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7406040 No.7406040 [Reply] [Original]

Hey there lit,

I've heard a bunch of debate about how all poetry is only memetic circlejerkery but others say that it's about expressing love for language,

So, what's your favorite word?

ITT: we share our favorite word and express our love for it.

>> No.7406042


Nah probably nebulous

>> No.7406046

is this a meme? every pleb says this. i'll be sure to never use it. fucking slaves...

>> No.7406048


it means a cute wittle bunny!

>> No.7406051

Any word with Greek etymology, to be honest.

'Aesthetics' sounds too fucking good.

>> No.7406054

Allah Hu Akbar and Takbir

>> No.7406071

>What's your favorite word

In English? Probably "dubious". Or "insidious". I like those latin words that have entered english sounding like that.

In my own language, probably "зacпaл". It means asleep, or sleepy, or sleeping or some such.
It can express that a person is peaceful, or slow and stupid, or tired, or wondering and dreamy, not concentrating. It can also be used to say that something fits perfectly, be it in construction, or a group of people. They "sleep" together, they look peaceful together, and they fit perfectly.
Not some poetic word either, just a common everyday word thats commonly everyday used for 50 different things.

>> No.7406073

thanks for giving both english and native favorite words!

How do you pronounce

>> No.7406075

It's a tie between emboss and sylvanshine.

>> No.7406082

zas-pall I guess. Z as in zebra, as like the word as, and pall like the word pall.
The stress is on the second "a".

>> No.7406084

>inb4 tumblr
melancholy is a cool word

>> No.7406087

smegma because it sounds as gross as what it is

>> No.7406090


>> No.7406123


>> No.7406136

Probably esoteric, catharsis, syndicate and sinistrodextral/dextrosinistral. I also like l'appel du vide, though that's a phrase rather than a single word.

>> No.7406181


>> No.7406187

Hesternal or fervent

>> No.7406197

Praise based Wallace

>> No.7406201

Intersubjective, intersubjectivity.

>> No.7406208


>> No.7406218

My fauvorite word is by slovak poet Ivan Štrpka. In my language - pestronemý - in english - silenceful.

>> No.7406229

>100 most beautiful words in english


this is why no one takes your language seriously. it's just a compilation of loanwords. a mutt of a tongue

>> No.7406245


>> No.7406251


Evocative of longing. Six letters that summon the emptiness and desperate nature of us all.

On another note, I am deeply saddened that 'palindrome' does not express itself as a palindrome. .
Racecar and bookkeeper are also nice. Bookkeeper is one of the coolest words when written. I feel it should be two words.

>> No.7406255
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>Sylvanshine is an optical phenomenon in which dew-covered trees of species whose leaves are wax-covered retroreflect beams of light, as from a vehicle's headlights, sometimes causing trees to appear to be snow-covered at night during the summer

>r. Fraser later described the scene: "You're driving along on a warm August night. Everything is black on either side. You are not expecting anything unusual. You come around a corner and all of a sudden you think you're in a winter wonderland. It is not a subtle phenomenon."


Damn, that's a good one!

>> No.7406262



>> No.7406267
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cellar door

>> No.7406275



>> No.7406291


>> No.7406292

Atavistic or svelte.

>> No.7406300

This is why English is strong. It takes what it wants from the other languages and rids itself of inane antiquated nonsense like gendered nouns. English will endure centuries from now, while your native tongue shrinks to a few dozen speakers who keep it alive for 'cultural' reasons. Even the next superpowers, the rising powers in China and India, have bowed to superiority of the King's, and when they rule the world they will do so in our 'mutt of a tongue.'

So weep all you want, non-English pleb. Your language lost. English reigns supreme.

>> No.7406302


>> No.7406306

"Aplomb" is a great word partly because its sound carries its definition. I feel there are many words with that quality, but "aplomb" is defined by that quality best.

>> No.7406310

Sure is. Refraction and light in general is pretty cool.

>> No.7406327


>the King's

Poor bugger.

>> No.7406582

>rids itself of inane antiquated nonsense like gendered nouns

m8 my native tongue hasn't had gendered nouns in 2500 years

>> No.7406590

I've always felt the same about palindrome. Can you write out "bookkeeper" on a piece of paper and post it anon?

>> No.7406826


It looks like a bed :3

>> No.7406833
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>> No.7406838

lol xD

I remember when my little sister told me that after school one day. It was so cool. :)

>> No.7406889


I have other favorites. This is just one of the words that I rarely get to use because of how edgy it is.

>> No.7406894


>> No.7406896


>> No.7407138

I'm not sure, I remember reading it in something back in High School (Jekyll and Hyde perhaps) and I just liked it

>> No.7407244

>all these obscure, unused disgusting words

What a lackadaisical list, boyz!

>> No.7407385


I really like this name

>> No.7407593

I speak French so you might be confused. I like “connaître” particularly within its multiple scriptural meanings, and “charmant” according to its etymological denotation, describing something which gets the reason of the one under a malicious influence, driving him away from the right path. I also appreciate “fuir” and its English equivalent “to flee”; it is the first reaction those who got charmed have and wish to shun any recognition among the others and ignore the revulsion having fell for the enticing appeal inevitably induces. The verb “joindre” has a lot of subtle nuances I like to use, ranging from meeting, trying to meet, catching, getting near something or someone or being together. I found “souffrir”, “savoir”, “offusquer” or “autoriser” to share the same amount of close yet distinct definitions. On a morphological level, I'm fond of third and fourth categories verbs with rare or dated inflections; “défaillir”, “occlure”, “forclore”, “poindre”, “soustraire”, “astreindre”, “époindre”, “restreindre”, all the derivatives of “joindre” (“adjoindre”, “conjoindre”, “disjoindre”, “enjoindre”), “oindre”, “absoudre”, “bruire”, “échoir”, “rompre”, “vaincre”, “forfaire” and “parfaire”, “ouïr”, “paître” and “importer” are merely a few of them, and assuming one is wise enough to avoid using four of them in a single sentence, each carries a subtle, distinctive entry an advised choice paired with a meaningful sequence of tenses can extract and successfully use to thoroughly translate his thought. I hate when people try to write either incorrectly used, ridiculously obscure or nonexistent words as if being a good writer implied the use of the fanciest terms available. Oddly, albeit I have a crush for the Latin and Ancient Greek lexica in French, I dislike it in English and prefer words of Germanic origin like “wrest”, “thrall”, -en forms (“frighten”, “blacken”, “brisken”, “lengthen”, …), “draft” and so on. My favorite ones in Japanese depend on each ideogram's aesthetic rather than pronounciation or meaning. I hate all the kana characters – for some reasons I still prefer Japanese over Chinese – and don't feel a strong attraction toward the symetrical ones but overall I appreciate 懇 (kon, “sociable, kind; hospitable”), 犯 (han, “crime; sin”), 縁 (en, “relation; connection”) and 武 (bu, “warrior”). I also really, really like all the birds' names.

>> No.7407659
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English: Arabesque
French: Croquembouche

>> No.7407670

>both french words

>> No.7407676

Technically the root word is Italian

Still used in common English parlance ;) so I consider it English

>> No.7407691


>> No.7407782


>> No.7407848

vagina, floyd, gherkin, nice, shit and yes are cool

>> No.7407853


use of the word tends to be superfluous

>> No.7407874

faggot, sieg, heil, babylon, insallah, lagom

>> No.7408041
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>Crtl + f
>best word has yet to be posted


>> No.7408064

Supercilious pusillanimous antedeluvian

>> No.7408105

fluorescent desu

>> No.7408119


>> No.7408348
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an even cuter bunny

coma is nice too. abiogenesis, Piccadilly, mellow

>> No.7408393


fuck english

>> No.7408433

my favorite word is taciturn

>> No.7409393

I've always quite liked "minge".

>> No.7410943


>> No.7411399


>Inb4 edgy NEET

>> No.7412174


>> No.7413789


As another anon said above me, the sound and immediate image it evokes carries the definition perfectly. Not all favourite words need to be long or Latinate.

>> No.7413835


That's Dutch, for those who don't know.

>> No.7413841


>> No.7413851


>> No.7413878


My favorite word is "crisp" for similar reasons.

>> No.7413906

viridian probably

>> No.7413924

On second thought "crestfallen" is better. English isn`t my first language though.