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7416128 No.7416128 [Reply] [Original]

Is tennis the most patrician sport?

>> No.7416137

Where should I read Infinite Jest for the first time? I was thinking the cafeteria so everyone can see me reading it.

>> No.7416140
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fuck no

>> No.7416141

No, it's golf.

>> No.7416150
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>> No.7416151

A bus or subway and hold it up so everyone can see the cover.

>> No.7416167

Tennis is one of the most "Oh, shit, what a fucking athlete" sports. No teams, lots of explosive power, lots of finesse, lots of sweat and some fine physical specimens. You can't be good at tennis with raw power. You need something more.

>> No.7416174

is patrician the most subjective word?

>> No.7416176

That girl is weird-looking, her arm is too long

>> No.7416186

Not really. I think patrician can be reasonably defined as something that suits the interest and tastes of the aristocratic classes who are able to focus heavily on self-improvement for its own sake, and those who aspire to be somewhat like that class.

Tennis is way on up there because it's so demanding on the mind and body simultaneously in ways you can't just shortcut your way to by being born with a large frame or abnormal flexibility. It demands shaping of the self over a long period of practice, which fits my definition of "patrician," above.

In my region, the really smart, rich folks are often deep into endurance sports like marathon, cycling and triathlon. Those are fairly patrician because they require a lot of time to improve at and tax the mind as much as the body.

Equestrian is meh, mostly considered patrician because it's expensive, like golf (even though golf can be fairly affordable if you have a public course).

I think shooting is a dark horse for patrician status.

>> No.7416194

if thats how we're defining patrician then fuck that

>> No.7416199

It makes sense for a lot of things when you break it down. Esoteric things are patrician because you need a lot of background to appreciate them, which is more likely found in people with expensive educations and some time in their hands, though others can acquire it as well.

>> No.7416215

yes agree

>> No.7416221
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>not posting the real cover

>> No.7416227


Tennis is a combination of boxing and chess. Stick and move, stick and move, with carefully planned trigonometry occurring in about a second and a half worth of time. It is essentially calculus in motion, the successful tennis player must become a polymath first, able to visualize the infinite number of trajectories his ball may take when making contact with the racket and plan and account for the the trajectory and sped with which his opponent may return it and then his reaction to this and so on and so forth (each possibility becoming t to the power of n with t representing the initial strike and n representing the number of reactions the opponent may take to this strike, and so on and so forth growing at an exponential rate). Second he must be an athlete, ready for constant movement interspersed with bursts of speed and lighting reaction times. Third, a tennis player must be an artist, for to the truly great player the court exists as a canvas or amphitheater and his racket exists as a paint brush or conductors baton. He must move his instrument with the grace of Divinci or Raphael and his body with the supple grace of a dancer, yet none of his strokes can be planned ahead of time, none of his pirouettes come choreographed; he must plan his art split second to split second as he moves, flinging paint like Pollock yet landing with the precision of Michelangelo.

It is a deeply religious and metaphysical experience, more intimate than sex yet absolutely solitary at the same time. You are dancing an intimate tango with your partner while at the same time experiencing a very private zen like meditation.

>> No.7416228

I liek weird looking girls

>> No.7416244

>more intimate than sex
Your incel is showing

>> No.7416268

It's fitness.

>> No.7416275

while self-immolating

>> No.7416276

I'm gay nigger

I could set up five anonymous hookups on grindr and the hardest part would be coordinating the times if I wanted to be a disgusting degenrate

>> No.7416280

sure dude whatever you say

>> No.7416310

...that actually is what being gay is like tho. Being gay makes you think of sex as so cheap that all that r9k shit goes out the window. There's literally no ego attached cause you're basically assured sex unless you're below average in physical attractiveness (and desu, other than personality, that's literally all gay guys care about - I've fucked a nontrivial number of people who didn't ask where I worked or went to school or any of the other million litmus tests women put straight men through), so you can set your priorities accordingly. Straight men get all anxious because they always feel they need to get sex to validate themselves. Gay men know they can always get sex, and desu a lot of them barely seem to care about it and end up happier just focusing on aspie shit like tennis (myself included).

Source: am gay

>> No.7416312

to me that sounds pretty gay

>> No.7416357

I can also fuck fat girls off Craigslist anytime, that doesn't quite prove anything.

>> No.7416359

Best believe I'm going to blog about this shitlord

>> No.7416366

No, that's true for gays even if you don't bottom scrape, cause, unlike with women, gay dudes actually want cheap sex.

>> No.7416371

I wish sex between men and women was as casual as it is for gays

>> No.7416379

desu it's not that great. Once it becomes that available it becomes perfunctory. If you told a straight guy he could get laid anytime he wanted with comparably attractive women he'd be ecstatic, but that's mostly because of pent up desire. When that desire isn't pent up, it's about like say that you could get tasty restaurant food whenever you had the money for it; it's nice to be able to stuff my face with pad thai, but when you can do it frequently it just doesn't carry that big of a charge.

>> No.7416386
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brb converting to gayness

>> No.7416390

This. In college I was one of those guys with a small harem and had to keep track of when each girl was supposed to come over. It just gets to be about as exciting as jacking off after a while and you switch to just wanting one girl to love you or to be left alone or to have that one girl who's just a tad hotter than your hottest girl or has an interesting mole or something. A young man's brain cannot be 100% sexually satisfied for the long term.

Enjoy the chase and enjoy eating what you catch and don't get caught up in hypotheticals.

I know gay guys who can set up hookups with guys in their own league in a matter of minutes just to show you how easy it is. Grindr is also just dick pics galore if you're into that sort of thing.

>> No.7416393


haha fag

>> No.7416396

Fencing is way more patrician than tennis will ever be

>> No.7416397

that sound soulless

>> No.7416403

>In college I was one of those guys with a small harem
I've seen you reference this before. The way you bring this up despite tenuous motivation from context (I was explaining to heterbros what gaydom is like - you just come off like you're bragging) puts a question mark above your head.

>> No.7416409
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>> No.7416411

>I've seen you reference this before
Doubtful. This is a big site and not everyone's an incel.

>tenuous motivation from context
The conversation was originally about how intimate sex is, or whether it's just built up in your mind due to pent-up desire. You brought up gaydom, where sex is cheap unless you're a weirdo or deformed, and I mentioned an experience that probably at least a quarter of college-educated men have had where sex is similarly cheap, to reinforce your case that the cheapness (and not just the gender of the people involved) is significant.

Sorry for inserting my heteronormativity into your tight little homo-blog without affirmative consent.

>> No.7416416

Eh desu gays sort themselves based on personality. There really are probably the same percent of stability-loving gay men as there are straight, but ... well, men in general don't love stability that much and without a female nesting impulse gumming up the gears it's difficult to get things to slow down.

There definitely is a lot of shallowness to it. Literal borderline anonymous sex is common. Shallow, brief flings are probably the most common. A lot of gays complain about how difficult it is to find someone who wants a stable bond. Even worse is that, while the bonding thing definitely gets better with age, gay guys often stay wild into middle age (srsly, without the female nesting impulse, men often stay in party mode until they physically can't).

(desu it doesn't bother me at all cause I have a very poor ability to connect to people emotionally anyway lol)

>> No.7416417

It actually fucking sucks dude. You don't meet decent guys let alone gay guys in general. The hookup culture is no alternative because they're there for fucking, not drinking coffee and discussing literature.

>> No.7416419

>what is falconry

>tfw plebs were historically prohibited from participating

>> No.7416421

This is a bit unrelated, but does anyone have that Elliot Rodger Penguin mockup?

>> No.7416430

>There really are probably the same percent of stability-loving gay men as there are straight
I don't believe that for a fucking second.

I just want a cute guy to lay next to me in bed in an oversized sweater and cute undies but I also hate gay people and want them to all burn.

>> No.7416431
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>> No.7416435

>implying a sport can be patrician
top pleb

>> No.7416438

>I just want a cute guy to lay next to me in bed in an oversized sweater and cute undies but I also hate gay people and want them to all burn.
Ya I've met guys like you. 2bh I think there ARE a lot of you, but you all hate each other. lol

Just embrace degeneracy, friend. We have giant waves of mdma and semen. It's pgood not gonna lie.

>> No.7416439

Not everyone wants to live like that u shitstain

>> No.7416444
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me 2

>> No.7416447

Friend ... FRIEND ... I promise, it is the way.

>> No.7416449

>letting your body rot and make you uncomfortable
>not using your abundant time and resources to become capable of feats that dazzle the peasantry and reinforce your status as their natural superior
>not breeding the common women with a body so strong they think of you forever after when their pleb husbands clumsily make love to them and care for your illegitimate children
I think we all know who the pleb is here.

>> No.7416450

>straight sex

Yeah, you.

>> No.7416452

Want to be my tennis partner? I've been wanting to start playing, so I'm not the best at it.

>> No.7416457

>We have giant waves of mdma and semen
I like semen but drugs are bad

>> No.7416458

If you live in Texas sure, everyone has to star somewhere

>> No.7416464

Straight recreational sex is pleb. Spreading your seed to assert your dominance over your clients is something else entirely.

>> No.7416478

Washington, hopefully I'll find one someday.

>> No.7416487

Too rainy and too many hipsters for my tastes

>> No.7416511

I envy you so much. Ive always thought it was like this being gay, and now that you've confirmed it i will forever suffer as an 8/10 omega male. Attenpting to better myself, but not without the looming guilotine of my sexual failure looming above my neck