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7424008 No.7424008 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it acceptable and the expected behaviour to wank over Greek legends but spit on American legends?

>> No.7424009
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>> No.7424012

Because the Greek ones are good and not masturbation aids for teenage self esteem. Thanks for playing, now get out.

>> No.7424017


What were the Greek legends if not masturbation aids for old men attempting to give human flaws to the divine beings they thought ruled over them?

>> No.7424032

Please validate my comic books


>> No.7424052

read more

>> No.7424072

The philosophy behind the Hellenistic mythology is quite interesting and it's the groundwork for some of the greatest literary works ever.

The philosophy behind the "American mythology" is hedonism and making money. Its greatest artistic achievements are Frank Miller's "Dark Knight" comics or something.

>> No.7424079

>Why is it acceptable and the expected behaviour to wank over the original legends but spit on the derivative legends that simply rehash the stories of the originals and pervert their themes and morals?


>> No.7424081

Comic books aren't American legends. People of the time believed in Greek mythology to some extent. No one believes Spider-Man is real. How has no one said this yet?

>> No.7424084

>People of the time believed in Greek mythology to some extent


Belief in Santa Claus isn't required of those who conduct the Christmas rituals that modern capitalism has forced upon them.

>> No.7424088

They were flawed to explain why the world is seemingly imperfect you fucking dunce

>> No.7424095

>doesn't believe in santa

>> No.7424101


>not masturbation aids

Have you even read the greek legends? Half of that was clearly just for the wank banks.

>> No.7424109

>if I quote part of a sentence and not the whole I can make someone seem foolish

>> No.7424111

>implying greek gods actually had that much control over the world
>implying they weren't tragically bound to fate like the rest of us, since the time the universe spawned from primordial chaos

>> No.7424209

>Why is it acceptable and the expected behaviour to wank over Greek legends but spit on American legends?
I actually don’t know any Native American legends. Are there any you would recommend?

>> No.7424232

The Aztecs have some great stuff. Check out the myth of the five suns.

>> No.7424234

I remember reading some in elementary school. One was about the Sun and the Moon being lovers.

>> No.7424580

Maybe the greek myths were tools to make money for the temples of the day?

>> No.7424604

>I... a...m... foolish
you got that right

>> No.7425003

>American myths
>Spider-Man and Batman
>not Johnny Appleseed and Davy Crockett

Try harder marvel shill

>> No.7425085

The Greek legends were created, beyond all else, to bring meaning to existence, to, like people do today, assign some order of causality and sense to the universe; they were an attempt to preserve the illusion of self, of separation from nature; they were created out of man's need for coherency. The American legends-- the comic book heroes, that is--were and are largely a means to make money, but, if we look at why people enjoy them, we see that it is because they are an antidote to the effects of capitalism on man: comic books typically illustrate beings of immense power and greatness who live great and interesting lives, and American citizens, often alienated and bored, love to get lost in them, as they present to Americans a higher, more satisfying existence than they currently live.

>> No.7425173

>American legends

>> No.7425200

superheroes being the modern day equivalent of 'myths' meme is well known

>> No.7425675

I'm going to write a meta modernist novel that alludes to comic book heroes. Main character is batman in the sense that bloom is Odysseus in ulysses

>> No.7425686

Have fun being sued.

>> No.7425720

Greek legends have been read and intellectually expounded upon by the worlds greatest thinkers for centuries. american myths, comic book or injun, have not and never will be

>> No.7425747

Greek legends weren't made to make money

>> No.7425797

American "geek culture", and comic books in general, are a way for corporations to capitalize on the unsettling tendency of beta males and nerds to escape into a fantasy world in which they are able to identify and live vicariously through superheroes. These superheroes represent the wish of the modern beta to be a strong, exceptional vigilante fighting for justice in a hostile world. They accomplish what the beta is incapable of doing in real life: righting the wrongs of society and confronting villains who symbolize the bullies in the nerd's own life.

That comic books and "geek culture" have become wildly more popular recently is due to the widespread infantilization of American youths, to the point where adolescents will stretch into their late 20's and even 30's before maturing in any meaningful way.

>> No.7425801

You'd better take that back anon, or you won't get any presents under the tree

>> No.7425819

wow, you should write an essay about your refreshing viewpoint

im sure your middle school english teacher will give you an a for it

>> No.7425829

Looks like I triggered the first beta male to look over this thread!

Shouldn't you be on /co/ with the other arrested development manchildren?

>> No.7425990

comic book sales have been consistently on the decline since the 90s

>> No.7426017

>what are Marvel movies

>> No.7426037

He/she said comic book sales, not marvel movie sales.

>> No.7426148

And yet related merchandise sales have done the opposite. Modern audiences can't even be assed to read the source material, they just watch the movies. At least half of the Marvel fans I know have never owned a comic book in their life, but they'll have posters, t-shirts, cups, bumper stickers. Ask them why their favorite hero is their favorite and they'll mumble something about them being cool.

>> No.7426150


>> No.7426256

As if there's a good reason to have a favourite superhero

>> No.7426258

I'll release it for free on the internet

>> No.7426433

Autist. As good a reason to have a favourite any character. We build our character by reaching toward ideals. Some of them are simple and that's okay.

>> No.7426437

>having a favorite character

>> No.7426439

aztecs are too hardcore desu, crazy fucks

>> No.7426456

>but spit on the derivative legends that simply rehash the stories of the originals and pervert their themes and morals?

Thats basically how the greek stories were created though

>> No.7428483


You mean your pitiful translations that you accept as the "originals"?

You do realize the Ancient Greeks wrote in Ancient Greek, yes?

>> No.7428487

>Doesn't realise the stories came from the oral tradition
>Every one a rehashed version of the previous poet's
>Dating back to being about other gods and heroes predating Classical Ancient Greek

>> No.7428497

if anything this thread confirms that /lit/ is like all the other boards and likes to discuss things before actually giving them a honest shot

>> No.7428508
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Because New World culture is fucking abysmal.

It's not that comics are bad, it's that American comics are bad.

Even the French are better at doing American comics than Americans.

>> No.7428513

Except they weren't. Print didn't even fucking exist back then, the books themselves weren't too profitable. You can be sure the idea of selling Iliad-themed backpacks didn't exist.
Whether it was for art's sake, or to explain the world, or any other reason - greek legends were obviously not written for profit. Any smart man in Greece could have made 10 times more money off of buisness, trade, pedagogy, and many other things.
American comics is made to be popular and make money. At least works like Spiderman.

>> No.7428549



>> No.7428568

isn't Blacksad spanish?

(it's shit btw)

>> No.7428617

Did men not portray goddesses in dramas though? Were depictions like that even allowed?

>> No.7428629

I read an idea (I didn't follow up on it, so I don't know how peer reviewed it is, or if it's just some Tumblrina wishful thinking) that superhero comics are the new legends. That's interesting, but I see a lot more parallel with the Arthurian legends.

The knights of the round table, they're righteous and strong and just the best people, but if you've actually read the stories, they're constantly having sex with each other, revenging on each other and accidentally cutting people's head's off.

The idea that's prevalent is that they're better people, but then, when you actually involve yourself, it turns out they're just stronger people.

Anyway, I like the parallel.

>> No.7428637

>fur and leather coats
Yeah, I'm hoping for a nice human leather coat this christmas. Jesus, pay attention to what you're implying man.

>> No.7428653

you're quoting grant morisson, one of the better comic book writers in the industry today. In a way I can understand it. The characters and villains in comic books have for the most part, existed for well over 60 , sometimes even nearing a century and have long since become archetypes of heroes and of qualities you ought to strive for . As you said, though, drawing a parallel with arthurian legends and greek gods, they're fickle, and inherently flawed.

It's a shame that the American comic book industry, especially the big 2, is so garbage nowadays.

>> No.7428687

Has the practice of mythmaking died today? I'm thinking specifically about historical myths, like Troy, King Arthur, or the whole Volsung story, where you present in a way a time this took place, but give it all a more magical flair because it helps teach it better. I mean, why are there no myths about Charlemagne wielding magic or something like that.

Sorry if this doesn't make sense, I'm having trouble organizing my thoughts too.

>> No.7428694
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I wouldn't really know, because I always found the quagmire of comics exhausting- there are so many different artists rewriting and reworking the same story. I didn't get into it as a kid, so I probably won't.

But I did really like the Hawkeye comic. Might even buy it hardcopy.
Thinking about getting into Hellboy too.

>> No.7428726

Any Punisher comix written by Ennis are as good as the Greek myths of old.

That and Uncle Scrooge, but for the most part, comix are trash.

>> No.7428742


>> No.7430059
File: 163 KB, 369x602, Erastes_eromenos_Staatliche_Antikensammlungen_1468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Certainly they did, but they were PRETTY men

>> No.7430520

Because its edgy and that's what the kids want

>> No.7430677

Thank you, friend.

>> No.7431438

David Foster Wallace answered this. The only way to worship in America is to self-deprecate.

>> No.7431587

Cool artwork. I like that.

>> No.7432591

>The only way to worship in America is to self-deprecate.

This goes against everything the celebrity-minded American tv shows have shown me.

>> No.7432716

that seems like just the whole of the western world.

>> No.7432741

>Greek legends

But you do read a book from time to time, right? Because it almost sounds like you don't..

>> No.7432750

>The philosophy behind the Hellenistic mythology is quite interesting
>The philosophy behind the "American mythology" is hedonism and making money

I don't think you know how mythology works, pal

>> No.7433203


Do you?

>> No.7433375

>the Christmas rituals that modern capitalism has forced upon them.

I hate this meme. God forbid we have a holiday about generosity and giving without it being ruined by these faggot commies.

>> No.7433511

>Belief in Santa Claus isn't required of those who conduct the Christmas rituals that modern capitalism has forced upon them.

What does this have to do with ancient Greek mythology? It's debatable how many people really believed the stories of the epics actually happened, but it was commonly believed that the gods actually existed. Philosophers of the time who questioned their existence (extremely rare) or their portrayal in contemporary literature were heavily criticized.

>> No.7433515
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>but it was commonly believed that the gods actually existed.

>> No.7433564
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>Meta-modernist novel that alludes to superheroes
Been done already, senpai.

>> No.7433649
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>> No.7433661


Says the man who purports the fathers of LOGICAL PHILOSOPHY believed in invisible men in the sky

>> No.7433758


>> No.7433779

I would say Hellboy is pretty /lit/

>> No.7433791


Gödel (perhaps the greatest logician of all time) made a compelling ontological proof for the existence of god.

Don't be an edgelord.

>> No.7433800


Apparently not considering that atheism is still alive and well.

>> No.7433813

His argument was anything but compelling, have you seen it? It's not bad, but it makes the same assumptions most other ontological proofs do

>> No.7433854

"generosity and giving"

>> No.7433867

>presuppositionalism about the existence of god is compelling

>> No.7433874


>Using polysyllabic words in an inane critique will make it compelling

>> No.7433882


>If I Hemingway him, maybe he'll go away

>> No.7433883

>Most criticism of Gödel's proof is aimed at its axioms: As with any proof in any logical system, if the axioms the proof depends on are doubted, then the conclusions can be doubted. This is particularly applicable to Gödel's proof, because it rests on five axioms that are all questionable. The proof does not say that the conclusion has to be correct, but rather that if you accept the axioms, then the conclusion is correct.

>Many philosophers have questioned the axioms. The first layer of attack is simply that there are no arguments presented that give reasons why the axioms are true. A second layer is that these particular axioms lead to unwelcome conclusions. This line of thought was argued by Sobel,[10] showing that if the axioms are accepted, they lead to a modal collapse where every statement that is true is necessarily true.

>> No.7434758

Do you think the extended length of immaturity could have a link to the general lengthening of the human lifespan, or do you think it a coincidence.

>> No.7434769

who said they were written down. The priests would recite them for donations, same as always.