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7419353 No.7419353 [Reply] [Original]

Books to help you of of mind-numbing depression and soul-crushing apathy.
Will pic related help?

>> No.7419367
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>> No.7419368

Probably not, at most a temporary elevation, hit drugs if you want results.

>> No.7419372

which ones my man?
I want something I can do frequently and still be semi-functional

>> No.7419390


>> No.7419395

Fuck off then

>> No.7419397

Ehh catch 22 and illuminatus! Trilogy didn't exactly help me out of my depression but it did made me feel better of myself in a way

>> No.7419400


lmao, what better to help with depression than a book about a mentally ill man with severe dissociative disorder.

reading books and browsing /lit/ wont help with depression, junior. Start going to the gym and find something to fuck. Also drugs

>> No.7419430
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Why people keep confusing sadness with depression?

If you are depressed no book is going to take you out of the pit. Therapy, and possibly antidepressants, are the only thing that will help you.

>> No.7419444

No, it really won't. It's a fantastic novel, but basically the revelation is "we are free, that's fucking scary so do what you want regardless of the fact that nothing matters."

You want somebody more like Camus, the more optimistic existentialist. I enjoyed the Plague. Life inevitably ends in death but that doesn't mean we should rush to our deaths or delude ourselves. Instead one should enrich one's life by helping one another or whatever tickles your fancy and adds meaning to your life. Sartre would say that the meaning isn't genuine, but that's your decision. Also read the Myth of Sisyphus if you think you want to die. I truly hope you overcome your depression anon.

>> No.7419449

>mind-numbing depression and soul-crushing apathy

No book is going to stop you from being a privileged, whining, little bitch. "The lady at Starbucks gave me hazelnut when I distinctly said pumpkin spice. Life isn't worth living, it's just too awful for words."

Go get kidnapped or something; have something interesting happen in your life. Maybe then you'll see what real problems are and stop this beta bitch crying.

>> No.7419452

Try mushrooms

>> No.7419469

Just tell your doctor you have depression. They give out ssri's like candy.

>> No.7419472

fallacy of relative privation. next you're going to tell me to stop feeling depressed because children in Africa are starving.

>> No.7419480

Life changes, honesty, and self improvement cure depression, not books. Books can lead to these can but not contain them.

>> No.7419482

Are you trying to impress someone?

>> No.7419509

my lows make it very difficult for me to focus on even a single word. if i were you i would seek out someone to return your voice to you -- namely a therapist. otherwise, good luck.

>> No.7419836


>he has something I'm envious of so he must not have any kind of real problems in his life at all

What is life like with sub 90 iq and no empathy? It must be blissful.

>> No.7419848
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No. Read stupid newspaper - be happy you're not cancer.
Read two dollar grafitti cartoon and think of a unset, i know it's hard to live a place where the sun never sets, but you chose it yourself motherfucka.

>> No.7419858
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Spend some time outdoors, ideally in a hammock

>> No.7419864

Nausea is edgy-core trash. Same with Le Stranger and Nietzsche.

>> No.7419886


What's your favourite gospel?

>> No.7419896


>> No.7419901

>doing anything besides killing libido

>> No.7419918

To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
To the last syllable of recorded time;
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death.

>> No.7419932
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>> No.7419948

You're out of your mind.

>> No.7420278

I didn't want to believe it, but a lot of depression is plain and simply biochemical my man.

Try some holy basil or bacopa tea.

>> No.7420284

he's not wrong

>> No.7420286

you need to stop fapping so much and conserve your energy or as the chinese call it "qi" or "chi"

>> No.7420408
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I completely stopped my depression for about 5 months from taking a big trip on shrooms. I honestly think psilocybin is wonderful. Don't recommend SSRI's they're complete shit and make you feel like a fucking zombie. I mean I'm still depressed but haven't been suicidal since. FeelsGoodMan

>> No.7420448



>> No.7420483

Nausea catalysed the most horrifying dissociative episode I've ever had

Spent like three months completely anhedonic and wanting to smash my face into the wall just to be unconscious and stop feeling anxiety

I don't think it was the book itself but it sort of pushed me over the cliff I had been tending toward

The worst part of it was clawing through all this absurdist and existentialist material trying to find anyone who didn't just become resigned to it, and finding only weirdo Stalinists, born again ironic Christians, edgy Stirner crap, and boring fuckface Camus

>> No.7420488

>boring fuckface Camus

>> No.7420519

SSRI's are a really bad idea. They're best not to fuck with, trust me.

>> No.7420534

Camus is OK but he's not a deep thinker. He never goes beyond the surface despite being a great writer. It's weird.

Sartre at least went past the surface, he just also went insane and was a cunt.

>> No.7420539

Walden did this for me.

>> No.7420549

True, that's why you should try to get on an SNRI instead. It's the only thing that's worked for me.

>> No.7420637
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"I Mammal" may not cure depression but it will help you understand why people do certain things and why you feel certain ways. It's written in a language that anyone can understand and the author is pretty funny at times so it isn't a dry read at all.

>> No.7420647

>understanding depression

>> No.7420660
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>> No.7420680

Perhaps Camus realized the surface was all there tangibly was? And to go deeper, to go into the real abstract - might have just been intellectual delusion, or a further part of the Absurd paradox?

>> No.7420699

But that is a book wrote by a depressed guy after his best friend killed himself.

>> No.7420710

The only way to beat depression is to become it

>> No.7420854

Feeling good by dr. Burns

>> No.7420859

Well shit, that's my nigga

>> No.7420893


This is a legitimate answer. Pot got me to go back to college.

>> No.7420906
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only book I've ever read that made me feel legitimately post-coital after I finished it.

>> No.7420915
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