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/lit/ - Literature

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7417305 No.7417305 [Reply] [Original]

How do you start you day /lit/?

I get up at 6:45 every morning, microdose 35ug of lsd, drink a cup of green tea, and read 25 pages of a book.

>> No.7417309

do you really? how's that working out for you? been thinking about microdosing myself, never done lsd

>> No.7417311

I wake up from where I sleep on the ground at 6:50am. I shower and then sleep for another 15 minutes before dressing and rushing to leave by 7:30am. I catch a train at 7:55am and then take the subway to get to work by 8:30am. I then do the same in reverse and arrive home by 6:20pm, feeling exhausted, irritable and depressed.

>> No.7417314

Lsd is a wonder drug and the ultimate nootropic at small doses.
Also know someone who can sell microdose amounts.

>> No.7417315

I assume your being insincere, but if not, what is it like reading while tripping?

Anyway, this is my day-off routine for mornings:

Out of Bed at 7:00am (usually earlier, but it's chilly atm), Do some mobility work and light warm-ups, meditate, eat breakfast, plan the day, read for an hour.

>> No.7417316

Found the wageslave.

>> No.7417317

I try and go to bed at a reasonable hour, 12am or 1, only to wake up at like 3 or 4. Then I either go back to bed and wake up at 10am or read until then

>> No.7417319

Reading while tripping is wonderful but 35ug doesn't make you trip.

>> No.7417321

Thanks I will.

>> No.7417324

>microdose 35ug of lsd

Okay, I'm interested. How does microdosing effect your day?

>> No.7417329

>get up at 805
>bring kids to preschool at 850
>grocery shopping/chores/cleaning till 11
>french press 5 cups of coffee for consumption
>news or audiobooks during that time
>read or play games or shitpost from 11-1250
>pick up kids from preschool
>make snack
>supervised play with kids until 2:00
>put youngest to nap
>workout until 345
>read until 440
>prepare dinner
>greet wife when she comes home with wine or dinner
>clean up from 545-630
>family time until 830
>kids go to bed, hang with wife until 1030-11
>play games until midnight
>bathe and read until 130
>go to bed.

>> No.7417330

how do you microdose? I've only taken tabs. I'd love to give this a try.

>> No.7417331

psychedelics are fun but the stoner rhetoric of DUDE MICRODOSING LSD MADE ME A GENIUS xDDD EGO DEATH LOL!!!! is all complete, utter, one million percent bullshit. the ego is too elastic, psychedelics can wear it down for a little while and grant you some perspective but when it wears off you go back to being who you were, the experience feels like a dream. you can remember your thoughts and feelings from it but you haven't internalized them

>> No.7417334
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>he's a househusband

>> No.7417341

Wake up around 4:30pm
Feel like I can think 'normal' thoughts briefly
Destroy this ability by drinking a can of monster and masturbating for 4 hours
Go and get a mighty bucket for one from kfc

>> No.7417346
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No hallucinations of morphing of textures.
Makes me feel as if some unexplainable wall has been broken down
More energy then you could imagine but it feels like natural energy more so then coffee or aderall.
Middle of forehead feels odd.
World appears more colorful and alive
I smile more
I socialise more
I'm happier to sit and contemplate life instead of being an adhd riddled spurg like I used to be.

Honestly I don't do it daily. A few times a week when I feel I need it.
It's also not something I want to continue forever, I feel as if it simply places me into a state of counciouness that could before only be obtained through years of meditation. Hopefully I can reach it naturally one day,

>> No.7417354

Sounds like a pretty good life to me. I love to cook, but looking after kids all the time... well that depends on how they act

>> No.7417356

Get up at 4:15am, eat some toast or porridge with a cup of tea, cry in the shower, leave the house at 5am, alternate between reading and dozing during my 1h commute. It's a shitty schedule but I get a shitload of reading done between my 2h daily commute and having the entire afternoon and evening free everyday.

>> No.7417364

It's a good life until your wife leaves you for a real man and takes your precious children with her.

>> No.7417367

I am very strict. Its definitely a life experience with ups and downs tho. No matter how good your kid is, they have good and bad days just like the rest of us.

>> No.7417371

I supported her through medical school, if she left me like that I would have 15 years of 50% alimony, which is 200k a year. No fault baby

>> No.7417372

Sounds great. Thank you

>> No.7417375

That said if i left her for whatever reason, I wouldnt fuck her over.

>> No.7417377

>you can remember your thoughts and feelings from it but you haven't internalized them

I feel the opposite after a good trip. The actual form and substance of the breakthrough fades rather quickly but the changes in my mood and perspective linger on.

>> No.7417379


>> No.7417380

>I am very strict

I guarantee your children will grow up highly repressed and resentful.

Think about this post in 15 years

>> No.7417382


>NEETlyf with wife and kids

sounds pretty GOAT to me anon

>> No.7417383

This sounds like heaven

>> No.7417386

No parent is perfect, you just have to read to your kid and make sure they arent totally decadent and degenerate, and respect their fellow man, and hope for the best.

After 12 their life choices are their own.

>> No.7417388 [DELETED] 


up at 4am
green tea
reading/studying/meditating/devotional activity for a couple hours
why yes I do in fact start with the Greeks]
ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος

>> No.7417394

It seems you guys are jealous of his life. And I doubt you know more about parenting than he does.

>> No.7417396

isn't 35 a bit too much for microdosing

>> No.7417399

can I have your life?

>> No.7417400


up at 4am
green tea
reading/studying/meditating/devotional activity for a couple hours
why yes I do in fact start with the Greek
ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος

>> No.7417421

I'm 19, I live with my parents, and I go to university 60 miles away.

On Monday I wake up at 11:00 for 11:47 train. I get there at 13:25 or so for a 15:00 seminar. Catch train at 17:30 and get back home at 19:30. Go to sleep at about 2:30.
On Tuesday I wake up at 8:40 for 9:42 train. I get there at 11:30 for a 12:30 seminar. See my friend until 17:00, walk to station, catch 17:30 train, get home at 19:30. Go to sleep at about 3:00.
On Wednesday I wake up at 13:00 and do nothing. Went to sleep at 3:30 this morning.
On Thursday I wake up at 8:40 (8:55 this morning) for 9:37 train. I get off that train and switch to another train at 10:10, then get on the next train at 10:23 which gets there at 10:50 for an 11:00 seminar. I have to powerwalk (not run) there which takes 20 minutes so I'm always 10 minutes late. But the tutor doesn't mind. Today I couldn't see my friend so I caught the 13:30 train and got home at 15:45. Usually I spend 3 hours with him, go to 16:30 seminar which lasts until 17:30, then catch the 18:28 train which gets me home at 20:15. Go to sleep at about 2:00.
On Friday I wake up at 11:00 for 11:47 train. I get there at 13:20 for 14:00 seminar. Seminar ends at 16:00 so I see my friend for an hour. Walk to station at 17:00 for 17:30 train. Get home at 19:30. Spend all night alone. Go to sleep at about 4:00.
On Saturday I do nothing.
On Sunday I do nothing.

Fun. I only read on the trains. 3 hours a day. I fall asleep most of the time. I have no life outside of commuting and seminars. I'm wasting away my youth and I don't know what to do.

>> No.7417432

i'm very new to /lit/ but i'm kinda digging reading. way more fun than what i expected.

i wake up at 13 o'clock because i play vidya till 3am. then 15 minutes of shower, dress up and a coffee, because my lessons start at 14

>> No.7417433

Wake up at 7 am, quick breakfast, quick shitposing, coffee, no shitting, because I need to catch bus at 8. Arrive to work at 9, read till I get there. Work. Shitpost through lunchbreaks. Work ends at 5. Go home, it's six. Dinner. Smoke some weed and sleep. Or shitpost till 9-10

>> No.7417436

What lessons?

>> No.7417441


i would recommend trying to live closer to your uni

also do something on saturdays and sundays lol

>> No.7417452

I've been so incredibly dead in the mornings lately, I can easily lay in till 12 every day, and have to force myself out of bed at 10 (if I don't have uni earlier, 7:00 Thursdays), don't know what's causing it. Then I just turn on my computer, check the regular tabs, read and have breakfast.
Get a room near your uni city, mate. It's so much nicer.

>> No.7417454

computer science, university. software engineering and artificial intelligence mostly

>> No.7417498

Wake up in shitty dorm room with two roommates I despise. Usually around 8 am. Hit my alarm and go back to sleep missing morning classes because I'm a fuckup. Get out of bed around 11 am and go to what lectures I have left. Eat lunch and head to the library to study for 4-5 hours but never for classes as it's mostly personal reading and language learning. Eat dinner at the dining hall around 7 to avoid the rush. Head back to the dorm and fuck around on the computer until I head back to the library at around 12 am. Make it back to the dorm and go to sleep in my ever so comfortable bunk bed I share with some goofy looking manchild.

That's about it.

>> No.7417539


Good heavens, but do you ever do any literal defecating?

>> No.7417545
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>if I do drugs then my writing will be good!

>> No.7417587

No not being strict enough is the main problem.

All these liberals don't want to discipline their kids because it will "stifle their creativity" then 18 years later baby liberal junior is kicking in my car window to buy more heroin. Well I'll tell you what, If you won't discipline your kids I fucking will when they try that bullshit on me, and the lesson will be written in hot lead.

>> No.7417600

>Doesn't get his full 8 hours
0 out of motherfucking 10, senpai.

>> No.7417609

>Jeebus made my brain perfect as it is
>if God wanted us to be creative we'd all be millionaire artists!
Everyone alters their brain one way or another in pursuit of their goals.

>> No.7417622

Wake up at 08:00, take a shower while I wait for my coffee to be ready. Prepare some scrambled eggs or oatmeal. Have my breakfast and watch something stupid on television. After 08:30 (If I don't have class) I focus on writing until I can. I prepare abstracts if there are Calls for Abstracts going on, work on my thesis.

This is on week days. On weekends I do nothing at all, mostly. I'm saving a lot of money in order to try to do my master's abroad so I can only do poorfag stuff.

>> No.7417623

Yeah, during work. When I arrive, I drink another coffee, and take a big shit, but it's not the same as a homeshit

>> No.7417624
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I wake up anywhere from 7am to 7:28am (2 minutes before work). While I'm doing all the preliminary work stuff (from home), I'll brush my teeth, make some tea, clean cat litter, sweep the kitchen, clean up any other messes that might have happened overnight. And then say goodnight to my spouse when they come home from work at 9am.

Nothing /lit/-related. That happens after work. By then I'm sick of being on the computer.

>> No.7417628

lol Did you just suggest everyone has the same basic potential? Drugs have rotted your brain, mang

>> No.7417637

wake around 10/11

drink coffee in bed while reading; or
go for a run

I wish I could wake up earlier really

>> No.7417638

Didn't even suggest that a little bit. Of tou take something seriously, it will change you, and some people think there are drugs that help with certain changes they desire. The ignorance and fear that makes you despise more adventurous people is showing, friend.

>> No.7417662


maximum pleb

>> No.7417690

Wake up at 10
Browse 4chan and reddit until I get hungry
Make tea and cereal

>> No.7417702

Microdosing has nothing to do with ego death

>> No.7417703

>he actually believes a judge would side with the man in a divorce court

You have a lot to learn Sonny Jim.

>> No.7417705

I wake up around noon. Grab my phone and browse 4chan. Then I pee of I have to and get back into bed. Too tired to read so I turn on an audio book and listen for a while. Then I get hungry enough to go and get a coffee and toast.

I'm depressed desu senpai

>> No.7417708

Go to a fucking doctor.

>> No.7417710

Badass XD

>> No.7417733

>you can remember your thoughts and feelings from it but you haven't internalized them
This is true, but to a degree. It's been years since I've taken a hallucinogen and I still feel strongly that LSD helped change my life for the better.

Even just a few minutes of ego death with its prompt reassertion gave me a new overall direction in living.

>> No.7417746

Wake up somewhere between 8 and 10. I meditate for 20 minutes, then do a body scan for around 10 minutes, then add listening and looking. Shower, leave the house, get coffee. Go to classes/study until 7-8pm with a few breaks for food or sanity. Usually play vidya or browse 4chan until 9 or 10, then sleep.

I realize I sleep too much, depression's a bitch.

>> No.7417748
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>After several snooze/wake-up moments sit up in bed, light a fag and look at the slag that I porked whilst contemplating life.
>Take a line of cocaine from the Kartell Ghost Buster bedstand.
>Walk nakedly towards kitchen, admire form in every mirror that I pass.
>Put 80's British music on the antiquated B&O Beocenter 8000
>Open a new bag of beans from the local roaster down the street, grind them up in the Mazzer Robur before pulling a shot on my La Marzocco GS3, admire face in reflection of said overpriced coffeedevice.
>Put on the robe I stole from Plaza Athénée,
>Drink several cups of espresso and smoke several fags on the balcony overlooking the people walking their dogs in the park and the cars in the streets going by and contemplate life.
>Go to library to sit on my Corbusier LC4
>Have a nice tug thinking about the fit gash that I plastered last night.
>Have maid make breakfast for said clunge.
>Go to shower.
>Piss in shower.
>Apply products, Aesop and Clinique mostly.
>Stare at wardrobe in the walk-in-closet for 30min. contemplating different fits but always going for the full SLP uniform every time.
>Go outside, step in the red Porsche 930 Turbo my dad left me and drive to restaurant 400m away.
>Order brunch, don't eat anything, just drink wine, whilst starring intensely at other people till they look away and contemplate life.
>Drive back home.
>Browse /fa/, /lit/ and read

Such is life, I need to do something constructive with it though.

>> No.7417764
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>Have a nice tug thinking about the fit gash that I plastered last night.


>> No.7417765

I go to bed around 9:30 or 10 and read for an hour then sleep. I wake at 6, get ready, walk to work. Then I eat some toast and get a cup of coffee, maybe read a few pages.

Work till lunch while drinking coffee or green tea. Have lunch and read while eating. Finish work, come home. Tidy up if needed, eat dinner with my wife, maybe watch a documentary. Read.

>> No.7417771

>Wake up at 8.30
>Have a quick wank
>Breakfast and coffee
>Walk to college for 10
>Lectures, labs whatever until 6
>Library until 8 or 9 for study
>Hit the gym
>Home at 10 or so
>Read or browse 4chan for a while
>Shower and bed around 12.30ish

This routine is miserable and I hate it. Thankfully it's only the rest of this year then I can be done with it, I get to be a wageslave then instead. Might do a PhD, but I know that'll only be worse.

My weekends are fine, I only study for 4/5 hours a day on them so I spend the rest of the time arsing about, reading or drunk.

>> No.7417798

7:00 AM: I wake up. Slap my girlfriend's bare ass so she gets up and makes us breakfast. Brush my teeth, feed my lab, get dressed, walk the dog. Have breakfast and I'm off to Manhattan to slave away.

9:00 AM: I arrive at work. I log onto my PC, read some news, make myself a cup of coffee with the self serving machines that populate the midtown office. I then begin pretending to work.

12:30 PM: I have lunch. Lunch is usually just sitting outside watching the hundreds of strangers live their lives while I slowly nibble on a warm sandwich. I jot down interesting things I see into my moleskine.

1:00 PM: I spend 15 minutes of work to justify my existence in the office to my superiors. I then resume working on personal projects or browse websites communicating meaningless thoughts to strangers I'll never meet hoping they may be somewhat entertained.

They won't be, I know.

5:00 PM: I leave the office. I meet my girlfriend at Grand Central and depending on the day we spend the rest of the evening entertaining ourselves in the cultured but slightly pretentious parts of the city.

9:00 PM: I arrive home. Feed the dog then walk her. I have tea and write drivel that will only end up thrown away. Sometimes I write because the typewriter just feels nice to type on.

11:00 PM: I shower. Out of habit, my girlfriend and I shower together. While I miss the few minutes alone I used to get showering, she loves touching my penis and my primal brain thinks that's a better trade off.

11:30 I have sex. It became my only source of exercise, and since doing it at age 15 I have become skilled enough to compensate for my average sized member. She climaxes, then I do, and we fall asleep on our excessively soft queen sized mattress that my daily 15 minutes of "labor" paid for.

I'm breaking up with my girlfriend at the end of the lease and moving somewhere.

>> No.7417817

>wake up around 10:30/11am
>eat a bagel and have couple cups of black coffee, smoke a cig
>drive 30 min into the city for art school
>class 1-4, then read/work on art until 6
>grab a pint or two at cafe down the street
>go back to class from 7:30-10
>maybe meet a friend at another cafe for chess until 11
>drive to "gf"s house in the city
>drink/talk/get a tortuously pleasurable handjob until 3 am
>either sleep over or drive home

repeat. Am I a libertine yet?

>> No.7417826

out of bed when i have or feel like it
have breakfast if i wake up early, skip it if i have to catch my lesson/whatever
that's it, nothing special

>> No.7418029

What is your job? Sounds a whole lot like the life I'm destined for in a year or two.

>> No.7418038


Junior TBM Analyst. Boring job but it pays the bills.

>> No.7418072


Hello Houellebecq.

>> No.7418080


You flatter me.

>> No.7418082

>waking up any time other than sunrise.

Literally the best and only option IMO. Getting up before the sun is depressing as fuck, and getting up after is slothful.

Getting up with the sun means you never close your blinds and always get up on time with the sun naturally waking you up.

Otherwise, sounds pretty good OP and househusband anon.

>> No.7418084

man i never realized we all probably do the same thing each morning

>> No.7418094

It's not Houellebecq. He said he showers.

>> No.7418099


Stop drinking the /r9k/ koolaid

>> No.7418147


It's his writing though.

>> No.7418168

>8:45 - wake up, brush teeth, search for clothes to wear
>8:50 - hobble over to work
>8:58 - arrive at pool, hobble into employee lounge, check twitter
>9:00 - begin work, either by sitting in a warm rectangle checking people in or sitting out in the cold lifeguarding
>9:30 - rotate, do the opposite and repeat for another two and a half hours
>12:00 - grab a meal at the campus cafeteria. usually i either have rice and broccoli or pizza with coffee or tea. the food is often fried and unhealthy and im growing tired of relying on eating here, but too lazy to learn to cook my own food desu
>12:30 - go back to my room, either read or play video games
>1:15 - go to editing class
>1:35 - teacher is always late. hes old, and i feel bad for him because nobody is really interesting in learning how to edit for newspapers
>2:45 - leave class, go back to my room and do something aimless for a while
>4:15 - go to lecture hall for chemistry
>4:45 - realize im too fucking humanities for this bullshit and fall asleep in the plush theater chairs. i probably snore
>5:20 - wake up, leave class, go back to my room to hang out with my chink roommate
>6:00 - possibly read or get food, depends on mood
>8:00 - meet up with gf, hang out for a bit
>11:30 - watch syndicated seinfeld
>12:30 - have sex and go to sleep

>9:15 - wake up, brush teeth, search for clothes to wear
>:9:30 - tai chi, nigga. crane chigong, 24 form, tai chi chigong x2
>10:20 go back to my room and do fuck all
>4:00 - grab food and coffee before newspaper design class
>4:32 - ruler aerobics with professor dont ask
>5:45 - temporary reprieve, hang out by campus statues
>6:00 - African American Humanities which is three hours long and a fucking chore. the teacher is a sweetheart though
>9:00 - go out and get mexican food with friends, watch a movie
>12:30 - do fuck all

>3:00 sleep
>5:00 - wake up, brush teeth, search for clothes to wear
>5:30 -untarp pool, freeze dick off, watch hot water polo grils practice
>9:00 - go back to room and sleep the rest of the day

I usually read during my job, which is a blessing all its own, friends. If you have the choice, make sure you get a job you can read during downtime.

>> No.7418189

Yeah, people forget the institution that is set up to favor women's positions.

>> No.7418192

Do you even get the term microdosing? I'm not encouraging it, but the whole point is to take an amount far below the threshold for a trip or visuals. You fucking idiot.

>> No.7418197

I did. Got put on 10mg cipralex. It helped with my energy and mood, but it ruined my libido and I couldn't have an orgasm. So now I'm on 5mg and now it's useless. Thinking of asking to try something else... Anyone use wellbutrin?

>> No.7418199
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African American Humanities

>> No.7418205
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>Wake up
>feel good for like 2 seconds
>realize who and where I am
>feel like shit because I sleep at like 4-5am
>wake up in the evenings/late afternoons in the weekends
>when I get home at 4pm I go to sleep and wake up and 6-9pm

>> No.7418219


Microdosing works entirely different than trips.

Nowhere near ego-death doses. Only consistent effects I get from microdosing is an increase in energy, motivation and increased questioning (and with that, alteration) of my own conditioned behaviour.

>> No.7418229


I'm Parisian.

Do have a modest flat in Chelsea, London where I spend quite a lot of time filling up the tight smooth cunts of 14 year old slags.
Their english slang is remarkably sticky.

>> No.7418242
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first thing I do, if its a nice day, is walk out to the patio and chill in my hammock while reading nothing beats the hammock lifestyle.

>> No.7418245

Have fun living in despair, pleb.

>> No.7418289

And you're certain you're getting real actual acid? If so you're lucky to have such a connect

>> No.7418308

This is actually probably true, my third to last trip I had an extremely intense shroom expierence and weeks later I was basically back to who I was with a little bit new perspective and an interesting memorable event, I'm a pretty humble laid backed person but either the ego death thing is bullshit or it takes a fuckton of psychedelics

>> No.7418329
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>cat wakes me up at 3 AM
>light up a cigarette
>go to make it some food, but im out
>leave to buy more at store
>hippie neighbors want me to pick up some brownie mix
>oblige because they are topless girls
>out of name brand, settle with generic
>my cat is picky, but I try to trick it by putting the food in an empty name brand container
>he doesn't fall for it
>friend arrives with what appears to be a cat scratch on his cheek
>asks for a ride across the border to Tijuana
>light up a cigarette

>> No.7418335

>claims that taking the same dose of LSD every day has the same effect every time
>what is tolerance

>> No.7418351

Confirmed to never have microdosed

>> No.7418366

toppest/10 movie friendo.

>> No.7418477

It's late in the thread, but I just wanted to hop on the bandwagon and tell you that you're probably on the same level of intelligence as those lmaostonershroom kids since you can't even recognize that microdosing (which is self-explanatory) has nothing to do with ego death.

I also disagree with your notion that worldview shifts from psychedelics are entirely ones of impermanence (although I think we're in agreement that they're too often misconstrued as wonder drugs).

>> No.7418505


Wake up 10am-2pm
Masturbate and fall asleep (If I have no lectures)
Shit my guts out (IBD)
watch shit youtube videos and browse 4chan
attend lectures (if any)

>> No.7418518

>5am wake up, drink coffee
>5:30am shit
>7am workout
>8:30am- 12pm either read, study, or write

>> No.7418519

wake up between 8-10AM
shower immediately after waking up
do other hygeine shit
make my bed
eat a small breakfast (usually granola and OJ)
use an e-cigarette so I have stimulant-induced focus
read a couple news articles
go to class/continue to relax for a while if I don't have class

>> No.7418522


why are you censoring 'gf' and 'sex'?

This isn't r9k

>> No.7418555

Wake up whenever
Coffee and listen to a bunch of albums
Order pizza or something like that
Contemplate playing vidya but never do, too lazy
Read for several hours
Look at job listings online
More music and maybe alcohol
Consider the smith and wesson retirement plan

Living le dream

>> No.7418567

is microdosing the new /lit/ meme

also this thread isn't /lit/ related at all. i'm reporting it and hoping OP gets a warning. don't microdose and post OP

>> No.7418772
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You need a new job.

I work as an electrical linesman and although it doesn't necessarily satisfy me intellectually, (that's what /lit/ and /sci/ are for), it does give the opportunity to work above everyone and being outside is just the best.

At the end of the day you have a sense of accomplishment.

Plus I've always got an easy avenue into electrical engineering when I do want to go back to uni.

I love it. I'm sure /lit/ and /sci/ would give me shit as you do an apprenticeship rather than a degree or doctorate, but I'm sitting on $100k (aus) and I'm only band 6 of a possible band 12.

Hope you find your dream job anon.

>> No.7418782


Lol you are being female and wife is being male.

>> No.7418793


heh thinking you have rights as a husband.

>> No.7418802
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>being older than 20 and needing more than 6 hours sleep

What is even wrong with you?

>> No.7418856
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>wake up some time between 9:30 or 10:00
>fuck around most of the morning drinking black coffee, having eggs for breakfast
>exercise on an elliptical machine for 45 minutes at some point
>search for a job, sneering at my choices
>If I've succumbed to sexual temptation recently, make time to find the nearest church and go to Confession
>Either read or write or shitpost on 4chan. Often all three.
>Hang out in the evenings at a social club in the city
>come home, shitpost and write and read until late at night/early in the morning
>go to bed past midnight

Being a wealthy NEET in New York City is pretty great. Also, this schedule probably only applies for about four days out of the week. The other three days can vary wildly.

>> No.7418860
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Get up at 8am, shower, run shit on Hulu as I get ready for work... small cup of coffee, rest in the thermos, and out the door. Teach courses, do office hours, answer stupid emails, come home too tired to write, probably grade essays, regret not yet living the /lit/ life fulltime.

I have no idea how English professors have time to also dedicate to publishing and whatnot to achieve tenure. Maybe it sucks less when you teach 300 level and up.

>sleeping right after waking up and showering
How is that even possible?

>> No.7418867

Dunno if you're kidding, but I wish I could start my day in this fashion.

>> No.7418876


Get a job and you'll have to.

>> No.7418883


A doctor can't do anything useful in that situation.

>> No.7418888


No reading.

>> No.7418892

where do you even get LSD?

>> No.7418896


How is that luxurious routine miserable?

>> No.7418905

What are you studying?

>> No.7418912


I don't know if you know this but the sunrise and sunset changes over the year.

>> No.7418933

welcome to pretty much every university students life who isn't on campus. Just try to do more on weekends if you feel like you're in a rut.

>> No.7418938

He is insincere.
You can't take LSD every day and not build a such a tolerance it no longer has any effect.

>> No.7418949

stale pasta

>> No.7418951

>Alarms at 3-hour intervals through the night, leading up to actual wake-up time
>Usually get up 30-60 min (typically 9:00) before I need to hop on the bus to downtown for the train to campus
>Light piano practice, one or two glasses of water, multivitamin, oatmeal and sunnyside eggs

This is a rough approximation of the weekday routine. Sometimes I get up five minutes before my bus into downtown is scheduled to roll by, and I stumble out the door in a haze. Sometimes I don't sleep because I can't refuse the persistent nagging desire to wander around at night.

On the weekends I sleep in until somewhere around 11 or 12, and most Sundays I wake up at that time on the recliner in my friend's living room, just in time for weekly D&D.

>> No.7418961
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>wake up either at 430am or 11am, depending on which min wage job i'll be going to
>take 2mg klonopin
>often a shot of whiskey, banana
>black coffee and cigarette in car
>try really hard not to think about anything at all
>come home look at images online
>go to sleep

If i don't have to work, i just lay in bed with anxiety

i really need to go on disability

>> No.7418979

Wellbutrin works for some people. SSRIs and shit like that are a crapshoot. Paxil was my magic pill but it was so fucking hard to get off of. Lexapro was meh, okay I guess. Your libido can by put on hold until you have the energy to live again.

>> No.7419000

>>Alarms at 3-hour intervals through the night, leading up to actual wake-up time


>> No.7419007

With coffee or tea accompanied either with editing, reading, or a game of Dota 2; it really depends on the day and how late I wake up.

>> No.7419017


Trying to train myself to be able to quickly discern dreams from reality. When I'm lucid during dreams, I actually remember them later. Regular dreams, I recall maybe one in twenty with low detail.

I want to put my dream-time to use, not let it go to waste.

>> No.7419024

You would probably be less anxious if you have up your polydrug dependency (benzos, alcohol).

>> No.7419026

That is incredibly stupid. Sleeping until you wake up naturally is much healthier.

>> No.7419033


If I slept until I woke up naturally, I'd be waking up anywhere from 3 AM to noon.

>> No.7419129

Sincere. One side benefit is that /lit/ is dead that time of day (in addition to being utterly against the spirit of those hours) so it's out of the picture. It is a very nice way to start the day.

>> No.7419135

>ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος
>he thinks "the greeks" meant the bible

>> No.7419146

>I microdose everyday
either you do and feel nothing because it's incredibly easy to build tolerance, even at those levels or you're lying to appear interesting. either way you seem like an idiot.

>> No.7419176


I left off the 's'. Glad someone caught the reference.
Have a good night.

>> No.7419190

I've had much less motivation to since I started at a 4 year. I do think about picking something up to the fill the gaps.

>> No.7419265
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>wake up at 730
>shower while coffee is being made, drink a cup when I get out then brush my teeth and fill my thermos for the morning
>Get to campus by bus by 900, clock in at work in the accounting dept of the university. This job requires very little time actually spent on work if I actually focus, so I generally work hard for 30 minutes then study/do homework for my class at 1100 for the next hour and 15 minutes. Get paid to do this while drinking my thermos full of coffee, fill it up again from the office coffee pot before walking across campus to class
>Class from 11-1215 and 2-315, get lunch and read in between the two
>Grab a beer from the bar in the basement of the Union, then head to the library for an hour or two to either read, study, or work on a paper
>Home around 7, make dinner and do class readings/hw until gf gets home from work around 1030
>Hang out with gf, have sex, either watch a film or read more before falling asleep between midnight and 2am

Fridays I just work in the office 8 am - 4 pm, don't have classes and I need hours/money, afterwards get drinks with friends, hang out with gf, read, whatever, depends on the week

Weekends are a mixture of drinking with friends, gf, reading, homework

I study lit and philosophy (double major), minor in french... have my tuition, rent, and food paid for by scholarships and grants so the office job is all recreation money. I live a very comfy life and consider myself lucky to live how I do.

>> No.7419283

>up at noon
>write down philosophical musings
>close all windows, light the fireplace
>pass out

>> No.7419311

it's /lit/, what did you expect?

>> No.7419322

Huh, ive never thought about micro dosing lsd. I always figured itd be too hard to know how much I was taking, especially if it was on a tab. Mushrooms on the other had ive definitely considered

>> No.7419358

get up at 9:30
let dog out into backyard
eat mcdonalds for breakfast
bring dog back inside
sleep for five minutes
let dog out again and tell him to make up his mind
sit at computer for two minutes until dog starts whining to come back inside
sleep until 12:30

>> No.7419379

Anon, have you ever put your penis into a woman?

>> No.7419389

Why would he ever do something as barbaric as that?

>> No.7419391

Because then he'd have someone to ask about microdoses

>> No.7420234

I wake up and think about my magnificent dreams. Get up, do 65 press ups. Take a long bath and coagulate ideas.

Go to my studio and either work on my symphonies, revolution plans or my drawings.

>> No.7420538

desu, I only dwell in this board to find the most majestics uses of linguistics, such as this post

>> No.7421003

6am wake up, brush teeth, coffee with emails/messages
6:30 walk to train station, morning reading time
7:30 end of the line, walk to Uni
7:50 arrive, shitpost for 20 minutes before lecture

>> No.7421124

Recently I've been microdosing DXM, it's really been helping my cough.

>> No.7421253

Wellbutrin is not an SSRI. If there is an alternative that alleviates depression symptoms and allows you to keep your libido why not try it? SSRIs are used to treat premature ejaculation so anorgasmia is a common sideeffect.

>> No.7421297

I wake up
take a big shit
get out of bed
go about my day

>> No.7421315


How the fuck do you find a steady enough supply for microdosing? Even when I knew a lot of druggies, whenever there was a supply of acid, everyone bought it up like locusts and binged in one day.

>> No.7421407


sounds great t b h

I think my gf couldn't stand being together with a workless man though, so for me this will always remain a dream

everyone in my family is successful, most of them went on to found their own enterprises, a lot of them also went into politics while doing so.

they expect a lot of me, but I'm just gonna do my thang.

>> No.7421445

that sure is a long shit

>> No.7421485

What I want:

>Get up at 07:00
>Wash face, do some stretching, get dressed and go for short walk.
>Breakfast and coffee and relax, then at aroud 08:30 start reading/working till the first class of the day.


>Get up at 10:00 because only went to bed at 03:00
>Slowly crawl out of bed and do absolutely nothing until first class, if I haven't already missed it.

>> No.7421566
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>people like this actually exist

>> No.7422168

godtier existance

>> No.7422173

Pls be satire.

>> No.7422198
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>> No.7422241

>tfw this is my life except it's just one guy who is in the process of watching every collegehumor video chronologically and smells bad

>> No.7422244

they probs just googled it desu

>> No.7422312

All these structured lives, surely you guys are exaggerating. My life is:

>wake up twenty minutes before whatever I have to do
>roll out of bed, into clothes, out the door
>do my daily stuff, whatever it was I had to wake up for
>around three hours after I get up eat something
>at some point during the day work may or may not call me to come in at 7:00pm
>if they do don't go home, work until about midnight, drive-thru on the way home
>if they don't, go home and laze about all night, probably slap together a lazy meal of rice and vegetables about 8:00pm
>go to bed between midnight and 4:00am
If I have no classes or pressing social engagements you can skip straight to the waiting to see if work will call step.

>> No.7422331


>> No.7422337

>resentful muslim whose parents forced him into a soul destroying STEM cubicle dreams of jihading the creative and carefree youths of white civilization

stay mad nerd

>> No.7422627

underappreciated post

good dank

great dank

>> No.7422733

Wake up at 6:30. Get up at 6:40
Brew black tea with ginger by 7:00
Have a cigarette. Write until 8:00
Get ready for work.

>> No.7422741

Wake up at 6:00, browse the internet for like 20 minutes, eat breakfast, make lunch, then head off to work

>> No.7422771

>wake up
>check text/email
>get out of bed
>put on slippers
>go to kitchen
>turn on radio
>listen to news
>brew tea, fry or scramble some eggs, maybe a piece of toast
>organize notes, study, occasionally do some writing for an hour or so
>pack lunch - sandwich, fruit, yogurt, granola, sometimes leftovers
>brush teeth, dress and walk a mile or so to campus

This is probably 90% of days.

>> No.7422784

wake up and wish I could be like Marx and have some rich nigga pay for my shit.

>> No.7422788

Alarm 7 minutes before class. OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK. Good thing I fell asleep in my clothes. Out the door in 30 seconds. "Maybe someday I'll be an adult enough for breakfast."

>> No.7422831

Thanks for the sincerity, that's very rare on the internet.

>> No.7422860

Living the dream
I wish I was a neet, but my parents would never allow it.

>> No.7422861


marx, the original NEET

>> No.7422863

Well, I wake up everyday after 13:00, feel terrible at my bed, eat anything and start to write and suffer. And I keep writing and suffering and ocasionally playing games until 5:00

>> No.7422868

Get up at 7:00 am, read and watch movies all day, maybe write or go get food. Go to bed at 11:30

>> No.7422869

Not op but also highly recommend the microdosage. It has an opiodic effect in the way that it's like a comfortable blanket just hugging you all over.

>> No.7422871

I can't believe a disgusting alcoholic junkie like you is posting my waifu. Delete this post immediately.

>> No.7422872

i use to smoke marihuana everyday when i stop with my medication. i was the worst anti-depressive i've ever tried. i'm paranoid now.

>> No.7422885

I had a similar experience, I'm not sure if I was my paranoia was heightened or began bc of weed.

>> No.7422893

I know how you feel like. I make some new friends to go out, and i'm very happy now... and, well, I met a terapist too.

>> No.7422915
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>wake up
>eat fruit
>go for a walk, buy fruit

>> No.7422933

My case is a little bit complicated... I'm on freudian terapy since 2012 and I've changed a lot all my symptons. I use to have some sporadic panic attacks in some very specific cases (that now I know a lot about). I stop with the medication to go further on the terapy, but I start with weed and it was one of the worst times of my life. I use to thought that anyone could kill me and sell my orghans, or I could have cancer or anything...
Now I stopped with the weed and i'm much better... I still have a daily paranoia, but I never had panic attacks again. And I'm sure I preffer this daily paranoia...

So, I'm sure the weed potencialize the paranoia, but, in the end, it's just me. And the moral of my history is that no matter how you try, you can live better, but you cannot get rid of the shit.

>> No.7422948


Well developed, my dionysian!

>> No.7423527
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>> No.7423533

>I wake up at around noon, 12:30pm.
>read for 30 minutes to an hour, depending
>eat a waffle
>read for another 30 minutes
>run a mile and a half
>leave for work at 3:30 or 4:00 (different schedules on different days; I'm a guitar teacher)
>get home from work between 9 and 10, depending
>relax until 12am
>write from 12am to about 3am
>read until 4am

>> No.7423538

oh, there's a few pull ups and curls in there somewhere. and a bit of internet time depending on what homework i have (MFA fag here)

>> No.7423542

Is this really so? What's the catch?

>> No.7423545

You're a college professor? What uni?

>> No.7423549


>> No.7423556

with the Greeks.

>> No.7423566

>No hallucinations of morphing of textures.

Look, I love the socializing paralleled with introspect and insight as well. But I don't get the full benefits of that unless I'm watching the sky and clouds morph, and trees breathing, and trails and geometric patterns appearing through air.

But I also get wicked indigestion

>> No.7423576

It's ludicrously illegal for one thing.
And impractically fragile. You've got to be insanely careful when handling it; not just because you can ruin it, but because it can be absorbed through the skin, too.

>> No.7423590

>alarm at 10
>snooze until 1015-1030
>actually get out of bed
>take medicine
>brush teeth
>get dressed
>do hair
>leave at 1045

>> No.7423625

Underrated post

>> No.7424041

Problem is, if I worked, 15% of my income would go to her Income Based Repayment (married filing jointly) and 35% or so would be taxed at her tax rate. So 50% of my income is gone. Then I would be paying AT LEAST 15k a year in childcare costs - and thats if I want my kids going to shitcare daycare, not montessori, in which case I would be paying close to 26k. So I would have to be making at least 52k to break even, which is about 1/7 of what my wife makes anyways, just so I can be a "working man" and have my kids never see their parents. As a highschool teacher that means I would have to be working in NYC, where she would make much less than she would in flyover country.

>> No.7424082


damn this sounds comfy. I'm in a similar situation OP. We have similar routines minus the gf thing.

I'm lucky enough that my college town has like 20 bars on one street and it's all right on campus. I can study and read in a booth at the bar and coffee shops.

Also studying literature and marketing. Minor in latin. On scholarship for everything. We are cool dudes.

>> No.7424206

>Wake up at 11 or 11:45 am mostly.
>Get ready, go to class, hang around a bit, back home by 2 or 4 pm depending on the day, class
>Unwind for about 3 hours by playing games, reading books, etc.
>study from 8 pm to 4 am

I'm not even happy with this shit, but it's become so embedded in me, I think changing it now will just wreck me.
Exams are just around the corner, after that I'm going to have to do something about this shit.

>> No.7424782
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i get up at 630, go for a run (or lazily stay in bed for a while browsing 4chan, depending on how im feeling or if i got stoned the night before). then i go to starbucks for an hour, then i go to work, then i eat dinner, edit some, watch robocop for the 16th time this year, and fall asleep. some days i'll read a short story or something at lunch.

>> No.7424794

Google time management and scheduling.

>> No.7424865

Am I the only one who thinks this sounds like the worst possible life?

>> No.7425029

true wealth is your time

>> No.7426292


>> No.7426312

I'm thinking of doing an apprenticeship as well, I don't really care what kind of job it is as long as it pays OK and I don't have to work like 12 hours days.

I'm in the UK, though, so I'm not sure if they function the same here as over there.

>> No.7426411

>A voluntary contract between two people is slavery

wew lad

>> No.7426415

>he thinks it was voluntary

my gott pure ideology

>> No.7426468

But senpai, it is.

>> No.7427775

it turns you gay

>> No.7427783

keked audibly

>> No.7427815

>Middle of forehead feels odd

You got me there.

>> No.7428160
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>I'm thinking of doing an apprenticeship as well, I don't really care what kind of job it is as long as it pays OK and I don't have to work like 12 hours days.

Electrical is a good industry to get into. It is a trade that travels well. Sparky's are always wanted, linesman have a bit more trouble traveling but if you find a job, there is good job security. You could also do an electronics/computer system type advanced diploma which is basically trade level.

Plumbers get paid heaps but you're gonna have to get into shit. Plenty of tickets to gain though, things like heavy plant equipment to welding/ gas refrigeration tickets.

Chefs are always wanted from a range of different types of culinary backgrounds. Thanks to cooking shows though I think it would be a hard trade to break. But there is always the possibility to make it big if you're good.

Mechanics get paid crap, but diesel mechanics can earn a fair dollar I'm pretty sure. Can't tell you much about those trades though, talk to mining companies of that interests you, some money to be made there.

Find something you're interested in then, find a trade that fits those interests. But those 12-hour days you don't want to do, you will be don't a couple of them in any trade. The most I've done is a 16-hour day and a couple of 12/13-hour days. They're not as hard as it seems.

>I'm in the UK, though, so I'm not sure if they function the same here as over there.

Yeah, can't help you with that, if you're under 30 I think they have exchange programs where you can go to any of the colonies to do an apprenticeship. So long as you don't have a criminal record. Check it out at maybe local uni's or high schools even.

>> No.7428167


>But those 12-hour days you don't want to do, you will be don't a couple of them in any trade.

>But those 12-hour days you don't want to do, you will be doing a couple of then in any trade.


>> No.7428589

1pm-wake up an lie in bed trying to musk up the energy to move an start my day grab some food water an pluck myself in front of the tv
1pm-3pm watch tv plus be on phone might masturbate an have shower, occassionally work out
3pm-4pm normally go for a drive because im bored might go get food, fill up car or get smokes
4pm-7pm lounge around house speak to family whom is now home (im alone through the day NEET)
7pm-11pm (every 2nd 3rd day) go to a park in a near sububr an hang out with mates smoking weed all from that area..big group about 20 different guys who go there an we are all very simillar we love drugs an partying and are all fried
one of these days ill go clubbing an do drugs mostly ecstacy almost every week without a doubt
im depressed and bored with life

>> No.7428602
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10/10 laughed out loud

>> No.7428605

Wake up whenever I do, make a cup of coffee, and watch whatever's new and interesting on YouTube.

>> No.7428610

For the rest of the day I study, work on research, study some more, go to class, and study. In intervals I'll watch random degeneracy on Youtube and listen to music.

I have absolutely no life and study all day, talk to no one because people usually end up being shallow and shitty; ready to die, but not before I finish my PhD

>> No.7428627 [DELETED] 

>Wake up at 9:00 am
>Go to fridge and take daily dose of methadone
> Roll a cigarette, smoke, drink black tea w/ milk
>Blearily stare into the TV until I'm awake
>Read for about an hour, more tea and cigarettes
>Get up and get dressed, leave at about noon
>Go to park to meet my dealer, buy two to five grams of Moroccan hash
>Return home, smoke bong all day, watch Netflix, read, doze, MAYBE some light housework
>Breakfast at 5 pm, toast and jam.

Living the dream.

>> No.7428641

Wake up whenever. Sometimes I start drinking right away, sometimes I wait until the hangover has shifted. I might cook or I might not. Maybe I'll go out somewhere; take a girl to the theatre, maybe get drunk or take drugs with friends. Sometimes I'll read a book. Scribble ideas in my notebook. Might get on a bus to another city and wander around it for a day or so. Wander down by the river in the dark. Have a pint somewhere. Get intentionally lost in the city. Stand in a park at midnight and scream. Feed the homeless. Get drunk with them. Find my way home in the early hours of the morning. Nothing here will have changed. Add empty beer cans to the pile.

>> No.7428915

So if we use the word ego death then there could be a resurrection. Maybe death is the wrong word but it lsd can drastically reduce ego. I took lsd only one time and it affected me strongly for many months after. also weed is good for you.

>> No.7428927
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>> No.7428974

I used to smoke salvia and attempted to write what I was experiencing on most of my trips.

Ego-death is a real thing. You just completely forget that you exist, and when you come back to reality you contemplate not only your existence, but the existence of everything - not only that, but I feel like it's critical to talk to people about my philosophy. Weed, LSD and shrooms produce the same sort of effect whenever I take them. I get this drive to write or express myself that I never used to have before I smoked salvia.
I also met someone in the Summer who had the exact same experience as me and we could just talk to each other and understand each other perfectly - just like me, her perspective of life completely changed after her salvia experience.

I know this is a late reply, but it's definitely a real thing.