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/lit/ - Literature

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7423608 No.7423608 [Reply] [Original]

How come Dickens rarely gets praised in /lit/?

Is it because he's not edgy and underground enough for the cool kids?

>> No.7423609

he's not american enough

>> No.7423610

I think he's a pretty overated writer. Talented, but one with shitty padded plots, dated social commentary and that kind of overly long Victorian style that just goes on, and on, and on.

He's by no means a bad writer, I just think his style has aged badly.

>> No.7423623

Well I on the otherhand think that he is great. When it comes to other great realist writers he can stand up to any, even Tolstoy.

His writing is so lively and I feel like I could not be bored if I tried when reading any of his stuff. His ideas too are moral, and I always end up agreeing with what he has to say.

>> No.7423626

tolstoy's favourite novel was david copperfield

>> No.7423632

Dickens is not edgy enough for lit.
He is a humanist and an SJW.
We like analysis without empathy.
Thanks for asking.

>> No.7423635

>How come Dickens rarely gets praised in /lit/?

cause this is 4chan lit
shit taste
heavy moderation, cis white males are downvoted
just go to the chan that cannot be named instead

>> No.7423638

>an SJW

>> No.7423640

Is A Christmas Carol a good introduction to his work?
I have a copy, but I have never gotten around to reading it.

>> No.7423641

Why don't you go instead?

>> No.7423646

I know you guys think you are above that word, but often the same gamergate bullsit is bandied about with sugar coating of psuedo intellectual elitism,so yeah:
prove you're not a robot, anon, and select the image where you aren't a meme by your very meme-bashing.

>> No.7423651

>How come Dickens rarely gets praised in /lit/?

Moderately Nationalistic

pick your poison, he's the antithesis of SJW, reddit, and thus 4chan's /lit/

>> No.7423652

Here's what you do: coat the book in peanut butter and lighter fluid.
Fill a rice cooker with toothpaste
Put the Skippy/Butane encrusted book in the rice cooker.
Turn it on and throw it out the window.
Watch porn and Dragonball-Z
Tell everyone you read A Christmas Carol.

>> No.7423654

My thoughts as well, he had a lasting impact on the literary world but goddamn, reading his shit today is a chore for his good works and straight-up torture for his picaresque works

>> No.7423655


>> No.7423660

an ess jay doubleyou

>> No.7423663
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>> No.7423674


>> No.7423679


back to counterstrike:go

>> No.7423680


>> No.7423685

modern /lit/, everyone

>> No.7423693

I don't know, that sounds expensive desu.

>> No.7423697

He was capitalist though.

He loved progress.

>> No.7423702

He's really not though.

If you can't handle books over 400 pages then I'm sorry. it limits you a lot.

>> No.7423721

>4chan /lit/, everyone

there's a better chan you know it starts with eight and ends with chan

>> No.7423729

Please stop this spam.

eight-chan sucks.

>> No.7423740

>Notorious racist

I don't think that term can really be applied to people from his time.

>> No.7423750

Don't forget that he was an anti-semite too.

Literally laughed out loud at the few snippets of him making fun of the chosen people.

>> No.7423753

I think he eventually felt bad about it that.

>> No.7423757

I think people should note that each book was probably written so that the chapters were released weekly. These are books with about 500 pages and no more than 20 pages to each chapter.

Maybe you should read them like that rather than 200 pages at a time like a hardcore litizen. That's how I plan to read them (well, slightly more frequently)

>> No.7423774

Not all of his books were serialised, friendo.

>> No.7424674


If it's better, why are you here?

Because no one obviously uses it and you want more users from 4chan's good boards.