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/lit/ - Literature

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7428665 No.7428665 [Reply] [Original]

The book is done, now we're waiting for copy editing to finish.

In the meantime, artfag here could use some help. Need a few things for the back cover:

>Book blurb/summary
For a novel (brief, enticing introduction to the plot) and/or for a short story collection (description of the author's skills and credentials, touches on overarching themes and specific scenes).

>About the author

One-liners are best, a sentence or two is fine. There are lots to pull out from last thread: >>7418113 >>7418124 >>7418124 >>7418149 >>7418155 >>7418159 >>7418262 >>7418881
What I really need is the sources of the quotes, critics and magazines etc.

PARTS 1-5:

>> No.7428668
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>> No.7429139

I compiled the Death Orgy with the Parts.

All that's left now is:
>Insert the BedroomPunishment story that got deleted in Part 5.
>Capitalize some 'the's from Part 5 - some rapscallion changed them to "nigger" in the process.
>Adjust paragraphs, proper alignment.

Otherwise, it's dandy.

>> No.7429170
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I also came upon this secret chapter in TLOTIAT that sh/d explain some refs, for the confused.

>> No.7429416

That's a very nice cover

>> No.7429584

I'd put this on my bookshelf.

>> No.7429876

Nice. Don't forget to fix Tyrone's monologue in the first chapter, the font/color got fucked up
Huh. No idea what this explains

>> No.7430109
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Placeholder text

Let's see that summary

>> No.7430840

>Don't forget to fix Tyrone's monologue in the first chapter

You mean make the footnote black? I'm not getting it.

>> No.7430855
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>"as fine as a fart" - jimjam joyce
chuckled irl

>> No.7430869

Nevermind, I'm stupid.

>> No.7430877

Does making these books make you lot feel productive?

>> No.7430900

It's really just practice and a buttload of memes.
This is good shit, mang.

>> No.7430914

Eating puss makes me feel productive. Hypersphere makes me feel godlike.

>> No.7431799


>> No.7432592 [DELETED] 




Rejected covers as chapter headings

>> No.7432599

If the book has this cover, I'll buy it.
>"redefines... cancer..."

>> No.7434122
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Minor error in >>7429139 document in the letter to Rousseau:
>"it was recently brought to my attention. Shon that you have been writing slanderous lies"

>> No.7434620

Yes, all sorts of punctuation errors everywhere. I think it adds flavor to the book, but sometimes I'm more than compelled to correct it since it's, well, unintentional.

>> No.7434854

Yeah, but in this case the error showed up later presumably by mistake (earlier docs didn't have it) and kind of ruins the chapter, since the whole point is that the character is very eloquent

>> No.7434942

i feel like we should send trump a copy

>> No.7435317
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>> No.7435334

Oh yeah ideally I should add.
We would have someone with a dedicated youtube. And then everyone could send unlisted copies of their videos to said youtube reading various portions of the book.
Thus much in the way the book is written, it would be read.
Although not inherently dividing each section up evenly or with any coherent though behind it. (or at the very least obvious logic, like by author/chapter).

If anyone wants to set that sort of thing up let me know as I'd like to be involved.

>> No.7435758

The idea of physically owning this is dank af, but where do I get it from?
I wasn't in on any of the tundra books so I don't know these things.

>> No.7435763

This is fucking hilarious.

>> No.7435917

Glad you found it amusing.
The only credit I take is my vocal interpretation of the work

>> No.7435936

It was fucking great, dude.

I'd be down for recording sections (poorly).

>> No.7435951

Thanks man.
If you do record some parts send me a link on YouTube.
I'd love to hear and link it through my channel.
I made a second video after that on the same channel. I plan on doing more whenever I get a chance and need something to do.

>> No.7436017

we need to include something from this. http://wmjas.wikidot.com/nabokov-s-recommendations

>> No.7436047

>The description of the iridescent fish and rhythmic urination is superb
>A tragic failure and a frightful bore
>In mentality and emotion, hopelessly juvenile

>> No.7436097

Ideally, we need a black man to recite the third page.

>> No.7436429

>A formless and dull mass of phony folklore, a cold pudding of a book. Conventional and drab, redeemed from utter insipidity only by infrequent snatches of heavenly intonations. Detest it. A cancerous growth of fancy word-tissue hardly redeems the dreadful joviality of the folklore and the easy, too easy, allegory. Indifferent to it, as to all regional literature written in dialect. A tragic failure and a frightful bore.

This is the quote we need. Who should we say said it?

>> No.7436467

Al Gore

>> No.7436546

Let's audiobook the whole thing and post it to Librivox

>mfw this is a Librivox recording and all Librivox recordings are in the public domain

>> No.7436623

Too long

>> No.7437312

fuckin hell, amazing
too long, but you could adapt it to be the book summary with plot details and a rundown of the themes, in the bitter tones of corn father

>> No.7437347

>A formless and dull mass of phony folklore, a cold pudding of a book. ... Indifferent to it, as to all regional literature written in dialect. A tragic failure and a frightful bore.
Just cut it down to that.

>> No.7437743

Mornin gents

>> No.7437751

>Guy who posted it here
I absolutely agree.

We don't HAVE to use it. I just thought it was fantastic, especially because it describes Finnegans Wake.

>> No.7438045


>> No.7438051

Part Two is out too.

>> No.7439252
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Sequel idea: Hypersquare

>> No.7439349

>dat Skeezy

Fucking Christ. Fuck. I love you.

>> No.7439374

i was laughing hard at the skeezy section

>> No.7439380

Just cut it down to
>A formless and dull mass of phony folklore, a cold pudding of a book.

>> No.7439381

Hey I'm glad ya'll laughed at it.
I couldn't do a proper Jamaican accent for that section so I was worried it would be a bit shite.
It kind of jumps between hood and pseudo-jamaykin

>> No.7439383


>> No.7439384

I do indesign for a living. Do you guys need help making the pdf look pro quality?

>> No.7439428

Heck yeah brother, all help is appreciated. Download a PDF and see what you can do:

>> No.7439473

Not just yet, making final adjustments to the text.

>> No.7439518

Are the parts with Johnny and the Florida scientists still in? At least one of them?

>> No.7439520

I just realized the "GodPaladin63's dream" excerpt was repeated twice. Going to move footnotes to the later excerpt (Revised) and delete the previous.

>> No.7439527


>> No.7439606

Doesn't seem to be in there, though I don't recall any such story ever was

>> No.7439622

>Hypersphere's authorship and contents just as inscrutable as the book itself

>> No.7439647


>tfw wrote a short love poem to my gf once
>tfw she's a star wars nerd
>tfw made up a decent star wars metaphor
>tfw she remembers it even two years later

i'm a shitty writer, but that day was a pleasant day

>> No.7439691

keked royally

>> No.7439692

Just put up part three.
I didn't post part two but I just wanted to let ya'll know I am probably gonna do like a 5 min reading every day or every other or so.

Small amount but it works I think.
That's my last plug. Like I said before if anyone else wants to read hit me up

>> No.7439696

Shit should reword that.
I did post part two on YouTube but wasn't the one that linked it on here in the second reply I responded to

>> No.7439700

when my mic comes in I'd give it a go

>> No.7439710

Alright sounds good to me.
Just let me know when.

My ideas aren't that we would switch off or anything but you could choose any part to read.
Just name it like I have named my videos (what pages you're reading) and I'll put it in the playlist and people would be able to have multiple readings of the same section so you could mix and match readers at your own desire

>> No.7439753

Bottledowner here. Things to be done still:

>"eachother ---> each other" in all Parts.
>Capitalize of "the"'s in Part 5.
>Since "the" was replaced by "nigger," I have to go thru Part 5 again and replace certain "the"'s with "nigger."

That's pretty much all that's to be done. It's a shame Sam isn't here to help, I wish him the best at Oxford.

>> No.7439761

how many niggers are we talking here?

>> No.7439768
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>Since "the" was replaced by "nigger," I have to go thru Part 5 again and replace certain "the"'s with "nigger."

>> No.7439800

'bout a cipher.

>> No.7441645

Hypersphere: A Baker's Dozen of Niggers

>> No.7441657

Yep, I'm down with this

>> No.7442055

This looks fantastic.

Are we going to be using the original OP cover at any point? Perhaps as a picture of the author?

Anons, I'm so happy to have written this bullshit with you guys.

no homo, but it was a lot fun, thanks

>> No.7442058

Cut out the London Review of Books maybe. It just works better as the liner of "It's is not readable" - the next one stretches it too far in my opinion.

>> No.7442385

I thinkn iz great as is

>> No.7442460

I wish I could help out anons

>> No.7442969

can we get rid of all the back page clutter?
the old covers look bad there

>> No.7443322

this, put some quotes on and take off the covers.

>> No.7443345

I agree with this. When I read "It is not readable" I laughed out loud, but my laughter was tapered a bit because the next one below it saturated the joke.

>> No.7443519

yes this

we have written a joke with two punchlines. no joke needs two punchlines.

>> No.7445012


>> No.7445185

I like it.

>> No.7445386


I disagree and felt the "its shit" reinforced my chuckle, it was a sweet cherry on top.

>> No.7445401

off with the back covers, off with the scratch and sniff
if you must chuck a large breasted Caucasian woman on the back in a bikini

>> No.7445409

boo no.

>> No.7445438

I had an absolute blast writing this with you guys, the anon and anon story in part five is actually about how much I enjoy you guys!

>> No.7445443

I think it's fun, maybe not 100% timeless but you can publish your own "timeless edition" if you feel like it.

>> No.7445459

When the fuck can I buy this you stupid keks? I have all the other lit meme books and I need this one.

>> No.7445531

What's Hypersphere? I've been seeing the name thrown around here a lot.

>> No.7445534

A big fucking place

>> No.7445537

Give me a straight answer please. Is this a croudsourced novel or something?

>> No.7445547

Yes this is another meme book /lit/ just finished writing. Thousands of contributions culminating in an extremely absurdist take on post-modernism.

>> No.7445548

It's basically /lit/ writing a sci-fi novel on googledocs that ended up with some bizarre anti-capitalist, Donald Trump death orgy; with space-jews, hyperblacks, philosophers, lolis, Hulk Hogan, Zizek and all other wacky characters thrown in between with a more varied format of short stories interspersed with comics, ads, a few edited web pages etc.

It's fucking retarded and developed a soft vaporwave kind of aesthetic - you should read it stoned.

>> No.7445560

It is the bible of hypermetairony, post post post post post post post post new sincerity. The hypersphere is just that big kiddo

>> No.7445564

It is a neckbeard's pocket guide to psychology.

>> No.7445737

Same here. Is this going to be ebook or will i be able to find this thing in the darkest depths of a barnes and nobles eventually.

>> No.7445804

If it doesn't get distributed to barnes and noble, then each of us needs to buy a copy from online and hide it among the other books at the bookstore

>> No.7445919

Should get rid of it so we have room for barcodes, isbn etc

>> No.7445930

good point

>> No.7446128
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>... redefines ... cancer.

>> No.7446147

Artfag here, someone please write an "About the Author"

>> No.7446403

Hypersphere was written with the help of:

-Over-exaggeration of literary ability
-Zeitegeists (collected in their original holo-foil wrappers)
-Retards: captured and prodded for sport
-Teetering levels of shizophrenia/lonliness

In their free time, the authors can be found in small, cutesy French cafes: discussing literature and the finer points of continental existentialism among the adoring Parisian students; materializing their joint ontological selfhoods through the astral powers of the combined DMT induced fever dream of Joyce and an unborn downs child.

At no point should you contact any of these people.

>> No.7446438

I like this.

>> No.7446441

The Author, whose name has been requested to remain anonymous, is an African-American woman and a leading cancer researcher who first became interested in literature after reading "The Fault in Our Stars" by John Green.

>> No.7446445

OP here, autismo detail: I'd like to cut "combined".

>> No.7446446

Needs to be one paragraph. Check the About the Author sections in some of your books, try that format.

>> No.7446458


also combine these two

>> No.7446462

don't forget tibetan method

>> No.7447192
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Any updates on the current status?

>> No.7448181
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Trump Bump

>> No.7449047

>tfw this book really does predict Hitler 2.0

>> No.7449081

blurb: hollywood is a series of jewbs

>> No.7449298

Lulu offers ISBNs to sell the book on Amazon etc.


>> No.7449303

Different ISBNs for eBook and physical books

>> No.7449353

This fucking gem:
>I am in love with an idea.
>There is an idea and I am in love with it

>> No.7449387

There are nice little blurbs here and there scattered, love the book for that.

>> No.7449398

Inspector Friedrich Dawkins standing over the dead body of God.

>> No.7450238

bumping comfy thread

>> No.7450445

I would add drugs

>> No.7450771

>10553 'the's


>> No.7450784


>> No.7450953 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7450989
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>> No.7450998

this is neat

>> No.7451015

You probably want to put a space between "EACHOTHER" in the Ghandi Quote.

>> No.7451155

thnx bb it took me 4 hours

>> No.7452172

I left the quote untouched. Gandhi is also misspelled. Chalk it up to charm

>> No.7452301

Ok, corrected Gandhi.