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/lit/ - Literature

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7430065 No.7430065 [Reply] [Original]

which one should i read first

someone also tell me if they like lord of the flies, not heard alot about it but it was only 50p

>> No.7430069

lord of the flies is a good starting place but not nearly as compelling to me as moby dick or crying of lot 49

>> No.7430070

You haven't read all of those books already?

Get out of here.

>> No.7430071

Read them in chronological order, so I guess that would mean read Pride and Predice first.

Lord of the Flies is fine, but not great. It won't take up much of your time, though, so read it anyway if you want to.

>> No.7430087
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>bought these
>open them up
>read a few pages
>realize I've been spending too much time on /pol/
>throw them in trash
>close /pol/ tab

Got Dracula as a gift some while ago though, so I'll start with that probably tonight as I finished Small Gods(also gift) earlier today.

life is suffering

>> No.7430099

haha. I know the feeling

>> No.7430106

Good books, lad.

Should've got a better edition of Moby, though.

>> No.7430111

Ad Infinitum: New Essays on Epistemological Infinitism
Epistemology and the Regress Problem

>tfw the real redpill is realizing that even with a lifetime's worth devotion you'll never be to closer to the truth
>tfw 'redpill' just refers to existential crisis

>> No.7430118

is this a paradox?

thanks, moby was only £2 so it was just there at the time. i'll probably buy a hardback of it in the future

>> No.7430119
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>> No.7430121

How's being 15 treating ya?

>> No.7430122

Total hippie

>> No.7430137
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>Mapping Early Modern Japan: Space, Place, and Culture in the Tokugawa Period, 1603-1868 by Marcia Yonemoto
>The Premise of Fidelity: Science, Visuality, and Representing the Real in Nineteenth-Century Japan by Maki Fukuoka
>The Knowledge of Nature and the Nature of Knowledge in Early Modern Japan by Federico Marcon
>The Lens Within the Heart: The Western Scientific Gaze and Popular Imagery in Later Edo Japan by Timon Screech
>Ueda Akinari by Blake Morgan Young

Anyone want to try to guess the research?

>> No.7430138

Good, I'm not alone! kek
>>tfw the real redpill is realizing that even with a lifetime's worth devotion you'll never be to closer to the truth

You're correct, doesn't mean you should stop trying thought! Am I right? :^)

>> No.7430139

are you hindu or is it just interest

>> No.7430144

>You're correct, doesn't mean you should stop trying though
Yeah, but after a while, you realize /pol/ is off base and hating everyone and everything is just tiresome.

>> No.7430148

Heh, with my reading list I am.

>> No.7430150

>just take acid man everything will start making sense :^)

>> No.7430159
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I read generation ID at the beginning of the year and it really was garbage. Started browsing /pol/ less and /lit/ more after that. If you're into conservative lit though you should try Edmund Burke. Just picked up this beauty today

>> No.7430161
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Which one do I read next /lit/

>> No.7430165

A Scanner Darkly obv

>> No.7430167


>> No.7430204

+ Joyce and Conrad.

>> No.7430212

Please do share!
Yeah. Thing was, I had actually heard good things about ID in particular, from /pol/acks thought mind you.
> If you're into conservative lit though you should try Edmund Burke. Just picked up this beauty today

I am, or I rather have become after those books.

That is a beauty, I'll definitely add it to my list, thanks.

Was thinking about getting the Federalist papers next though since i'm still just a baby and still in the progress of shaking off this "new right" nonsense.

>> No.7430253

I'd go with moby dick. Wuthering heights is the only book I've gotten halfway through and just given up out of disgust. I thought it was awful, just a bunch of miserable characters in a miserable place doing nothing but making each other's lives as shitty as possible.

>> No.7430267

Tragedy porn is the derogatory term for things like Wuthering Heights.

I just read it last week, feel fairly similarly, but at least you can take solace in that there's a happy ending. Worth getting through for that.

>> No.7430335
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I posted this in the last haul thread but it died shortly after... Here it is again. I read Story of the Eye and am really enjoying Naked Lunch.

>> No.7430695

Never trust /pol/ with your reading choices.

Also, the new or alt right movement isn't nonsense. It's a necessary reaction to the times. Just don't equate alt-right to /pol/ and you'll be fine.

>> No.7431508

I found wuthering heights a little meh. It's very modern day romeo and juliet if instead of a family feud keeping the two apart what kept them apart was their egos.
Then again, I didn't enjoy much of what I was made read in school.

>> No.7431516

i just bought sphinx by anne garreta (an OULIPO book about a romance but none of the characters are gendered, impressive for a novel written in french) and stoner because it looks cool.

>> No.7431523
File: 40 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, GUYS! GREAT book hauls! Did I say great? Allow me to amend that: GRAND BOOK HAULS!

Are you guys on YOUTUBE? Because I do all my book hauls on Youtube, and I'd love to see videos of all your guys' BOOK HAULS!

Remember, haul those books on in! Get them IN! Never stop buying stuff!

>> No.7431553

i notice all "book tubers" seem to act in that hyperactive way. why is that

>> No.7431581


Not simply 'book tubers', but youtubers as a whole. It all started because they try to copy PlebDiePie en masse. Just pick a random flavor of the month youtuber and compare their latest video to one of their firsts, you'll notice.

Kind of says a lot about human psychology.

>> No.7431590
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I liked Moby Dick the best from among those that I've read. I would be most eager to read Wuthering Heights from among the others.

>> No.7431612


Also Lord of the Flies is interesting and pretty good to read.

>> No.7431619


Flies, HoD, Clot49 and then the others in any order

>> No.7432319

damn anon thats quite the reading you have ahead of you. Do you have a background in philosophy? have you read some deleuze before?

>> No.7432362

why there's a dick on the spine of your moby dick?

>> No.7432481

thanks for the help bros

i've just picked up dubliners and i've read portrait of an artist

do you think this is a good order to read the books

crying lot

>> No.7432526
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these came just today

>> No.7432588

You didn't read that stuff in high school? They're all great though, so you did fine.


I bet you love The Doors.


I've been seeing a lot of Conrad around here lately, is he the next meme? Also it seems like nobody reads Nostromo, which is his best.

/r/sorceryofthespectacle fodder

Finally something that stands out. Make a post about the Gass after you read it.

>> No.7432752

On the Road desu

>> No.7432863

Recently got:
Love in a Bottle-Antal Szerb
The Name of the Wind-Patrick Rothfus
The Well of Ascension-Brandon Sanderson
The Sun King-Nancy Mitford

No idea how Mitford is for history but The Sun King sounds like it's going to be a fun book, I might hold off reading Well of Ascension until I get my hands on The Hero of Ages.

>> No.7433544
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Just drove by my college town over the weekend, decided to hit up my old haunts. The Eisenberg I ordered, though. She and Jean Stafford are seriously underappreciated.

>> No.7433554


Flying under the radar is probably the best compliment you can get from /lit/

>> No.7433574
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>> No.7433584

> vMapping Early Modern Japan: Space, Place, and Culture in the Tokugawa Period, 1603-1868 by Marcia Yonemo

this any good?

>> No.7433609

aiai kekkai

>> No.7433611

Enjoy the Yourcenar. I had to read it with the translation, but I imagine the language flows just as beautifully.

>> No.7433627

I haven't received any of them yet, only ordered them a bit before that post.

The mapmaking aspect was what I was most interested in. What made you ask?

>> No.7433630

Nice taste anon. Enjoy the Hawkes and Gass!

>> No.7433642

Since recently I got into mapmaking/cartography and bought 3 books on it.

I like looking at the maps, but academic approaches are fine too

>> No.7433670

I doubt it'd hold much interest for you unless you were interested in Edo Japan as well, since it's not so much about mapmaking as about how mapmaking, along with other ways of acknowledging geographical boundaries and spaces, shaped the way they saw their world. I imagine she's going to be doing more with the travel narratives and encyclopedias in it (but again, haven't read it yet).

What books on cartography did you get?

>> No.7433680

its just adhd generation who cant sit still and play video games.

>> No.7433681

Ah seems interesting though, I played Shogun2 for a long time so i'm kind of interested in it. Don't think I'll buy it at 40$ though.

I got:
- Great Maps by Jerry Brotton
- History of the world in 12 maps by Jerry Brotton (more academic)
- Transit maps of the world by mark ovenden

haven't read everything yet though

>> No.7433697

Shogun is actually pre-Edo Japan, feudal times. The Edo period is when it stabilized with the Tokugawa shogunate. A lot of hedonistic cultural centers and really active theater.

I really like the look of the Brotton one, I like list-y histories, even when they tend towards pop history (like American Gun or A History of the World in Six Glasses).

>> No.7433714

Yes, I took a look inside and it's very well written.

>> No.7435491
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>> No.7435664


>> No.7435694

How experienced of a reader are you?...

Don't read Lot 49 for a long time.

For simplicity->difficulty read:
Lord of the flies --- Pride and Prejudice --- Huckleberry Finn --- Heart of Darkness --- Wuthering Heights --- Moby Dick

for "you should read this" order

Moby Dick --- Heart of Darkness --- Finn --- Wuthering Heights

>> No.7435806

Selected Poems - John Wilmot
The Shadow Of The Torturer - Gene Wolfe
In Parenthesis - David Jones
Lanark - Alasdair Gray
Selected Stories - Herman Melville
Penguin Book of Renaiisance Verse

>> No.7438039

Gaspar Noe - Enter the Void

>> No.7438063
File: 8 KB, 173x27, cons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, nice reactionary/trad books exist but these are trash.
Look at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservatism and click there

>> No.7438085

Be more generic

>> No.7438089
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>> No.7438114

>Finally something that stands out. Make a post about the Gass after you read it.

Yeah, I will do so. Not sure when I will get to it and then it will be rather slow read I suppose. Not an anglo here yet I want ti read some Gass (The tunnel is so tempting), so I decided to start with something short to try something by him.

Tried parts of Hawkes and Browne and it reads fine (Browne a little slower because of archaic language).

>> No.7438115

Just got a copy of John Milton's full poetical works from 1900.Where abouts should i start if ive already read paradise lost?

>> No.7438172

General chemistry is very outdated but a lot more fun to read than modern textbooks

>> No.7438424

>thinking fast and slow
Kek you fell for the meme

>> No.7438511

>5 book set of Hitchhikers
>3 Agatha Christie books
>Gone Girl
All for a total of around 14€.

>> No.7438856

fuck u i waited like 10 seconds for your pic to load

>> No.7438968
File: 274 KB, 370x491, tolsti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was my birthday, so I went a little crazy. Can't take a picture right now, but here's the list

Agamben - Opus Dei, Potentialities
Zizek and Millibank - The Monstrosity of Christ (ayyyyyy)
Tolstoi's complete short stories box set (pic related)
Rancière - The Emancipated Spectator and the Aesthetic Unconscious
Didi-Hubermann - Confronting Images
Aby Warburg - Ghost Stories for Adults
Isaac Babel - Odessa Tales
Imre Kertesz - Detective Story
Cervantes - Exemplary Novels
Georges Perec - L’art et la manière d’aborder son chef de service pour lui demander une augmentation
A collection of essays on Copyright and Piracy
Daniil Kharms - Today I Wrote nothing
Umberto Eco - Baudolino and A Theory of Semiotics

>> No.7438980

I remember it getting reced on /sci/ a lot

>> No.7438986

thanks for mentioning Sphinx dawg, I love what I've read from OULIPO but only know the basic stuff (Perec, Queneau, If on a Winter's Night)

>> No.7438987

>On the Road somehow looks much longer than the others

>> No.7438992


>> No.7438997

it's probably the complete scroll edition (notice how there's [something edition] on the top of the book)


>> No.7439020

That spine art is fucking disgusting.

>> No.7439032
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I found the whole project to be a bit excessive at first, but I sort of grew used to it.

Also, I've paid something like 18 USD on a black friday sale, so I can't really complain (pic's not mine)

>> No.7439038

Garish. Completely inappropriate.

>> No.7439046
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You do realize these are all pictures taken of the russian peasantry (aka the theme of a fuckload of his writings) during Tolstoi's lifetime, don't you?

>> No.7439052
File: 110 KB, 501x710, Lithograph-print-of-Leo-Tolstoy-in-front-of-Prokudin-Gorskys-camera-in-Yasnaya-Polyana-1908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or do you think "color" was invented sometime after WWII?

>> No.7439062

I hope you know what you're getting into.

>> No.7439100

holy shit nigga, you're fucked when the easiest book in your haul is Naked Lunch

>> No.7439105

I'm talking about the bright borders, not the photos themselves.

>> No.7439119
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They're on the originals as well, fruit of the superposition of the negatives

>> No.7439151

Right, well it still looks completely wrong.

>> No.7440035
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all for about 20$ at various thrift stores

>> No.7440477


>> No.7440609


>> No.7440625

I need to go thrift shopping. I bought that same India book retail for almost the price of all of those books.

>> No.7440637
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Arden's King Lear
Bilingual editions of the Iliad and Hesiod's Theogony (both in Spanish)

The translation's are good, and that edición of King Lear is great.

>> No.7440659 [DELETED] 

There's a Free Bookstore like two blocks from me which is basically a used bookstore but all the books are free, it's p rad

>> No.7441122

what's the print/paper quality like on the ulysses? been wondering which edition to get, vintage are hit and miss, some like woolf are toilet paper but their magic mountain and gravitys rainbow are some of the nicest available

>> No.7441130

Wuthering Heights is terrible, burn it and never read it.

>> No.7441623

>The Stranger
You trollin'? Have you ever read before?

>> No.7441626

Arden's Shakespeare series is great. Nice pick up.

>> No.7441780
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Found Leaves of Grass on the bus a few days ago. Jerusalem is the only one I got new, got the rest at a book swap on Sunday.

>> No.7441786

throw it all away except joyce.

>> No.7441791
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>> No.7441807


>> No.7441809
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jerusalem ofcourse

>> No.7441815
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>tfw I exclusively read stuff written in languages in which I'm fluent cause if I haven't read a work in its intended language I don't feel like I've read the work at all

>> No.7441821

no, the sperg thing was against the translation sperg, not against those who read translations.

>> No.7441864

It's a great book, though.

>> No.7441889

>The Gate by Natsume Soseki
>Discours sur l'origine et les fondements de l'inégalité parmi les hommes / Discours sur les sciences et les arts by Jean-Jacques Rousseau
>Une Vie by Guy de Maupassant
All bought at the Strand earlier this week. My sister also got me an English edition of Swann's Way. Might do a comparison between that and the French version.

>> No.7441912

AY AY AY díganme musas quién fue el chiquito que murió!

>> No.7442065
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>touching a book found on public transportation

>> No.7442080


Winter break is coming up, fellow academic slaves.

What are you looking forward to reading?

>> No.7442084

how is that different than using library books? or touching anything in general?

>> No.7442089

Don't worry, he's probably American.

>> No.7442101

>being germophobic in the western world

>> No.7442190
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>touching library books
absolutely disgusting
you're god damn right
enjoy your loo and sharia, europoor

>> No.7442210
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>> No.7442220
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>> No.7442246

I just got finished with Heart of Darkness OP. It's a gorgeous read.

>> No.7442341

what the fuck

>> No.7442391

Today I bought The Prince and 100 years of solitude.

>> No.7442401

start with the greeks, then

>> No.7442454

Your doge looks like a fucking manatee.

>> No.7442459

why he is sad

>> No.7442462

he's enslaved by retards for their amusement?

>> No.7442501

She's just judgmental.

If she wasn't the happiest dog, I'd agree. Otherwise, I agree. z

I love manatees. I even have a poster of them in my room, right next to the Magritte

>> No.7442532
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>> No.7442536

I like this. Enjoy your reading anon!

>> No.7443443


>> No.7443887

Just read catcher. Enjoy.

>> No.7443893

this is me
what I meant was, I just read catcher. Those other books are just fine too. Enjoy.

>> No.7443895
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Rotted desu that my schopendaddy vol 1 and 2 don't match ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.7443991
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Read Godot already (pining for a second), along with ICTYBTYWHTBDBM (which is almost negligible, length-wise) and a good chunk of 5 Rings. Very excited for the rest

>> No.7444029


>> No.7444170

I finished Anti-oedipus and I in no way understood it in its entirety but the concepts are fascinating and I like the writing style a lot.
Actually I think Baudrillard has a lucid style and is extremely readable. Story of the Eye was a very quick read but I'd like to go over it again. Barthes structural essay was also entertaining.
Great choice on Agamben and Milbank.

>> No.7444846
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A fiver for the lot.

And I didn't even want to buy a book...

>> No.7445061
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That looks amazing I love the color.

Collected sets of books in general really fire up my covetousness.

>> No.7445113

Sometimes the notes and appendixes are too much/worthless, like with Oxford's World Classics. Either it feels like I'm being spoonfed or they're just empty biographical facts or stuff like that that don't really help my reading of it.
Still good though.

>> No.7445204

how and where?

>> No.7445296

those looks really nice

>> No.7445310
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These two came in yesterday, and I purchased Arabian Nights, Count of Monte Cristo, Crime and Punishment, and War and Peace online from various websites. Should all be arriving in about 5 days.

Reading through American Psycho right now, then will move on to Man in the High Castle.

Which of the yet to arrive books would you recommend I start reading first /lit/?

>> No.7445316
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Your copy of CITR looks thick as shit, how big's the font in that version?

>> No.7445319

They'd have to pay me a fiver to take the Coelho.

>> No.7445349

Willinger just poorly regurtitates elements of the European New Right and Faye, he was only undergrad when he wrote this so I never expected much

>> No.7445358

>still in the progress of shaking off this "new right" nonsense.
New Right isn't nonsense, but Pop stuff like Generation Identity is. Read De Benoist's stuff, I find him very somber and measured

>> No.7445367

Greg Sestero - The Disaster Artist (Just finished it, really good)
Dostoyevsky - Notes from Underground & The Gambler
Tolstoy - The Death of Ivan Ilyich & Other Stories
New Translation of the Tales of the Elders of Ireland

>> No.7445385

>he hasn't read Ulysses or Lolita

>> No.7445620
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Left side is recently read: Crime and Punishment, A Clockwork Orange, Brave New World, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Gravity's Rainbow.

Right side is to be read: East of Eden, On the Road, The Book of Disquiet, Metamorphosis and Other Stories.

I know that this is pretty pleb, but I'm fairly new to this and want to get some basics out of the way before reading more "highbrow" literature. So which one next?

>> No.7445636


Local thriftshop, they offer 1 quid for 1m of books so they get way too much books, sell them for 5 per basket.

I just threw it in to balance my basket.

>> No.7445785
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My recent purchase
I like it, but it's tiring
Anyone else feel this way about poetic fictions? Will finish it of course.

>> No.7446463

Goethe's Faust if that's what you're getting at with poetic fiction
It's short and has magic so crazy stuff happens

>> No.7446469

Why do you guys buy books when the library has books you can borrow for free? The library has had every book I've wanted to read.

>> No.7446474

here's your (you)

>> No.7446606
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>> No.7446652

you could have simply just said I'm a materialistic attentionwhore who needs to show it off to other retards on /lit/

>> No.7446666

The Dutch books made me think you live in the Netherlands so figured you might have a good recommendation

>> No.7446670

That's nice for you, but mine doesn't have everything I need. Inter library loans are $2 each. It's often cheaper to just buy the book myself.

>> No.7446686

what shithole do you live in?

>> No.7446708
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>> No.7446715

Dallas, but not Dallas proper, so I don't get their network of libraries.

It's not like I'm reading top 100 classics though; they're still a good library for that. Their children's, YA, graphic novels and high school reading sections are what they're best at, as that's the majority of patrons. I was going to work there as an assistant librarian if they had upped their pay offer. Which also would have made loaning from them worthwhile (free ILLs and leeway on due dates).

>> No.7446761

most of their fanbase have very low attention span and need spectacle and randomness in order to keep their interest. plus I think they big boys get payed in audience retention time as well.

>> No.7446817

Is that Iliad translation any good fellow Huebro?

>> No.7446837


Mooi kwartet.

And not really, this shop pretty much stocks pulp just like the rest. There's maybe 10 good books per month tops that are even worth considering. The rest is just an endless pile of Grisham and Patterson sandwiched by Tom Clancy.

>> No.7446857

Has anyone itt read Eyeless in Gaza by Huxley?

I'm debating whether or not to add it to the list of books I plan to read over my winter break.

>> No.7446862

Read it anyway? I don't understand why it's such a dilemma for you guys to decide which books to read. It's not normal to channel so much effort into this really immaterial and really inconsequential decision.

>> No.7446912

Yes. A friend of mine told me it's one of the best ones around our hue country. Go for it.

>> No.7446917

(forgot to mention: my friend's a linguist, so I kind of trust him)

>> No.7446931

there's something with 4chan and not being able to make minor decisions on your own or doing basic research.

>> No.7448498

underage b&

>> No.7448904

sorry I'm late

>> No.7448917
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>> No.7448938

Anon. Can you please test something for me.

See that Penguin Classics Clothbound book?

Can you please try to scratch a little bit of the orange off, and tell me how easily it comes off.

>> No.7448957
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It's not one of the clothbound classics, it's one one of the "pocket" hardbacks which have a more smooth texture and the designs more pressed in, about 30 seconds of scratching with a nail and a coin has no effect at all on any of mine, they're very nice but there's only about a dozen in this range which is a shame.

I have a couple of the normal clothbounds you're thinking of and yes they're a nightmare.

>> No.7448961

You lucky fucker, god damn do I hate my copy of Moby-Dick. How hard could it be to make parts of the cover not disappear overt time?

>> No.7448971
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It's ideal for the materialistic sheeple who buy the clothbound editions in the first place.
You barely have to read the book for it to look worn, so it can quickly be placed on your stephen king shelve again.
Embrace it.

>> No.7449076
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What the fuck is that Gita?
This is mine.. Is yours the whole mahabharata or something?

>> No.7449124

Foucault, Deleuze... Disgusting philosophy

>> No.7450502
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I got these bad boys today

>> No.7450514

read the pynchon, then maybe the conrad. throw the rest away

>> No.7450544
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the classic wordsworth crime and punishment

>> No.7450825

>ironically buying a book just for its bad cover

jesus christ

>> No.7450865

Lord of the Flies is young adult fiction tier

>> No.7451012
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Been stocking up on stuff for the winter break, can't wait for a couple of weeks of good drink and comfy reading.

>> No.7451061

niiice. make sure you read gogol's the portrait. gooood shit. better than his dead souls imho

>> No.7451137


Order of quality:

1. Moby Dick
2. Heard of Darkness
3. The Crying of Lot 49
4. Huckleberry Finn
5. Lord of the Flies
6. Wuthering Heights
7. Tedium and Boredom

>> No.7451170


Except for the Handbook (which is okay-ish) they are all absolute trash. I've met Friberg a few times irl and he's pretty retarded. Same goes with Willinger - he's just driven and non-crazy enough to impress all of the autistic folks in those circles.

If you really want to go deep with proper conservatism, never visit /pol/ again, then start with the Greeks. After the Greeks, you can give some proper writers a shot - Carlyle, Froude, C.S. Lewis, Chesterton, and so on. Then go for Guenon and perhaps Evola - he's an edgelord but he's still pretty damn good most of the time (some of his shit is quite stupid and irrational). Burke is ok but kinda overrated as a conservative writer imo, he only really wrote the Reflections and that's it. Carlyle's history of the revolution is a million times better and deeper, even the prose is way better.

>> No.7451195
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Here you go, a graphic to go with that. It's pretty decent though some of the shit in the isn't conservative or right wing by half, and some of them are terrible borefests. Stay the fuck away from the /pol/ shit down to the right, like Sunic, Benoist, Dugin, Faye, etc, it's absolutely horrific.

>> No.7451233

That Borges translation is shit-tier.

>> No.7451251

All translations of anything are shit-tier

>> No.7451266

pleb as fuck

>> No.7451327

why anon?

What's wrong with it?

>> No.7451329
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How did I do guys? I've finished all but O'Hara.

>> No.7451332
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>> No.7451339

le patrician face xd

>> No.7451347
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Decided to follow your advice and start with the Greeks

>> No.7451358

read moby dick, it's the best fucking shit
something happened is really good imo
naked lunch is great times, glad you're enjoying it
just read the magic mountain it's magical
this is a great fucking haul, i'd jump straight into metamorphoses if i were you
the peregrine is so fucking beautiful, i hope you like it

>> No.7451361


>> No.7451366
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>> No.7451367

>he fell for the Greeks meme

>> No.7451368

Would you recommend that book on the presocratics?

>> No.7451385


Why Herodotus and not Hesiod?

Also, how are those Aristotle's Complete Works? I wanted to buy them but they are too expensive, and I found a lot of PDFs from one of the greatest academic editions on Greek and Latin works, so I decided to just read those. But man, those editions sure look nice.

>> No.7451390


I'm loving it so far, so I guess so


Yes, it's very condensed, and it's written in an academic style with zero bullshit. A bit tiring to read at points due to having jump back and forth between the text and fragments/contemporary commentaries (this is one of those books where you have to sit with three fingers lodged in different positions in the book so that you can go back and forth every half minute). But it does its job perfectly.

>> No.7451407


Haven't gotten to reading it yet, but I took it mainly from seeing it recommended by several sources (especially /lit/'s start with the greeks-flowchart).

From what I've leafed through the Aristotles briefly it seems to be really good. Pages are pretty thin but that's not an issue for me. From what I've read they're supposed to be the standard comprehensive editions, so not really many alternatives out there. I did pirate all the ebooks, too, but when you have to crisscross between sections and books in order to get full comprehension I really much prefer the physical books.

>> No.7451438

where are you guys buying your books?
just amazon?

>> No.7451450

Your translation: https://faculty.washington.edu/timea/art360/funes.pdf

A decent translation: http://www.srs-pr.com/literature/borges-funes.pdf

>> No.7451456


Amazon for bulk and urgency, Book Depository for individual books which you don't need immediately.

>> No.7451460

Thanks man, does the book depository offer like a better selection, more editions and just more variations in general then?

>> No.7451548


It is sometimes more unexpensive than Amazon, but sometimes, like 1 or 2 out of 10 times, it is more expensive. It also has free delivery, always. The selection is the same, I would say, but perhaps Amazon has more books.

>> No.7452039
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Got these for $2.50 each, sorry for the bad picture

>> No.7452276

(didn't you also see TLOTIAT in there?)