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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 44 KB, 323x500, white_noise.large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
742113 No.742113 [Reply] [Original]

What books were you told were amazing and then turned out to be shit?

Pic related, the cover is probably my favorite thing about it...

>> No.742126

80's culture of fear nonsense

>> No.742136
File: 27 KB, 300x455, ppz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.742148

I knew that would suck without even reading it

>> No.742150
File: 20 KB, 300x360, fascinating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White Noise

>> No.742152

so should I take this off my to-read list?

>> No.742157

OP here

I wouldn't if I were you. A lot of people DO like it, I just didn't.

>> No.742158

white noise is great... maybe you should stick to harry potter OP.

>> No.742159

ahhhh white noise was awesome.

this chick i knew got me to read the fountainhead by rand. it was shit.

>> No.742163

Catcher in the Rye.


>> No.742166

I've never read Harry Potter

>> No.742168

well maybe you should start

>> No.742170

Doesn't seem interesting to me

>> No.742171
File: 9 KB, 200x300, A_Rebours_1984_Centenary_Edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

À rebours by Joris-Karl Huysmans.
It was described to me as a awesome praising of Individualism, what I got were mostly desribtions of books, smells, flowers and authors. The real individualism of Des Esseintes(the maincharacter)was only a very small part, these parts were the only interesting ones, the rest bored me hard.

>> No.743132

Heart of Darkness, meh

>> No.743140

White Noise speaks at great length without saying anything particularly interesting.

>> No.743164

I was disappointed with the Old Testament. I could never get a grasp for where the author was going with that God character. Sometimes he's an asshole, sometimes he isn't. His fluctuations are never rightly explained and it seems as if the whole work is just one mashed up collection of works by different authors who bring their own interpretation to things. It's the most retconned piece of garbage I've ever had the displeasure to read.

>> No.743169

how controversial and edgy you are!

>> No.743171

You have shitty interests, then.

>> No.743173


>> No.743194


Interest has nothing to do with it.

>> No.743209
File: 44 KB, 450x338, babycakes..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


don't buy this author's books.

>> No.743206

>implying either of those were the goal

>> No.743217

a thousand times this

>> No.743218
File: 84 KB, 470x700, 27391daef29d44b480e3913a9945b92a232c1a52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I expected: Epic stories about alien worlds with two moons.

What I got:


>> No.743233


"everything we ever thought was cool will suddenly make us ashamed..."

>> No.743261
File: 44 KB, 400x678, siddhartha-book-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sucked, overall IMO. There were maybe two things in the entire story worth quoting or attributing to ones own life. I'm just glad it wasn't a long book...

>> No.743267

Every Faulkner book. If he were to write in the style of Hemingway his books would be 70 pages instead of 300. Very little actually happens, he just spends paragraphs and paragraphs describing shit and using those annoying joint words verymuchso.

>> No.743298

Workplace Ethics for Dummies sucked pretty badly.

>> No.743302

Moby Dick.

I expected an endless battle of a lonely man against a sea monster.

And all I got was some faggots with biblical names.

>> No.743312

>attributing to ones own life.
Given the poor use of language in this post, I'm confident you've read so few good books that your opinion on literature is worthless.

>> No.743324


Herp derp! Grammar police are busy patrolling anonymous message board!

Fucking retard...

>> No.743342

Yes! Moby Dick was terrible!

I couldn't stand how he would go on and on about different types of whales or something.

>> No.743340

>Fucking retard.


>> No.743397

Felt the same way about 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. But once I got used to it and stopped complaining, it didn't bother me. I actually kind of liked out it was also a reference book for anything you'd need to know about the ocean, as well as being a great story.

>> No.743405


>> No.743407

fuck you, sophie's world. fuck you.

>> No.743409


>> No.743416

Lord of the Flies

>> No.743425

I thought Murakami's 'Dance Dance Dance' was insufferably boring. I'd put it down and pick it up again every once in a while, I think I got like 2/3 through it and couldn't work up the interest to finish it.

>> No.743438

i had to read that book in 7th grade lol

>> No.743445

same here, though stupidly i hadn't read a wild sheep chase beforehand :(

>> No.743467

You went in with the wrong expectations. Really it's a complete wank intended for people somewhat similar to the main character.

I love it. I mean goddamn, I love it.

>> No.743489

Fahrenheit 451.
It's just Bradbury complaining about the youth for a few hundred pages.

Incidentally, yes I did enjoy Logan's Run.