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7420492 No.7420492 [Reply] [Original]

>Highly Intelligent
>Loved by the mass public
Why did he kill himself /lit/?

>> No.7420495

Severe depression.
>inb4 career move/publicity stunt

>> No.7420496


The insincerety of the (post)modern world drove him to despair.

>> No.7420500

career move/publicity stunt

>> No.7420501

The hint is in the name.
David "career move" Foster Wallace

>> No.7420502

>implying it wasnt

>> No.7420504

>still thinking any of that matters when you're depressed

>> No.7420507
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>>Highly Intelligent
>>Loved by the mass public
>Why did he kill himself /lit/?

>> No.7420511

People treat depression as a religion.
A lot of people just don't believe it.
Dave was a fanatic.

>> No.7420513

Delusions of grandeur and faggotry.

>> No.7420515

The japanese population was blue-pilled beyond redemption.

>> No.7420520

because he chose to.

>> No.7420522

>People treat depression as a religion.

No, it's just that when you have it you understand that it's a physical illness and not merely a frame of mind, as most other people seem to believe. Telling a depressed person to cheer up is like telling a handicapped person to go for a jog.

>> No.7420524

To die the beautiful death with his homolover

>> No.7420535

He was a self-admitted addict of cheap, unalloyed entertainment and could binge on TV when given the chance. His obsession with entertainment conditioned him to loneliness and self-consciousness. Eventually the isolation in his mind was so great that it drove him to suicide.

>> No.7420536


Not its not. Cripples don't get up and start walking again every now and then, they're pretty much stuck that way forever. Stop being a drama queen.

>> No.7420537

And he went off his meds.

>> No.7420542

Because he was a man. Men are weaklings who kill themselves.

>> No.7420552
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felt like it desu

>> No.7420558

This. White men are just inherently deranged and suicidal.

>> No.7420559

Such a lil mouth.

He wasn't. Where did that come from? He seriously exaggerated his tennis skills according to everyone that wasn't him.

>Highly Intelligent

He literally copied everyone.

>Loved by the mass public
He is now.

>> No.7420562


He went off his meds because his psychiatrist thought he didn't need them anymore, but when he got depressed again, he went back to the meds but then the meds didn't work. And then his wife thought it would be okay he leave him alone for a sec while she went to the store and you know what happened.

>> No.7420566

So, you're saying he went off his meds? I see.

>> No.7420568
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>> No.7420570

BEE did it! Don't Believe In Society's Lies!

>> No.7420572

David wanted off the meds too because of side effects and he thought they might be causing his writers block. He was supposedly really happy at the outset of coming off his meds, and was eager to lead a pill free life, but of course it all slowly started spiraling down, and we know what happened

>> No.7420573

Whoops, wrong thread.

>> No.7420576
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>implying St. DFW wasn't assassinated by the illuminati and the whole "suicide" thing wasn't just a cover up

>> No.7420577

It works for this thread too don't worry

>> No.7420601
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>> No.7420603

Deef had a wife?

>> No.7420610

>Wallace struggled with drug and alcohol addiction, depression, suicide attempts, institutionalization, and at times inappropriate sexual behavior. Wallace is reported to have slept with some of his female students while teaching at university and sometimes exhibited stalking-like obsessive behavior when enamored of a woman.[15]

what are the odds that Wallace browsed 4chan before he died?

>> No.7420616

Oh yeah. I'm sure that he definitely prized his renown over his life, or money over it.

The only time that that thought even arises is through depression, and anyways he had a history of mental illness.

Back to >>>/pol

>> No.7420619

Nothing wrong with sleeping with your students.

>> No.7420640

You say it sarcastically, it was something he struggled with his entire adult life.

>> No.7420941

he realized his life was a postmodern joke and that in death he would become a meme on a peruvian social recluse board

>> No.7420966

He saw through the problems of the contemporary world. Didn't like it. zero sum.

>> No.7420974

Franzen's still alive.

>> No.7420981


>> No.7420987

good one

>> No.7420994
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>> No.7421002
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>> No.7421060

drugs and he probably felt his best work was behind him

>> No.7421064
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>Audience pussy

>> No.7421068

Read Cioran and you'll understand


>> No.7421070

The culture he knew and loved was dying--fast. He had the choice of suicide or changing with it, and he made the right choice.

>> No.7421074

You seem to already have your religious opinion about this matter. I hope you get depressed.

>> No.7421089

This. DFW is just a passing meme. This is the real an hero we deserve.

>> No.7421095

He never said that they weren't ugly chicks.

>> No.7421127
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The so-called ‘psychotically depressed’ person who tries to kill herself doesn’t do so out of quote ‘hopelessness’ or any abstract conviction that life’s assets and debits do not square. And surely not because death seems suddenly appealing. The person in whom Its invisible agony reaches a certain unendurable level will kill herself the same way a trapped person will eventually jump from the window of a burning high-rise. Make no mistake about people who leap from burning windows. Their terror of falling from a great height is still just as great as it would be for you or me standing speculatively at the same window just checking out the view; i.e. the fear of falling remains a constant. The variable here is the other terror, the fire’s flames: when the flames get close enough, falling to death becomes the slightly less terrible of two terrors. It’s not desiring the fall; it’s terror of the flames. And yet nobody down on the sidewalk, looking up and yelling ‘Don’t!’ and ‘Hang on!’, can understand the jump. Not really. You’d have to have personally been trapped and felt flames to really understand a terror way beyond falling.

>> No.7421131

i think he wanted to best Pynchon but he knew he'll always be regarded lesser than him. He tried though.

Maybe if he hadn't tried so hard to revolutionize the pomo or some other movement. Ah fuck it...he was a manic depressive and mostly they end up killing themselves.

>> No.7421152

>whats up with that Down's kid? hes always on the stoop postmodernizing and shit

>> No.7421160


>> No.7421172
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not sure why that didnt post.

>> No.7421286
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>> No.7421333

nice touch with the footnotes

>> No.7421354

the worst bait

>> No.7421459

so that we could learn a lesson about life

>> No.7421464

He thought he'd become a Star Wars ghost and guide a young writer to crush the ironic empire.

>> No.7421508

As with all things, it comes down to the mind and these fears of depression are merely phantasms..

>> No.7421515

>>Highly Intelligent

He killed himself so these attributes will be cemented to him. In America we live in contempt with everyone around us, unless you're dead

>> No.7421557

>He seriously exaggerated his tennis skills
In just about every interview he downplays his tennis skills, consider the rest of your post discarded

>> No.7421573

For one brief moment he truly believed in God and regretted all his sins. Not wanting to take any chances he decided to die when he would still get in to heaven.

>> No.7421582

>He wasn't.
Look at those arms. IRL Popeye t.b.h.

>> No.7421583

*tips crown of thorns*

>> No.7421665

none of those things were important to him

>> No.7421676

>Oh yeah. I'm sure that he definitely prized his renown over his life, or money over it.
Maybe he thought he had peaked. I can't imagine anything more depressing than writing a great novel and realizing that you'll never do anything that good again, and that the remainder or your life will be a downward slope.

>> No.7421690

You're pretending to be retarded? Or are you new?

>> No.7421882
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>Highly Intelligent
>Loved by the mass public
Why did he kill himself /lit/?

>> No.7421884

look, it's the pale king.

>> No.7421922

None of that mattered so long as Pynchon-senpai didn't recognize him.

>> No.7421926

Actually I think it was Pinecone that told him to kill himself and DFW didn't hesitate one second to carry out his masters order.

>> No.7421944

It was Vineland that threw DFW into total despair, waiting for Pynchon to redeem himself but though DFW loved M&D, Against the Day revitalized his doubts in his sempai and idol Pynchon.

After two years, he had no choice but to commit suicide, disappointed in Pynchon's newest work and forlorn that Papa Pinecone never noticed him.

>> No.7421951

Pynchon sent several snail mails, but DFW's wife threw them out because he wanted him to kill himself so she'd get the inheritance.

>> No.7421955

It's alsmost like there is more to person than the obvious facts.

>> No.7421957

That's even sadder. Especially since DFW wasn't even married. ;_;

>> No.7421964

>Papa Pinecone never noticed him.

Why would he? There were far better writers to notice, both then and now.

Nonsense. Pynchon wouldn't bother with DFW; it'd be like asking Picasso to notice whoever did those velvet elvises or dogs playing poker.

>> No.7421995

Why are you so stupid? Have you looked into it?

>> No.7421998

are chemical imbalances also phantasms?

>> No.7422006

He had a green card bitch that he kept in the cellar. Frankly he deserved the fate he got.

>> No.7422043
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for some of us pepe's grasp just too strong

>> No.7422079

This. Doesn't matter what you have going for you if you're so emotionally isolated from the world that you basically feel like a non-Entity and the only way out of this perpetual torture was, at least for DFW, suicide.

>> No.7422091

It's a bit early to start labeling depression as a chemical imbalance. The chemical imbalance could be due to certain thought patterns, upraising, genetics, or what have you.

>> No.7422258

he said he was good on the regional level, which he was

>> No.7422263

where does he fall on the autistic spectrum?


>> No.7422266

with me hopefully :)

>> No.7422308

are you a girl? post feet

>> No.7422314

no I'm just an autist who likes autistic writers

>> No.7422340

rather die a martyr then get assraped by ugly Ivan and his comrades