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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 9 KB, 214x213, yaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
739986 No.739986 [Reply] [Original]


by /lit/

Chapter 1

Eats a pizza ethereal with...when all of a sudden, niggers splashed me. I didn't pulled my shattered back, because anus was bleeding behind enemy church


"Muldoon the Cheese was fountainhead," whistled Clevergirl.

"Holy shit, shit" screamed Atlas, falling.

Shanked it into beforehand. Another lover? Ridiculous, magnificent poop.

Clevergirl: "Potatoes, my love. Skinned."

Shrugged. "NIG-NOGS! Shoot Atlas, cuntface," said Buttfukenmouthanus. "YOU PIECE BIGHOMOS SHIT!"


>> No.739989

Chapter 2

It came to. Needed Homes' pages because jesus didn't get out. Niggers is android's sex, and feels so masochistic. Avalanche whore Jews fathomed existence

because Veronica Origin can't assbutt.

Penis: "Objectivism isn't hard."

Dickbutt: "Since Jews, cocks, communists, slapped killed shitting jazz, daughter through gravy."


"Earthquake...", moaned fan's moustache.

Gibson becomes sandwich eventually. Into it, Dog-penis Helen was Dr. Faustus.

Horse. Abysmal, bare-back, LUSCIOUS...

The homosexuals floral killed asinine ransacked hats atop mountains mad with children covered in in moss.

>> No.739990

Chapter 3:

Lipstick lying possibly upon me. I death eater. I fucking murdered lost children, millions of children, ways horrible.

To justify: Behold my penis, intestines, my cherry pie.

Sweetly the swede, penis in caverns deep, circumscribed in rivers of blood and semen, silently through exploding. "It's long enough", I say.

Never home, space, buttfuck glittering cosmonauts. Pick me up. Whiskey headcrabs dancing, all night long.

People sometimes mislead popcorn, too much beautiful.

"How to be dolphins dongs?" ask Brazilians. "WHY HASN'T THIS BEEN ARCHIVED YET?!"

Since Dukes of Hazard, swandive is died. Realfuckin'neato. Tits? Please!

"Captivate," screeched Antiestablishmentarianism faggot


io­kigklo­peleio­la goio­siraio­baphe­tragano­pterygon

Please Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch.

Nobody shouldn't buttfuck "Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg" the messiah, since Nails' pheremones are eructation.


FUCK, you're becoming the demons john!


>> No.739997

That is some deep stuff.

>> No.740001

Archive. Immediately.

>> No.740002

It's like my whole way of thinking has been turned upside down.

>> No.740005

"The Penis Was" for pulitzer prize!

>> No.740008

That thread turned out much better than expected. Well done /lit/. Next stop: publishing!!!

>> No.740017

Provocative literature delving deep with a troubled human psyche revealing a new way of thinking previously unexplored. Anonymous writers pave the way for post-post-post modernism. A true classic before it's time.

>> No.740026


>> No.740029

"It fucking sucks"
-Armond White

>> No.740031

This is true. By using one word at a time from different individuals, it reveals the subconscious thought of the authors. We're pretty fucked up.

>> No.740041


>> No.740042

Can I get a .pdf of this? I want to print it out and read it to my children at night.

>> No.740048

"Banned in over 9000 countries, including the USA"

>> No.740049

oh god. oh god. the title alone. i'm dying.

>> No.740051

Submit to ZWG?

>> No.740052

Next work: the prequel followed by the prequel to the prequel

>> No.740053


>> No.740058

>People sometimes mislead popcorn

I think we're guilty of misleading popcorn at one time or another.

>> No.740062

I know I am...I just regret never telling my father about it...

>> No.740065

"The homosexuals floral killed asinine ransacked hats atop mountains mad with children covered in in moss."

my favorite part, pretty fucked up shit

>> No.740066

A poem, or would scientific breakthrough be more appropriate, of the ages. "The Penis Was" shows us what a group of anonymous participants can produce. This "sick and twisted" piece of literature reveals the "dark side" of the human mind. Although to the inexperienced reader it may seem like random words, but the veterans see behind the text into the collective hivemind known as "Anonymous". Overall a brilliant contribution to the medium.

>> No.740068

jesus christ can't stop laughing oh god

>> No.740072

I love you guys so much. Let's get this fucking published.

>> No.740074

>To justify: Behold my penis

I fuckin lost it

>> No.740076

Someone needs to make an audio book.

>> No.740079

Yes, an audiobook would be amazing.

>> No.740080

I'd try, but I can't get through the first line without cracking up

>> No.740085


You know, I think deep down he knew. He always knew.

>> No.740087

This just in: Peter Jackson confirmed to shoot the movie

>> No.740089
File: 524 KB, 422x500, 1266979504888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need some extremely thought provoking artwork to make the cover as well.

>> No.740096

Original artwork. Someone go get a drawfag

>> No.740105

I'm on it. I'll be tempted to do a Christopher Walken impersonation but I think I can refrain.

>> No.740107

I suggest an amalgamated collage of something we all draw in ms paint.

>> No.740110

That'll do.

>> No.740117

Ayn Rand weeps. I am so hard

>> No.740121

Oh god bracing for epic

>> No.740122

how do we share the royalties?

>> No.740127

Make a new thread.

>> No.740132

That'd be pretty fitting.

Btw, lol @ OP's pic

>> No.740136

I have never been so proud of /lit/ This is a fucking nightmare

>> No.740143

I can proudly say I contributed niggers and cheese

>> No.740153

So can we get this sticky'd or what?

>> No.740158

what are you fucking retarded
why would this get stickied

>> No.740163

No one likes you

>> No.740166

Because it's the only piece of writing anyone on /lit/ has followed through and finished

>> No.740167

instant classic. put this in the next ''required reading'' list.

>> No.740169

I death eater. I fucking murdered lost children, millions of children, ways horrible.

To justify: Behold my penis

shit got real.

>> No.740176

"Earthquake...", moaned fan's moustache.
made me think of ''the earth moved''

>> No.740181

be reasonable. this thread has no extraordinary qualities. it was the result of a /b/-like thread which really should have been considered spam.

this "story" isn't even funny.

>> No.740182


Hey, who the fuck are you? This story is best story. Let's see who write something as important as this masterpiece.

>> No.740183

This is amazing. I can see millions of fanfics being written about it.

>> No.740184

>Lipstick lying possibly upon me.

Do I sense struggle with homosexuality?

>> No.740186

I lol'd. I cried. And the twist ending where John is becoming the demons? Classic. Thank you /lit/

>> No.740188

This must be archived.

>> No.740190

this thread was amazing. it took the methods used by bryon gison and w.s burroughs but introduced technology, anonymity and sociology to create something even more powerful. ''The Penis Was'' is a great step forward in literature. u mad cuz u didn't contribute and we stylin on you.

>> No.740193

If there's one thing that doesn't belong on /lit/, it's you and your shit-tier, tier pics.

>> No.740197

i'm not mad i'm just the only one sane enough to say something. this thread doesn't belong here and neither do all the retards posting "ARCHIVE THIS SHIT."

>> No.740199

Avalanche whore Jews fathomed existence
--a biting critique on modern philosophy is it not?

>> No.740200

No, u mad. All you're doing is bumping the thread, pal. Thanks for coming out.

>> No.740201

stagolee you didn't contribute and you are a big, fat baby. go up, baldhead.

>> No.740202

Oh whiskey headcrabs, dance with me! Dance with me all night long!

>> No.740205

I'm trying my best but the pronunciation in the third chapter is giving me a hell of a rough time. Can anyone here speak Welsh?

>> No.740208


>> No.740210

They fathomed existence because Veronica origin can't assbutt.

I'm pretty sure we would all fathom existence if Veronica origin couldn't assbutt

>> No.740211

Stagolee, no one wants your faggot tier shit. All you do is spam /lit/ every god damn day and you make it hard for people to appreciate threads like this.

>> No.740216

The conversation between Penis and Dickbutt in chapter 2 is pure poetry.

>> No.740218

that's because threads like this shouldn't be appreciated.

>> No.740221
File: 71 KB, 550x686, book-face_EERcQ_59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seal of approval.

>> No.740223

This book is a joyous blasphemy, it denies everything even as it embraces eternal truth. It bends the rules so hard that new rules have been forged. It is breathtaking, chastening. A brutal coming of age farce. /lit/ has ripped the torch from the postmodernists' hands and threw it so hard, that it stuck in the sky and became a new heroic constellation.

>> No.740224
File: 12 KB, 264x320, BigDog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the matter, too deep for you?

>> No.740230

>Horse. Abysmal, bare-back, LUSCIOUS...

male prostitution to support heroine addiction?

>> No.740235

I'm not going to bed until I hear it

>> No.740238

LUSCIOUS is his dragqueen name.

>> No.740240

Post-post modernism, an arrangement of seemingly random words veiling a revelatory insight into the hivemind known as Anonymous. A range of swiftly altering moods characterize this piece, from senseless, disgusting, or possibly offensive to beautiful and insightful. There is an order to the chaos, crafted by a collective of strangers, different souls contributing whatever words sprang from their fingertips to create something unique. Truly, we have found something new in the literary world.

>> No.740244

I can attempt to record this but how would this be arranged?

>> No.740245

>Never home, space, buttfuck glittering cosmonauts. Pick me up
A reference to Bowie's ''major tom'' cycle. He is going through a gender-bending drug addicted space age transition, with a glam-rock soundtrack.

>> No.740247

Anyway you want. Record, zip it, mediafire it.

>> No.740250

I've been told I have a radio-worthy voice, but I can't get past the first few paragraphs without bursting into tears at how beautiful it is.

>> No.740251

just make sure the second half of part 3 captures the thought of john becoming the demons

>> No.740252

Does anyone know what the fuck is going on near the end of chapter 3? Is that some chemistry shit?

>> No.740253

Is this the only bit you're having trouble with? I can attempt the other long words, too, if you need.

>> No.740255
File: 47 KB, 319x243, youmad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.740256

I can barely get past the first sentence. It's...magnificent.

>> No.740257

John becoming the demons I'd say

>> No.740260


Just google the phrases, Wikipedia has pronunciation.

>> No.740263

But why must John become the demons?

>> No.740264

The main character, john is on a one way trip to hell and back. along the way he meets clevergirl and atlas, two small-time dope dealers. He gets hooked and spends the rest of the work trying to find his way out of the EXOTIC RAPE SATIRE his life has become,but will he just end up becoming the demons? Part hardboiled crime novel, part political satire. The Penis Was will keep you on the edge of your seat.

>> No.740269

>Lipstick lying possibly upon me. I death eater. I fucking murdered lost children, millions of children, ways horrible.

This is dark. It's obviously about child abuse and the murder of said children. The hyperbole of " millions" is just to show how awful he feels about doing such things, but he can not help himself.

>To justify: Behold my penis, intestines, my cherry pie.
No longer able to live with him self, he undresses before a child and slashes open his stomach, relieving his intestines and other internal organs, which he refers to as his cherry pie somehow thinking that using a cute word will lessen the impact of a child seeing this horrible display.


>> No.740274


I don't know man, but the why, the existentialism, is also dealt with in the story.

Why ask why, let's just accept that he is.

>> No.740277

Someone type this out in laymans terms.

>> No.740280

I also took the "lipstick lying possibly upon me" as a reference to possible homosexuality?

>> No.740284

I'd say so, but would have to assume that the homosexuality revolves around pedophilia. Making the young boys wear lipstick because it's one of his sick fantasies.

>> No.740288

John is a sick fuck. It almost makes me glad he became the demons

>> No.740294

It's obvious the protagonist is struggling with his sexual preference to women, against his sexual desires to men. Could his fixation with the female form (AKA the lipstick) possible be a lie? Only time will tell for John...

>> No.740297

it's just the cycle of violence. ''pulled my shattered back, because anus was bleeding behind enemy church. Virginity." obviously John was a victim of pedophile priests as a child.

>> No.740298

Yes, thats one of them, but the other unnecessarily long words are painful to speak as well. Someone should have thrown in floccinaucinihilipilification, at least I can pronounce that.

>> No.740300

he was always the demons.

>> No.740301

And yet i feel empathy, life can't be easy when whiskey headcrabs are dancing all night every night in your mind.

>> No.740303

I'm thinking the demon's symbolize the demons in all of us, our dark secrets and passions, and John before his death embraced his "demons" thus becoming them.

>> No.740309

You know what? Thanks to the first chapter, I think I'm going to print out several copies of this, go to Border's(I can walk, so I won't be wasting gas money), and slip it into every copy of 'Atlas Shrugged' in the joint.

>> No.740310

>>"How to be dolphins dongs?"

Mmm, the story was making sense for me up until that part. Someone want to enlighten me?

>> No.740314


>> No.740322

>niggers splashed me

black priests 0.O

>> No.740327

ask brazilians, they know

>> No.740328

The dolphin dong represents masculinity. John was molested as a child making him feel week and feminine. He wishes he could be strong and masculine. He empowers himself by abusing those who can't fight back, children.

>> No.740331


>> No.740332

This question, begins a sequence in The Penis Was, which through the viral qualities of language, transports the reader (and john) through time and space. First, brazil then southern america and finally Wales.

>> No.740334

It's a bunch of random words that any fucktard can interpret anyway he likes.......And that's what makes it great.

>> No.740335
File: 33 KB, 324x357, bishop-pasinya-obama-325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying there are no black priests
>my face

>> No.740340

oh god, just the title, I can't stop laughing

>> No.740345

It may seem silly on the outside, but there is a deep story behind it.

>> No.740346



Chapter 3 is uploading now; I'll post it in a few minutes.

>> No.740352

>Clevergirl: "Potatoes, my love. Skinned."
skinned potatoes are a reference to testicles.

>> No.740353

Here's my interpretation:

Chapter one:

Atlas is eating a pizza, lamenting over his rape by black priests after being baptised("niggers splashed me" being a reference to the baptism). Suddenly, his lover comes in with Muldoon the Cheese, Nig-Nogs, and Buttfukenmouthanus. She confesses his love for Muldoon, and Atlas is promptly shot.

>> No.740364

Brilliant. Just fucking brilliant.

>> No.740366

"A brilliant poem of a man facing his demons, a must read"

- Reader's Digest

>> No.740371

Chapter 2:

Religion has collapsed. Nazi androids have taken over the world, using negros as sex slaves, and depriving Jews of education. As such, Jews must resort to prostitution, a miserable existence which makes them ponder the purpose behind their existence. "Avalanche" alludes to how many whore Jews there are. This shabby treatment was all the result of the world's former queen, Veronica Orgin(Clevergirl from chapter one, who became queen shorting after killing Atlas) failed to propagate the species, thus allowing the androids to take over. Meanwhile, Penis and Dickbutt discuss Objectivism.

>> No.740374

" The next big thing after Twilight"

- NY Times

>> No.740375

>A pizza ethereal with...when all of a sudden niggers splashed me
The memory is so haunting, so vivid. Who is Nig-Nog. Some lackey, willing to do anything for money, even kill. Big, hulking. An idiot. Buttfukenmouthanus is more of a brainy, diminuitive controlling sociopath. But who sent them to kill Atlas/John?

>> No.740382


Chapter 3

I apologize in advance for how god awful my pronunciation is.

>> No.740406


It's pretty quiet, but not bad man.

>> No.740407


At this segment in chapter 2, we switch perspectives to a dying young man named Fan. His lip quivers, remembering the earthquake which resulted in the untimely doom of him and his companions, one of whom(Gibson) has been pecked apart by ravenous animals. His female companion has fused with the German doctor to create a hypersexual zoophiliac who sees a horse and feels lust. Meanwhile, the homosexual flowers a nearby mountion have eaten all the hats of the insane children living there, for substinence.

>> No.740409

is ''exotic rape satire'' like a stage direction?

>> No.740415

chapter 1 was the best.

>> No.740418

I wouldn't even know where to begin if I were an actor given that direction.

>> No.740422

really, i think i know exactly what i would do.

>> No.740425

>>People sometimes mislead popcorn

Oh god. That line is so beautiful in its simplicity.

>> No.740445

Chapter 3:

The third and final chapter is ironically, the simpliest of them. It dictates the inner workings of a trangendered child murderer in these harsh, dystopian times, his lack of treatment, and how the justice system has collapsed so much that the police force consists of mentally ill Brazillians, who ask themselves why this deranged killer hadn't yet been caught and documented. The man quickly kills one of them, then goes into an incomprehensible frenzy, spouting prophetic wisdom that no one can understand, and pass it off as demon possesion. The killer laments his fate, and dies.

>> No.740447

this showcases /lit/....

>> No.740448

Too much beautiful

>> No.740449

Scholars will someday look back and view The Penis Was as a 21st century masterpiece.

>> No.740459

>Horse. Abysmal, bare-back, LUSCIOUS...
this is exactly how heroin addiction feels.

>> No.740466

They'll say it's influence echoed throughout 21st century literature, some 22nd century literature is still influenced by it.

>> No.740469

But I thought Nigg-Nogs killed Atlast. So clevergirl is also nigg-nogs?

>> No.740474

no i don't think nig-nog is clevergirl, unless nig-nog is buttfukenmouthanus' nickname for clevergirl.

>> No.740477

You're a bro for actually attempting that keysmashing.

>> No.740479

>Meanwhile, the homosexual flowers a nearby mountion have eaten all the hats of the insane children living there, for substinence.

Wait, shit. I didn't notice that the children were covered in moss. That changes something;

In actuality, the homosexual flowers and eating the stone hats atop statues of children in an abandoned kingdom, representing the petrification and deterioration of innocence, as well as the collapse of primitive culture.

>> No.740480

I actually bothered to record it then I found this:

>> No.740492

And for those people who can read IPA:

>> No.740495

I want to have this stories babies

>> No.740496


Nig-Nogs killed Atlas, but he was working for Clevergirl. He agreed with her cause and worked with her and the others in order to give her political power over the land.

>> No.740502
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>> No.740507

>Pick me up. Whiskey headcrabs dancing, all night long.

My eyes are still puffy after this maginificent part.

>> No.740511

nig-nogs was such a fucking pawn, and clevergirl couldn't even assbutt. She pulled a real cult-leader move changing her name to ''veronica origin'' like she created life itself. i kind of like it.

>> No.740527

OP, you should explain that this was a "one word each" collaboration on /lit/ so people don't think it's just a pile of mess.

>> No.740537

No John you are the demons

>> No.740539

this is /lit/'s Finnegan's Wake

>> No.740548

So, we need

1) A drawfag to draw us up a cover
2) Someone to actually publish this bad boy

>> No.740552

it's not a fucking pile of mess. it may be too much beautiful.

>> No.740553

I submitted it to ZWG, but I'm sure a few others have already. Might draw up some MSPaint shit.

>> No.740556

>This video is unlisted.

Why on earth would you deprive the public of such amazing literature?

>> No.740573
File: 11 KB, 474x358, Quagsire AWESOME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Penis: "Objectivism isn't hard."

An Instant Classic!

>> No.740587

Thanks for watching, folks. I opted for unlisted because I don't think the world is quite ready for this amount of brilliant literature. It would simply be over their heads.

>> No.740592
File: 1.09 MB, 994x1891, The Penis Was by lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow
I decided to visit /lit/ for the first time at a good time.
Here, I made this for you guys

>> No.740598

I hope this convinced you to come more often.

>> No.740620
File: 5 KB, 126x126, 1261252844364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.740630
File: 211 KB, 760x766, The Penis Was.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished the Coverpage, /lit/


>> No.740637

I like it

>> No.740642

glad to see three year olds still browse lit

>> No.740656
File: 75 KB, 462x685, The Penis Was cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A challenger appears.

>> No.740657
File: 309 KB, 545x408, fuck yeah man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.740660

keep it up... great IMO

>> No.740662

Now draw it with paper and we're set.

>> No.740687
File: 11 KB, 582x498, shadow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is way too deep for me.

>> No.740699

bumping so I don't have to look for on my iphone...

>> No.740705
File: 21 KB, 375x500, digestion225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No crayons, and posting off my iPhone for the archive: The Penis Was coverpage ROUGH DRAFT!!!!


>> No.740708


Took 740,000 attempts, but /lit/ has finally delivered the perfect post.

Moot, shut the board down. We've peaked.

>> No.740709
File: 264 KB, 450x319, Pokemon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.740717

Thanks for your request.
It has been added to our database and the thread will be archived as soon as enough request for that thread have been made.
This thread has been requested 2 times now.




>> No.740722

Needs more dildos.

>> No.740740
File: 280 KB, 600x800, ThePenisWuz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.740760

That's stupid.

>> No.740765

ur stupid

>> No.740773



Just GTFO and dont dare to mention the words "The Penis Was" again... Bastard.

>> No.740788

The Penis Was, what now faggot?

>> No.740791

The ms paint with the mountain looked 10000000x better than that

>> No.740809

The work's title lingers even after the final line is read. "The Penis Was" not only introduces the story about the surface characters, but also signals the end of traditional heteronormative masculinity, one of the work's main themes.

In my opinion, some of the work's most unshakable beauty comes from its simple and strikingly powerful imagery. "It came to," a short, three-word phrase signaling the beginning of the second chapter, also raises the issue of the awkward denouement after the sexual climax. Trapped in the butthole, the protagonist has ejaculated, and forced to re-locate his normal, sexually-sober self. Combined in a mosaic of beauty with the third chapter, this sentence introduction reveals that /lit/ has found inspiration not only from Joyce, but also from Hemingway.

Perhaps most frightening, however, is /lit/'s own realisation that it is "becoming the demons."

Chilling, yet beautiful. I recommend it to any child.

>> No.740839

Thanks for your request.
It has been added to our database and the thread will be archived as soon as enough request for that thread have been made.
This thread has been requested 6 times now.

>> No.741116
File: 102 KB, 642x1091, BUMP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Penis Was - Bump

>> No.741249


>> No.741566

make a page for The Penis Was on the ZWG Wiki

>> No.741580


>> No.741611

For those that missed it last night, this is the finished draft of /lil/'s magnum opus: "The Penis Was", a one word at a time collaborated short story.

>> No.741615 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 720x540, rachael2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.741620

Fuck guys, the original thread 404'd? I am dissapoint.

>> No.741654

I don't think it got archived either. But that's okay because this post did. The Penis Was will live forever.

>> No.741660
File: 162 KB, 700x456, shocked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.741679

OH MY GOD I was out of town yesterday so I missed this. What have I done!??1

>> No.741682

feels good to have a few worlds in the greatest short story ever

>> No.741710

this still isnt archived...

>> No.741712


Thread 739986 has already been archived.

It is probably still waiting to be reviewed by the mods, which means it can take a few days until it is available in the archive.

>> No.741720


Download it, fags.

>> No.741730

That looks like shit. You could've at least tried to make it look nice.

>> No.741838

I'm proud to say I helped contribute the first line with "pizza"

>> No.741878

Pretentious hipster bullshit.

>> No.741894


>> No.741931

What's the matter, too deep for ya?

>> No.741946

>Avalanche whore Jews fathomed existence

best line ever

mind = blown

>> No.742005

they fathomed existence because Veronica origin can't assbutt. Poor veronica.

>> No.742014

you really just have to let the imagery flow through you. like when it says ''dildos'' you picture dildos, then the mind shattering climax catches you off guard.

>> No.742021
File: 18 KB, 644x247, best poem evar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the work of some other anon. i thought it was amazing.

>> No.742029

has this been submitted to deviantart or anything?

>> No.742034

Not that I know of. It's been sent multiple times to ZWG.

>> No.742036

if ZWG doesn't accept it /lit/ should disown ZWG

>> No.742040


>> No.742042

One the editors already said he'd be okay with it.

>> No.742060

bumping just to keep this near the top

>> No.742065


>> No.742160

There's no reason this should be off the front page

>> No.742202

obligatory bump

>> No.742206

>>"How to be dolphins dongs?" ask Brazilians.

One of the great mysteries of life.

>> No.742355


>> No.742362


I'm proud to say I started off Chapter 2, with 'It', as well as "WHY HASN'T THIS BEEN ARCHIVED YET?"

>> No.742366


>> No.742384


il znh lrmy rnuCHRISTOPoHER POOLE (kAKAy MOfOT, AcKA TyHEq AyDMIN OF 4rCuHANt) ISs A DANjGeErROUS,y MENrTALLyYp ILuL THlIfEyF. RvEArDs ALLf ABOUoTp IhT HEREb: HTTP:b/x/e88b.i80.o21.1y2/ ObR HTTP:a//WWWm.ANONTALK.SdEh/ OoR HTTP://ApTl.KlIMMOA.SvE/pu xk ni sl bi jelh

>> No.742462

>implying there are more than 5 people on /lit/ who contributed to this

>> No.742510


That only makes my penis feel bigger as a result of being part of a cabal.

>> No.742514

hellz yea

>> No.742525

i, a /int/ person, must say even i have exactly 20 words in it

>> No.742644

"The Penis Was"

>> No.742760

>Gibson becomes sandwich eventually

It was inevitable.

>> No.742770

truer words were never written

>> No.742778

look at this shit

>> No.742799

i just vomited a bit....
thank god this ain't canon.

>> No.742810

No, I know totally. I was the guy in there who told them to knock it the fuck off. It's a disgrace

>> No.742815



>> No.742816


I didn't even attempt to analyze that piece of crap.

>> No.742832

it doesn't have the flow off the tongue quality....
except for maybe flowing puke

>> No.742836

The fuck?

I lol'd

>> No.742872

This needs to be archived immediately.

>> No.742893

And no classic lines such as: To justify: Behold, my penis. Or: People sometimes mislead popcorn, too much beautiful

>> No.742898

It also brought back unnecessary characters...like Clevergirl and John, who we know became the zombies.

>> No.742972


>> No.742977


It's already been slated for the next release. We'll include it in its entirety without any editing, because... well, because 4chan.

This is almost too beautiful to describe.

>> No.742987

that's terrific

>> No.742990

Good lord, I feel new feelings of ....respect and admiration, even....love for ZWG.

>> No.742992

I guess I need to start reading ZWG..

>> No.743001

>Shanked it into beforehand. Another lover? Ridiculous, magnificent poop.
my interpretation: She mused, will I take another lover? Certainly not.
But then she pretends to love Buttfukenmouthanus just so he will shoot atlas. Bitches and Whores.

>> No.743510

>The homosexuals floral killed asinine ransacked hats atop mountains mad with children covered in in moss.

Never before have I been more inspired to write a story.

>> No.743512

the mountains were mad with children...sounds like it could be a badass zepplin song.

>> No.743630

"To justify: Behold my penis, intestines, my cherry pie." Brilliant.

>> No.743661
File: 109 KB, 700x975, 1259989298334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so deep, I'm speechless.

>> No.743676
File: 32 KB, 375x323, miracle-for-earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so many anons,
this piece of epicness...
it must be a miracle

>> No.743819

That.....is fucking amazing.

>> No.743847
File: 12 KB, 316x316, chris-crocker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book is complete shit and I'm ashamed I contributed
to chapter one. This was a game to see if we could write
a novel one word at a time, and it failed miserably.
I hope for god's sake the doesn't turn into some meme
that you 15-year-old faggots come into this okay board. Go watch south park and you'll learn that
you're reading into shit that isn't there, you;re all
pretentious douchebags who relate to randomness
so this is actually /b/'s creation, not /lit/.

Please go back to /b/ and leave /lit/ alone.

>> No.743852

>contributed to chapter one

you are my hero man

>> No.743862


Cool story bro. Anyway, looking forward to that ZWG publication.

>> No.743874

OP here. Don't tell me what this story is and isn't.

>> No.743875

Holy crap this thread is still going.

>> No.743880

This thread was up last night. Jesus christ.

>> No.743886


>> No.743891

you too...
>contributed to chapter one

you're my hero too

>> No.743897

i didn't mean that i contributed to it. i just agree with his opposition of this shitty thread.

>> No.743900
File: 89 KB, 600x450, seriusadmnim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.743901

well then ...
Fuck You.

>> No.743906

I respect your opinion. Thanks for bumping my thread pal.

>> No.743909

arrgh -daarrrgh
this thread was stoopid

>> No.743918

>oh cool I didn't know 4chan had a /lit/ board
>dolphins dongs
>the end

>> No.743931



>> No.743941

I hope some kid has the balls to turn in a book report on "The Penis Was". Too bad school is out for a lot of kids.

>> No.743950

The Penis Was: The Zero Budget Independent Film

>> No.743957
File: 70 KB, 351x440, 5starpost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To justify: Behold my penis, intestines, my cherry pie.

>> No.743966

Anybody else amazed that The Penis Was features absolutely no spelling errors? I mean, holy shit.

>> No.743970

At first I thought it was cleaned up, but apparently not. Only punctuation and proper phrasing was added. Not too fucking shabby for 4channers.

>> No.743978


>> No.744070


My only hopes are that we, the monkeys on typewriters,
can one day write Hamlet, but this is a sophomore effort.
Why praise it beyond the novelty of butchered english
and the word "niggers" and "penis" every other word?

>> No.744094

well, even if it is a sophomore effort, it's still pretty cool that it was all put together.
something that we all had a part of.
It just sends my nerves ablaze.

>> No.744202

Working on an audio book version.

>> No.744353

PLEASE please pleease keep the /lit/ hand strong, this story is 9e1000 times better then Harry Potter, Twilight, and A Series of Unfortunate Events combined. You sir are the voice of a generation, if "The Penis Was" was a screenplay, an Oscar nomination would be expected from the general public.

>> No.744370

Part 3 is the strongest, the first two have a bit too much juvenile profanity and meme-language that are off-putting on subsequent readings.

I laughed SO MUCH last night, though, and have been cracking up all through today thinking of the To Justify line and John becoming the demons.

It's only a half-joke when I, and previous posters, say it has real literary merit. Too bad this sort of thing can only be done once.

>> No.744606

Bump for John ... the demon.

>> No.744649


That way of thinking is the only thing preventing it from being done more than once.
Put all these people in a physical environment and tell them to write a novel, it might be outstanding.

>> No.744651

There's actually something quite poetic about "To justify: behold my penis, intestines, my cherry pie."

The narrator is kind stripping himself bare before the reader, naked and from the inside out. It's disgusting, he knows it, but he's making some sick joke out of it by calling the red mess of intestines 'cherry pie'. He's making a confession of sorts, but it's all macabre and twisted. And coming just after the murdering children line, it's almost sublime.

>> No.744775


The more and more I contemplate the narrative, the more and more serious I am about this being a legitimate piece of art. I honestly believe that if we pool enough of our resources into getting it publicized, it will become an online classic, not to mention(to quote a review of the experimental film, 'The Begotten') being a Rorshach test for the wandering eye.

I'm also seriously considering following through on my previous proposal to go to Border's and slip copies of this into various copies of different novels.

Honestly, I'd love to start a sequel/continutation, but based on evidence presented thus far(the abysmal sequel, the lackluster-but-not-terrible 4th chapter, etc.), that'd be a tough thing to accomplish. The original simply said too much about the human condition; it is the epitome of the stream-of-conciousness genre, and an embodiment of the '1,000 Monkeys' theory. Subsequent attempts will prove to be too coherent(and as such, less open to interpretation) and objective, due to them being built around preconcieved notions about what the plot & thematic materials should be. Besides, I think the original ended perfectly, with its bleak, pessimistic, and harrowing ending in which nothing is resolved. It's much more poignant that way. Creating a sequel in which a solution is so much as suggested wwould weaken the impact of the original. When we write the sequel, I think it should be unrelated to the first one, or, if it must be, have it take place alongside the first one, either taking place in an alternate universe, or through the perspectives of other citizens in this dystopia.

>> No.744878 [DELETED] 
File: 273 KB, 907x936, tpw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made a art lol

>> No.744886
File: 248 KB, 912x831, tpw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made a art lol

>> No.744910
File: 33 KB, 651x821, penis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.744939

>The homosexuals floral killed asinine ransacked hats atop mountains mad with children covered in in moss.

I interpreted it as
>the homosexual's
>the homosexuals'
>killed asinine, ransacked hats,
>atop mountains, mad with children covered in in moss.

I'm not sure what's grammatically correct and what's simply stylistic, however.

>> No.745077

Looks like Marx to me.

>> No.745103

Think of 'homosexuals floral' as 'knights templar' or something.

>> No.745222
File: 13 KB, 651x821, p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.745476

This is a million times over. It's been given to ZWG to publish, but I think that's only the beginning. We need to make a neat .pdf copy, choose a cover, write a forward about what it is, and then print it and hand it out to people.

>> No.745510

I think everyone should make their own covers and we just use all of them.

>> No.745528

lets get james lipton to read the audiotape

>> No.745544


Morgan Freeman

>> No.745595

I whole heartedly agree. With each re-reading I find it to be bolder, more surreal and eloquent. I don't take this lightly, what we did was very similar to techniques used by the Surrealists, dadaists and William S. Burroughs. It is nothing to be scoffed at, and the art world has already held this kind of experiment to acclaim.
>Sweetly the swede, penis in caverns deep, circumscribed in rivers of blood and semen, silently through exploding.
This line is my favorite, it is absolutely poetic. It truely is reminiscent of Les Chants De Maldoror.

>> No.745632

My favorite is probably "People sometimes mislead popcorn, too much beautiful."

Although I probably would've interpreted it as "People sometimes mislead popcorn too much, beautiful."

A very underrated line in my opinion.

>> No.745651

"It's long enough", I say.

>> No.745655

how could i forget that line? it really finishes the thought in a spirit of exasperation and ambivalence. He isn't defeated, but he no longer cares to fight.

>> No.745661


If you interpret the comma has a breath mark or a pause, it can come out as the same meaning. He's continuing his thought of popcorn being mislead, but stops to sigh because of the depth of his words.

>> No.745672

/lit/'s exquisite corpse. Surrealism is still alive.

>> No.745699

Okay, how many here did not get the John becoming the demons reference? Judging some of the posts, it seems some people think it's an original quote.

>> No.745705

I think the majority of us like it because of that reference. It wouldn't have the same impact if it was original.

Also, the majority of these posts are sarcasm.

>> No.745707

"Horse. Abysmal, bare-back, LUSCIOUS..."

the prosody of this line is ineffably beautiful

>> No.745711

none of my posts have been sarcastic, and well i did think it was original *blush* what does it reference?

>> No.745718



God tier fanfiction.

>> No.745719


>> No.745725

zomg. thank you anonymous. col.jawesome. anyway The Penis Was is still superior. It is like Nietszche-tier.

>> No.745756
File: 34 KB, 709x831, the penis was.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I feel it reflects the deepness of the story. In before shattered glass does not work that way.

>> No.745788


>> No.745821

This is wonderful.

>> No.745863

Look who I found all the way on page 2

>> No.745873

Oh my god, it stopped bumping!! IT WILL 404 SOON!!!

>> No.745905

Well, shit was fun while it lasted.

We should consider a new thread if /lit/ really wants to go further with it.

>> No.746619
File: 7 KB, 167x200, bush-finger-wagging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


go get your homework help somewhere else you stupid newfag. this is fucking /lit/, and we will rape your illiterate asshole until it bleeds rainbow flavored essays.

>> No.746989

stay classy /lit/