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7423911 No.7423911 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here ever locked themselves in their room with a ton of drugs for a week - to speed write a full novel?

>> No.7423932

>meth crystals not blue

How much would all of that cost, anyway?

>> No.7423934

All the good novelists do that except Stephen King, maybe not in one binge

>> No.7423943

>except Stephen King
pls be bait

A lot.

>> No.7423944

All of that looks like synthesized stuff, so not as much as one might imagine.
Maybe $2000 wholesale, but if that little brown vial is lycergic the price will be intimidating.

Took 25-i once, my buddies handed me a pen and paper and told me to write. All I could do is sit and smile. Kush makes me to lazy to write, but reading baked is a rare treat. Both these are different than alcohol, with which the words just flow - even if it gives my writing, to be polite, a distinctive "prehistoric" slant.

>> No.7423946

doctor jekyll and mr.Hyde was written in a cocaine binge

>> No.7423954

I've found I write best, or at least most creatively while on DXM.

>> No.7423959
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>> No.7423980 [DELETED] 

The dissociative effects of it change your speech patterns a lot - I'm guessing all dissociatives are like this but DXM is the only one I've tried. However the physical aspects of it usually make it impossible to actually type. Something I wrote on DXM, about poppy seed tea:

"Another legal high that only a teenager as desperate to not be sober as me would do. Consumed all the time in food, large enough quantities provide euphoria and social stigma. A junky he says. Poppy seeds, found commonly in many food products it would turn out to be the seeds of the poppy - of opium. A wonderful plant. Of course these aren’t massively drug-like, couldn’t sell and consume and enjoy then. However a large amount of these seeds, I used 400 grams, is consumed - it makes an unknown yet hopefully high (but not too high) amount of morphine and codeine."

I just like the nonsensical, disjointed affect it has.

>> No.7423996

this is awful. you really should feel bad about yourself.

You're doing the drugs because you want to be high you massive /kek/.

>> No.7423997


25-i is awesome. laughed for a whole day and invented a new band in the process.

>> No.7424000
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>I used 400 grams, is consumed - it makes an unknown yet hopefully high (but not too high) amount of morphine and codeine
Mediocre prose, friend.

>> No.7424001

I never said it was good

>> No.7424011

did this on weed:

God is the primal spark. the first atom.

I saw a surface like arizona valley, but blue . and a small spark unfolding near the surface. and it is night . that is the representation of God. that spark vibrating on the floor. thinking about it, that is the spark , it would be the first spark . Digging deeper, it would be the first atom. Said spark is the origin of everything else. the initial cause.
sounded cooler in my mind.

>> No.7424015

Written on DPH:

SSHhvvhv awewa sjsdg kn no no s fuck spid eeeeeer

>> No.7424020 [DELETED] 

If you wrote that on DXM, I am IMPRESSED. When I would try to type on DXM, it was nothing intelligible. Gibberish with a few words in between followed by long strings of a single letter. I'm guessing either your tolerance is high or your dosage low?

>> No.7424024

It was written on the come down. Was still out of it but the physical aspects were wearing off.

>> No.7424033
File: 965 KB, 1750x1775, 1424674723883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dissociative effects of it change your speech patterns a lot - I'm guessing all dissociatives are like this but DXM is the only one I've tried. However the physical aspects of it usually make it impossible to actually type. Something I wrote on DXM, about poppy seed tea:

"Another legal high that only a teenager as desperate to not be sober as me would do. Consumed all the time in food, large enough quantities provide euphoria and social stigma. A junky he says. Poppy seeds, found commonly in many food products it would turn out to be the seeds of the poppy - of opium. A wonderful plant. Of course these aren’t massively drug-like, couldn’t sell and consume and enjoy then. However a large amount of these seeds, I used 400 grams, is consumed - it makes an unknown yet hopefully high (but not too high) amount of morphine and codeine."

I just like the nonsensical, disjointed affect it has.

(he deleted it, can't stop the press)

>> No.7424043 [DELETED] 

Holy shit daddy long-legs everywhere and amoebas,
Having a long conversation with a lamp
The Hat Man
jxppppp vvuhug soup Tums ü

>> No.7424047

>fuck spid eeeeeer

>> No.7424058 [DELETED] 

Ah, I understand. Man, I used to take DXM on weeknights and float off to school the next morning. High school was a lot more bearable spent in a DXM afterglow. People did notice that I had pupils the size of dinner plates, though...

>> No.7424074 [DELETED] 

You drink poppy tea and take DXM? Are you me from 5 years ago? It would be in your best interests to keep it at DXM and PST. They're harmless if you don't overdo it. But of course I had to overdo it, and now five years have passed since my last DXM and I still see static when I look into the sky and my pupils remain permanently enlarged to full size..

>> No.7424086

I'm actually quitting for a while after my friend convinced me to try DPH a couple days ago - after that I'm scared to do anything now.

>> No.7426284

Adderall and philosophy. Be careful that you don't go mystical.

>> No.7426283

hunter s Thompson faggot

>> No.7426328


>Implying people here write anything but shitposts

Kerouac wrote On the Road during a three week or so speed binge. And it shows.


Except it sometimes kills the user for no discernible reason, at low to medium recreational doses.


What the fuck man. DPH is not recreational at all.


>> No.7426381

Drugs are sooo sick

You guys are the man

>> No.7426388

I hope that's not your personal stash for the week. I'm by no means anti-drug, but most of those chemicals have no business being in the body or brain. Nature made the tryptamines for us. Coffee works fine if you need to speed yourself up. If you don't agree, make it stronger.

>> No.7426425

I knew the DPH wouldn't be fun, it was just for the experience to know what a deliriant is like. Unfortunately we did it in the middle of busy mall, which was awful - I'm lucky I didn't get arrested.

>> No.7426427


I have never written a full novel on drugs, but I've done about ~12,000 words on amphetamines.
The writing is mostly shit, but if you're like me, the hardest part about the process is just getting the words on the page for the first draft. Amphetamines can help with that.

With marijuana and alcohol, I've had little success. I see the appeal, but I can't stay focused on the writing.

On LSD and mushrooms I felt like a genius, but the writing was absolute garbage. Nothing worth saving. Would not recommend.

>> No.7426435


How much?

When I used to use DXM I would take around 300 mg as a fatfuck, and sitting at a computer and understanding words on a screen was nearly impossible. Writing on DXM has never even crossed my mind.

>> No.7426448

300mg is my standard dose.

>> No.7426451
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>> No.7426461

i wrote this on weed a while back..

his crumbling greedy notepad scrabbled deeply with the scratchings of middlebreathing slandermouthed constables of inclusion, it appeared that the rat was afoot, the great scheming screaming bahamut of reason annotated with the diecast protocol of solitude.
his black box was ready for extraction, pulling the scalding gold out of the rectified rectums of rambunctious rapscallions, unreasonably shuffling their cards while their mirrors placate the masses. their upskirting mannerisms only breeding deep chains of slathering lust callously pulsating under the rapid absconsion of the tiny balls of feces that clung to his beard in retroformal irreverence, postulators agreed that many tribulations were ahead of all involved in the matter. Towards the end of the event there was much mention of the tractability of the wenches being questionable so the movement of the food was essential to establish a reign on the clubfet spaldrings, cramming themselves into lines waiting for the meat chopstress and her scowling grimace, the taint of cannibalism, her.

>> No.7426471

Contrary to popular belief drug abuse does not produce good writing. This is why Gravity's Rainbow and Naked Lunch suck

>> No.7426473

Psychedelics are deconditioning agents. They don't give you ideas, they fertilize cognitive soil. Live on psychs, write on amphetamines, smoke weed to soften the comedown and reflect, edit sober

>> No.7426480

sounds like some rap lyrics with way too many syllables tbqpfhwyf

>> No.7426485

there's more.

Luring in the stamina of the campaign, the willows only sifted through a small percentage of the stench of the open sewer main upwind of the conference hall. Many of the staunch citizens approached their seats with a grimace of disgust and a gush of vomit splashing against the back of their throats, wondering what they'll have to agree to that day just to keep their fingers inside. Little did they realize that their hair cuts were in vain, and it was simply an execution of an aboriginal at the expense of the high royal society of Lieught Scleoupo. There was much revulsion at the sight of the blood of the native, which always served to titillate the impressionable revolutionaries, who had so much to prove with so little power to do it, they typically backed down from dissenting parties on a rate of 30% after that, which is tweaked magnificently later on in life when stocks are established to their social secutiry numbers.

>> No.7426548

When i wrote my honours thesis I would write sober during working hours, maybe for about 3-4 hours, and smoke weed in the evening to regenerate the creativity I had just spent.
I never attempted to write stoned, though, since it was far too nonsensical and esoteric. Sure, it made sense to me at the time, but re-reading it in the morning was often met with palming my forehead.
When I'm drunk, I tend to grab my voice recorder and speak unfiltered. It's very painful to listen to when i'm sober, but every now and again, during a half hour rant, there is something which is quite illuminating.

>> No.7426752

You sound based as fuck m8

>> No.7429062
File: 25 KB, 220x374, 220px-Fear_and_Loathing_in_Las_Vegas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this worth reading while high, or would it be better sober?

>> No.7429071

no he doesnt.

>> No.7429081

2many adjectives

>> No.7429094

Sober imo.
I like Burroughs when I'm high.
And while we're on the topic Updike kills a buzz like he was standing in the room next to you.

>> No.7429107

something I wrote on DXM.. I was imagining what it would be like to be King Stupid (you know, from Stupid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cSkGgfCeK4 )

I consider myself a sculptor; not of clay but of destinies. I orchestrate people's lives so that on one momentous day of their lives, something stupid happens to them. Have you ever been shit on by a bird? That was my doing. I am the god of random stupid events.

>> No.7429224

weak will motherfucker.

>> No.7429247

I write and think better when I'm deprived of sleep, but I tend to stay away from stims. Better to just drink a little wine and coffee to get creative imo.

>> No.7429615

Check out the /del/ board on 420chan.
I check it every few months or so to check out some of the stories and trip reports for fun.

I've only ever taken DPH once, and I got to the point where ethereal spider legs would just appear around any object I focused on. The visuals were interesting; not really fractal, but if you looked at a surface it would be made up of tiny pinpoints.
Light would flash across my vision every so often like lightning and I was staring at my computer screen listening to a conversation that manifested in my head; the voices sounded so real, as if they were in the room. I was 100% sure that I was talking but I noticed that I wasn't moving my mouth. I opened up audacity and hit record to check, and realized that after a long long conversation the mic hadn't spiked once.
It also had quite a strange effect on sensation, like gravity was heavier and movement felt difficult. I ended up redosing, it really didn't do much.

This was four years ago. I sometimes consider doing it again, but it completely drains the body and mind - the day after I remember walking through my house feeling like a really braindead ghost.
It can cause HPPD, bad eyesight, problems with speech, memory problems, 'brain zaps'...it hasn't been studied enough, but a lot of people suggest links between DPH and dementia. It really is an interesting experience, but the cons really outweigh the pros.