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/lit/ - Literature

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7408340 No.7408340 [Reply] [Original]

Authors with no bad books.

>> No.7408345

Franz Kafka

>> No.7408357
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>> No.7408362
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>> No.7408407

this scared me.

>> No.7408415

why do people use this man as laugh face wehn he no do laugh face

>> No.7408486
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>> No.7408500

How could you seriously think Portrait was bad when the bathing scene is the epitome of penile stimulation in literature?

>> No.7408508

B-but le pretty flying flower collecter doesn't like it!

>> No.7408513
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>> No.7408517

the OG edgemeister

>> No.7408536

the "I have never read Sade" plebmeister.

>> No.7408546
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>m-my edgelord coming of age shit is good!

>> No.7408556
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>File: marquisdesade.jpg (225 KB, 858x536)

>> No.7408561

I didn't say I liked Speak, Memory now did I?

>> No.7408570

Confirmed GOAT

>> No.7408596

>Speak, Memory
trying too hard tbqh

>> No.7408600

I can't say I've read them all, but I'd be surprised if Faulkner ever wrote a bad book.

>> No.7408611


he actually wrote mostly bad books and a few good ones, the man was largely a hack writer with his mostly-early works attempting some sort of artistic integrity

>> No.7408614

shit post
The Hamlet and The Wild Palms are goat

>> No.7408621

Same could be said of A Portrait.
Stop posting please, you aren't funny.

>> No.7408625

How does one treat various short story collections when answering such a question? Should one decide if every short story by an author is "good" or just consider accepted short story collections, novels, novellas, etc.?

>> No.7408636


>> No.7408638
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>> No.7408665

Except it really couldn't you fucking mongoloid

>> No.7408673

True but kind of cheating

>> No.7408680


Well played, hopefully not too subtle
actually I don't know the Franco story if any and am okay with that

>> No.7408683

Yes it could.

>> No.7408692

What's edgy about speak memory, faggot,

>> No.7408695
File: 15 KB, 190x266, gaddis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This hot ass bitch. Niggas a 10/10

10/10 funnies
10/10 writing
10/10 themes
11/10 hair

Nigga so fine I'd give him my ho for christmas.

>> No.7408705

lollll les trois-cent journées is literally garbage


>implying he didn't write "double trouble" AKA The Comedy of Errors

>> No.7408708


>> No.7408713

Agape Agape though?

>> No.7408714

Andy Griffiths

>> No.7408721

Marry Chrismass!

>> No.7408734

Agape Agape is great
Maury Fishmiss?!:DDDD

>> No.7408742

What's edgy about A Portrait? Hold the edgy curse words, edgemaster.

>> No.7408774

Stephenie meyer I

>> No.7408897

>epitome of penile stimulation in literature
I don't want to get my hopes up, but I'd like to experience this.

>> No.7408979
File: 100 KB, 847x1119, Бакст_Леон._Андрей_Белый.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7409003
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>> No.7409010


>> No.7409014

this side of paradise tbqhwyf

>> No.7409039

My favorite book

>> No.7409044

this side of paradise is good though
although his prose was still kind of shit

>> No.7409062

my wife

>> No.7409074
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>his prose was shit

>> No.7409077

He's the author /lit/ deserves.

>> No.7409079

In This Side of Paradise it is. Compare that book to Tender is the Night, or even the inferior Great Gatsby.

>> No.7409083
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>> No.7409086

thank you for your time

>> No.7409089

It's an awful book

>> No.7409092

honestly I have read Tender is The night, The Beauty and The Damned, and Great Gatsby, and my favorite was by far the most popular one. IMO it gets shit on because it's the most popular. While the other two I read were decent, they didn't always know when to end and could've used a more severe editor. I enjoyed the tight, concise nature of Gatsby because he never got a chance to get tired.

>> No.7409098

Bleeding Edge

>> No.7409100

and vineland, and slow learner
and lot 49 according to him

>> No.7409107

>Bleeding Edge
Vineland was bad but Slow Learner was meh.

>> No.7409136
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I'm noticing a pattern

>> No.7409138


>> No.7409263


>> No.7409337

Name one "bad" short story in Dubliners.