still enjoy them.

>> No.7434257

Tell us what games you do/used to enjoy and we can help you bridge the gap to books you might enjoy.

>> No.7434262

You don't need to quit vidya to enjoy books, you just need to better manage your time.

>> No.7434299


Maybe i just suck at managing time, but with work and general life commitments i had to cut down significantly on my other hobbies (one of them being vidya) to actually get any reading done.

I guess it depends on how much you want to read and your available time.

>> No.7434333

by having a shit computer and realising you spent way too much of your younger years playing video games, which mostly was a huge waste of time (looking at you WoW)

>> No.7434357


>> No.7434358


when you play video be conscious of what you're doing instead of getting mystified by the game. it'll seem like a big waste of time if you are conscious of what you are doing.

you put in a lot of effort and get no reward out of video games, you learn nothing and develop nothing. and their stories are shit compared to books

>> No.7434390

Why do you feel the need to choose one over the other? Does it make you feel like you belong?

>flashbacks to thirteen year olds arguing "no, megadeth is better than metallica!"

>> No.7434398
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>/lit/, how did your love for books start?


I didn't particularly like reading, but at age 7 I'd far outstripped my classmates and my teacher bought the first 3 books of 'A Series of Unfortunate Events' for me to read while she taught the class. After I finished those I realized how much fun reading could be, and then started to pick books off the shelf for myself, the first three of which were White Fang, Call of the Wild, and Robinson Crusoe.

>Unrelated, but how do I quit video games to read more?

"Every habit and faculty is preserved and increased by correspondent actions: as the habit of walking, by walking; of running, by running. If you would be a reader, read; if a
writer, write. But if you do not read for a month together, and instead do something else, you'll see what will be the consequence.


Upon the whole, then, whatever you would make habitual, practise it; and, if you would not make a thing habitual, do not practise it, but habituate yourself to something else."

-Epictetus, 'Moral Discourses'

>> No.7434534


Part of me wanted MGSV to be the glorious capstone to my youth spent playing video games -- instead it was a hackjob that cemented video games as a (generally) lesser medium for years to come. Maybe someday it won't be an industry dominated by AAA monotonous 'playing it safe' multi-million dollar budget games with no soul that are forced to use bullshit tactics like DLC and Season Passes and map packs to scrounge together enough money to make the same game the following year.

Maybe someday.

>> No.7434559
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I think reading was the first thing I ever liked.
Of course I didn't start with War and Peace, kid's stuff, adventure and historical fiction.
A big ass illustrated prose version of the Iliad-Odissey-Eneid is one of the thing i remember most fondly of childhood.

>> No.7434896

tbqh senpai I didn't read much until I read the twilight series 4 years ago. I know they're shitty but I needed quick books and after that I started reading coming of age books (YA) but I eventually got into literature 2 years after that.

>> No.7434917

I'm a friendless loser and books gave me a sense of communion that was otherwise completely nonexistent

>> No.7434985

I'm the son, grandson and brother of librarians. My mum read to me when I was younger, and then she stopped because she realised I could basically just read as well if not better on my own. Now I only go outside to attend seminars, buy food or pick up drugs.

>> No.7435086

wew lad

>> No.7435114
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>if you do something a lot, you're predisposed to do it more
>but if you don't want to do something, just "habituate yourself to something else"

Wow, thanks for the advice Epictetus. How should I go about conquering drug addiction?

>> No.7436034

inherited from my teenage sweetheart

i'm so alone


>> No.7438346

If you are sincere about quitting, then you have to make it difficult to give into your moments of weakness. Sell your gaming equipment, uninstall all your games. Put that shit in storage (at a storage facility, rather than your home) etc. Donate that shit to needy kids or something.

Putting in those extra steps between you and giving in to playing video games on a whim is really key to riding out the temporary impulse until you return to level-headedness.

>> No.7438405

>/lit/, how did your love for books start?

When I was 2 my mother took me to a local supermarket.
There was this book aisle, so I took a pack of toilet paper, sat on it, picked a book, and "read" it.
From that day, my mom bought me books once a week. I had an impressive Little Golden Books collection in my room.
Then I eventually started to read for real (i.e. deciphering words) from around 4 and a half; my mother taught me how to read, and I mostly read Tom & Jerry comics. From that point, I spend most of my days reading.
I am known as a bookworm in my family.

>Unrelated, but how do I quit video games to read more?

I got bored of it. I just can't play a video game for more than what, 20 minutes?

>> No.7438413

Stop doing drugs a lot, duh.

>> No.7438419


>I got bored of it. I just can't play a video game for more than what, 20 minutes?

Same. When I was a teen, I must have clocked 750 hours on Morrowind. One day it just lost its appeal. No regrets, Morrowind is the GOAT game.

>> No.7438628

One thing to supply the other strategies in this thread is to wish gift cards for book stores at christmas and birthdays. If you, like me, hate wish lists, books and gift cards can be a great solution.

Having giftcards for bookstores in your wallet is nice. Sometimes I just go to town and pick a book, just because I want to.

>> No.7438688
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That depends on what drugs you´re using and when, where and with who.
Tell me about it maybe I can help.

was (some could argue that I still am) addicted for 4 years to harder stuff. started smoking irregularly with 11 and drinking with 12.

>> No.7438722

How I've been feeling lately after finishing college.