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7428225 No.7428225 [Reply] [Original]

I've never read any literature that could be classified as Romanticism but I'm very interested in the movement, where's a good, moving place to start? I want to swoon at lush descriptions

>> No.7428232

The Greeks.

>> No.7428235

epic regurgitation man you got anything more specific and maybe an explanation of why it's romantic or led to romanticism or better yet a book from the actual period of romanticism you meme fuck

>> No.7428283

Keats, Wordsworth and Coleridge if you want poetry.

If you're into prose i'd say Mary Shelley, Poe (short stories) or the bronthë sisters.

These are decent starting points I guess, if you're really inexperienced with the romantic movement you can also start with Byron.

>> No.7428286

Roamanticism was partly inspired by the Greeks.

>> No.7428291

thanks man, i'm checking out some of keats poems right now

are there any specific works that's you'd recommend for any of these writers?

>> No.7428305

My personal favourite by Keats is 'Ode on a Grecian Urn', I can thoroughly advise it. Same goes for Coleridge's 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner'. If you want a deeper understanding of the movement you should read the introduction to 'Lyrical Ballads', written by both Wordsworth and Coleridge.

Frankenstein is a great example of romantic prose and it really embodies a ton of features. If you consider reading it you should definitely read the story of the Villa Diodati (It's where Mary got the idea of writing it)

>> No.7428316

thanks a lot! I have a lot of reading ahead of me

fuck you twice

>> No.7428352

Les Miserables and The Count of Monte Cristo. Nothing more.

Are there even modern romatic novels? Not in the girly romantic way. Also I thought Bronte, Shelley and Poe were gothic?

>> No.7428353



>> No.7428358

bumping for more about romanticism

>> No.7428383

Well, Poe and Mary Shelley were transitional figures I think. The distinction isn't always clear but in my opnion these writers still have a lot of key romantic features in their writing. Brontë is definitely romantic though.

>> No.7428406

Meh it was inspired by Milton (literally Satan im Paradise Lost) who of course was inspired by the Greeks (and Romans). William Blake is responsible for making Paradise Lost famous and sparking Romanticism.

Read Tennyson, Byron, Shelley, etc. Might as well get into Gothic lit as well. Dracula is amazing senpai.

>> No.7428409

This (Byron in particular)
This, too

I'd also add Herman Melville, the Germans who pretty much started the whole movement - Goethe and his friend Schiller and the Russians - Pushkin and Lermontov.

>> No.7428683

Frankenstein's romanticism got me out of a funk.

There's a book called Feral by George Monbiot about rewilding (letting land go wild and re-introducing species) which is half economic argument in favour of rewilding and how to do it and half him talking about nature in wales and the amazon which is wonderful prose and very immediate. Frankenstein is like stepping into history, and Feral is like stepping outside.

>Count of Monte Cristo

Is this romantic?

>> No.7428762

>Is this romantic?
I haven't read the Count, but I've read The Three Musketeers and I'd say that book definitely belongs in the romantic category.

>> No.7428785

i was pretty crushed when i heard that Dumas didnt actually write those books.

>> No.7428805

The fuck?

>> No.7428812

pretty much turned out to be him ghost writing for dumas.

>> No.7428818

Keats is king.
Some German Romanticism is fantastic. Try Goethe's "The Sorrows of Young Werther" and Novalis's "Hymns to the Night". Haven't found a good translation of the latter, though. It's beautiful in the original German.

>> No.7428821

He outlined the plot, Dumas filled it with literary magic.

>> No.7428827

Coleridge is very good. It's a trite cliche at this point, but The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner embodies all the precepts of romanticism, and is itself just a very moving read.

>> No.7428834

a quote from the telegraph: He recounted how an episode of the Vicomte de Bragelonne which was due to be published in his paper had gone missing the day it was due to be printed. Dumas was unavailable so Maquet was contacted.
By midnight he had rewritten the episode, which was published. When, the following day, the Dumas "rewritten" text was found, "only 30 words from 500 lines were not absolutely the same".

yeah, 30 words of magic. my fuckin ass.

>> No.7428845

and of course a nineteenth century newspaper would never stretch the truth.

>> No.7428854

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/france/7198679/Alexandre-Dumas-novels-penned-by-fourth-musketeer-ghost-writer.html read it yourself, it was for a court appeal to give Maquet credit.

>> No.7429286
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Robert McFarlane's works are modern examples of romantic-inspired prose. Definitely check his stuff out.

I'd also recommend Gary Snyder, Robinson Jeffers, and David Abram.

>> No.7430503

and this is why i learned german, thanks anon

what in particular?

ty will do anon
how is modern romanticism?