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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 332 KB, 2000x2724, 1447876958927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7401003 No.7401003 [Reply] [Original]

how do i write poetry?
i don't understand what makes a piece of poetry better than others.

>> No.7401011


When we point out to you that this is a blue board, that doesn't mean that kind of blue, it means 'blue' as in 'not red'.

>> No.7401014

Just vomit a bunch of vague sentence fragments. It's not that hard.

>> No.7401020

You have to want something.

>> No.7401027

Write and then edit
if you dont feel anything reading it throw it away
and try again

>> No.7401037

Nothing really. It's just meme writing.

>> No.7401040


I'm in love at the moment OP. I feel I write the best poetry when I just stop and think how absolutely perfect this women is, and how lucky I am to be blessed with her presence. The prose just flows .



>> No.7401049

Finding a muse is always good too

>> No.7401102

And if you can't find one irl, just raise a tulpa or take a lot of shrooms and develop schizophrenia.

> I'm in love... [and the rest of this stupid tangent]
Thanks for sharing! Do you have another blog that you normally post on?? I'd love to follow you!!
> ~I am not terrified by this because I am in love, everybody! Thought you should know! Woohoohoooo!~

Christ. Blue boards are meant to be sfw; don't be a shitmouth over someone pointing out the rules.

Ignore semantics for a while, OP. Try to find an understanding of rhythm and phonaesthetics. It depends on the type of poetry you're looking to write, of course, but I find that studying glossolalia is helpful in developing a natural sense for poetry.

>> No.7401120

You're a knob. Anon telling us they are in love was relevant to their point and so the thread topic. Stop being bitter.

Also, OP's image is completely appropriate for a blue board. It's in no way pornographic.

>> No.7401123

there is nothing wrong with nude portraits, nudity is not the same as pornography if no sexual acts/positions are involved. Nonetheless I think what makes something better or worse is more a philosophical question and not really a literature question. You should recognize no one on here except a few really understand what theyre saying, they just focus more on the style than on the underlying meaning behind the contents. They don't realize a huge avalanche is waiting for them at the end of their style ball/shitty dance.

At the end of the tunnel is a giant mountain of snow that is waiting to pile up and crush your tiny lungs that is full of meaning.

>> No.7401144

nonetheless OP, you are focused on the wrong thing. You shouldn't worry about what poetry is better than the other, it all comes down to what you're interested in. Poetry is a form of artwork, there is no right and there is no wrong way in poetry. And art as we all know is just another form of self expression. So I find this question nonsensical, you should ask yourself why you are persuing poetry before asking us what you think is better.

>> No.7401245

please shut up

>> No.7401252

dem tiddies ace nigga

>> No.7401298

Poetry is the expression of individual humanity in the written word. When you fully understand yourself, that is the day that you will be the greatest poet who ever lived.

>> No.7401305

>i don't understand what makes a piece of poetry better than others

Then why do you wish to write poetry?
Step one is being well-read and knowing what poets you like.

>> No.7401321

what an amazing fucking painting

>> No.7401327

like everything else, it is completely subjective.

>> No.7401551
File: 345 KB, 498x568, 1426788650542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw she'll never be with me

>> No.7401571

>i don't understand what makes a piece of poetry better than others.
You should not be writing poetry if you literally cannot even discern what differentiates a shit poem from a good one.

I see threads like this all the time
>I suffer from constant writers' block. How do I write my book?
>Hi I'm writing a book but I don't really know of any interesting plots. Any help?
>I'm currently working on a fantasy novel but I'm not sure I understand what makes good prose. Any insight?

It's like people have this bizarre conception that what they have to say is endemically important and must be put to text even if they have zero talent or knowledge of the field. Why does this shit only happen to literature? Nobody goes on /mu/ and says
>Hey guys I'm working on an EP but I can't sing and don't know how to play any instruments. Any advice?

Read poetry. Get good. Otherwise fuck off.

>> No.7401935
File: 740 KB, 905x764, 1442358471591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did you have to ruin my thread, anon?

>> No.7401942

It was a shitty pointless meme-ridden thread.

>> No.7401992

Why hasn't this thread been deleted yet? This is a fucking blue board.

>> No.7402034


But it's a drawing so consisted art?

Maybe don't surf the internet while in church.

>> No.7402325


What is the artist of OP's picture?

Also, art gets posted here all the time, including nudes. Who browses 4chan at work anyway.

>> No.7402353
File: 269 KB, 298x399, 1400776044208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You should not be writing poetry if you literally cannot even discern what differentiates a shit poem from a good one.

Charles Bukowski did alright for someone that didn't know anything about poetry.

>I see threads like this all the time
>I suffer from constant writers' block. How do I write my book?

But that is a common problem for writers. /lit/ would be a good place to ask how other writers got through their own writers block would it not?

>implying anyone on /lit/ actually writes and doesn't just shitpost.

>It's like people have this bizarre conception that what they have to say is endemically important and must be put to text even if they have zero talent or knowledge of the field.

Or maybe OP wants to start a new hobby and thinks poetry is the thing for him/her? Not everyone that writes does it to get published, nor even read.

>Why does this shit only happen to literature?

It doesn't.

And there just the boards I frequent.

>Nobody goes on /mu/ and says
>Hey guys I'm working on an EP but I can't sing and don't know how to play any instruments. Any advice?

I would almost be certain that does happen.

>Read poetry. Get good. Otherwise fuck off.

This last sentence should have been your whole post.

>> No.7402373

I don't think someone's bitched about nudes in art since the protestant reformation.

>> No.7402394

He was right.

>> No.7402404

It's a slow moving board. Who gives a shit?

>> No.7402645

>what makes a piece of poetry better than others.

When it succeeds in its intentions. The problem with most young poetry of this moment is that is has no intention to begin with, except, rarely, the vague howl of "I am outraged," which is usually accompanied by the unintentional reveal, "but I don't know why."

This sentiment used to be reserved for college radio guitar rock, but somewhere after 1996, it escaped quarantine and infected the English department.

The most toxic side-effect of the infection is that it is airborne, resulting is massive, geometrically mulitplying mountains of total crap.

Which gives the impression that it must always have been this way, and that the possibility of making any aesthetic judgement at all is nigh on impossible.

If your preferred tongue is English, just wiki up a list of US Poet Laureates of the Library of Congress, and sample through their example works, almost always out there somewhere for free. Here's where to look up some work:




If you find that after ten or twenty reads, nothing connects to the P-terminal of your brain, verse may not be your thing.

>> No.7402726

Would you say that some Airborne Toxic Event was responsible?

>> No.7402765

Neither DeLillo nor the left of the dial came in time to be responsible, and even together, could never have mustered a smidgen of the power required to take over every Humanities department in the English speaking world.

That can only happen when the Professional Left smells blood in the generational waters, and has the internet to spread the infection.

Not even /pol/ - Ginsberg had the decency to at least aspire to something literary. Now its just performative spoken word, grunting rather than howling, about me me me, and calling itself poetry.

There is no such thing as a "chocolate martini" and this is not poetry:


>> No.7403635


With what?

>> No.7403674
File: 328 KB, 850x850, efGo7xV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying your boss would fire you because of that picture
>implying he wouldn't fire you for browsing 4chan while at work instead

>> No.7403695


why would you write poetry if you don't understand poetry?

>> No.7403696

are you fucking serious?

>> No.7403711

>Charles Bukowski did alright for someone that didn't know anything about poetry.

>> No.7403719


>> No.7403721

i like you

>> No.7403923


I don't get what you're angry about?

>> No.7404629

underrated post

>> No.7404632

want to write good poetry? suffer

>> No.7404669

What, as absurdist comedy?

>> No.7404756

Her foot is kinda fucked but I agree

>> No.7404787

A look of despair
Hope not in sight
As thin as a hair
There's a small beam of light

A veil of darkness hovers like a botomless hole
Marching together into oblivion's gate
As fear poisoned the heart as a whole
The mind starts to cultivate hate

Humanity becomes trapped
A prisoner of its mind
In the land of the damned
There can be no remind

Of a different but not so distant future
A sense of peace that only love can nurture
our true origins from a confusing past
The malicious falsehood that will never last

Why continue living? The pain is unbearable
As resentment and hatred resound in his voice
A small act of giving is never unaccesible
If you open your eyes, you've always had the choice.

I wrote this one night when I was high as shit. It was my first and last attempt at writing poetry. I never liked it though.
I don't understand why people are fascinated by poetry.

>> No.7405607

That's pretty fucking garbage.

>> No.7405633

>browsing 4chan while at work

Why would anyone even do this? Every supposedly-SFW board has the occasional triple anal pic, and also having 4chan.org showing up in your browsing logs at work is hardly a good idea; people associate the site only with the /b/ stuff that occasionally appears in the media (and more recently, the /r9k/ stuff).

>> No.7405849
File: 48 KB, 631x131, things you find on the internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strongly agree with this. I believe my only successful poem was derived from desperation of some sort.

>> No.7405854

Some of the worst I've seen.

>> No.7405855

That ass is too flat. An example of bad poetry.

>> No.7405856

I always 4chan at work, even /b/ and /gif topkek. There is no logs here so only takes a quick history clear.

>> No.7406527

Bulls hit.

>> No.7407046


>> No.7408087

I write poetry a lot and still feel constricted, just keep writing

>> No.7408150
File: 111 KB, 736x912, jkoch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you had a girl who actually helped improve your work
>tfw she was so out of her head from doing too much acid that it seemed inconsequential who she was with because she was never fully present
How did I find the one person to be my muse who it was fully impossible to possess? The Muse effect is real but the withdrawals are a bitch.

Good poetry is emotionally manipulative, but in an interesting way. Some people realize this but lack the skill to do it in an interesting way and so wind up writing sentimental crap. Others go too hard for "interesting," but lack the skill or humanity to get the emotive part. It's hard as fuck, basically.

>> No.7408541

Good advice is not to think you have to rhyme.

>> No.7408563

>rhyming poetry
Almost as bad as being unironically religious.

>> No.7409066
