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7427744 No.7427744 [Reply] [Original]

>And I couldn't stop dreaming of his way of life: one wife of forty years for the kitchen, one of fifteen years for other things...

What did Michel Houellebecq mean by this?

>> No.7427774

I'd give up liquor for that kind of muslim life desu.

>> No.7427777
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>> No.7427781

he's pointing out to liberal terror appeasers how islam is sexist bullshit that's incompatible with modern sjw thought

>> No.7427786

never read the book/10

>> No.7427792

You can always tell who has read the book and who hasn't. haha

>> No.7427795

u didnt ask about a book you asked about a sentence

>> No.7427802

This, Islamisation of Europe will simply mean a re-establishment of the patriarchy in a more robust form.

>> No.7427803

a) i didn't ask you shit
b) still wrong

>> No.7427804

And so the /pol/tards come out trying to use the book to support their ideology when it's critiquing something else entirely.

>> No.7427808

>"I didn't read the book but my interpretation of this excerpt is still valid."


>> No.7427810

tell us what is it "critiquing" then, oh high priest of knowing-authorial-intent

>> No.7427816

so opposing sexism is /pol/ now? you seem very confused, perhaps you suck at reading, have you considered that?

>> No.7427819

The book is about a middle aged well off straight while male professor who converts to islam out of self-interest.

>> No.7427820

I can't tell if this is samefagging or if all people from /pol/ type the same way.

>> No.7427823

it's just the same two idiots from the other thread.

>> No.7427824

so i was right, good now i don't have to read a troll book by a dummy

>> No.7427826

Did they not learn their lesson?

>> No.7427835

the funny thing is lit tries to act all politically correct and sjwish but one time a black guy joined the tinychat and all the "liberals" harassed him until he left or was banned, so don't give me any of this politically correct bullshit, all you lilly white fags act all sjw in your mom's basement but when you see a black guy suddenly you get all donald trump

>> No.7427837

OK. Good for you.

>> No.7427839

limousine liberal btfo

>> No.7427851

>y-y-you're racist too!! why don't you like us :(

kill yourself brah

>> No.7427867

dude i don't give a shit, but instead of calling people /pol/ why don't you lose your spooks and just admit certain cultures are shit

>> No.7427872

What does that have to do with anything, you illiterate /pol/ebs?

>> No.7427877

>dude i don't give a shit

we can tell by your insistence on shitposting. not dripping with need for validation at all.

>> No.7427882

validation of what exactly? you seem kind of stupid

>> No.7427885

you guys are so triggered because unlike you i'm enlightened by my own intelligence

>> No.7427891

Nice fedoras.

>> No.7427894
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>validation of what exactly?

why, exactly, do you think you're asking that question?

>> No.7427901

i was just making fun of how atheist you two are

>> No.7428376

It means Islam allows men to have multiple wives, including underage girls.

>> No.7428392

It means that yet again the public has been tricked into reading Hollaback's masturbatory fantasies

>> No.7428399

>It means that yet again the public has been tricked into reading Muhammad's masturbatory fantasies