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7412847 No.7412847 [Reply] [Original]


Pynchon, Joyce, and DFW absolutely BTFO


>> No.7412858

Is this man the greatest troll in academia?

>> No.7412864

The only thing this arrogant ass-hat is good for is copypasta. I need to dump his shitty writing more often.

>> No.7412870

This author-worship tribalism is retarded. Keep your shit threads on v

>> No.7412890

Holy shit fucking Vonnegut is garbage. His books deserve to be burned

>> No.7412913

I read Gravity's Rainbow exclusively while under the influence of drugs and alcohol and was able to get more out of that this doofus.

>> No.7412942

Wash your mouth out anon. Vonnegut is shit, but book burning is fucking evil.

>> No.7412960

I live in Antarctica

Czech your privilege

>> No.7412980
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>if one views Vonnegut’s book as a world class sprinter running the 100 yard dash, then Pynchon’s book is a fat man attempting to not die while running a marathon

>> No.7413622

I always liked that math joke

>> No.7413626

This guy thinks he's the greatest poet who ever lived, but his poetry is extremely mediocre


>> No.7413628

Kek. Nigga thinks he's Nabokov.

>> No.7413638

Someone should try to get a real literary critic to completely decimate him.

>> No.7413640

Pretty sure he's the only real literary critic, though -- according to himself.

>> No.7413660

>An expurgated version of this article originally appeared on the Salon website.

>> No.7413666

I hold the belief that anyone with the last name Schnieder has been cursed to create mediocre drivel at best. It is one of the most obnoxiously nasal sounds in the worlds.

>> No.7413680

Wow you're right, and it's especially bad since there are so many people with that stupid name.

>> No.7413688

My theory is that it's the worst combination of German autism and American arrogance.

>> No.7413691

Is Schneider a Jewish name or a German one?

I like how in some of his earlier essays, he describes himself as fit and tall but in his vids he's blatantly fat and looks short.

>> No.7413692


It's German for tailor

>> No.7415508

I want scaruffi to attack him.

>> No.7415551
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>all those adverbs

>> No.7415559

>tfw I know this from the Chris Chan saga

>> No.7415566

isn't that the guy who banned Chris from the Game Stop and called "jerkops" on him?

>> No.7415641

It may be both German and Yiddish.

>> No.7415673


>Schnider you damn dirty Jew!

>> No.7415723

>In fact, this digressive nature becomes obsessive, to the point that Pynchon never writes about a thing. He is always hinting at something, but never unzips and unloads. Many PoMo fans find this artistic striptease, of itself, engaging, and an example of Pynchon (or whatever other PoMo hack employs this technique) showing off his intellectual bones. I don’t, because just as that argument fails for the David Foster Wallace type (since one cannot logically claim one good at a thing if one cannot legitimately point to a single example of that person producing anything good), it fails for Pynchon because a total of, perhaps 15-20 well written pages worth of prose, in a 760 page book, does not a good (much less great) writer make. A similar logic can be employed when speaking of Marcel Proust’s Remembrance Of Things Past. 300 great pages of writing out of a 3300 page work does not make the work, on its own, great, although, at 300 pages of greatness (a book’s worth of prose) one can more easily make an argument for Proust being a great writer than Pynchon, at a dozen or so merely well written pages.

>> No.7415766

>It crests a little bit higher than those works because it ascends to intellectual coherence, if nothing else, on a few occasions, and this is not what most Postmodern novels even seem to strive for- base level coherence or imparting anything of lasting cultural, intellectual, and artistic value.
Does this asshole know how to write? How can he expect people to take him seriously when he has the writing level of a high school senior? kek

>> No.7415772

Reminder that he considers himself the best poet of all time, a unique and superb literary critic, and a great essayist.

>> No.7415778

Is this THE Dan "take your daughter and hide her" Schneider?

>> No.7415783

No, but he's commented on him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IdJ83GP5cg

>> No.7415791

Worst part of this video btw is that he slanders Good Burger

>> No.7415813


Lol literally no one gives a shit about this guy.

>> No.7415819

I would almost pity him if it weren't for him having such a huge ego and his unmerited arrogance.

>> No.7415821

Was just going to say this.
He talks about his popularity yet this video has 58 views.
Man this guy is full of himself.

>> No.7415828

>Over 514 Million Visitors Since 1/9/01
>60 billion+ page reads 12 billion+ essay reads
Is that a lot for 15 years?

>> No.7415829

We should send him personal, literary/philosophical, and other esoteric questions to answer.

>> No.7415839

Alexa says his site is too low to rank

>> No.7415845

So he's lying to make himself appear more popular. That's hilarious.

>> No.7415892


I remember coming across it in year twelve I think. The reviewer assumes that nobody reading the book has studied calculus, and therefore the joke is dumb, but that's a pretty retarded thesis. Lots of Pynchon fans have probably studied some kind of maths or science

>> No.7415902

Maybe he's mad because it makes him feel insecure about his intelligence.

>> No.7415904

He probalby just thinks it's a lame joke, which it is, but I still like it. There's nothing wrong with lame jokes from time to time

>> No.7415929

>read the whole book in about six hours, and that’s only because I went back to reread multiple parts.


>> No.7415943
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>mfw Dan Schneider doesn't subvocalize

>> No.7415946

Must be why he missed out on all the beautiful prose [about bananas, shit-eating and going down the toilet]

>> No.7415958

And there lies the problem

>> No.7415973

Is he a jew?
He sounds jewish.

>> No.7416004
File: 123 KB, 383x291, Screen Shot 2015-12-02 at 7.53.01 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But there really isn't a plot in Gravity's Rainbow. There's some wacky stuff that goes on. There's some spy stuff. The title refers to the arc, the parabola of the U2 rockets (...)
>There's a bunch of, you know, violence and sex, and ha ha ha, it's trying to be postmodern (...)
Where was all the violence ...?

>says GR fails because it has underdeveloped characters
>cites Billy Pilgrim

>> No.7416035

The whole video is brutal.

>> No.7416073

There are a few really gross gory parts in Gravity's Rainow

>> No.7416079

>calls good burger shit then says based Dan is a pedophile

Fuck this butthurt imp

>> No.7416087

Such as .. ?
To my memory four deaths even mentioned and none are directly depicted, one being by billy club, one being by V2, one being by ecoli, and one being a complete mystery/possibly not even happening.
There is of course and the implied violence of war and bombings, but it's not like any of it is overly indulgent or "postmodern" as he labels it.

>> No.7416089

I'm pretty sure the speculation that Nick Dan Schneider is a pedo has some backing to it. I think it's a meme on /tv/ too.

Regardless, you can tell he's really jealous of that guy's success.

>> No.7416115


>> No.7416118

>can't understand a book
>it's too wacky it's crazy there's no plot!
this has to be bait holy kek

>> No.7416125

i mean, maybe not violent, but the death by ecoli one isn't the most pleasant passage.

>> No.7416133

r u forgetting about the castration scene

>> No.7416188

if he had just written 'i dont get it' it would have saved me a lot of time

>> No.7416204

It's German but means Tailor, which is historically a Jewish occupation there and so most people with the name are Jewish.

>> No.7417054


It's definitely a lame joke, but looking at something and having a knee jerk reaction of 'I don't understand this therefore it's shit' is about as pleb as you can be.

>> No.7417101
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>he hates hermeneutics