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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 219 KB, 1026x548, reddit of christianity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7407748 No.7407748[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it reasonable to characterize Protestantism as the Reddit of Christianity?

>> No.7407753
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>> No.7407758

Christianity is the 9gag of spirituality and Protestantism is the set of all posts that even 9gag users didn't like.

>> No.7407759
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>Author of the international bestseller Your Best Life Now
so did he just rewrite the same book?

>> No.7407762


>> No.7407766
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>> No.7407771

Hi my fellow redditor, you sure pwned the stupid Christians xD NDT would be proud

>> No.7407792
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>mfw this anon doesn't realize that a significant % of all pomo and high modernist books tackle the non-existence of god.

Even if you only factored in Virginia Woolf's and Beckett's books that's already a fantastic basis of literature.

But its not even a proper equivalence, each of these is a religiously inspired semi-epic novel.

How is it that so many people can acknowledge any ideology can produce great literature but there will still be theistic retards that fling shit around the room.

>> No.7407803
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Fedora detected

>> No.7407805

Well protestants are the christian jews.

>> No.7407817
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>> No.7407818


I don't know anything: The Post

>> No.7407819

>Its current year
>still believing in god

>> No.7407828

>pomo and high modernist books
Yeah exactly, total shit for retards that enjoy fingering their own buttholes.

>> No.7407835

>posting the same bait one after another

at least space your posts so your idiocy isn't as transparents f4m

>> No.7407838
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>> No.7407860
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>whatif samefag???

>> No.7407877
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Protestantism is the logical conclusion of Augustinian thought.

>> No.7407879

Hi Derrida!

>> No.7407896

Humanity will never be anything close to its potential as long as monotheism is culturally dominant, so I have no problem shitting on Christianity.

>monotheists hating other monotheists
No anon, you are both the Jew.

>> No.7407902
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>> No.7407903

>implying Faust references Protestantism in any way
>painting over cover to make it sillier
You try hard, don't you, anon?

>> No.7407910
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Prots are literally the worst fucking people on the planet, dont care about tradition, scam people out of money,worship jews and Israel.

>> No.7407930

Protestants are literally fucking reddit Keks, they deserve all the shit they fucking get. Seriously fuck those reformist cunts, it's Catholicism that made the West, the West.

>> No.7407965

Tell me Christposter, how many wives is it permissible for a servant of God to have? God gave Solomon wisdom, and that worthy man had hundreds of wives, but Paul the Jew tells us to only have one, while Jesus appears to be silent on the matter. It's very confusing.

Protestantism made the Anglosphere though, and that's all that matters. Enjoy ruling over the all the parts of the world with a reputation for sloth and sexual incontinence.

>> No.7407971

>Protestantism made the Anglosphere though

>> No.7407976

>muh Protestant work ethic

Thats how prots justify being slaves.

>> No.7407977
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>the prevailing religion of my city is Evangelical Protestantism

>> No.7407983

>he thinks protestants try to justify themselves

Only the bad parts
everyone deserves the bad parts

>> No.7408005
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I'm not even a Christian, never mind a protestant. Are you telling me that most English-speakers are Catholics? I'm pretty sure that hasn't been the case for a very long time. I don't love the way they cheerlead wageslavery, but if you can keep your wageslaves slaving away that seems like a recipe for power and wealth.


>> No.7408035

No, that's Mormonism, AKA the Protestantism to Protestantism.
>Christianity is the 9gag of spirituality
Wrong on all levels.
Faust is Catholic, if anything, with it's focus on femininity. Who do you think 'Mater Gloriosa' is?Protestants also value appearing Christian over penitence, too.

>> No.7408050

Yeah I take that bit about 9gag back.

Christianity is the Facebook/Myspace of spirituality.

>> No.7408058

At its most refined state, it is the peak.

>> No.7408065

>ctrl f + Paradise Lost = 0 replies
Nuke this board.

>> No.7408070

You realize Paradife Loft was written by a protestant right?

>> No.7408081
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At it's most refined state it's a small glimpse into the potential for harnessing the "spiritual" parts of the mind, as are all faiths.

The way anybody without a background in meditation, religious scholarship and some degree of mental giftedness practices it, it's pretty garbage.

>> No.7408118

Your ignorance is cute.

>> No.7408122

>tfw Catholicism is becoming the far more progressive, Liberal branch of Christianity

>> No.7408157

Paradise Lost+Kierkegaard>>>anything a catholic has produced since the schism

>> No.7408161

What is that book about?

Is another self-help book?

>> No.7408194

Kinda. Different caliber than most other self-help books though.

>> No.7408199


Take your fucking pick.

>> No.7408202

found the guy who never read faust

>> No.7408220
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I wouldn't call it "self-help," though I would recommend it to someone who's looking for self-help books. Basically he makes a case for how one can find ways to live in a world without objective values that's terribly compelling and interesting.

I grew up in a church and school that studied the Bible and church history the way kids who want to be Rabbis study the Torah and Talmud, that is to say, every day with intensity. Go choke on your "sage, mature Christian," beard-stroking.

>> No.7408238

At what point did you become enlightened? Please teach us your euphoric ways.

>> No.7408252

Earnest belief in the denomination I grew up with became untenable the summer after ninth grade, and Christianity overall was off the table about two years after that.

>replying earnestly to b8
Not sure why I do this.

>> No.7408269

At what point did you recite the Childrens', Shorter and Larger Westminster Catechisms from memory? Please teach us of your pious ways.

>> No.7408284


>Joel O$teen
>the representative of Protestantism

>> No.7408294


>> No.7408303

And you still agree with your reactionary ninth grade judgment?

>> No.7408308

>they haven't read the Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads, and the Pali Canon

>> No.7408311
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>Prots are literally the worst fucking people on the planet
>dont care about tradition,
>scam people out of money

Pot, tell me, again, just what color the kettle is...

>> No.7408313

Hindu spirituality is just worshiping cows and believing in badly-written Greek-tier myths. Like those primitive people could produce anything the likes of Christian theology.

>> No.7408336
File: 75 KB, 250x335, buddha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abrahamic religion is beyond stupid. Its fundamental foundations have been destroyed by scientific rationality. The western world is going through a crisis of nihilism for a reason.

>> No.7408339

Lying online is very easy.
I have. Inferior.
Science gets debunked every century.

>> No.7408352

Which of those should I start with, assuming I know basically nothing about hinduism?

>> No.7408356
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>And you still agree with your reactionary ninth grade judgment?
Basically, though I'm less angry about it now.

Reacting to what? The loving community that raised me? The beautiful sacred texts I knew inside and out? It hurt, a lot, and still does, but there's just not enough truth in that faith for me to maintain it in good conscience, and every time I try it I reach the same conclusion.

It doesn't inspire discussion in good faith, by the way, when the only way Christians can comprehend someone leaving the church is to say the apostate never believed in the first place, or that he's just mad at God and denies the truth he knows to spite him.

>> No.7408368

>its not tru cuz i sed so

>> No.7408381

>Science gets debunked every century
The scientific enterprise can only be meaningfully debunked if there is no all-powerful divine anchor to logic, so I don't know if you want to go there, monotheist.

>lying online is easy
So is accusing others of it and contributing nothing.

>> No.7408395

>The scientific enterprise can only be meaningfully debunked if there is no all-powerful divine anchor to logic, so I don't know if you want to go there, monotheist.
But that's wrong. Why do you keep believing that making claims makes them true?

Are you just trolling?

Empiricism only requires one to reject its baser assumptions to start its decay.
>So is accusing others of it and contributing nothing.
One isn't a sin.

>> No.7408404

Christianity is an extremely sophisticated religion, with many positive points, but at some point it demands a faith I just couldn't give it. If that's upsetting to you, I'll be sure to put a trigger warning on such posts in the future.

>> No.7408418

>im weak so its wrong i need EVIDENCE
My goodness, you were lying afterall.

>> No.7408427

>who am I quoting

>> No.7408439

why do you guys get so passionate when talking about this subject?

I can hear the impotent screams of a thousand neckbeards trying to indoctrinate each other into their shitty 15 minute wikipedia philosophies

>> No.7408452
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Nice cherry picking on your Protestant book, OP.

>> No.7408458
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fixed it

>> No.7408464

So you just give your faith to everything no matter what you know about it because faith is good for its own sake. You do you.

>> No.7408472

Camus is awful.
>being fallacious

>> No.7408480

Hey man, I just heard about this magic pink unicorn that protects us every day with his magical unicorn power! he also created the universe by vomiting flowers on darkness, so everything started existing! He will even grant you wishes, but only if you give him your life worship him every week.

Prove me wrong. Have faith.

>> No.7408483

Fucking finally, the length of time it took for someone to post this is insane.

>> No.7408488

Nobody ever claims to know what God looks like. And the Bible is not meant to be interpreted literally.

>> No.7408492

Yeah, I was raised Lutheran, and the church was pretty disgusting. There was almost no theology. The pastor's sermons were just old timey rememberances about childhood and doing the right thing, blah blah. At the end he'd have a verse to quote.

The people there were Americans and Consumers. Being Christian just meant being an upstanding member of the community. No one talked about faith, God or Jesus. They'd sing the songs, but no one would ever talk about the supernatural or metaphysical outside of the songs. It was all just about Loving your Neighbor.

>> No.7408493

Someone says they didn't want to give something their faith, and you said they were weak for that. Maybe try explaining why someone should give Christianity any faith besides, "it worked for me," or, "The Holy Spirit is a gift and rejecting it is the ultimate sin, enjoy hell."

>> No.7408497

See: >>7408472
You shitposter.
More fallacious reasoning.

>> No.7408501



There are so many fucking people who write books, and their religion barely factors anywhere into it. Yes, they write about religion, but the culture of their times, their circumstances and all other unaccounted variables including their individuality factor into the quality of their writing.

Also: >>7408199

Quit your fucking dick measuring and take it to >>>/trash/ or >>>/hist/

>> No.7408505

>almost no theology
Mind mentioning which Lutheran body this was specifically? Because this is inconceivable.

>> No.7408507

Specifically, Our Savior's Lutheran Church in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin

>> No.7408509
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>> No.7408510

there are no good atheist writers.

>> No.7408516

I guess to the church's credit, it had a really Mission oriented program. Lots of fund raising for "good" causes. Lots of youth trips to go build homes in the 3rd world. Food drives, feeding the homeless, anti-crime stuff, lots of support groups for drunks, domestic violence, etc.

>> No.7408522


>> No.7408571

To be honest, most clergy, with the exception of Rabbis, are too stupid and lazy to keep track of actual theology.

You're addicted to the Fallacy Fallacy. Labeling something a fallacy demands further explanation or the accusation is just pointless and acting like it means anything to the validity of the other argument is fallacious.

>> No.7408580

>most clergy are stupid and lazy
yeah no, but some church bodies do care more (or less) about doctrine.

>> No.7408584

yes anon putting words in my mouth is super valid

>> No.7408590

Sounds most likely like ELCA, which is not quite as heavy on teaching but great on praxis.

>> No.7408602

>muh protestantism

Go to bed, Weber.

>> No.7408608


UGH...what the fuck are you rancorous shit-eating cunts on about now...this place has been forever tainted by the Atheist State of the small Dicked horde of Reddit and the Levant

where the fuck is D&E
pull all the plugs,

>> No.7408615


Stan? is that you?...s-s-stan!!! It is you!

Why have you forsaken us?

>> No.7408617

weren't you dead

>> No.7408622


D&E posts anonymously now

>> No.7408624


Hey Jude

>> No.7408631

>putting words in my mouth
It's a rhetorical device, not a refutation on its own. If you'd ever bothered to explain WHY that wasn't the logical conclusion of what you said, then we'd be closer to understanding each other, you defensive whoreson.

The one I grew up with is all about doctrine, officially, and has spawned numerous notable theologians (two of my high school classmates ended up in seminary/divinity school at Duke and five others are at various postgrad theological programs), but I never met a minister who was on top of things on that front, or at least communicated that from the pulpit.

Is Protestantism not the dominant religion of the anglosphere?

>> No.7408632

I can see it. Probably out here posing as a transvestite post-whateverthefuck new Marxist-Feminist horseshit that is festering in current literary discourse


what is dead may never herp derp, derp

still here faggot,

miss me?

>> No.7408729


hi baby. won't let you down.

but i might.

my heads are still reeling from the morning sushi.coon packs keep me cynical. i find myself preening on the verge of enlightenment, only to be shot down by syrian turkmen.

and motherfuckers have been fucking with my matrix plug. that much is clear.

though my second and third order evaluations of this deadlocked terminal life-trajectory have been less than positive, i find solace in the fact that i can now train the female species into a preternatural submission, based solely on proper dicking structure and the withholding thereof...generally things have been good, insofar as one is successful at self-monopolization; and I've been somewhat effective at pacifying most of these assholes living inside me... self-preservation is annihilation of self

but you know this

also, i pimped out my gf for the first time last summer in albania..to a middle class land owner, 2 hectares will get a nigga all kinds of turnt, and lord knows i can dry heave on these hoes until shit really spills.

oh and i caught the clap in amsterdam

what up w u senpai?

>> No.7408745
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Why are fedoras such angry people?

Seriously, they go into shrill nerdrages even at the mention of Christianity.

>> No.7408753


because small penis, tfw when no buttsex, etc

death be upon them all

>> No.7408755

Because strong monotheists are the only people excluded logically by their beliefs from ever being chill about spiritual differences. Saying the atheists started it is kind of a chicken-and-egg problem.

>> No.7408768

Bearing false witness I think would include it. Of course that's open to interpretation.

>> No.7408779

Maybe you should read Faust

>> No.7408780
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It's 2015 and you aren't riding for Tengri, what's your excuse?

>> No.7408782

Daily reminder Martin Luther used to eat spoonfuls of his own poop

>Martin Luther, the religious reformer, reputedly ate one spoonful of his own feces every day, stating that he “couldn’t understand the generosity of a God who freely gave such important and useful remedies.”

>> No.7408794


Not him but I'll answer. Things are great man. Just found this site. But I feel very confused and mislead so far. Should I trust you? You seem like the guy.
I should trust.
Tell me if i should've really started with the Greeks man. I feel like these folks were retarded. Like, they don't know science and shit.

Help me. Im on Pythagoras right now. He seems genuine but I think he has a serious mental illness.

What do you think?

>> No.7408797

I read this book and I don't think I "got" it.

That might sound very stupid, but can anyone help me understand?

I could comprehend the parts about how the human mind works and that you should try your best to thoroughly convince yourself that everything is alright (e.g. He didn't worry about death because he convinced himself he would become immortal soon enough) but I feel like I'm missing something

>> No.7408815


I'm not your guy, pussy.

>> No.7408819
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>> No.7408820

I dunno about the "should" part of your summary. He's more like saying you can put your faith in things as a matter of pure choice, and not because those things hold some sort of certainty. The author, for example, speculates that it's possible immortality of some sort could be feasible in his lifetime. He knows this is very far from a sure thing, but he chooses to live his life as if it's likely because he's decided that will lead to an interesting and fulfilling life trajectory whether he becomes immortal or not. He has faith that it's possible, but has not convinced himself it's certain, and is able to have peace with that.

I love this book, so lets talk about it before the Christposters crash.

>> No.7408822


I feel like Pythagoras is pretty benign.

I feel like triangles are pretty fuckin non-controversial.

But hey..


>> No.7408828




>> No.7408833

But what about their Divine Implications?

>> No.7408850


ayy lmao

Let him phone a friend on that one

While we all fuck off into insignificance

>> No.7408878


I can't figure you out. You seem to be saying contradictory things.

>> No.7408887


>classical logic
>the year of our Lucifer 2015

learn2 dialteheism

anarcho-faschism is what your body lusts

>> No.7408916


Here you are ready to fuck up a new generation with your intellectually dishonest bullshit.

You have no morals.

You have no honor.

>> No.7408929


i'm the blackest kettle in the kitchen you faggot

you're just a tin pot thats been burned a couple of times

fall back

>> No.7408956


>> No.7408980


Welcome to balanced arguments 101, I'm your host OP. Its time for me to randomly (now mind you this is completely random) select three works by which we can generalize the three selected catergories.

>> No.7408984


Thanks dudes! Helpful as always

Lol WTF am I doing here

>> No.7408993


>soul searching on /lit/

shix diggler

>> No.7409009
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Objectively the best post in the entire thread

>> No.7409013
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Hahaha Dog help us all

>> No.7409034

>implying Thus Spoke Zarathrustra is the obvious choice for the atheism section.

>> No.7409036

That Iceberg really got to you, didn't it lad?

>> No.7409049

Nietzsche hated anything like the people nowadays who proclaim themselves atheists.

>> No.7409056 [DELETED] 
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Tell 'em how you really feel though...

>> No.7409059

And you think the authors of those works wouldn't feel similarly about their respective traditions (granted perhaps not as directly in opposition to as Nietzsche was)? And are we really going to pretend those idiots who make so much noise are representative of atheism and it's intellectual heritage? If that is what atheism is now, then what the fuck am I even supposed to call myself? Orthodox atheist?

>> No.7409061
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Tell 'em how you really feel though...

>> No.7409067

I believe the people who are atheists, but hesitate to associate themselves with what atheism means today, have mostly taken to referring to themselves as agnostic

>> No.7409076

lmao is that you goats?

Keeper of the crypt. Holder of the spice.

I'll find you here in 20 years time singlehandedly populating /lit/ through your MPD


>> No.7409094

Zizek calls himself an atheist and he is far removed from those types of people.

>> No.7409097

Well at least we're all admitting now what it really is. It is also that it doesn't necessarily imply an absence of belief and religious proselytizers are more hesitant to try to fill that absence.

But really, the term atheism is just fine and makes sense. literally without theism. Just because some idiots have coopted the term, I'm not going to call myself whatever muddy inbetweens "agnostic" really represents (if anything)

>> No.7409101

Catholicism is the fedora of Christianity

Let that sink in

>> No.7409110

If I told you that I'm Christian, but that I don't believe that Jesus died for our sins, I don't believe in the trinity, the ten commandments and so on, that I instead believe that Jesus Christ was the herald of the Great Pumpkin, who, in return for candy which I sacrifice to him every Christmas by consuming it, blesses my harvest and greatly increases the growth of my pumpkins, would you still refer to me as a Christian?

Atheism as a label is far removed from "I'm not practicing any religion because I don't believe Allah is watching my every step and that he really really wants me to chop the heads of infidels".
Apple doesn't literally produce an apple, they make phones.

>> No.7409117

I wouldn't care what you call yourself and would deem you a heterodox, crazy individual.

Atheism means to believe God doesn't exist. Judaism means to believe in Abraham's God and to reject all other gods while striving to uphold Moses' law. Christianity means to believe that Jesus was the promised messiah and that he eased the prior law and the majority of Christians also consider him divine. Islam means to consider Muhammad as God's last prophet and to believe in and follow his law.

>> No.7409124

In my example I would still believe God exists, I would merely believe he's a giant pumpkin that demands sacrificial candy and that Jesus was his promised messiah.

Here and now there is a difference between proclaiming yourself an atheist and just no believing in God.

>> No.7409127

Sure. So you're heterodox and likely crazy.

>> No.7409137


>fundamental foundations

>as opposed to non-fundamental foundations
>new-age fedoraist picture
>being this much of a fucking shill

l e l

>> No.7409141


he also calls himself a christian atheist so conveniently left that out, did we?

>> No.7409144

thanks m8

>> No.7409145

I think you are way overblowing the influence and sway of these individuals. "Atheism" hardly has the organization of a proper religion. It still mostly consists of individuals who have simply chosen, one way or another, to depart from religion. The loud vocal minority would be like saying all Muslims are pretty much ISIS or the Westboro Baptist Church is what protestantism has to offer. Look at enough new segments and that is what you are led to believe, but it is hardly reality. I still feel pretty decent about calling myself an atheist.

>> No.7409156

not him but when and what does that mean?

>> No.7409159


semantics should've been your introduction into the chasm between object and representation, "heterodox" is only meaningful insofar as you accept its fundamental assumptions, namely that orthodox standards are something with external truth value, but i know you don't "really" mean that... i know you're just filling the void...so i'll fill that chasm with hot magma, while you fill it with faggot jizz,

le pick
le chose

hahaha, have you got it yet??

cue syd's acid rampage


you're forever lost. die in a fire

>> No.7409165
File: 133 KB, 550x825, Michael Ruse Atheism-What Everyone Needs to Know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atheism: What Everyone Needs to Know by Michael Ruse


>> No.7409166


>> No.7409176
File: 62 KB, 476x717, 1403625444262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his name is Ruse

Also pic related

>> No.7409177


he wants to take on historical/moral elements of christianity, and in particular the radical doubt inherent in the New Testament as well as the conclusion of the monotheistic narrative culminating in God (i.e, Jesus dying) as the foundation for his spiritual position


>> No.7409192

So basically he's the kind of "atheist" that Nietzsche really really hated

>> No.7409193


ok babygirl, now back to your corner

>> No.7409194


almost the exact opposite

>> No.7409221

Good job on the bait btw. So many new fags getting so fucking butt hurt. Thanks for that one, anon.

>> No.7409326

Implying Pope worship isn't fucking dumb.

>> No.7409363
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Think again, pleb.

>> No.7409372

>inb4 appeal to tradition

>> No.7409474

No but it's possible to characterize you as a massive faggot


>> No.7409511
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>> No.7409785


Give the source on this, and also the time in life when this reportedly happened.

>> No.7409791

>Christianity is the 9gag
This has to be b8 since it's so wrong.

>> No.7409866

Christians are weak-spirited, using G-d as a form of protection rather than a positive drive, a reason to beat forward. You saddle yourselves with original sin and beg forgiveness for being born while we thank G-d for what He has given us and aim to please Him by making the most of it. Jesus, furthermore, could not have been Messiah—the discrepancies are self-evident. The Jewish conspiracy is real insofar as our religion encourages superiority while yours encourages inferiority.