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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 158 KB, 277x297, frustration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
740634 No.740634 [Reply] [Original]

Goddamn it! I have to write a literary criticism for a book in my english class this week, and I'm having alot of trouble coming up with a thesis. I've read plenty of books, but it seems like every theme I consider covering in my paper is a skin level idea that wouldn't work if it was being analyzed. So I need help coming up with a thesis. I was thinking something with Catcher in the Rye maybe about how Holden thinks that everybody but his brother Allie is a phony, or maybe something socio-economic with Brave New World or 1984.

inb4 homework help, catcher in the rye troll.

>> No.740649

You left it this long without having a vague idea of what you're doing. You don't deserve our help.

In fact nobody deserves help if you're posting on /lit/.

All you adolescent retards do is shit up the board with your threads and your idiotic notions of literature and don't have the balls to just ask help from a teacher like you're supposed to when you run into trouble.

Go away, you fiend.

>> No.740666

>from a teacher

HA! As if most english teachers were worth anything. Most of them haven't even made us read books, just sit around and talk in class. Any shitty notion I have of literature comes straight from my brain atleast, and not some teacher's asshole.

>> No.740690

a teacher's job is to help a student learn. if they aren't doing their job, report them to the principal or someone who can do something about it. kids are so afraid to talk to the administration about problems they have because they don't know the power they wield. you can get a teacher fired for neglecting to help guide you.

just file a formal complaint with GOOD REASON.

fail the english class

bring up the complaint you filed earlier in the year

pass class!!!
i love me some line breaks

>> No.740691

>Any notion I have of literature comes straight from my brain

>I'm having alot of trouble coming up with a thesis

Why am I not surprised?

>> No.740694
File: 60 KB, 800x552, 01nixon-web-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine, I'll be the nice guy to offer advise.

I would go with 1984 and explore how their shifting media coverage of which nation they are at war with compares to modern news coverage of events. Basically, the government in 1984 issues changing reports to shift public opinion. Is our government today doing much the same by utilizing media outlets such as MSNBC or FOX News? If not, is it in fact the private citizens (through their patterns of news consumption) who are deluding themselves?

>> No.740698


Everybody loves line breaks. Typing paragraphs in 4chan's ridiculously small comment field is a massive pain the arse.

>> No.740700


You just had to go all Neville Chamberlain didn't you.

>> No.740707

Homework help, huh?

Umm...Holden's personal system of morals and values is a manifestation of his own insecurity and fear of entering adulthood. The true "phony" is Holden himself, for his is convinced that holding on to innocence is possible when you grow up. Holden- "hold on"...work with it.

>> No.740711

Could do a marxist literary criticism of brave new world examining the equality of the working class.
I'm pretty good with literary criticisms post more ideas ill help best i can with more details

>> No.740713

False. The problem isn't Holden. It's "adulthood" as it's been defined by his parents' generation. What Holden finds so repulsive is the emotional distance and cynicism required of adults by his culture.

>> No.740724


How can he do a Marxist literary perspective when he has fuck all time to be all up on the theory? This is just a retarded American high school student who couldn't even get started before the week something was due.

>> No.740727

The problem is Holden, because he thinks that adulthood should be a reflection of childhood, fantastical, idyllic, and innocent. When he shoves himself out into the world and gets the shit kicked out of him by reality, he realizes (partly just how wrong he really is. Not to mention how he got the fucking poem completely wrong lol.

>> No.740733

You're in highschool. I guarantee that 'skin level idea' will get you an A- at worst.

>> No.740750

>Catcher in the Rye
>Brave New World

>fuckin sage

>> No.740776

This is the textbook, high school reading, but it doesn't jibe with the rest of the stuff Salinger wrote.