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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 175 KB, 600x866, journey1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7431821 No.7431821 [Reply] [Original]

How to into Céline?

>> No.7431838

With pic related.

God dammit.

>> No.7431860

That particular translation you mean?

>> No.7431913

What painting is on that cover?

>> No.7431916

oh maan....

>> No.7431924

My Heart will Go On

>> No.7431952

Honestly, Death on the Installment Plan is the only enjoyable book Celine ever wrote.

The rest is 90% whining about living in a low-rent apartment in post-war France and 10% generic I-fought-in-the-trenches-but-nothing-actually-happened WWI bullshit.

>> No.7431954

learn french

>> No.7431958

I mean, there's some more whining about living in a cheap apartment in pre-WWII France, but still.

>> No.7431961

I really hate this meme, just because it's so dishonest. How many languages do you speak? If you don't speak AT A MINIMUM english, french, spanish, russian, greek, and latin you better read translations or you're going to miss out on most of literature. I feel like out of all the /lit/ memes >translations is the one most obviously coming from people who don't read.

>> No.7431967
File: 37 KB, 490x263, WTSGzOA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>english, french, spanish, russian, greek, and latin
>mfw i speak 4/6

btw latin is for little bitches

>> No.7431971

Death On The Installment plan is a just random assortments of underage gay encounters during his young beta life as the son of peti-bourgeois shopkeepers, it has no point and is mostly boring as shit

>> No.7431979

Et qu'est-ce que tu en sais ? Je te parie cinq-cent dollars que tu ne comprends pas mon post sans un traducteur.

>> No.7431985

Mort a Credit isn't all that gay, just weird and French and scatophilic. It's with Whatever that Celine really gets homoerotic.

>> No.7431987

>implying he needs to know French for his point to hold true

Red herring

>> No.7431988


wtf is that dash doing there you phony

>> No.7431992

>pretending fallacies are for tallying points


>> No.7432015

sorry, i'm still learning

i think you're supposed to put an "s" at the end of "cent" if there's more than one, also. funny you didn't point that out. ;)

>> No.7432027

idk the cent/cents rules are retarded

>> No.7432041

I don't understand what you think that has to do with what I said.

>> No.7433446

Just saying to enjoy your translations. ;)

>> No.7433599

feeling proud that Ive never really enrolled in french classes or any of the sort and understood that. maybe I should give it a try. anyone recomend some dual language french/english or french/spanish books?

>> No.7433633

The message is universal enough that no matter the translation you'll be getting the same vibe. HOWEVER, he wrote in slang/using forms closer to spoken language, so you'll obviously miss out on this.

>> No.7433638

>s or you're going to miss out on most of literature.

The point is if you don't know that language you're missing out on that literature already. A translation isn't a proper substitute.

>> No.7433760

Daily reminder he just wanted to buy a house.

>> No.7435807

Do you know any other languages besides English?

>> No.7435863

Eres plebe, hijo.

>> No.7435903

Just fucking read the book you piece of shit. I didn't ask, "how into I do author", I just fucking read that book. It's self-explanatory. It's not exactly Ulysses, is it?