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7425656 No.7425656[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Lets have a thread for pedo/hebe lit.

>> No.7425666
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I'm currently reading Wake of the Raven. It's bad fiction, but heavily pedophilic and very enjoyable if you are into that kind of thing. After that I have Dream Children lined up to read.

Recommendations welcome

>> No.7425668
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pic related

it's funny

>> No.7425672
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>> No.7425678


>> No.7425679
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Just dropping by to give you an upgrade.

>> No.7425711
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>> No.7426044

Is pedophilia morally wrong if both partners consensually agree

>> No.7426052
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>> No.7426058

Pedos should be culled.

>> No.7426059

I would comment in this thread but the janitor has informed me I'm already walking a fine line

>> No.7426067


Anne Rice wrote a book about a 12 or 14 year old who gets forced to walk around town naked by a sex-crazed Prince. He forces her to get raped by common town folk and then does BDSM bondage shit to her and passes her around the royalty.

I think she got away writing this pedophile pulp because she is a woman, and woman writers get special privileges.

Its still for sale on Amazon, eventhough Amazon has a policy against pedophilia

>> No.7426091


rofl you werent kidding

>I think she got away writing this pedophile pulp because she is a woman


tons of people write pedophilic erotica lol

>> No.7426097

Adult child sexual relationships are not in themselves wrong. Children can consent to sex (as long as they are above a certain age). However, the social climate makes it wrong; by having sex with a child you are potentially harming them in the future, knowingly, which makes it a morally wrong act. Pedophilia is not wrong because it is harmful, it is harmful because it is wrong.

Also anti-pedophilic sentiment seems the only thing standing in the way of a completely degenerate society with no sexual morality whatsoever.

>> No.7426104

OP here

Sounds horrible, not the kind of thing I'm looking for at all.

>> No.7426106

>as long as they are above a certain age
What age?

>> No.7426110


yes. the age of consent is an ageist construct that opresses children by depriving them of their fundamental right to erotic pleasure.

>> No.7426125

>Also anti-pedophilic sentiment seems the only thing standing in the way of a completely degenerate society with no sexual morality whatsoever.

>he doesn't realize we are in the midst of a deeply conservative sexual age

i wonder what it feels to be this out of touch.

>> No.7426128

I would say around seven or eight but that is just my arbitrary opinion. I think at that age girls reach a certain level of maturity and sexual curiosity.

>> No.7426141

[citation needed]

>> No.7426144

Anyone here that can solve the stupid captcha and report this?

>> No.7426145

why would i need a citation

>> No.7426165
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Report for what? It's /lit/ related. If you don't like it you can leave the thread

>> No.7426167


Hello reddit

>> No.7426173
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>> No.7426289

>I must censor everything I disagree with

>> No.7426296

Can you explain in what way?
I see niggers twerking on youtube regularly and I find it disgusting

>> No.7426297


>> No.7426413

>and I find it disgusting

Right there. Our society associates sex with the lower class and considers it to be disgusting. Sex is something for the uncultured. A truly sexual society would embrace sexuality.

In the past kings would legitimize their rule by having sex with a priestess on the top of a ziggurat with everyone watching. Today if a politician is observed having sex, his career can be destroyed.

>> No.7426424

>gets devil's trips

looks legit

>> No.7426709

Very valid point

But I think sex meant something different back then

Today faggots parade in the street proclaiming "gay pride" with their nipple piercings and gaping assholes. I don't see how I'm supposed to accept that but it seems its what's you're supposed to do.

>> No.7426723

has anyone read The Harry Quebert affair? not 'sexy' but a pretty good description of falling in love with a minor

>> No.7426725

>tons of people write pedophilic erotica lol

Not for Amazon or major online book sites.
They are insta deleted by the censors.

source: me, I write pulp erotica.

>> No.7426728

the logic is generally that children's aren't real persons and therefore can't consent. kind of like retards and fetii

>> No.7426737

implying fags and trannies aren't championed as the Good itself even if they kill people

>> No.7426743

retard porn isn't illegal

>> No.7426755

he didn't imply that anywhere lmao

>> No.7426777

No, the logic is the mythology of the child, is a person of extreme innocence by virtue of the fact they are ignorant of vice and haven't had the time to accumulate sins. This is of course retarded because a vast majority of people grow up to be pretty horrible and children are merely prototypical adults. In fact they are already pretty shitty because they bully eachother, lie and throw tantrums. Generally they just learn to obscure these authentic animal natures behind layers of social pretence as they grow up.

>> No.7426883

Share some pedo stories

>> No.7426884

So I'm reading lolita right now, at what point will it get descriptive enough for me to jerk it

>> No.7426901

you've been rused, the fapworthy part of Humbert Humbert's Excellent Roadtrip is the quality, rather than the subject, of Nabokov's prose

>> No.7426904 [SPOILER] 
File: 295 KB, 800x816, 1449367985339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend decades masturbating to japanese cartoons of little girls
>feminists take over the world
>the most repressed women with the worst daddy issues are in charge
>they legalize pedophilia
desu senpai, the loli just isn't as arousing if it isn't taboo

>> No.7426907

in the beginning you can fap to a section where lolita sits in humberts lap and he just goes full spaghetti and comes

>> No.7426964


It doesn't get sexually explicit, unless you're turned on by a man getting keked by a tween.

>> No.7426982

Fug D:

>> No.7428470

Any good pedo lit with a mature woman and a young boy?

>> No.7428541

Tampa by Alisha Nutting

Also some fag up there said lolito(its about a young boy, not sure of adult)

>> No.7428584

How did you not get boned up when he talks about his first lolita, Annabel?

>> No.7428603 [DELETED] 

Hi, pedos I'm 16 and a femanon. Ask me your questions.

>> No.7428652

Do you like hairy, overweight losers in their early 20's? Has that ever been your type?

>> No.7428772

What's life like as a worn-out hag?

>> No.7428830
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You people need radical feminism.


Say no to sexual violence, say no to coercive social institutions and manufactured consent.

Say yes to genuine liberation of women, children, and all social groups oppressed by patriarchal norms and customs.

A pedophile is a person who is sexually interested in pre-pubertal children, that is, usually approximately the age range of 4 to maximally 12. Hebephile is like 11 to 14.
16 would be "ephebophile" which is basically expected and normal.

>> No.7428835

>desu senpai
What word filters cause this.
Test: damn nigga

>> No.7428844

I love you.

>> No.7428848
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y-you too

>> No.7430172
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>> No.7430183
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Who /hebe/ here? 11 is absolutely the perfect age. Why can't I marry an 11 year old?

>> No.7430196

7 is perfect.

>> No.7430222
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7-12 is the peak of a girl's beauty. Although 11 is the best age, absolutely perfect.

>> No.7430232

Because they don't have the same mental capacities of an 18+ year old?

>> No.7430245
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Adult women are not really any more mature than children.

>> No.7430256

You can teach a 6 year old calculus and she can do better at it than an 18 year old.