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/lit/ - Literature

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7418528 No.7418528 [Reply] [Original]

Should I read it, /lit/? Is it good?

>> No.7418543

Who's Toni Morrison?

>> No.7418550

Who's Ta-Nehisi Coates?

>> No.7418552

Sounds boring from what I've heard

>> No.7418560

If you agree with him, you'll probably find it enlightening. It doesn't have much of a use otherwise.

>> No.7418570

Is he at least a particularly talented writer, or do people only like it because of muh oppression

>> No.7418585


Same question as this guy. Like, is he gifted at crafting prose or anything?

>> No.7418656

Isn't he writing Black Panther or something now?
I'm pretty sure I read that he was doing Black Panther.

>> No.7418670


Its really bad to answer your question OP

I've seen more bad reviews of it then I can count, he blames white people and racism for all of the problems in his life despite that most of the being caused by other black people and the only bad thing a white person did in the whole book is shove his son out of the way when he was standing in front of the exit of an escalator or something.

He called Melissa Harris-Perry "Americas foremost public intellectual" or something along those lines and when some white journalist or author or something wrote a piece disagreeing with that judgement Coates basically said it was racism that caused the writer to disagree with Coates.

>> No.7418698

Pretty sure America's foremost public intellectual is still Noam Chomsky.

>> No.7418700

Alaska is their best album just start there

>> No.7418704

I have just read it. You should read A Fire Next TIme before reading this. It is a direct response to that text.

>> No.7418709

Coming fron a non-burger, I had to google "Melissa Harris-Perry", 2bh.

>> No.7418716

Woudln't expect a foreigner to know about broadcast news show hosts.

>> No.7418742

most of his resentment comes from his ugliness

>> No.7418749

progressive kek

>> No.7418750
File: 62 KB, 750x736, 1447908391690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White person writes about being white in a majority white country
>Wow 10/10 best book I've ever read incredible prose I just couldn't stop reading this tour de force it drove me to tears I'm discerning so much talent
>Black person writes about being black in a majority white country
>Wow what a load of shit this book sucks his problems can't be real because I don't think they are 0/10 I can't masturbate to this fucking uppity niggers

>> No.7418762

Only on /lit/ could this actually be a thread

So glad that /his/ exists. Fuck you cunts and everything on this pisshole board

>> No.7418774

Except most people don't write about "being white", or "being black" for that matter.

Coates hits the same chord over and over again. It's extremely dull, and obviously ridiculous. He and his followers lack empathy and perspective - there is no nuance in their "white supremacy" worldview. It reads like satire almost, but sadly he's serious.

>> No.7418778

I already forgot /his/ even exists lol

>> No.7418780

Nah, this could be a thread on almost every single 4chan board. /lit/ is actually one of the more open-minded & liberal boards but it's still full of racists

>> No.7418785

>le people can't be doing it of they aren't a aware of it meme
Haha nice

>> No.7418787

>the only bad thing a white person did in the whole book is shove his son out of the way when he was standing in front of the exit of an escalator or something

literally not true. am i the only person here who read the fucking book?

>> No.7418788

>don't like a book

You're an idiot.

>> No.7418792

What did whitie do to the poor oppressed African American, then, Anon?

>> No.7418794

Interesting authors write about individual people with nuance. I am it interested in some bogus sociological screed based on a few anecdotes. If Coates wants to write about black people being treated badly he should do a few real studies, not just make up a bunch of shit about giant groups of people based on nothing.

>> No.7418796

I don't think enlightening is the term. Masturbatory would be more accurate. It is written at people who already agree with him, and will change no minds or provide no new information. There have been many, and better writers who have created similar works.

>> No.7418798

>Who's Toni Morrison?
>Who's Ta-Nehisi Coates?
>most of his resentment comes from his ugliness

you're right i'm totally missing the point. these people weren't being racist, they were just critiquing a writer who happens to be black!

>> No.7418803

Actually they were shit posting.

>> No.7418805

>rich best seller who attended elite private school and lived comfortably in NYC
>brutally oppressed by white people

Something's not adding up.

>> No.7418808
File: 51 KB, 349x642, TTGo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7418809

racist shitposting is still racist, anon. this board has never been known to like african-american lit (just look at the top 100, its a bunch of masturbatory white males), but hey, youre right, just shitposting. carry on

>> No.7418811

Every single thread about anything on any board has similar posts. Are you seiously claiming this is a special case?

Again, you're an idiot. A brainwashed dolt.

>> No.7418812

his ugliness has nothing to do with his race dipshit

>> No.7418817

>The book ends with a story about Mabel Jones, the daughter of a sharecropper who worked and rose in social class to give her children comfortable lives with private schools and European trips. Her son, Coates' college friend Prince Carmen Jones Jr., was mistakenly tracked and killed by a policeman. Coates uses her story to argue that race-related tragedy affects black people of means as well.
one anecdote=rich black people are oppressed victims

>> No.7418820

I never claimed it's a special case. If you followed the chain of replies you'd see that my first post was in saying that this thread, while sad, is in no way unusual. All boards on 4chan are full of racists/sexists. cool it with the namecalling

>> No.7418821

Let me translate for you:
Poster one is implying that Toni Morrison did much of the same work, but before Coates, and better.
Shitposter two: Asking who Coates is, in reference to his lack of actual credentials in the field in which he is writing.
Poster three: Could just be he thinks a guy is ugly. People call Pynchon ugly a lot, and he's white. Suck it up.

>> No.7418823

I think you might find a certain website called tumblr dot com to be more relevant to your interests than 4chan, Anonymous.

>> No.7418829

So anything not liking the work of a POC is racist? Is that what you're saying? Because that's what it sounds like.

>> No.7418830

I'm saying there are the same replies for any white males too. Have you even read any other threads here? Everything gets shit on, especially books that are frequently posted like this one. Stop being dense.

>> No.7418836

Toni MOrrison was mentioned because she has a blurb on the cover. It was obviously a joke, but a crazy Anon decided to chimp out and scream RACISM!!!! for no reason

>> No.7418837

no, but people on this board tend to go about it in a racist manner (some of the posts i quoted earlier, for example). it's one thing to critique a work, another to critique a person directly because of their race.

>> No.7418843

None of the posts you quoted mentioned race or anything race-specific though. So what are you even talking about?

>> No.7418844

Everyone who uses the expression "white males" should be banned IMO (and before you try to cleverly say I should be banend for using it, I actually wasn't using it, but rather referring to it)

>> No.7418849

If our list of 100 favorite books isn't at least half black females, then that means we're racist and sexist

>> No.7418854

Can somebody here who has actually read the book talk about it instead of all these fucks whining about how people don't care about black authors or how white people aren't treated right in books by black people.

Shut the fuck up with your incessant complaining. Every time this book is brought up I always want to know if it's worth my time, but every single thread on this book or author is filled with a pointless, emotional "debate" and meme responses.

>> No.7418869

I just want to know if it's worth reading for the writing, or if I should only read it if I want to hear about how blacks are oppressed for the millionth time

>> No.7418873

Read some of his Atlantic articles and see if you like his writing. Are you really going to read or not read it based on what a few people on 4chan say?

People are talking about the content of the book, so what are you bitching about?

>> No.7418878

Fair point. I probably won't read the book no matter what anyone says.

>> No.7418890

I read it too. Short as fuck. Read it in one day during my free time at work. If you want an interesting book about the plight of black people in America just head right to Richard Wright. Wright is significantly more talented than Coates, and Wright is who Coates was trying to emulate anyways.

>> No.7418895

nope. just read Steve Sailor's blogpost. tanesh got BTFO hard.

>> No.7418906

Should I just read his most famous book, Native Son?

>> No.7418945


Absolutely yes. At the very least read the speech given by the white lawyer near the end of the book. I wasn't all that impressed by Wright until that point, but it's very powerful prose and the argument he lays out is sound.

>> No.7419954


burger here, I had never heard of her either

>> No.7420770

Just for your information, you're the only one in this thread who's posted the n-word so far.

>> No.7420868

I think is greatly unfair from the part of black folks to put the fault of all their problems on White people. If they researched the history of their populations in Africa before the coming of the white conquerors, and if they researched the crime and violence, sexual precocity, school dropout and other indexes in the U.S they would have to face dark realizations about themselves.

There is no doubt that oppression and slavery were factor that worked greatly against blacks: a person’s education begins 100 or even more years before that said person was borne; we are in a way the victims of the education of our parents and grandparents, and the place we live (the surroundings) is sure a very influential factor.

But there is no denying that black people have lower intelligence in average (actually much lower), and we all know that lower intelligence is relatable to a series of other maladies. They want equality, but they will never have equality, even in a world of perfect social and political constructions.

Of course, one must also know that “black people” is quite generic a term. There many different ethnic groups in Africa that are “black”, but they have great differences among them. Some are naturally much more intelligent than others.

>> No.7420903
File: 1.84 MB, 349x349, 1436869319079.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn I hate niggers. The only thing I hate more than niggers is white guilt liberals. Fucking kill yourself.

>> No.7420918

This monkey subhuman fucking nigger walked by me today. He said something in his unintelligible nigger babble. I lost it and called him what he was, a worthless nigger. told that fucker. I hate niggers so goddamn much.

>> No.7420920

>and if they researched the crime and violence, sexual precocity, school dropout and other indexes in the U.S they would have to face dark realizations about themselves.
It's almost like they live in the same shitty neighborhoods that they were forced to live in back in the day. Those same shitty neighborhoods with the same shitty school systems that no one wants to fix.
>But there is no denying that black people have lower intelligence in average
Once again, it's all thanks to those shitty ghetto schools that they have to go to if they want an "education" because there aren't any better schools in their neighborhoods.
Maybe do some critical thinking before spouting "muh statistics"
>Some are naturally much more intelligent than others
Yeah now you're just spouting bullshit. Black people are not "naturally" less intelligent than white people.
Go back to /pol/

>> No.7420939

>Yeah now you're just spouting bullshit. Black people are not "naturally" less intelligent than white people.

Yes, they are.

I am not from /pol/, I just don’t close my eyes to accumulated knowledge. I eat the bread of truth, no matter how bitter.

I would like to know what kind of person you are for being so sensitive. If you are black or Hispanic, I’m sorry if I offended you, but do some research and you will come to the same conclusions.

>> No.7420964

As such, it's why the negro people on the whole make for less talented writers, and why most of what has been properly considered literature has been written by whites.

>> No.7421694

It shocks you to see what's buried beneath.

>> No.7421713

>cornel west fb rant.jpg

>> No.7421726

>tfw this is up next in my book club

>tfw book club is 80% women, 10% kek, and 10% me

Might skip it

>> No.7421733

>being scientifically illiterate

>> No.7421744

Having bad breath.

>> No.7421780

you sound like a c uck tbzh

>> No.7422704

almost all of the science that's been done on the topic suggests otherwise

>> No.7422720

This, seriously, the denial is tiresome. Adoption studies, early-childhood studies, studies comparing people of similar educational attainment, all of this suggests that the IQ average of one group is a standard deviation lower than the rest of the world. This doesn't even mean that we have to do awful things to those people, just that the average is lower. Science denial is tiresome.