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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 568 KB, 785x3593, directors2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7401045 No.7401045 [Reply] [Original]

Does someones have that image with writers accesibility levels?

It's like pic related but writers.

>> No.7401054
File: 135 KB, 747x487, Screen Shot 2015-10-15 at 5.40.36 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the meme?

>> No.7401069

No, the image is exactly like the one i posted but writers appear instead of directors.

James Joyce is the last level if i'm not wrong.

>> No.7401272
File: 554 KB, 784x3888, 1448644739314-lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.7401289

this is so very very wrong, delete this

>> No.7401290

Such a shit list.

>> No.7401322
File: 164 KB, 430x354, obey1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


tfw a solid level 4.5

>> No.7401335

>DFW above Dickens, Hugo, Dostoevsky, and Mishima
lol he wrote fucking airport novels.

>> No.7401338

Also, Nabakov is not worthy of level 5.

>> No.7401340

>Amis above Hesse


>> No.7401342

Shit placing aside,
I would say I am ungefaehr 3.5

>> No.7401349
File: 726 KB, 2301x1834, 1373524240589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost as if these images are made to trigger people.

>> No.7401357
File: 2.98 MB, 1800x3250, 1445875369285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7401378

>writers of verse in English
you got me

>> No.7401414

>"On the right track"

Nigga is the worst of the Romantics. The only good thing about him is that he was married to Mary Shelley.
At least he's below the good ones.

Pretty Decent Norton Anthology/10

>> No.7401461

This uh romanticizes the (18th C.) Romantic poets. Not a bad little table though.

And thank you for not including Alexander Dumas anywhere on here.

>> No.7401726

>Whitman in tier 2 and tier 5

>> No.7401731

I enjoy these. Are there more?

>> No.7402510
File: 484 KB, 784x3888, 1448761799976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fixed it a bit. :^)

>> No.7402546

internecine is a fucking noun: i hate this chart

>> No.7402549

*as a noun rather

>> No.7402592

Are you certain of which Amis?

You could have just said "I didn't get it," to identical affect.

>> No.7402606

The fiction one above has arguments to be made.

This one is disgraceful. "flowerposter" failed whatever intro survey presented her with Marianne Moore and Elisabeth Bishop and Robert Lowell is entirely absent.

"In English" reveals drool upon her chin, and the absence of any Poet Laureate of the US for the last 35 years further reveals epicanthic folds on vacant eyes in a head bobbing compulsively, in a green vinyl seat of the very last row of the short bus.

>> No.7402613

>Nabokov this deep
>Sienkiewicz anywhere
>DFW this high
>Camus this high
>Beckett and Gogol this deep

Is this bait or?

>> No.7402615

Never understood the vague hate Plath gets - she certainly doesn't deserve being equated to Ginsberg (though who does).

>> No.7402627
File: 2 KB, 125x79, 1448582301416s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not recognizing Beckett's genius
>probably only read waiting for godot
>probably only read Lolita
>probably only read the Nose
>>>>in translation


>> No.7402638


>lacks any semblance of substance

That seems kind of harsh.

>> No.7402642

it isn't

>> No.7402644

Whoever made these has likely only considered each authors/directors most famous film/novel before slapping them onto a level.

>> No.7402648

lmaooooo the amount of projecting

Also Beckett might be a genius to an extent, obviously, but this chart is about difficulty and accesibility you little banana.

>> No.7402657

I see nothing wrong with this chart.

>> No.7402678

>he hasn't read Ada

>> No.7402682

go read company or the unnameable or whatever else that isn't a meme and come back and tell me again how accessible beckett is.

>> No.7402752

Yep, this was. Thanks anon.

>> No.7403290
File: 1.94 MB, 1008x4600, lit tiered starter kit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7403312

>Stein towards the very bottom

>> No.7403319

>le meme where the most difficult to understand things are the best

Hemingway would shit on your face assholes.

>> No.7403486


To be honest family, Orwell is the archnemesis of tier lists on 4chan. These charts tend to be rather predictable, simply steering as far away as possible from the mainstream's tastes. Of course, Orwell was intentionally going for clarity in order to convey a message to absolutely everyone. So how do you criticize him without looking like a retarded contrarian? Can the average /lit/-poster even break out of their meme trance long enough to formulate a coherent argument against Orwellian clarity?

He's not just all talk, either. He actually joined a goddamn civil war. That's right. To try and fight fascism. Who's to say his message is not one worth listening to? Some fucking undergrad who knows how to operate photoshop?

Anyway, stick to these lists instead:

That way, a /lit/izen can continue to mock normies who only read high school books without shooting themselves in the foot.

>> No.7403494

Who is the Schmidt on here? Max Stirner?

>> No.7403567
File: 727 KB, 776x3623, mariana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I made OP's picture
here's the latest version

>> No.7404189

>tv and film

>> No.7404203

>no Chaplin
>no Mehrjui
>no Lopushansky

>> No.7404212

I've googled the original one before and seen it posted on reddit. There people were so oblivious to the fact that the descriptions along the right are meant to be humorous and were going apeshit over how 'pretentious' it was

Found it

>> No.7404226


>These charts tend to be rather predictable, simply steering as far away as possible from the mainstream's tastes.

This is literally the worst board to try and aim this charge at.

Because we stick so close to the canon we actually uphold conventional taste more than any other media board. Because this convention is integral to an overall education that a reader should be aiming for if they wish to be well-read. We're actually pretty fair with balancing popular and obscure work here.

>> No.7404354

The charge is on-topic. One list claims Orwell has no substance bcuz not obscure enuff while another list ranks it as starter kit material. The difference is crucial. We can say we don't want to see yet another 1984 thread and still acknowledge it as mandatory reading.

>> No.7404567

>Franzen on part with Maupassant

Yes I'm fucking mad.

>> No.7404633

Because le women can't write maymay, I assume. She's often characterized as whiny since she was depressed, but plenty of other shit /lit/ likes is all about being a sad cunt, so you've really got me. That and the Bell-Jar is really just okay with some good moments here and there, and that's probably what most people here have read and only that.

>> No.7404688

>putting Dickens that high

The man did not care for art.

>> No.7404698

dickens is there not on the merit of his writing but in the way he captured contemporary life. kind of like balzac.

he was probably accidentally good.

>> No.7404741

Arno Schmidt. Nigga be crazy.

>> No.7405088


>The charge is on-topic.

Yeah I suppose I was reaching there a bit. It is pretty on topic for this particular brand of chart ITT.

But charts are pretty useful overall for newcomers to certain arts. I don't get the hate for them.

>> No.7405697

Arno Schmidt's late works are even less comprehensible than Finnegans Wake. I doubt anyone could even begin to understand zettel's traum.