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File: 810 KB, 763x762, 1448938565-1448938565_goodreads_misc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7415691 No.7415691 [Reply] [Original]

Thought you would like to know what the best books of the year are

>> No.7415714

Call me uncultured, but this year has been, to me, pretty stale in really all forms of media: no good albums--at least, none as good as last year's-- no good movies, and, worst of all, no good books: it's really kind of disappointing.

>> No.7415719
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what did you expect

>> No.7415726

To Pimp A Butterfly and Divers are top tier as far as pop albums go. I haven't listened to much art music lately because college/literature/work.

>> No.7415731

idk t b h, JVD's I Am is a contender. Never have I seen the nihilism and wicked humor of /lit/ bottled up into a novella.

>> No.7415738

What's JVD?

>> No.7415750

To Pimp a Butterfly was very disappointing: it was just flashy production backdropping average to mediocre lyrics. I haven't hears of Divers, though. How would you rate it outta 10?

>> No.7415756


>> No.7415775

>that previsionist Atticus Finch debacle I had forgotten about
>Best Fiction
I mean look at all the other titles that could've won

>> No.7415788


I'm sure the author is emulating Don Quixote here instead of simply being lolrandom.

>> No.7415793

it's John von Dorf. Pretty sure he used to start the critique threads with a trip, and eventually got a small fanbase that convinced him to self-publish.

>> No.7415817


>> No.7416166
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Ya know, I secretly enjoyed that as well. I was definitely a quiet onlooker to his whole progression

>> No.7416217

Shit taste

>> No.7416220

>Queen of Shadows
>After four men gang-rape her ...
I would read this book if she takes it in the pooper

>> No.7416230

Do goodreads girls like To Kill a Mockingbird and Go Set a Watchmen because they all have daddy issues and only read them for the sexual tension between Atticus and Scout?

>> No.7416549

Aziz Ansari is such a fucking limp wristed pussy

>> No.7416594

Movies were pretty good this year imho

>> No.7416598

submission is the only relevant answer

>> No.7416622

ex machina was one of the best science fiction movies so far this decade IMO

>> No.7416746


is it worth the readanyway?

>> No.7416758

the lobster. to pimp a butterfly.

>> No.7417093


>> No.7417096

Last year's albums were shitty. This year is fantastic.

>> No.7417202


Is there anything other than Submission?

>> No.7417232
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pic related

>> No.7417233

I have read only The Girl on The Train from these. Has anyone here read it? What did you think?

>> No.7417248

A Brief History of Seven Killings
City on Fire

>> No.7417258

The Buried Giant

And best Sci Fi is Dark Forest

>> No.7417294

Last years works.

Brief History was the best contemporary book ive read in years. Moving on to Yanagihara next.

>> No.7417298

I enjoyed it

>> No.7417310


you're totally right about movies. music isn't so bad, decent wilco, courtney barnett, beach house, good hip hop.

This year we got collected Joy Williams stories, a fantastic Clancy Martin novel, but not much else

>> No.7417320

>Go Set
I've just finished reading To Kill A Mockingbird. Is Go Set A Watchman really recommended? I mean, isn't it an unfinished draft?

>> No.7417343

>no good movies
Didn't you see Pixels and Paul Blart Mall Cop 2?

>> No.7417350
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She just released another novel too.

>> No.7417353

Love and Lies? Just googled, unfamiliar with him.

What kind of work is it?

>> No.7417370


Bad Sex

>> No.7417470

Movies weren't that bad. There just weren't that many big 'blockbuster'ish movies that were good. But that is not something new, you just have to dig deeper to find anything good.

>> No.7417493

Not the guy you quoted, but there's a reason Joanna Newsom, I feel, has already established herself as one of the all time greats. It's my third favourite of her four albums and it's still incredible.

It also has strong parallels to Finnegans Wake. It's strange to think she married the man responsible for such hits as "Jizz in my Pants", "Dick in a Box" and "I Just Had Sex".

>> No.7417501

Now that the dust has settled, I'd say that it's probably this years most important "new" book. It's not "unfinished", just not polished. It's easy to forget that at one time this book was her pride and joy and what she wanted to be published. Had somebody published it we would never have had TKaM. For better or worse I'd say that its significance alone makes it worth reading.

But maybe that's just me. It's a very quick and easy read so I'd say go for it.

>> No.7417644

the only good thing that came out this year in any medium was 'painted shut' by hop along

maybe art of memoir by mary karr


>> No.7417656

It, Mad Max, and Crimson Peak were pretty great.

>> No.7417672
File: 556 KB, 1023x577, cos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lits/ taste outside of literature is uninspired contemporary pop shit.

Why don't you guys just admit you don't like what you read and only do so for the image?

>b..but I'm not. My asthetic sensibilities and standards in regards to all other art just happens to be so off base in comparison! So what if I read Joyce and listen to twee lower middle brow shit like Sufjan Stevens. It means nothing!

>> No.7417682

Recommend me some good music/film oh wise patrician

>> No.7417699

I'm a complete music pleb that listens to shit at random until I like something. Any recommendations?

Ive been listening to a lit of bjork lately for some reason.

>> No.7417714
File: 50 KB, 600x600, timbernesnakeoil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

favs of the century so far in order:
Werckmeister Harmonies
The Temptation of St. Tony
What Time Is It There?
Thief or Reality
The Mill and the Cross
The Turin Horse
Hard to be a God
The White Meadows

Pic is probably my album of the year.

>> No.7417718
File: 387 KB, 630x380, 19 October 2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What sort of music are you looking for?
I'm not that guy but here are some of my favourites

>> No.7417729
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>> No.7417743
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>mfw it's all popular music

>> No.7417745

Why would I recommend avant garde music to someone who admits to be a pleb when it comes to music, I'm not a fucking retard

>> No.7417783


Riddle me this: I only share my interest in literature with this anonymous board.

People who talk about it IRL with people who aren't bona fide /lit/ are setting themselves up to be tainted by vanity. Plebs.

>> No.7417791

Double Nickels on the Dime is the greatest album of all time and nobody will convince me otherwise.

>> No.7417793

Minutemen is just an amazing band overall, they blend so many styles of music and do it with such energy.

>> No.7417802

>all women and an indian guy

>> No.7417816

Goes to show just what literature is capable of without being held back by the patriarchy

>> No.7417819

>every pop is bad

>> No.7417829

Are people being ironic in their praise for Girl on the Train?

>> No.7417830

>without being held back by the patriarchy
But still in thrall to penury (esp. the shameful cash-in for Fiction)

>> No.7417836
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>The Girl on the Train

Who approves these boring as fuck titles? Come up with something interesting.

>> No.7417903

I'm guessing it's to buy into the Stieg Larsson fanbase.

>> No.7417911

To Be Kind, dingus

>> No.7417938

Movies I completely agree with. Last year we had birdman, interstellar, whiplash, nightcrawler, boyhood, grand Budapest hotel, gone girl.
I don't think any movies this year touch any of those expect maybe inside out.

Music this year has been awesome. I've been enthralled by so many new albums from this year.

Op picks for best books are completely depressing

>> No.7417962

This on Inside Out, excellent film.
Also, I'm OP and I guess I'll have to point out explicitly that I was sharing the top vote-getters from Goodreads and was being sarcastic about their excellence (in particular the Fiction pick, which should never have seen a printing press).

>> No.7417972

Oh no I was aware that the image wasn't your opinion. I'm just saying that the image is sad. I stand by this year having amazing music though

>> No.7417987


>> No.7417989

Anyone read A Little Life? I'm looking forward to it.

>> No.7417998

>Picking that film festival baiting fraud Tsai instead of an actual GOAT director, WKW.

>Picking uzak over winter sleep and O.U.A.T.I.A

>Picking the turin horse aka tarr's weakest.

you are full of shit m8.

>> No.7418003

Hard to Be a God was released this year and is the best film of the decade.

Since all of the ones you mentioned are American I assume you don't watch much foreign cinema. I'm not being snobby or critical, but you made quite a lofty claim based on a fairly narrow spectrum of films.

>> No.7418010

You really think Turin Horse is worse than Family Nest or The Outsider?

Werckmeister Harmonies and Satantango are his masterpieces but I absolutely loved Turin Horse. Few films have made me feel like the characters in watching quite like Turin Horse did.

Krasznahorkai also happens to be one of my favourite contemporary writers.

>> No.7418011

>Hard to Be a God
Huh, another Strugatsky adaptation. Have to check that out.

>> No.7418034


>Three hours of people coughing up phlegm, vomiting, wiping feces on their faces all within inches of the camera all without any resemblance of the plot of the book

>> No.7418066

I agree with the movies. There's hidden gems, but the mainstream supposed-to-be-good Oscar contenders look pretty disappointing across the board. I also kinda agree with the music thing, although I have to agree with whomever said Divers was great. That album, Carrie & Lowell and Pale Horses by mewithoutyou were the saving grace of the year for me.

Can't say about books because I don't usually read stuff published in the present year. I bought the Pulitzer novel and the Booker novel recently, though (both before they were announced as winners), so I might give them a shot before New Year's.

>> No.7418086

I'd say it's not as good as HOoM but better than Ys. Only thing her career needs is a lonely island collab.

>> No.7418120

Inside Out sucked.

>> No.7418185
File: 155 KB, 728x1167, Front-Cover-website-e1400801523717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did any one read pic related? I have been meaning to get this one for a while now having read a couple of evocatively crafted short stories, really good stuff.

>> No.7418187

i expected better taste from /lit/ers

>> No.7418537

I'm sorry I was talking more pop and mainstream releases. I haven't seen that movie but I'll check it out

>> No.7418638

hot opinion anon we're convinced

>> No.7418746

Cause I gave that Connor Franta book four stars they told me I could ask him a question via Goodreads. I told him to start writing children's books (・∀・ )

>> No.7419339


i didnt know that unfunny sand nigger wrote a book.

>> No.7420177

Because it's from 2013 Americlap

>> No.7421651

there's a lot of good k-pop this year

>> No.7421662
File: 113 KB, 625x1023, Its+goofy+time+_6a62367d64f860d85c70754698a6c2a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good k-pop

>> No.7421879
File: 1.02 MB, 3543x3543, Oneohtrix_Point_Never-2015-Garden_Of_Delete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no good albums

>> No.7423094

I like Twice...i mean those bitches are god tier hot.

>> No.7423245

>/lit/ thinks pop music is good
It's the equivalent of YA.
Time to get to work:
Jazz is trash
Everything there is trash.
~~~~~avant garde~~~~~~~ is pop music.
Léonin isn't exactly difficult to enjoy superficially.
Pop music is trash.
Yes, it is.

>> No.7423277

>Jazz is trash
Hehe. You're funny.

>> No.7423289

>listening to music

>> No.7423299

thanks buddy

>> No.7423332

Did anyone like the Steve Jobs movie as much as I did? I really like Aaron Sorkin's dialogue. Couldn't get the movie out of my head for weeks.

>> No.7423334

It's objective trash of no discernable value or modesty. It's equivalent to something large ('grand' and 'epic') and filled with self-inserts like ASoIaF.

>> No.7423338

I stopped taking you seriously at "objective," friend.

>> No.7423339

I feel like Jazz is more akin to experimental literature, like McCarthy. No punctuation, just a flowing mellifluous melody.

>> No.7423348

>i got btfo so i wont read ;_;
Except that's wrong, jazz is extremely derivative and McCarthy is also.

My goodness, /lit/ is adolescent.

>> No.7423351

>making audacious, baseless claims with no evidence or analysis
K, friend. Keep spouting nonsense about something you very clearly know little about.

>> No.7423360

Don't project, attention whore.

>> No.7423368

as he said: no good albums

>> No.7423377

Not projecting if it's true, true friend.

>> No.7423383
File: 28 KB, 480x560, 1442725684104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>those "selections"

Hans where is my flammenwerfer?



Enard is great, too bad I'll have to wait for. . . a translation

>> No.7423392

>its true cuz i dnt like wat u sed *shovels coal*

>> No.7423407

>I don't know what I'm talking about so I will respond to the attacks on my authority with ad hominem *complains about jews*
There's this great place made for special people like you. It's called >>>/pol/.

>> No.7423413

Again, stop projecting.

>> No.7423620

I didn't really like To Pimp A Butterfly. It was often cliche, and it really shows that Kendrick has been talking to some WE WUZ KINGS N SHIIEEEET people, the whole ''Illuminati hates blacks theyz gun get me'' shines through so much. It felt a bit like Dead Prez with a contemporary production crew. Section 80 and Good Kid are so much better.

>> No.7423643

Look at this man, he enjoys nothing!

>> No.7424178

top juj

>> No.7424531

Best book this year was The Vorrh.

>> No.7424651
File: 206 KB, 494x280, Screen Shot 2015-11-17 at 8.08.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I really liked movie. I felt that it was not a movie about Steve Jobs but Sorkin's take on his life. The name of movie might be an misnomer. The move had really good dialog, the music complemented it really well and I think the Kate Winslet did really good in it. Good movie.

>> No.7425855


>> No.7427907

what do you find original and not derivative then?

>> No.7427983


>> No.7427991

What do you want then? Comus?

>> No.7427999

>filled with self-inserts like ASoIaF

Are we still talking about the musical genre?

>> No.7428008


It's always a good thread when dimestore Freud drops by

>> No.7428275

2/10, apply yourself

>> No.7428279

I expected better taste from people criticising the taste of /lit/ters.

>> No.7428294

I literally posted albums I enjoyed.
What a fucking fail

>> No.7428324

oh my god who cares

>> No.7428377

don't think so, i came across the book because my friend suggested it, but up until i actually started reading it i didn't even know what it was about. furthermore, what's that sexual tention you talk about? I'm halfway through the book and honestly I really don't notice any of it

>> No.7428448

>courtney barnett,

>> No.7428492

Reading the one star reviews:
>Have you ever had a friend that thinks that he is so clever when he turns a phrase?
>Only a snooty, high-brow, literary snob who believes densely written, existentialist, allegorical nonsense makes for good writing, could admire this book
>The author seemed to be more interested in impressing the reader with his vocabulary and ability to paint word pictures than telling a story
>Don't buy this book unless you want to descend into madness
>Pretentious, unreadable trash ... My hat is off to anyone who can understand this book
Ordering immediately.

>> No.7428493

Drake's If you're reading this it's too late was absolutely phenomenal and anyone who disagrees is an insecure snobby pleb

>> No.7428515
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Best book of 2015