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File: 61 KB, 468x396, fat russel crowe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7406345 No.7406345[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who are key authors for the low-brow lifestyle? I am working class and would like to read more works that depict the world I live in. Their politics or nationality isn't relevant.

>> No.7406346

>isn't relevant.
Isn't important, I mean.

>> No.7406348

That's not what low-brow means you cvck.

>> No.7406349

Lowbrow in what way?

Try Dickens, Conrad, and Homer.

>> No.7406354


>> No.7406356

Very funny anon.
It has many different definitions, most would call working class culture low culture.

>> No.7406359

No, you're just wrong. Nobody calls Donald Ray Pollock low-brow. Nobody calls Sherwood Anderson low-brow. You're retarded.

>> No.7406363

Not even meming.

Read the parts involving the farmer in The Odyssey.

>> No.7406366

>Nobody calls Donald Ray Pollock low-brow. Nobody calls Sherwood Anderson low-brow.
Did I say that depicting low-brow lifestyles is low-brow, you are a moron attempting to be a pedant.

>> No.7406373

*draws katana*

You've crossed the line kid.

>> No.7406374

*takes cigarette out of mouth*
What are you gonna do, stab me?

>> No.7406378

Donald Ray Pollock is low-brow, isn't he? Where did I miss this??

>> No.7406379

*nuzzles up to you, yiffs twice in your ear*

Well, if you insist.

>> No.7406381

*holds blade at your throat*

If you keep pushing your luck, kiddo, you're going to taste my wrath.

>> No.7406387


>> No.7406388

Hold on

*pats head*

I need to handle this
*Looks you straight in the eyes*

Lets not 'blow' this out of proportion

*grabs grenade pin out of the grenade on your bodypack*

>> No.7406392

*looks with surprise at the de-pinned grenade*

If I'm going down, you're going down with me

*leaps towards you and wraps arms around your body*

>> No.7406400

*raises hoof*
Ummm.... whats going on in this thread?

>> No.7406405

*holds down safety button on grenade*
Run, save yourself noble furry!

>> No.7406411

*notices you holding down the safety button*

Y-you saved me

*doesn't let go*

>> No.7406419

*looks you deep in the eyes*

No worries.

*throws away grenade*

Let us begin anew

*holds you close*

>> No.7406421

*gets on motorcycle*
It's been an honor, brother.
*rides into the sunset*

>> No.7406424

*grins and breaks your neck*

Heh, nothing personnel kid.

>> No.7406435

*looks at friend driving into sunset*

I just wanted to read about my people!

*looks at killer*

Why did you-


>> No.7406463


>> No.7406473


Maybe Walt Whitman if you're into that.

>> No.7406475

heh, you think that's all?

*revives you using necromancy i learned from cool druids years ago*

bet you didn't expect that

*smokes a pipe and pulls out zweihander*

let's go, kid. i'm not finished punishing you

>> No.7406484

You forgot the lemon grass, I am not under your control! Ha Ha!

*shambles away*

>> No.7406487

ma! sto! id!

*turns into a shadow and travels on the ground*

this way you can't use your magic on me ;)

>> No.7406489

top quality thread

>> No.7406491

Check out Bellow's Augie March. It's not uplifting about the life, though.

>> No.7406497

*lives in cave for centuries*

>> No.7406518

*sucks your dick*
*swallows cum*
Hahaha thanks for the lunch bro see ya around ;)))

>> No.7406526


*sonic yell makes bats leave the cave*

purr-fect (i'm part lion btw). now i can detect your scent without their guano

*shadow slides into cave and pulls you out*

now stop running and fight me like a man!

>> No.7406528

try the cat in the hat OP

>> No.7406531

*strokes neck*

Good kitty.

>> No.7406551

You seem to have overlooked one small thing...

*takes off shirt revealing Star of David tattoo*

... I'm Jewish!

*jumps into the air*
*unsheathes katana*

Now it's time to show you the secret technique passed down from Rabbi to student!!!

*blade starts glowing*


*cuts you into 6 million pieces*

Heh... nuthin personnel... goy...

>> No.7406559

i really like that image of fat russel

thanks for posting that, it made me feel nice

>> No.7406567
File: 45 KB, 454x453, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck happened to this thread?

>> No.7406573


your encouragement has resurrected me to protect children everywhere!

heh, you can kill people but not an idea.

*smirks and lifts zweihander*
But i'm even more dangerous--i'm an idea person!

*roars and your star of david turns into a swastika*

with your mental illness known as asperger's (which isn't real autism they are as bad as neurotypical people and don't understand the real problems we have to face) you are weak and stupid

*slashes sword through you*
heh, you're too slow :p

>> No.7406580

i could see fat russel thriving in eastern europe

>> No.7406592

That would have killed me.......... if I wasn't already dead!

*wound heals instantly*

You can't kill me you pathetic mortal worm!

*shoots fireball at you*

Now die!!!

>> No.7406614

No problem.

>> No.7406617


>> No.7406623

damn, i forgot that i revived you. i guess that's why i'm part lion and not elephant

*big bang theory laugh track goes off and your ears start bleeding*

that is one spicy meatball, kiddo

*eats fireball*

try it again. if you aren't.... CHICKEN

>> No.7406638

Heh you think that's all I can do?

*unsheathes dick*
*rapes you*

Now that I've taken your anal virginity I'm unstoppable!

>> No.7406641

no gay stuff is not allowed

this isn't fair im not gay at all. your gay and stupid

i quit i hate you

i hope you have asperger's

>> No.7406649

Ha! So you admit defeat?
Victory is mine!

>> No.7406654

gay people are dumb and burn in hell

i hate you i never wanted to play with you

>> No.7406665

you should seriously read Confederacy of Dunces as soon as you can. at best it'll reorient how you even view the 'low-brow'/'high brow' distinction; at worst, you will laugh a lot.

>> No.7406672

I have already thanks, I'll probably read it again soon.

>> No.7406673
File: 14 KB, 252x223, 1429472640971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I was wondering why I stopped coming here

>> No.7406686

yeah gay people are dumb and mean

>> No.7406694

gays killed my dog >:(

>> No.7406700

they'll pay when they die
just wait

>> No.7406724

Best thread on /b/ right now.

>> No.7406740

This. A book about the working classes can be highbrow and a book about the elite can be low brow.

The height of the brow is determined by how a work engages with its subject matter, not the subject matter itself.

>> No.7406762
File: 498 KB, 262x200, ohgod.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is happening here

>> No.7406768

I didn't say that depicting a low-brow lifestyle is low-brow or high-brow.

>> No.7406774

Read Lolita. Anyone, regardless of class, can appreciate a cheeky helping of pedophilia.

>> No.7406784

>I am working class and would like to read more works that depict the world I live in.
>Their politics or nationality isn't relevant.
Are you a commie m8?

>> No.7406799

No. I'm not anti-communist though.

>> No.7406800

Google "dirty realism" yw mate

And stop being autist about the high brow low brow argument you're wrong

>> No.7406807


>> No.7406829

I'm not the one being autistic, but I concede that I was imprecise.

>> No.7408214

James Kelman for Scotland

>> No.7408222

Gaskun to be honest family.

>> No.7408544

Martin Amis's London Fields (also about the rich) and Lionel Asbo: State of England. Asbo kind of sucked, though.

>> No.7408587
File: 59 KB, 448x473, no fun allowed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7408589


If only GR15 were overturned...