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/lit/ - Literature

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7417910 No.7417910[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is the state of higher liberal arts education /lit/


What have you written about? This guy got a 3.9 gpa too.

>> No.7417914

>Georgia Tech
>master thesis
>about being a /fit/ sissy
meme university or meme degree?

>> No.7417918

/lit/ we need to talk...

How many of you feel like this is the case >>>/sci/7697020 and what can we do to fix your discipline? Are there still decent departments out there?

>> No.7417928

>meme university or meme degree?

>> No.7417940

/fit/ nobody is going to get triggered over this. We are beyond such silly emotions. We made it B)

>> No.7417946

And by "it" you mean getting a useless 120000$ meme degree that will get you a McJob if youre lucky?

>> No.7417950

Nope. Being content and happy my /fit/ fella--eudaimonia B)

>> No.7417955
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the ivan school for liberal arts seems shitty

Couldn't find a good source for rankings except for georgia techs own websites.

source for image:

>> No.7417959

That second posters name is literally "Jewgineer"...

>> No.7417970

>To /fit/:
>We’re all gonna make it brahs
>Last, I wish to thank /fit/, while I don’t know you individually, I
consider you my best friends, forever mirin’ brah’s.
>entire essay is on /fit/ maymays and the author's personal relationship with the board
>Sad Frog (Know Your Meme)
>Metamorphosis of an average /fit/ user
> /fit/ on tinder

Holy shit, this is embarrassing. Why would you submit this to your school? It doesn't matter if he got a good grade (which I don't understand since he hasn't maintained any real academic distance and it's painfully obvious this is a very personal exegesis rather than an objective study.)

He has shamed himself.

>> No.7417979

calling rich parents who are donating shit tonne of money to the uni

>> No.7417981

>I don't understand since he hasn't maintained any real academic distanc
I've seen much much worse than the OP "thesis" from feminist and other lib arts departments.

>> No.7417983

Care to share?

>> No.7418009

>Earlier works from the fields of literature, psychology and philosophy
provide insight to /fit/‘s mentality, specifically the writings of Ayn Rand, Friedrich
Nietzsche, and Carl Jung. The board draws on these philosophical ideas
without realizing it, thus making them useful to understand the /fit/ standard.
Ayn Rand’s “concept of man as a heroic being, with his own happiness as the
moral purpose of his life, with productive achievement as his noblest activity,
and reason as his only absolute” (Rand 1996). In other words, a Randian hero is
one that pursues his or her own happiness as the ultimate goal.

FUCK /fit/

>> No.7418012

>The Randian hero bares some similarity to Nietzsche’s Übermensch. The Übermensch as described in Nietzsche's Thus Spoke Zarathustra is a one who establishes his or her own values in the world (Nietzsche 1999). /fit/‘s concept of the hero exemplifies both the Radian hero, and the Übermensch. /fit/ establishes its own values particularly of aesthetics, a physical fitness (e.g., Zyzz) as the Übermensch. The pursuit of those values set forth match understanding of the Randian hero. In other words, /fit/ sees itself as a Randian hero in pursuit of becoming an Übermensch.


>> No.7418013


>> No.7418021
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>Be American
>Write master thesis about shitposting
>Get approved with a 3.9/4 GPA
>Get shot

>> No.7418022


>> No.7418025

wow this is amazing, ty OP

they probably don't talk about all the shills on 4chan though

unless the people who did the research paper are the shill slavemasters

>> No.7418027

Is this kind of a Sokal paper thing? Trying to see what bullshit will be approved by the faculty?
This seems to be pure shitposting in form of a thesis.

>> No.7418028

Holy shit, I knew non STEM degrees were a joke, but I didn't know it was this bad.

>> No.7418031
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economics over liberal arts any day, even for non-practical reasons

every day of my life is liberal arts education

>> No.7418035
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>Master of Science

>> No.7418042


Holy shit, he actually did it.


>> No.7418044

good stuff

>> No.7418049

>As an anon spends more time on /fit/ he gradually starts to find penises and masculine features to be moe until he holds biological men to be the most moe and best option for romantic and/or sexual love.

>> No.7418059

/fit/ confirmed for literal meme board

>> No.7418061


Most elaborate shitpost of all time?

>> No.7418063

They're also plebs.

>> No.7418068
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>Get shot
>"At last, I am free of college debt!"

>> No.7418070

OP hope you get hired!

>> No.7418078

pretty much this.
/fit/ guy is modern Sokal.
The actual thesis will be about low standards in thesis acceptance in the faculty.

>> No.7418079

There's a few who are at least knowledgeable in their interests, and read Mishima and the likes. At least there were a few when I last browsed.

But that quote was typical /fit/ idiocy; they are the kind of people to read philosophy to become 'alpha', or to read The Prince to become more 'machivellian'. They view literature as one long string of self-help.

>> No.7418089

>wanting to better yourself is so feeble minded and pathetic, dumb wageslave shills
>let me wallow in my dumb ennui instead and feel better than those plebs about it

>> No.7418090
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it doesn't achieve even that

>> No.7418096

>of digital media

Just because it has "science" in the title doesn't make it a STEM degree.

>> No.7418097
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sorry wrong image

>> No.7418102

You are an actual idiot. It's not the self-help bullshit that makes them pleb, it's the fact that they even consider Rand at all and their idiotic reddit-tier interpretation of Nietzsche.

>> No.7418105

>digital media
>not technology

>> No.7418115

>lol we're gunna make it brah xD
>all u need ta do is read atlas shrugged :D

>> No.7418116

Who are you quoting? They are plebs as that is how they treat philosophy and works of literature, as ways of becoming a 'alpha' or whatever. They devalue it. There's nothing wrong with trying to better yourself, but reading the Prince to become a more alpha, or to get a promotion at your work, is P plebe.

Don't get me started on the whole ubermench fiasco.

>> No.7418119

Still makes me crack up every time.

>> No.7418123

my judgment, is that you guys are too judgmental

you are concerning yourselves with foolish things

Judge not, that ye be not judged.

>> No.7418125

>being this fucking stupid

Is everyone on /lit/ this dumb or is it just you? Apparently communications is a STEM degree now because you sometimes use technology for it.

>> No.7418127

Stop judging me shitlord.

>> No.7418132

Holy fuck, I'm laughing so hard it feels like my chest is imploding.

>> No.7418133

>comes to most elitist board on 4chan
>tells us not to judge an idiotic mindset on another board

>> No.7418137

Tbhonest mate I'm just having fun, it's quite enjoyable to shitpost and make merry. You pleb.

>> No.7418140

you go astray in that you consider yourself elitist

beware of pride

>> No.7418143

If you're going to be a pleb who loves reading Rand and wiki articles on Nietzsche, leave.

>> No.7418151
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Is telling plebs to
the new meme on /lit/?

I find this hilarious

>> No.7418152

I can see potential.

>> No.7418157

1. Use English.
2. Use context clues.

>> No.7418170

Well that's one way to get rid of a tripfag

>> No.7418171

I'm pretty sure that was just legitimate mental illness, not a shitpost.

>> No.7418184

Does anybody have a mirror for the doc? I got a real urge to read it again now

>> No.7418509

Hes from Ivan school of liberal arts

>> No.7418524

The guy looks like a ux developer.

go glassdoor that, senpai, and weep that your ba did not require a bs thesis

>> No.7418532

you mistake ennui with contentedness and lack of pursuit of fulfillment for happiness

>> No.7418539
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>> No.7418547
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>going to a STEM school for liberal arts
>writing a meme thesis

>> No.7418579

>scroll to random sentence
>used "it's" instead of "its"


>> No.7418625

having written a few papers on anonymity and memes during my undergrad, I can safely say that the paper linked in the OP is garbage

>> No.7418627

I go to tech. The people who decide to go to a school as stem-centric as this for liberal arts are generally retarded. Half of them aspire to be gaming journalists and other autistic shit.

There's nothing wrong with wanting a liberal arts degree, but this school is a terrible, terrible place to do it. I'm here for physics, and even though it's a stem field and a good bit of physics research happens here you can tell we aren't the focus -- engineering is. Ivan allen college is ten times as ostricized and suffers from awful professors and cringeworthy students.

>> No.7418712

The fuck is a UTV?

>> No.7418727


>> No.7418729

This is AWFUL

>> No.7418897

i think its a tripfag

>> No.7419090

anyone have a link to his full story? The link is 404'd, all other sources just leading back to it

>> No.7419147

I study technical communication, and this abstract has caused my eyes to sweat boiling blood.

>> No.7419188
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oh hey cool

>> No.7419195
File: 613 KB, 1924x1160, Capture2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow art is cool!

>> No.7419204
File: 767 KB, 1924x1160, Capture3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

games are interactive art!

you get to click next while meme pictures pop up and it's a game somehow

just like depression quest and sunset

>> No.7419205

How the fuck does anyone get a 3.99 GPA? Even if you get a B in a one credit course, I doubt you could ever be that close to 4.0 without having at least double the credits total.

My Masters thesis was a creative writing focus, so I wrote 100 pages of fiction. Wrote some good long papers though. I sort of want to get a PhD in English just so I can quit working for a while to dedicate myself to longterm research without feeling guilty. But, I already get paid shit to be a college English instructor. With a PhD I'll get the same shit pay and debt on top of it.

>> No.7419214
File: 1.04 MB, 1924x1160, Capture4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love memes because they are like in-jokes among friends

the only people who know what they mean give a wink and a nod to eachother in passing

it's like a secret club

well, someone else can play this game to completion if they want, i had a bit too much fun

>> No.7419219

Definitely not the former. I'm a mech. engineering major at a middling state uni, and I would drag my dick through a mile of broken glass to hear GIT fart through a walkie-talkie.

>> No.7419225

A-'s exist.

>> No.7419244

It's still ends up as 4 points in the end, despite the type of A it is, unless that school works on its own crazy system.

>> No.7419462

No I don't B-)

>> No.7419774

Why the fuck are you going into debt for a piece of paper you can't afford?

>> No.7419927

that person is a fucking idiot

>> No.7419935

oh wow
yeah MAs are... you can pretty much write whatever the fuck you want

>> No.7419941

nah, in undergrad for me an A- was a 3.7

>> No.7419958

skimmed it, it's actually pretty good if you compartmentalize the obvious fact that our man jesse has basically shat his pants in public

>> No.7419965

Kek. I've thought about writing my thesis on the culture of discussion in anonymous spaces and social networks, but I don't think I'd actually do it. If anything, this guy has my respect for not giving a shit.