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7401204 No.7401204 [Reply] [Original]

Spokesman of a generation or just another cute face?

>> No.7401214

i feel like sam isn't the true mde mastermind and is merely charles' puppet

>> No.7401218
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One in a sea of cute faces.

>> No.7401219

sam quit spamming /lit/ with your pathetic attempts at self promotion

>> No.7401238
File: 41 KB, 412x306, sammyncharls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but he's an author and intellectual

>> No.7401246


Charls is just Sam's scared lil lapdog, he has no idea what to do on his own - watch as he stands around while Sam does all the talking. I don't think Sam is much of a thinker/comedian, but whatever positive/negative qualities MDE has are entirely his own

>> No.7401261

definitely one of the most enlightened comedians by a long shot for what little that is worth.

>> No.7401280

What did he do? All I know about him is that his stand-up is tryhard edgy and not very good, but his appearances in thankscomputer videos are pretty funny. Is he relevant for something other than comedy?

>> No.7401283

he has a book and a tv show coming out within the next few months

>> No.7401287

his philosophy and politics are disappointingly naive. sometimes funny though.

>> No.7401295

He's the definition of post-irony.

>> No.7401306

People here are trying to frame him for the Colorado Springs shooting, according to some news articles.

>> No.7401312

Charles is a way better writer than Sam. Sam writes like an impotent neckbeard trying to shock his high school English teacher with longwinded ebin redpill genre fiction. Charls can actually communicate panic and violence.


>> No.7401313
File: 99 KB, 654x655, sammyboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he gets framed for every shooting
it's a running joke

>> No.7401432

He is the poster boy for public shooters

>> No.7401463

That must be dangerous

>> No.7402122

>not the German original

Only the dead can know peace from these plebeians.

>> No.7402243

not cute and kind of just an all around non-entity, although he is doing a good job of disguising the fact

>> No.7402269

he's undeniably cute

>> No.7402271

He's making his name as an anti-tumblr comedian. It's a necessary project in (upper middle class western social democratic) culture at the moment which seems so dominated by confused SJW terrorism on a day to day basis.

But he's not exactly a traditional conservative either. In fact, conservatism is always partly the butt of the joke.

At this point, he's just a contrarian, hardly someone with a voice of his own.

>> No.7402296


>At this point, he's just a contrarian, hardly someone with a voice of his own.

i'd rather him be a contrarian at his age than some insufferable young douche who pretends to have all the answers.

>> No.7402320

This desu

>> No.7402342

hot off the presses, Sam does some of his misogynistic, pro-Trump, racist standup and gets BTFO by a woke feminist comedian:

>> No.7402352

I'm liking the material, and he's really started to refine that rapid-fire confrontational style. But hearing him perform in front of a home audience is boring, he needs to perform for people who are completely unaware of him.

>> No.7402357

i bet that whole room stinks, looks like a greasy loner riling up a bunch of mra redditors. I am embarrassed to say I know who Sam Hyde is, I should probably get off 4chan.

>> No.7402361

good luck

>> No.7402367

he def has the presence for standup. and he has performed many times for folks who are unaware of him (Ted Talks, some Twitter convention, an anime convention [which is the first one I saw and one of the funniest, great because it is much more subtle than he ever is nowadays], etc.), but if he isn't careful he will probably get mobbed/killed sooner or later.

>> No.7402372

tbqhwy he does think he has all the answers, you only like him better than the SJW crowd because he has all the answers you want

>> No.7402377

Is that Linus Torvalds?

>> No.7402384

no it's a real neckbeard, in the original sense of the term, who shills the board for his flat, flaccid standup. he reads off a piece of paper about how he hates feminism and all the MRAs in the crowd get riled up.

>> No.7402418

reminder that he has a book and television show coming out while living independently without a job

>> No.7402431

I want Sam Hyde to leave

>> No.7402440

sam, you get ignored more than most homeless people when you're walking the streets in that yale video. go shill your material on reddit with the other litecoin-miners. I'm so sick of you and Ben Brooks baiting your shitty material to the angry 16 year olds on this board.

>> No.7402447

>Sam writes like an impotent neckbeard trying to shock his high school English teacher with longwinded ebin redpill genre fiction.
holyv fuck

>> No.7402497

He is the personification of pure reactionairy ideology.

It's not even that he likes the things he stands for through his (meta) ironic videos, he just hates the alternatives in society (SJW's, leftism, etc.).

Anyways, he is a necessary evil to balance out the forces exerted on society by all the retarded gutmenschen aka SJW's.

>> No.7402505


muh dystopian future
muh social awareness

>> No.7402539


yeah man being apathetic and seeing anyone who cares about anything as, 'two sides of the same coin'? that's where it's at

>> No.7402626

How could anyone find that funny? It's shitty comedy. He tries to shock you into laughing but nothing he says is half as shocking as anything else you can find within two minutes of browsing any social media website. His comedy boils down to reddit tier "DAE social justice is retarded? I'm a real asshole but it's funny cause I'm doing it ironically over the top!"

>> No.7402646

That isn't what he thinks, it's just a show

>> No.7402661

whoa you must have missed his complete dismantling of Bernie. Serious political commentary

>> No.7402723

>That isn't what he thinks, it's just a show

>> No.7402736
File: 59 KB, 638x960, sam_weev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it hilarious when people say that.

I'm a bit of a /pol/fag, and I know guys from The Daily Stormer who hang out with Sam and confirm that he really is a hatebro. Some of them have even advised him to tone his shit down a little, so as not to sour his Adult Swim deal.

>> No.7402751

Pretty much spot on. He oscillates between being genuine about his conservative beliefs, and then also somewhat ironically distancing himself from those beliefs. Above all he's a contrarian, which is what makes him funny. The unpopular opinion is always going to be the funniest because it'll rub people the wrong way.

But he's not half as smart as he thinks he is. Also: Why haven't the mods deleted this thread?

>> No.7402803

I find it refreshing that he's an insane right-wing person, as most of my favorite online satirists are insane left-wingers

>> No.7403473

> I know I'm better than this guy cause he's not protesting.
> I protested yesterday!

top kek

i didnt know this guy did anything other than stupid /fa/ inspo pics

>> No.7403492


>> No.7403506

sam hyde is the next ben garrison

>> No.7403511

>implying in another couple 1000 years anyone will give a shit about "generations"

as soon as someone starts talking about "generations" they are either a pleb or a baby boomer...no one fucking cares, fag

>> No.7403540

wow, Auernheimer is a manlet

>> No.7403548

in 1000 years the singularity will have happened long ago

>> No.7403552

the singularity already happened in 1920, having a 1mm thinnger iphone every other year is not a "singularity", anyone who thinks the singularity is a thing doesn't know anything about the history of technology

>> No.7403559

you're an idiot

>> No.7403564

you think "generations" matter, you're already an idiot, believe in the singularity just tops off your plebness

generations are a spook, nostirner

>> No.7403576

I've watched his channel for over an hour and I don't know what's going on. This is what i get for avoiding this /lit/'s Fantano..

>> No.7403589

4chan (and Reddit, as much as we want to act like Reddit and 4chan are different) loves MDE because it combines the "lolrandom" Adult Swim humor that millenial faggots love with the niggerdeath that they crave.

>> No.7403597

Well, he's a Bavarian Jew, so it's really not his fault.

>> No.7403598

Ok, it's coming together.. it is very similar to Loiter Squad after all

>> No.7403621

MDE tried to get Viper the Rapper on the show, but the cameo didn't go through in time to make it to air. World Peace really will be white (supremacist) Loiter Squad.

That is, if it ever makes it to air. Adult Swim has a history of orphaning their properties, and with Sam openly Stormfagging it up on reddit and facebook, the company Jews may pull it.

>> No.7403666

tim and eric are still the originals and the best


>> No.7403679

Just report the thread and move on. Don't let them shill their shit This has nothing to do with /lit/.

>> No.7403699

But Sam Hyde wrote a book.

>> No.7403708

oh is this an ad for reddit? sagepub

>> No.7403715
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>> No.7403799

Keep up the good work Sam

t. Tao

>> No.7403817

>mfw I realize that's not a young Nicolas Cage

>> No.7403933

Who is this Semen Demon?

>> No.7403979

He is literally a white nationalist

>> No.7404377

Ugly cunt who keeps starting threads about himself, sage.

>> No.7404422

Not sure what's worse, taking his sincere racist beliefs seriously or deluding yourself into imagining "he doesn't actually think like that." Actually I respect the first group more. They understand Hyde's comedy better.

>> No.7404477
File: 1.80 MB, 204x255, 1446242381016.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next level hyperjewing right here.

>> No.7404484

There is literally nothing wrong with """"racism""""

>> No.7404506

Found the c.uck.

>> No.7404510

There is literally nothing wrong with """"c.uckoldry""""

>> No.7404515

Kill yourself degenerate.

>> No.7404519

There is literally nothing wrong with """"degeneracy""""