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7431160 No.7431160 [Reply] [Original]

What's so bad about ideology? Is it just the fact that people don't often recognize its influence on their thoughts/actions, or is there a valid argument to be made for a person's thoughts or a society's culture to not be driven by it?

>I see a fair amount of posts here deriding "le ideology" which, without a solid grasp on their answer to the question above, seems very fedora-ish.

>> No.7431171

The former is a major reason and because of that influence, it can lead them to make foolish decisions. The latter is more of spookbusting.

>> No.7431173

>What's so bad about ideology? Is it just the fact that people don't often recognize its influence on their thoughts/actions

it's not bad in and of itself, it just means you're stupid. explicit articulations of thought that happen to agree with current ideology is fine.

> a society's culture to not be driven by it?

this is incoherent, read more on what ideology is.

>I see a fair amount of posts here deriding "le ideology" which, without a solid grasp on their answer to the question above, seems very fedora-ish.

mein gott pure ideology

>> No.7431184

People's world view can be distorted by their ideology. There is tons of psychological research on bias. Many people do not even read opposing views.

Now, there is nothing wrong with a person having a good ideology or a society having a good ideology, but it becomes detrimental if that person or society cannot escape a particular ideology when environments change or new information is found.

>> No.7431198
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>a good ideology
>superimposing value judgments on ideology

>if that person or society cannot escape a particular ideology
>society cannot escape a particular ideology


>> No.7431229

>superimposing value judgments on ideology

Well why the heck not? Yes, I do do it from a particular ideology, because I must necessarily have one in order to judge them.

And by society I mean the people in it, that is what the majority of people have as their ideology, and thus how the society operates generally.

>> No.7431240

as much as i dislike ideology

i think the reality of the matter is ideology exists and because humans categorize things there is practical use in adopting the term and adhering to various ideologies

>> No.7431258

>Well why the heck not?

Because it makes it clear you have zero understanding of what ideology is or how it works.

>> No.7431268

>Yes, I do do it from a particular ideology, because I must necessarily have one in order to judge them.

>> No.7431305

Did you think I missed that part or something? It doesn't help your point. Please go read some Althusser or Weber before spouting off.

>> No.7431536
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They pick shit stories for their zine, which is really a blog which is really gay. They also "publish" "content" written by their own editors. Typos & grammar issues everywhere.

They carry no influence.

>> No.7431540

It was a corny joke but I still laughed.

>> No.7432477

opie here - I've only read a bit of Althusser on the links between ideology/discourse/production/consumption, but am always wary of basing my thoughts off of one source of reading. What other philosophers/sources do you recommend on ideology?

>> No.7432491

The ideology-hate is the same as calling out spookiness. Saying that an "is" implies and "ought" as if it's just common sense and there's nothing more to be said on the matter is usually the result of thinking with broad ideological strokes and not working on a problem carefully.

>> No.7433946
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All ideologies are false ideas, driving forces with a foundational nature that we have been conditioned to take as fact.

Ideology is dangerous because it is immoral, illogical and easily manipulable;it's able to drive an intelligent person laughing all the way to the choir invisible.

That being said, we can never escape ideology so the best we can do is recognize our prison sentence and be aware of what is driving us to do what we do.

Always question your foundation, always recognize the mechanistic nature of being, always nihilate your perceived objective self.

>> No.7433975

>Because it makes it clear you have zero understanding of what ideology is or how it works.

muh lacan, muh subconscious zizek fantasy ideology

>> No.7434499
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your ideology is showing, but you didn't make a strong point as to why you see it as immoral or why nihilism is the answer one must strive for