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/lit/ - Literature

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7411042 No.7411042[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If any Christfags on /lit/ could answer these questions I'd appreciate it. I'm not trying to start a religion shitposting general, I'm genuinely interested in your thoughts.

>What sect of Christianity are you?
>How often, if at all, do you worship? (pray, go to church, read the Bible)
>Do you actually believe in the religion? Meaning, do you believe the mythological aspects of it, like presence of an omniscient creator and the divinity of Christ?
>If yes, do you also believe in science that may seemingly contradict the above?
>Do you believe that, considering you believe your religion is true, that others are necessarily false? (Especially in regards to other Abrahamic religions)

Also, feel free to include any other thoughts on the matter.

>> No.7411048
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Also, if posters coming from other religious backgrounds would like to answer any applicable questions above, feel free. Just keep it respectful :-)

>> No.7411118

a few times a day
yeah, of course. I'm agnostic in some degree, but I want to believe more strongly. I accept the Church's authority on all the points of dogma.
I don't "believe in" science. I do believe in the usefulness of the sciences and I accept on authority the most widely agreed-on claims of those sciences until I am informed otherwise.
I believe many parts of the doctrines of other religions are false. I believe their prophets are perhaps mystics of some value, but that their philosophies are wrong and their scripture is not authoritative. This is not, of course, to say they are liars and cheats—only that they do not have the whole truth. And I should add: I do not have the whole truth either; though, if ever it should be revealed, I have a sense that it will be through the Catholic Church, and none other. It certainly won't be the unitarians.

>> No.7411197

What do you mean that you do not "believe in" science? That they are not the means of ascertaining the truths of the world?

>> No.7411205

God's not real.

>> No.7411215

When you say you don't "believe" in science, do you mean you reject science on epistemological grounds or do you mean you consider it's proposed models non-definite solutions a la Khun?

>> No.7411226

Wow, you got em good boy.

>> No.7411227

Science doesn't find truths

>> No.7411233

>>What sect of Christianity are you?
lapsed catholic
>>How often, if at all, do you worship? (pray, go to church, read the Bible)
maybe daily
>>Do you actually believe in the religion? Meaning, do you believe the mythological aspects of it, like presence of an omniscient creator and the divinity of Christ?
yes, but i value some folk beliefs above some doctrinal ones
>>If yes, do you also believe in science that may seemingly contradict the above?
sure. some of the folk beliefs even contradict each other, why not science too?
>>Do you believe that, considering you believe your religion is true, that others are necessarily false? (Especially in regards to other Abrahamic religions)
no. except the protestants.

>> No.7411235

>What sect of Christianity are you?
non denominational bordering on deism
>How often, if at all, do you worship? (pray, go to church, read the Bible)
pray and read the bible every day, go to a variety of churches from time to time
>Do you actually believe in the religion? Meaning, do you believe the mythological aspects of it, like presence of an omniscient creator and the divinity of Christ?
yes I believe in the two you specifically cited.
>If yes, do you also believe in science that may seemingly contradict the above?
it has the potential to contradict but it hasn't and I see probability that it will
>Do you believe that, considering you believe your religion is true, that others are necessarily false? (Especially in regards to other Abrahamic religions)
No not neccesarily. God is a personal god and he may represent himself as vishnu to one person and Jehovah to the next

>> No.7411352

Not lit related take it to /his/

>> No.7411432

the bible is literature, you inbred monkey fucker

>> No.7411459
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another name for Allah

To Hindi

>Rama is another name for Krsna

Rahman - Rama

Also "Brahman" (impersonal, creating) as another aspect of God in Hinduism. The other two are Paramatman (Great Spirit) and Bhagavan (Personality)

>b-R-A-H-M-A-N and R a h m a n
Since the Bhagavan (Personality) is Krsna, Jesus is also the Bhagavan (Personality).

>To Christianity

Jesus, who is the Christ, is also called Christos.

Christos in Sanskrit would translate to Krsna.

When Christians say Christ, they call on GOD. When Hindus say Krsna, they mean GOD.
Just like Krsna can mean all attractive, dark, but also
> "krsh" meaning "truth"
>" na" meaning "bliss.

>Srimad Bhagavatam (3:23)
>in the nineteenth and twentieth incarnations, the Lord advented Himself as Lord Balarama and Lord Krsna in the family of Vrsni (the Yadu dynasty) and by doing so He removed the burden of the world.

Removed the burden of the world.

Interesting. Sounds kind of like what Jesus does.

>> No.7411466

>This was beggining of first post

>the true spiritual hierarchy called "awliya er-Rahman (God)
>opposite to awilya esh-Shaytan (Satan)

Little word play for you guys:

>Rahman is another name for Allah

>> No.7411472

Just mentioning the bible in your post doesn't make your thread literature related. "Religion General" has nothing to do with books.


>> No.7411505
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The Torah is literature, the Bible is literature, the Qu'ran is literature. I want to know how /lit/ follows their precepts. The thread is directly relevant.

Fuck off, athiest.

>> No.7411534

>What sect of Christianity are you?
Militant atheism
>How often, if at all, do you worship? (pray, go to church, read the Bible)
I read scientific literature, go to atheist conventions like Skepticon, and go to churches to teach people about the importance of logic.
>Do you actually believe in the religion? Meaning, do you believe the mythological aspects of it, like presence of an omniscient creator and the divinity of Christ?
I believe that if religion didn't exist, the world would be a better place.
>If yes, do you also believe in science that may seemingly contradict the above?
Science contradicts every religion except Buddhism and we can extract the good things from Buddhism to form a secular spirituality good for mental health as researchers have shown to be true.
>Do you believe that, considering you believe your religion is true, that others are necessarily false? (Especially in regards to other Abrahamic religions)
All religions are false and used to control the masses.

>> No.7411553

>somebody actually typed this all out

>> No.7411561

Orthodox, but it's not a sect, as it predates Christian sects

I go at least once a week

I affirm the truth of the Orthodox faith.

I don't see how science contradicts it.

I believe other religions are false so to speak, but some are much closer to the truth than others.

>> No.7411565

*tips fedora*

>> No.7412195

I mean that "science" is not a set of dogma to be believed in

>> No.7412197

>this is what Sam Harris ACTUALLY BELIEVES

>> No.7412283

>What sect of Christianity are you?
Raised Protestant, was away from the faith for several years, am currently re-evaluating questions of faith etc.
>How often, if at all, do you worship? (pray, go to church, read the Bible)
I've been worshiping each week and reading the Bible first thing each morning. I'm finding myself unable to pray yet.
>Do you actually believe in the religion? Meaning, do you believe the mythological aspects of it, like presence of an omniscient creator and the divinity of Christ?
My gut reaction is to defend strongly the divinity and work of Christ, and yet I am having difficulty with the idea of God the Father. Do I contradict myself? Very well, ...
>If yes, do you also believe in science that may seemingly contradict the above?
I don't have a problem with science really. Science and rationality has its domain, and religion and faith has its. They can coexist side by side; call it paradoxical. When either endeavor steps outside its domain and tries to speak on the other, though, it oversteps its bounds.
>Do you believe that, considering you believe your religion is true, that others are necessarily false? (Especially in regards to other Abrahamic religions)
There is value and truth in other faiths, including the rest of the Abrahamic tradition. As far as truth or falsity per se before God, I am not in a position to judge.

>> No.7412338

Everything you said is wrong.

>> No.7412459

>I read scientific literature, go to atheist conventions like Skepticon, and go to churches to teach people about the importance of logic.
>go to churches to teach people about the importance of logic.


>> No.7412513
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>What faith are you?
>How often, if at all, do you worship? (pray, go to church, read the Bible)
At least once a day
>Do you actually believe in the religion? Meaning, do you believe the mythological aspects of it?
>If yes, do you also believe in science that may seemingly contradict the above?
It can.
>Do you believe that, considering you believe your religion is true, that others are necessarily false? (Especially in regards to other Abrahamic religions)
No, everything that is, is. Your skydaddy is just as real as my goddess, but since neither of them have the capacity to alter what is I'll stick with the cuter of the two.

>> No.7412592

Not being a proselytizing fedora is literally retarded. Giving a shit about the nuances of suspension of disbelief and logical arguments for A Creator is autistic and "everyone believing what they le want" is tumblr-tier.

>> No.7412612

These are the only two people who get it.

>> No.7412615

>Giving a shit about the nuances of suspension of disbelief and logical arguments for A Creator is autistic
are you calling coleridge autistic? i think the word's lost all meaning

>> No.7412621

Little do people know, but being autistic is a compliment. It means being neurodiverse, having focused interests, and being driven to follow one's passions. Jokes on them.

>> No.7412682

Here's a thought, if you want to ask something of Christians, refer to them as "Christians", not a term that many Christians would consider blasphemous. On that note, I would love to answer your question, but seeing as you are a blaspheming pleb, I have no inclination to do so.

>> No.7412826

Referring to a group of people with the suffix -fag is common culture here on 4chan. If that truly bothers you, I think this thread would benefit from you not posting in it. Fuck off.

>> No.7412837

I never said that it bothers me; I was pointing out the counterproductive that OP took in trying to get some of his questions answered. As for the reason why I didn't answer if I was not bothered, again, I have no inclination to accommodate someone who himself puts on the air of not giving a fuck.

Also, "common culture" really does not excuse the fact that it is a negative thing to say. That would be like me going up to a bunch of black guys and saying: "well listen, I've always been interested in your culture and I was hoping that you niggers could give me some details so that I could expand my interest beyond mere observation."

>> No.7412842

>the counterproductive measure that

>> No.7412845

You've already failed at the Great Commission.

Fucking failure pleb. lrn2disciple

>> No.7412853

>implying 4chan is the only/best place to evangelize

>> No.7412895
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>What sect of Christianity are you?
Roman Catholic
>How often, if at all, do you worship? (pray, go to church, read the Bible)
I pray multiple times a day every day, for one thing or another. I try to pray the Rosary at least once a week, since it's a powerful prayer. I go to Mass every Sunday and every Holy Day of Obligation, and I also try to go on the feast days of saints I like.
>Do you actually believe in the religion? Meaning, do you believe the mythological aspects of it, like presence of an omniscient creator and the divinity of Christ?
Absolutely. I affirm all the supernatural, otherworldly aspects of the Church's tradition: healings, apparitions, visions, mystical experiences, and so on. And of course, like any good Catholic, I affirm the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist.
>If yes, do you also believe in science that may seemingly contradict the above?
I don't believe there's a contradiction, simply because the divine and the miraculous continues to evidence itself beyond the explanation of science. I certainly recognize science's great power to explain and manipulate the natural world, but it has its limitations.
>Do you believe that, considering you believe your religion is true, that others are necessarily false? (Especially in regards to other Abrahamic religions)
Yes. I certainly believe there is a some degree of truth in all religions, since all of them affirm the reality of a more-than-material universe. However, none of them are as true as Catholic Christianity. This is a matter of course for me as a believer. If I believed Islam had the ultimate truth, I'd be a Muslim. If I believed no religion held any truth, I'd be an atheist. There is no point in following a faith out of custom or habit; that would be a waste of time. I believe and practice because I believe truth is found in Christ alone through the ministry of the Church.

>> No.7412898
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Alright buddy just slow down...

>> No.7412907

What do you mean by the Rosary being a powerful prayer? Clearly it affirms and strengthens your faith, but do you mean anything further than that?

>> No.7412908

You're an idiot. Every place is the best place to evangelize. Are you freaking kidding me? The first apostles did it in a place and time where they could have been whacked for openly talking about it, and you're going to make that excuse?

Where's my ruler? You need to be slapped.

>> No.7412919


>> No.7412925

I like you. You're a cool guy. I agree with you on every front except the thing about believing in the supernatural. I'm just not superstitious enough.