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740015 No.740015 [Reply] [Original]

I've been reading philosophy on and off for a few years, getting into discussions with people IRL and on the internetz, and i've discovered that serious philosophical discussion is at its core is intellectually superficial. The more people bark about abstract pedantics, the less they're able to apply their philosophy to real life. Fuck sartre, plato, descartes, kant, Wittgenstein- the only thing they ever did was preoccupy their own and other minds on abstract bullshit, make them bitter over analyzers of poppycock.

>> No.740020

Yeah well, fuck you.

>> No.740025
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>> No.740030
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>> No.740038

Somebody has to care for the abstracts, poor lonely abstracts...

>> No.740039
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>> No.740043

Are you familiar with the Stoics? They're my favorite philosophers, especially Epictetus. Their philosophy is made with the sole intention of applicability. And the writing isn't so dense that only the high-literate can interpret it.

>> No.740054

their 'application' was total indifference, brought about by almost otherworldly abstract BS about nature.

>> No.740067

Kant did quite a bit actually

all of your ideas and the all the surrounding culture is explicated off of those ideas at the most basic level

do you want to understand the ideas that make up the sub-stratum of your culture and existence?
the passed down values of our forefathers

or do you just want to vote democrat or republican and watch american idol ?

>> No.740081

Oh, man. I feel bad laughing at you because you obviously don't understand the core principals of philosophy, but I cant help myself. Your statement is ridiculous.

>> No.740084
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philosophy troll is fail

>> No.740088


>thinks there are core principles in philosophy, hasn't met the postmodernists

>> No.740093

Holy shit did you pick some of the worst philosophers to justify your view of philosophy.

>> No.740098

>doesnt realize value is subjective

>> No.740103

You, sir, seem to be missing the point. Philosophy is best when done for its own sake, not so one can "apply their philosophy to real life" (although it is always beneficial if you can improve your life with philosophy).

>> No.740112

so if philosophy is not being applied to real life, what is it good for?

>> No.740113

mmm yeah postmodernism bitches
It's our current state of being, not a type of art
and hoo boy you should all read up on it

Yeah. The breakup of the canon. The mass accessibility of all information. the list goes on.

>> No.740116

>Philosophy is best when done for its own sake, not so one can "apply their philosophy to real life"

I don't necessarily agree. Philosophy is best when answering the question of how I ought to live.

>> No.740129

>so if a martial art is not being applied to real life, what is it good for?

Not to suggest that martial arts can't be applied to real life, but they can also be valuable in their own right as a way to develop discipline and a fit body. Likewise with philosophy and the intellect.

>> No.740154

It is good for giving gifted, highly-organized minds a challenge as they attempt to transform language into math.

>> No.740173


its very valuable. Helps put things into perspective.

true, pseudo-intellectuals feed off of philosophy because they think knowing what so and so said makes them intellectual and "deep" and whatnot. But philosophy does retain value in its own right.

>> No.740185

Existentialism can be applied to your life just as easily as Stoicism.

>> No.740191

Coming from someone who's read way too much philosophy in his day, read Richard Rorty. _Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity_, _Philosophy and Social Hope_, and _Consequences of Pragmatism_ are good places to start.

A lot of his ideas stem from Wittgenstein's later stuff (i.e. PI), but it's still great. Basically, a switch in emphasis from traditional philosophy to redescription.

>> No.740206

Kant actually made me a better person. OP clearly doesn't know what the meaning of 'ethics' is.

>> No.740228

categorical imperative FTW

>> No.740293

if you want real world application, then read philosophers who do applied ethics like Peter Singer, etc rather than the more abstract stuff. Philosophy is a wide ranging discipline. Don't over generalize.

>> No.740302

>Philosophy is a wide ranging discipline.

Even within the work of a single thinker.

>> No.740313

You should read the stoics and the epicureans. Their whole philosophies are about how to behave in real life, and they keep the abstract to a minimum.

>> No.740321

> the only thing they ever did was preoccupy their own and other minds on abstract bullshit

>implying there is something more valuable (or anything valuable) to do in the world

>> No.741743


go get laid, faggot

>> No.741753

Fans of the Stoics might be interested in a recent column in the NYT's "The Stone" philosophy series.


>> No.741762

thinking that philosophy is about leading a better life is soooooo aristotelian, bro...

but seriously, if you believe philosophy is primarily about finding a way to live a good and virtuous life you restrict yourself to ethics.
Philosophy has so much more to offer than that.

>> No.741787

That is the essence of it though. To find the final method, one must go beyond.

>> No.741800
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>Bark! Barkbarkbark!

>> No.741837

"There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy." -Nietzsche, "Of the despisers of the body".

You might want to read him.

>> No.741851 [DELETED] 

Oh, I see. You're call OP a cynic.

>> No.741854

Oh, I see. You're calling OP a cynic.