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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 43 KB, 409x600, The_Fault_in_Our_Stars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7399293 No.7399293 [Reply] [Original]

I unironically like Young Adult books. Who here actually enjoys them as well? I know a lot of you don't here but for those who do, what is the most recent book you read and what would you rate it?

>> No.7399305


Get out. Fuck off.

>> No.7399307

Hello /r/books!

>> No.7399314

Well I expected nothing less from pseudo-intellectuals who try to one up each other every chance they get on this board. People say /b/ is cancer but if that's cancer then /lit/ is aids. Aids spreads around quickly from fucking assholes.

>> No.7399315


>> No.7399317

Fuck off, baby. You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.7399322

I'm 28.

>> No.7399328

It's young adult for a reason.
Every lesson that is put in there is aimed at people with the emotional age of 14-18. If you read these and enjoy them above this age range then it says something about you.

>> No.7399336

>I only read le ancient greek and poems

/lit/ truely are the hipsters of 4chan.

>> No.7399339


kill yourself.

>> No.7399344

You're acting like a child, which leads me to believe that you are, in fact, a child. If you are an adult, act like one and, even better, stop reading trash written for little girls and drooling idiots.

>> No.7399345

Yeah I said those words...
I read entry level pseudo intellectual books like gravity's rainbow; slaughter house five; Fahrenheit 551 i.e. lit entry level reading list.
Not a poem or ancient Greek book in sight you unfathomable troll.

>> No.7399346

Nah, whenever I go slumming I fuck robin hobb

>> No.7399347

Fantastic rebuttal. Did you form that one from all the knowledge you gained reading all that ancient lit? I'm not saying there's anything wrong with it, I read it sometimes. I'm just saying that you guys are really elitist about it because you think it makes you smart.


Read the above.

>> No.7399349

>he doesn't like obvious money-grabs that pander towards children
Grow up or leave.

>> No.7399356

Only you mentioned the Greeks and their works. A lot of /lit/ acts smart because a lot of /lit/, compared to the average person, is smart.
P.S stop trying to reconcile after you have very clearly acted afool. No one likes that Rogerian crap.

>> No.7399361

You think sounding more reasonable will win you the argument.
Clearly the lessons learnt from your favourite reads are kicking in.

>> No.7399381

Holy shit, I hope you're trolling.

I actually thought /lit/ was joking about how bad John Green was. I read his opening page and literally gagged.

/lit/ has it's pseuds, but it has people with masters degrees in English, kids studying at Oxford, real fucking smart people who come out of the woods in a while and set your mind straight with some fucking K-N-O-W-L-E-D-G-E.

You know what John Green has? Vacuous asinine humor that a smug teenager would find funny (which, amazingly, is his target demographic).

Read a fucking book. Like an actual fucking book. Anything from out Top 100 would set you straight - you're missing out on millenniums of serious thinkers and ideas, minds that have changed the worlds and could twist yours into the most amazing shapes.

Read Catcher In the Rye. You'd find it more to your taste, then some Vonengut and work your way up from there.

>> No.7399387
File: 255 KB, 561x476, TaiLopez.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some fucking K-N-O-W-L-E-D-G-E
Does he browse /lit/?

>> No.7399388

yeah and he bangs fucks your sister while you sleep


>> No.7399391


I may die in a car accident. I may die by slipping and falling and hitting my head just right on a shelf at the grocery store. I may die in my sleep tonight of a brain aneurysm. Anything can happen. I could go at anytime. I don't know how or why or when. One thing I do know? My obituary sure as shit will not read, "he left us before he had a chance to finish that John fucking Green novel."

>> No.7399403

I don't have a sister fahm. I wish I did, but no.

>> No.7399404

>bangs fucks
He fucks her hair?

>> No.7399407

>I don't have a sister fahm. I wish I did

>> No.7399409

I don't enjoy them, or any other book I've ever read. I only read them because it makes me superior to those who don't.

>> No.7399411

Sorry that we're not all rocket scientists like you. I tried to read Vonnegut but it was very outdated and hard to get into.

>> No.7399423

Panty in nose.

>> No.7399429

Baitpost is bait

>> No.7399433

it's a combo of bangs (as in to bang) and fucks (as in to fucks) combining into bangs fucks - a duo-fuck of sorts, with a distinctly broken chinese vernacular to amalgamate, most likely, into attaching a large pencil to your penis and performing double penetration.

the hair part is just absurd

#ifsatandidn'tmakedinosaursasanopticalillusionyouwouldbe: #tyranosaurusrekt

>> No.7399437


A prime example of the useless twats you'll find on this board. They're obsessed with, not knowledge, but the appearance of class, putting on airs, and seeming sophisticated and aloof, when in reality they're neckbeards reading hundred year old novella they don't enjoy solely to lord it over someone elses head in conversation on a manchurian stone-carving billboard.

Vonnegut is trash, and anything you get recommended here is generally equally trash, or is philosophy which is about as useful to read as shit is to eat.

>> No.7399439

You've over-spiced the bait. The key is subtlety, with a wistful medley of innocence.

>> No.7399448

Damn. OP can talk about fucking John Green but my bait isn't good enough. Fuggggg..

>> No.7399449


11/10, people are going ballistic.

Excellent show sport.

>> No.7399454

Why are you here then?

Vonnegut is pretty trash - I'm recommending the retard an easy book that's not a bad stepping stone to something more worthwhile. You say I'm not obsessed with knowledge, but I'm literally pleading with the guy (if he's sincere) to read good literature and improve his quality of life and wisdom; not out of pretension but a genuine conviction that good books go hand in hand with a good life.

I imagine, of course, you're recommended reading would be far more superior?

This is very good bait by the way.

>> No.7399461


>you're recommended

His credibility and authority: lost forever.

>> No.7399464

>Vonnegut is trash, and anything you get recommended here is generally equally trash, or is philosophy which is about as useful to read as shit is to eat.
You had me for a sec, but your bait is simply too strong.

>> No.7399471

>Vonnegut is trash
Harold Bloom would disgaree

>> No.7399473

>calling people pretentious and then ignoring an argument over grammatical mistakes

>> No.7399483


Oh I'm just a third-part commentator, stating a simple if unfortunate fact.

>> No.7399485

If you can't get past a minor typo on an informal board - this might not be the place for you anon. As long as the argument translates, we shouldn't fight over semantics.

>> No.7399487


Old is not necessarily good. And philosophy or discourse similar to it, is not good or useful reading unless you are involved in those circles as a career choice or long term lifestyle, they contribute nothing of use to anyone seeking any sort of relevant wisdom or knowledge to much of anything you'll find outside of said circles, this is objective fact.

I've honestly never seen a recommendation on this board that isn't over 75 years old and entirely useless for anything other than a paperweight.

Its also a damned shame how much this board forgets reading is as much for fun and entertainment as learning.

Some of you post your written work and its the most awful tripe I've ever seen. Most of this board has no place recommending or writing, as they're disgustingly terrible at both.

>> No.7399489

He's right you know. Half the things recommended here don't even make sense. Ulysses - WTF was that supposed to be?

>> No.7399492
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Because sistercest is the most sacred thing a person can do tbqh

>> No.7399493

Still haven't heard any recommendations anon.

And the test of time is a valid way to choose your reading material, not the only one - but one good method to passively appraise quality certainly. Not to mention, both GR and IJ were written fairly recently.

Crit threads are always shit, they're filled amateur writers and crossboarders - don't take that as the gold standard for /lit/.

>> No.7399494

>I've honestly never seen a recommendation on this board that isn't over 75 years old
Literature has been in a steep decline over the last half-century.

>> No.7399495

>>back to Sweden

>> No.7399497

If you seriously think an art's or philosophy's usefulness is what gives it worth, then you seriously shouldn't be here.

>> No.7399498

>I've honestly never seen a recommendation on this board that isn't over 75 years old and entirely useless for anything other than a paperweight
>Ulysses - WTF was that supposed to be?
Only the dead can know peace from this bait

>> No.7399500

Your bate is getting better, the WTF killed it however.

You must become the idiot - but not fully. Never let it consume you; rather, feel the retardation and guide it in its most subtle ways.

>> No.7399502

What does understanding the empyreal purity of incest have to do with Sweden? Aren't they advocating the exact opposite--spread your genes as far as possible?

>> No.7399505
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>> No.7399507

Sweden is the only degenerate shitehole that has legalized incest. Please, stay there if you want to practice that abomination.

>> No.7399509

It's bait because I didn't understand it? I don't see how you can like an Anti-Semitic piece of trash like that anyway.

>> No.7399511

>not wanting to lick the sweet nectar of your sister's genitals

>> No.7399512

>Sweden has legalized incest

>> No.7399515

Your factually incorrect statement made your bait too obvious. Try again.

>> No.7399517


I think art should stand on its own and not need legions of pretentious know-nothings to kneel before it and praise it/defend it. I also think that true art doesn't need to be recommended, people will seek it out so long as it is well known enough to exist at all.

That comment was aimed specifically at the moron claiming recommended reading should always impart wisdom or knowledge.

There are alot of books that wont teach you a god damned thing, but are still very much a good read, and a respectable work of art.

>> No.7399520

>Sweden is the only place that has legalized incest
Yeah... wrong.
>that abomination
Please tell me anything wrong with incest

>muh morality!
Stay spooked
>muh genetic problems!
Grossly overestated. No more than a woman having a baby at 40+ years old

Also >>7399511. You are a gigapleb par-excellence if you don't fantasize about gently taking your sister.

>> No.7399521

You're getting better anon, improving by miles - the Jew stuff is to obvious however. Here's a better example:

"Ullysess [note the subtle misspelling as evidence of your quick judgement] is just trash. No way around it, it's nonsense written by a fart fetishists with no substance to it, just rambles and bullshit. I can see why the pretentious idiots of /lit/ flock to it - that they're so insecure they'd suffer through 1,000 pages of this nonsense to make themselves feel special. If you like Ulyses your an fucking fool, just another conned retard in Joyce's idiocy.

If you want proper pomo, read something modern- something refined like Murakami. "

Do you see anon? Do you see now?

>> No.7399522

>incest with a sibling or half-sibling is prohibited by law in Sweden
Wikipedia. The source is linked to the bottom.

>> No.7399527

I meant it's the only place where you can marry incestuously. Which is still highly immoral.

>> No.7399529

Furthermore, be aware of the power of appealing to memes. Just one "kek" or "pleb" can give you that idiotic sincerity necessary to convince someone you are serious. Only one though, it's like a magic buzzword that you should save for when you most need it - a bit like a rare candy or something.

If you want more advice, please - do not hesitate- and contact me.

>> No.7399533
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>Which is still highly immoral.

>> No.7399534
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>defending that Antisemitic trash

>> No.7399536

>implying society hasn't agreed that it's immoral
The birth effects too.

>> No.7399539

Have you even read the book? Bloom's boss and the drunken Irish nationalist are very Anti-Semitic and mock him for fun.

>> No.7399540

>not wanting to raise an army of downies to retake the surface world
superultra pleb.

>> No.7399545


>fart fetishists

Mozart was too :)

>> No.7399548

Joyce gained all the information about joos he used in the book from his Jewish friend, dongus.

>> No.7399549


I'm proud of you anon - go now! Run wild! Shitpost against the wind and let others rue the day you entered their thread! You are complete - you are a true ruseman!

>> No.7399552
File: 38 KB, 262x200, Leonardo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>70 replies
>12 IPs
This is beautiful

>> No.7399555

This was me?

>> No.7399557

So? He should have known it is insensitive to make good characters say such things. If he had given those lines to the Antagonist then it would have been understandable Atleast.

>> No.7399560
File: 33 KB, 480x400, WhackASpook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>which is still highly immoral
Guess you will never know what it feels like to have your sister grab her arms around your back and bite your neck in a paroxysm of love

>> No.7399561

You need to spice up this bait, friend.

>> No.7399566

would you like to learn our ways?

here, sit, let me school you.

do you know the effect just one rogue GoT thread can have the homogeneous balance that /lit/ consists of? do you realize how far the subtle insinuation of reddit can take you? we are learning art: the very sport of charlatans and kings.

>> No.7399567

>not 26

>> No.7399570

No because I'm not a freak. How can you possibly enjoy that? Regardless of what you believe it's creepy as Hell.

>> No.7399573

>Joyce included Anti-Semitism in his work
>hurr durr b8. Muhh Joyce ain' Racist.

>> No.7399577

>72 replies

/lit/ pls

>> No.7399579

>the birth effects too
Confirmed for not even being able to read
That was already addressed

>> No.7399582

Prove it isn't Anti-Semitic. Protip: You can't

>> No.7399585
File: 41 KB, 250x250, 1446294873639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The spooks reveal themselves in your very phrasing!

>> No.7399587

Sauce? You just said they weren't bad. Where did you hear that from?

>> No.7399589

It is though. I know society!????? But don't you think it's opposed to nature and order?

>> No.7399595

Funny you should mention 'reddit' because threads like this prove the whole reddit 'back to /r/books' meme is just that: a meme.
On /r/books and moreso /r/literature you have serious, focused discussion of real topics (and yeah, sometimes circlejerks).
But /lit/ is just pure memeing and shitposting.

>> No.7399598

made me kek

>says something is immoral
>anon responds with Stirner
>counter argument: implying SOCIETY hasn't AGREED that it's immoral

Well if they agreed on it, I guess it's settled.

>> No.7399605
File: 11 KB, 180x281, sabirel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too Op. mostly fantasy stuff.

YA fiction usually just means fiction about young people that doesn't have swearing or sex in it Cause simply not having that doesn't make it bad. I mean 99% of novels don't have people shitting in them, but the absense of toilets doesn't make them dumbed down.

Sabriel was a cool series.
Terry Pratchett's Nation was beautiful too

>> No.7399606

No but sometimes society is right. It's opposed to the divine order. It literally makes me want to vomit. How can anyone support it? It's basically statutory rape.

>> No.7399619
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>It's basically statutory rape.

>> No.7399629

Many children are young and abused which leads them to choose incest. Like trannies, people in incestuous relationships are the product of a poor home environment and a messed up brain.

>> No.7399635

I am literally--and I mean literally--cracking up out loud. You just appealed to two spooks to disprove something as a spook.

The man/nature dichotomy is heavily flawed. Consider that we define nature as something like
>the phenomena of the physical world collectively, including plants, animals, the landscape, and other features and products of the earth, as opposed to humans or human creations.
And yet routinely attempt to describe human structures as 'natural' or 'unnatural'. Nature is a meaningless distinction.

People often point to statistics like:
>Risk above general population:
>31.4% for death and severe defect
>6.8% to 11.2% for significant birth defects
>The published data on the risks to the offspring of incestuous unions are fraught with major ascertainment biases (such as lack of paternity documentation, young maternal age, possible parental diseases and/or intellectual impairment, parental socioeconomic status or lack of reporting this variable, and complications of unsuccessful attempted pregnancy termination) (Bittles, in press). The 4 most comprehensive studies published on the consequences to the offspring of incestuous relationships include only 213 children! These studies are limited in the number of years that the incestuous progeny are followed.

>> No.7399636
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>> No.7399642
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>Like trannies, people in incestuous relationships are the product of a poor home environment and a messed up brain.

>> No.7399645
File: 1.84 MB, 2800x2100, phil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't support it and this was literally my first post in this thread and how far I've read it, but it's just a funny conversation

>No but sometimes society is right.
>It's opposed to the divine order.
The first 70 pages of Stirners book is about how people historically lost faith and replaced the god-spook with the humanitarian approach, good man, etc., and how being "a good citizen" is a substitute for the previous rules, that are tied to religion.
Stirner goes on for pages how the bill of human rights are a spook because rights are shit in general - you're granted rights, i.e. you're permitted something, i.e. you're following rules what you can and what you can't do, where the barriers are - rights restrict you, not the other way around.
Saying that society is
and if that means something is questionable to begin with - it's probably a tautology.

Regardless of what you think of the egoist philosophy (I for one think it's sadly not practical, nobody is smart enough to life a de-spooked life), the conversation just reads funny - if you're up to Stirnerian ideology you are arguing in the exact wrong direction here.

>> No.7399648

Okay, say nature and unnatural are indistinguishable; Would you do it? Do you view it as gross and bad or pure and clean? I want an honest answer because I believe our views of it are natural and ingrained in us.

>> No.7399656
File: 104 KB, 448x723, stats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Re: over 40, here is the other set of statistics-

>> No.7399657

yep i would bang my sister if she were hotter.

>Do you view it as gross and bad or pure and clean?

seems like any other kind of sex.

>> No.7399663

Good, subtle, meming. Appealing to others is an excellent way to make them feel they should respond.

I am so proud of you.

What a wonderful contribution. Tell me: are you a disciple of the old school of trolling (misdirection) or the newer, perhaps more crude, discipline of pretend retardation?

>> No.7399664

No, I don't agree with him at all. I'm a strict follower of Baruch Spinoza's philosophy.

>> No.7399668
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>it's opposed to the divine order

>> No.7399670

Trannies and incestuous people both have been proven to have physical brain chemistry that is off. They are also often victims of abuse. It's not determined abuses relation to homosexuality but I personally believe in a link.

>> No.7399671

I was tricked into reading the Hunger Games a few years ago as a mid twenties adult and I thought they were inoffensive. Repetitious and dull but with some neat beginner sci-fi concepts. But no, I don't think adults should be reading them. Great as stepping stones for kids to other stuff, but I think adults reading the stuff on a regular basis speaks to real a problem with how intellectually deficient many people are.

>> No.7399675

I (reddit poster) try to subscribe to the misdirection school of thought, though I seem to have failed because my only reply was you. I guess if I had posted earlier in the thread I could have stirred the water a bit more, but as of now people have turned to the incest debate.

>> No.7399677
File: 9 KB, 259x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you guys have this conversation here?
Yeah, we build iPhones, humans build sky scrapers, more basic people build shed, termites build pic related, birds build nests, otters put trees where they are "not supposed to be" and many other animals take their surroundings more or less how they are.

It's probably a thingy that you could quantify with the entropy of raw material being used for this and that and humans would score higher on this scale.
Black and white (natural and artificial) is a simplification for something, but it's practical tools for pointing out that there is something going on.

>> No.7399682

>it's Anti-Semitic
>le Jewish meme

>> No.7399687

>implying the Lord supports Trannies
It's a fluke in Nature. Nothing more and nothing less. Opposed to law and rationality.

>> No.7399688
File: 131 KB, 1100x914, 1447669380918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trannies and incestuous people both have been proven to have physical brain chemistry that is off. They are also often victims of abuse. It's not determined abuses relation to homosexuality but I personally believe in a link.

>> No.7399691

That's your view. I feel it is inherently messed up. A vice that opposes rationality.

>> No.7399692

The posters have become too aware of the bate, the meta-commentary has revealed our cunning ruse. Wait half an hour, and you will see a master at work.

>> No.7399700

Show me a report that says otherwise. Most scientists can agree on those points. There's more proof of mental problems = trannies, homosexuals and incestuous people than for global warming. I'm almost certain there is more proof for the former.

>> No.7399702

>There's more proof of mental problems = trannies, homosexuals and incestuous people than for global warming

>> No.7399703

Opposed to what law? Many countries find transexuals to be acceptable legally.
I think you have been reading a bit too much /pol/ friendo

>> No.7399711

Refined. Elegant.

>> No.7399714

Yes, that's exactly what I said. You can find verifiable proof of the former but the later is inconclusive. They change it all the time. Global Warming > Global Cooling>Climate Change.

>> No.7399716
File: 34 KB, 479x269, tumblr_static_tumblr_static_filename_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is like a magic bait post. It began as such simple bait, but now? Now we've gone off the rails completely. We're over the river and through the woods to tranny grandmother's incestuous love palace, where she's keeping Jews locked and forced to sit in the stench of drunk irishmen's farts.

Well memed, OP. Very well memed, indeed.

>> No.7399722

I don't go to /pol/. They are heavy on the Anti-Semitic viewpoints. I do not agree with that. I do believe trannies need their head examined and need medication.

>> No.7399725
File: 477 KB, 560x500, 1445954659974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the later is inconclusive.

>> No.7399726

How is it refined that you deny the blatant Anti-Semitism?

>> No.7399730

/lit/ has refined bait.

mastered the bait.

become bait.

>> No.7399732
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>> No.7399733

Good, good yes! Speak directly to me! Get me to reply!

You are learning...fast. Perhaps -- too fast?

>> No.7399735

>that filename

my my, we seem to have a young master ruseman in our midst!

>> No.7399737

I'm not a scientist but I have seen quite a few papers and articles that oppose global warming. It appears to be inconclusive. It is a hotly debated topic that I don't buy into. Many politicians and Scientists are STRONGLY opposed to it.

>> No.7399744
File: 15 KB, 480x387, 1446175740814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, that's exactly what I said. You can find verifiable proof of the former but the later is inconclusive. They change it all the time. Global Warming > Global Cooling>Climate Change.

>> No.7399746


>Are you a scientist?

Pick one.

>> No.7399747

Literally, stop with the memes, please and answer my question? Does Ulysses contain shocking Abti-Semitic content?

>> No.7399748
File: 14 KB, 224x225, lazy2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayyy lmao

>> No.7399750

>Many politicians
Lol, why the fuck would this mean anything
>Scientists are STRONGLY opposed to it.
I like all the sources you've quoted.

>> No.7399752
File: 17 KB, 560x560, 1300044776986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to Tumblr

>> No.7399753


>I'm not a scientist
>I'm not a scient
>I'm not a sci
>I'm not a
>I'm not

>> No.7399754

>I don't know what google image search is.

>> No.7399755

>dat daring mispell

what a bold stroke! Tell me, where do you hail from young poster?

>> No.7399759

What is wrong in this? Scientists don:'t agree on Global Warming. If anything, planetary cooling makes the most sense. I just don't like it when unnecessary expenditures are taken for Green policies.

>> No.7399761

>132 posts
>17 posters

calling samefag guys

>> No.7399766


>> No.7399767
File: 81 KB, 768x768, 1446875023634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not a scientist but I have seen quite a few papers and articles that oppose global warming. It appears to be inconclusive. It is a hotly debated topic that I don't buy into. Many politicians and Scientists are STRONGLY opposed to it.

>> No.7399769

I'm not but many Scientists don't believe in global warming or even climate change.

>> No.7399773
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>> No.7399774

>I don't agree with something
>hurr durr b8!!!

>> No.7399777
File: 54 KB, 453x500, 1442635538601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is wrong in this? Scientists don:'t agree on Global Warming. If anything, planetary cooling makes the most sense. I just don't like it when unnecessary expenditures are taken for Green policies.

>> No.7399780

So your saying that the measurement of temperature is something that hasn't been solved?

>> No.7399781
File: 71 KB, 1286x813, lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sry senpai

>> No.7399784

potent bate

photoshop harder samfag

>> No.7399788

>pretending my bait was sincere
>no really bro im legit retarded 100%

>> No.7399790
File: 47 KB, 418x541, Screen Shot 2015-11-28 at 5.36.50 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quoting more than 10 people
>no actual content
>ironic memeing

You are like the Van Gogh of shitposting

>> No.7399792

David Bellamy is the most prominent example of someone opposed to climate change. Also, many politicians run on a platform opposed to climate change. That's why I brought it up.

>> No.7399793
File: 53 KB, 502x784, Capture597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You chose poorly.

>> No.7399795

if i cut my ear off will i understand art


>> No.7399797

I'm not but other people are.

>> No.7399800

Why the fuck don't you rename your files? I'm not even baiting right now, I name everything before I post it here.

Confirmed reddit newfag. Inspect element is used to fake screenshots much easier than PS

>> No.7399801

It was an accident. I know how to spell anti. My hand slipped.

>> No.7399803

I'm not the person that posted the image.

>> No.7399804

are you not an i tho
reddit isnt that bad c'mon
there is no accident in art

>> No.7399807

Once again, typing error. I bet you have typos too.

>> No.7399811

No, those don't even have the same viewpoint. That's like 10 people.

>> No.7399813

I'm telling the truth. Most professional scientists seem to be divided on the topic.

>> No.7399816

I'm still waiting for the >97% consensus that transsexuals are mentally ill.
This is just incorrect.

>> No.7399818

>le ur a dumb hick may may

>> No.7399820

sure, whatever - so a group of people really just did all that? not one person? hmmmmm ?

don't think so, buddy; lets check the facts:
>156 (!)

calling occams razor here - reporting this thread

>> No.7399821

Planetary cooling is the most logical choice. I would expect /lit/ of all boards to know this.

>> No.7399824

No but the causes are a huge controversy. Noone can agree on a proper cause.

>> No.7399828

>Noone can agree on a proper cause.

>> No.7399831
File: 45 KB, 480x470, Samulder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is all this bullshit about global warming? This all started when some idiot Christfag was opposing incest on religious grounds and then went down several Republican talking points.

News flash: the Old Testament contains a whole lot of incest. Humanity was founded on incest-- Eve was literally born from Adam's body.

Even in a Christian/Abrahamic framework, there is nothing more pure or loving than the carnal union of a brother and a sister.

>> No.7399834

So, you guys are trolling? Do you believe in global cooling? I'm being serious. No troll replies. I want an honest answer.

>> No.7399836

>Eve was literally born from Adam's body
>I don't understand allegory.

>> No.7399837

How is my misspelling art? I was just saying Ulysses has Anti-Semitic subtext in it.

>> No.7399840
File: 79 KB, 601x602, thisguy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit isn't that bad c'mon
Well bait'd my friend
If reddit is so good, you should just hang out with your fellow redditors there

>> No.7399843

Oh jesus fuck not this meme
>any part of the Bible that is unbelievable or I don't like the implications of is allegory, but the parts I do like are literal
If not Eve and Adam, there is tons of incest between their ancestors. Take, for instance, Lot

>> No.7399845

Gender Dysphoria has been shown on the Brain. It is legitimately an illness. Just check CNS news to see.

>> No.7399850

>Gender Dysphoria has been shown on the Brain.
>shown on the Brain.

>> No.7399851

Look, I'm going to be honest with you: I've stopped reading your posts entirely. I don't even think I disagree with you.

>> No.7399853

No. Many different viewpoints abound among the different posters.

>> No.7399854

Yes reading's for enjoyment, but people with taste don't fund genre-shit and YA entertaining.

>> No.7399857

>Number of IP's increases by one.
Get out newfag. Only the original 17 belong in this thread.

>> No.7399860
File: 48 KB, 640x640, c848f5baad6a11e38645127f205c258e_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. Noone can agree.

>> No.7399865

Meaningless buzzword, you fucking fag.

>> No.7399866

Newfag fuck off, you'll ruin our discussion of global warming.



>> No.7399869

I can see where you got confused but I'm basing my viewpoints off Baruch Spinoza not the Bible, though I am a devout Christian.

>> No.7399870

>shown on the Brain
What is that, a news website? Learn to English.

If you aren't one of the original 12, you are as new as him

>> No.7399875

It exists, end of discussion.

>> No.7399876
File: 81 KB, 1388x643, 9-3900051-3e70288b-a482-477e-8601-ea11049599fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. It has been shown. Here's your proofs.

>> No.7399878

New-poster here - what the fuck is going on?

Is everyone bating eachother? Am I bating myself? What happened here? John Green isn't bad enough to warrant this, /lit/ always exagerate how terrible his (he's just a fairly mediocre, somewhat enjoyable writer).

You can't epistemologically prove that.

>> No.7399879

I am a firm believer of planetary cooling. It annoys me that the government tries to fund ways to stop global warming but not to halt planetary cooling.

>> No.7399882

Being left handed has been shown on the brain. It's a mental illness.

>> No.7399884

I was not referencing South Park if that is what you're implying.

>> No.7399885

The average temperature of the planet increases per year, all this when the planet is supposed to be cooling down.

>> No.7399886

you sound like a tinfoil retard


>> No.7399889
File: 161 KB, 481x668, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is literally(literally!) nothing wrong with

Prove me wrong.
Tip from someone who happens to be a professional: you can't!

Literally the first paragraph on NHS.gov

>Gender dysphoria was traditionally thought to be a psychiatric condition, with its causes believed to originate in the mind.
>However, more recent studies have suggested that gender dysphoria is biological and caused by the development of gender identity before birth.
>The condition is not a mental illness.

Since we are on a literature board, how about you actually read something credible about any of these things before making grandiose claims?

>> No.7399890


>> No.7399891

No, I meant the proof in>>7399876

>> No.7399894

>somewhat enjoyable writer
Fuck off, retard.

>> No.7399895

Original 4 here. Tired of your shit anon.

>> No.7399896

Metaphysically show me how we can achieve any absolute truth predicate that is universally valid.

I'll be waiting.

>> No.7399898

>Metaphysically show me

>> No.7399899

That's not the same. Different parts of the brain control different things. Though being left-handed is strange and unnatural. It's just a different form of being unnatural than can be cured with medication and therapy.

>> No.7399900

>you don't agree with me
>don't provide proof
>just call me a retard
Look up planetary cooling and you'll be surprised at how much sense it makes.

>> No.7399901

An unsourced image with vague pictures about 'cortical thickness' that evidently doesn't even reference females. Nice.

You are baiting, considering the IP count didn't increase and you are calling John Green enjoyable. Gotta use a proxy IP if you want to bait things up famagusta

>> No.7399902

>Is everyone bating eachother? Am I bating
Yes. The high-strung elitism has dissolved, and the anons' insecurities and depression have bubbled forth in the most depressed way possible: irony and humor.

>> No.7399903

M9 I was >>7399307
We are in the same boat here.

>> No.7399907
File: 78 KB, 1192x1168, facebook_img289131124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the above quotations are all of a work of mine own. I (masterman@email.com) have rused you all thoroughly as I had laid out here: >>7399692

you have been rumbled in my spiderweb of lies!

are you no irate? can you feel the rage of my subtle irony?

Know me, my name, as master troll. Fear me.

Only this wise man has passed my test:>>7399901


>> No.7399908
File: 24 KB, 460x276, mri-scans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First, here's a straight brain compared to a deformed brain shown through an MRI.

>> No.7399911


>> No.7399914
File: 21 KB, 400x328, 48457-estradiol-new-jealand-pharmacy-transgender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next, here's the negative effects of too much of the tranny hormones.

>> No.7399915


literally shut the fuck up, you're the only one whose mentally ill

>> No.7399916

A single exception compared to the silent majority which already accept global warming as fact and see no reason to re-open the book, and a bunch of sensationalist scum who's job is to delude people into giving them power.
Fuck off, retard, go take your pills.
3% isn't many.

>> No.7399917


>> No.7399918

I want a comparison between a shitposter and a normie that doesn't go to 4chan-

>> No.7399919

>doesn't reference females
I bet you learned that in your fucking SJW, liberal, Tumblrina school for College.

>> No.7399923


>> No.7399924

>Supreme Damage Control

>> No.7399926

Is this trolls trolling trolls? I can't tell anymore.

>> No.7399928

really, really, nice job man

>> No.7399929

>Trannies are unnatural and can suffer at the hands of hormones
>lol. Ur mentally ill

>> No.7399930

>19 IPs
Which one's the newfag?

>> No.7399931

very nice!


>> No.7399933

Human-caused global warming still isn't a scientific fact, nor is the idea that we can reverse it by lowering emissions, though around 95% of specialists believe it.
There's nothing wrong with being sceptical, though. Consensus among academics only really mean something to policy makers.

>> No.7399934

>3% isn't many
That's close to the number of gun users who shoot up places but Libtards want to take our guns away still. If you think global warming is real, by this logic, you must believe in military-grade weapon, private possession.

>> No.7399937

everyone is just a highly proxied shizophrenic alter ego of yourself

>> No.7399939

They haven't done that yet. Most of us are pretty smart.

>> No.7399941


>> No.7399942

>Trannies aren't normal
>back to /pol/
I wouldn't be accepted on /pol/ as I am a firm believer in the ideology of a Jewish philosopher.

>> No.7399943

nice effort dude, but you don't fool me at all

>> No.7399944

yeah, i'm skeptical too

>> No.7399946

I don't get it. You trolled saying the IP increase happened. That's not trolling, that's being misinformed as so many are.

>> No.7399948
File: 14 KB, 480x343, aggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i swear i'm legit man

you really don't "get" it - do you?

>> No.7399952
File: 25 KB, 241x318, death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw wise man
Feels good to have spotted the master

>> No.7399953

No, I don't. You were just misinformed. Happens to the best of us.

>> No.7399956
File: 36 KB, 640x478, memeshaggy#23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you did well, go and spread the ruse!

so wonderfully naive - I'm almost jealous anon

>> No.7399960

But if you didn't know then that's an understandable accident but not trolling.

>> No.7399965
File: 32 KB, 323x480, cmonjustonehityeahjustlikethatsuckit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


but what if

i knew the entire time

>> No.7399970

Holy fuck. You were trolling! How the shite did I not see that? It should have been a lot more obvious. Now, I feel stupid for not having noticed that.

>> No.7399973

now, now you understand

it is me - masterman@email.com!



>> No.7399981

Yes, but you never answered. Do you think Ulysses has Anti-Semitic imagery?

>> No.7399987

> implying I ever read it
> implying I read
> implying /lit/ reads

the best ruse of all anon - is yours.


>> No.7399992

But what about legal incest? Were you that guy too? If so, why do you support it? It's against the natural order of things and is sickening desu senpai.

>> No.7399999

If quints, incest is confirmed the most beautiful thing a person can engage in

He is not me

>> No.7400006

Oh brother

>> No.7400008

How could you believe that? That guy needs to be locked up or deported to Sweden.

>> No.7400010
File: 75 KB, 230x230, 1440087548102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7400033

quints, bates, memes, trolling : an epic thred indeed

>> No.7400039

How is it epic? It's one guy and a bunch of retards arguing over some stupid non/lit/ stuff.

>> No.7400043
File: 3.04 MB, 999x795, LitInANutshell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the worst thread /lit/ has ever head?

>> No.7400046

One of them. I'm proud to have contributed to it.

>> No.7400054

2bqh, it wouldn't be surprising if the OP made it in order to be intentionally inflammatory.

>> No.7400057

I do
Now fuck off with your false dichotomies, retard.

>> No.7400065


Gets based on 9's are subject to interpretation by the greater perfection of the 0-based twin that follows. Let's see what >>7400000 has to say...

>> No.7400076

Man, not even Tumblr really likes John Green.

>> No.7400083

The story behind this is pretty interesting. Basically one person baselessly conjectured 'he writes books focused on teenage girls, so he must be a pedophile' in a really long wall-of-text post. Green himself responded and said it was bullshit, but thousands of people on tumblr already turned against him.
I saw someone on my normiebook news feed--a massive John Green fan, and in fact the person I first found out about him from a few years ago--publicly denounce him.
Both sides are retarded, but it sure is amusing.

>> No.7400086

This might literally be the worse logic I've ever seen.
So am I. OG12 4LYF

>> No.7400095

Screencap more, include the quints, maybe put in a large reaction image, blow up a few replies - and we have a reddit worthy submission. The "van goth" of shitposting is a personal favourite.

>> No.7400096


Who would have guessed there'd be a flip-side to being worshipped by hordes of mouthbreathing tards?

>> No.7400098
File: 834 KB, 370x278, Napol_on_Abel_Gance_02.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everything about this post.

>> No.7400104

I have yet to see any of this K-N-O-W-L-E-G-D-E you speak of

>> No.7400114








>> No.7400118


>> No.7400121

>arguing FOR incest
/lit/ is a shithole desu senpai :/

>> No.7400132
File: 37 KB, 459x328, VanGogh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually borrowed that from a thread a few months ago. Pic related

This thread has so much shit in it I'm not even sure what one would include in an epin screencap.

>> No.7400133

>Incest is bad because society says so.
>Sweden and other nations have incest. Why don't we?
Also, that last sentence is extremely fucking creepy.

>> No.7400140

See >>7399585

>> No.7400141

Oh. Wait. The first one should be incest isn't necessarily bad because society says so. That's what that one guy said. I typed the wrong thing there.

>> No.7400150

That's what I was trying to point out in the other guy's post. I mistyped that though. The other guy said don't listen to society then pointed out Sweden and other nations had it. Smh desu senpai.

>> No.7400152

please anon! do it! i dont understand paint! please save it so i can show my freinds on the youtube comment section (with the furry roleplay guys in particar) of studio ghibli music how COOL we are!

plz - just feel the mems!

>> No.7400162

You don't think this thread is enjoyable, do you?

>> No.7400169

tell me - most elitist anon - do u, do u rly, suppose that life - is enjoyable too?

do u

>> No.7400174

Who is what 'guy' in this situation?

I think you have confused two different people on opposite sides of the argument into one person, as the only mentions of Sweden were /pol/anon saying Sweden legalized incest and then people replying that this is false. Nobody appealed to Sweden as an example of what we should do.

>> No.7400179
File: 9 KB, 250x250, Bloom Giggle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayyyy got em good. Rekt.

>> No.7400180

Oh >>7400150 I get what you are saying. You misinterpreted the lines

>>Sweden is the only place that has legalized incest
>Yeah... wrong.

As me saying 'more than Sweden have done it'. That was me saying 'you are wrong, Sweden did not legalize incest', as per >>7399522

>> No.7400182

Okay, I got that confused. Nevermind. Though, in my defense, this thread makes Ulysses seem comprehensive.

>> No.7400489


>> No.7400493

Wow, you picked a quality thread to keep at the top of the page

>> No.7400510

Thanks number 27.

>> No.7400517
File: 209 KB, 600x770, PhoebeDeMilo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we might as well get something useful out of this thread... what is the best literature for the incest connoisseur? I know Catcher in the Rye, and I've heard Ada or Ardor has it, but beyond that I'm lost.

>> No.7400522

Ulysses. Molly's his sister, that's why they have the same last name.

>> No.7400531


>> No.7400545

>all these filthy new posters
get the fuck out, this is for me and my 17 proxies

>> No.7400553


>> No.7400565

u got rejctd dint u


>> No.7400566
File: 558 KB, 3264x2448, RedditorsDetected.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>top institution for English literature in the world
>dae le misunderstood genious?
Hello reddit #28!

>> No.7400568

That picture is simply too perfect.

>> No.7400589


Those are some curiously shaped dildos on the shelf.

>> No.7400686

Infinite Jest of course.

>> No.7400696
File: 38 KB, 500x500, Bloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>recommending a David Foster Memeace book

>> No.7401136
File: 6 KB, 108x124, 38005-25c9a42e3a6d1b0ff6b9866ca73fd5f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT mfw desu senpai

>> No.7401158
File: 389 KB, 968x845, shitpost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've been working on the epbin cap for an hour now. This this is a lot harder than it looks. You better get this a bunch of reddit points.

>> No.7401165

A person has every right to dislike a young adult book. It doesn't mean they hate fun. At the same time, one should not say "because young adult books are fun, they are completely immune from criticism" nor should one say "since all young adult books are shit it doesn't matter what your opinion is."

If you're going to read young adult books, at least read the best ones. I don't know if John Green qualifies because I've never read him.

>> No.7401170

godspeed anon - for full meta-irony, include gay reddit tabs in your screenshot, and try and blur and rotate things as terribly as possible with capitions like "A WILD OP APPEARS"

i promise to spam it all around /lit/ until i'm banned

>> No.7401183

>butthurt troll detected

>> No.7401212


>> No.7401231
File: 25 KB, 349x642, db0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7401240
File: 5 KB, 241x209, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i made it into the ebin shitpost screenshot

>> No.7401467
File: 862 KB, 649x808, shitpost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little under 3 hours later, it's done. It is such a clusterfuck of ebin I had to add a map key.
Unfortunately it is far too large to post here. Anyone know how to get the filesize down without completely nuking the res?
For now, here is an imgur link so you redditors can submit it there even faster, though the pic is so big even imgur is compressing it:


>> No.7401479

beautiful anon

you're the hero we deserve

>> No.7401483

>The Fault in our Stars

In my senior year of high school, my girlfriend gave me this book and I tried to read it.

Augustus Waters is the worst character I've ever read about, period. I got halfway through the book and had to drop it. Far to cringeworthy.

Replaced it with American Psycho and enjoyed the rest of high school

>> No.7401489

>my girlfriend gave me a book she liked because she wanted to share her interests with me
>immediately dismiss book as pleb trash
>read american psycho instead

i didn't even KNOW you could shitpost irl

>> No.7401499

>start with the greeks

>> No.7401502

Biatch I read half the book, and whats wrong with American Psycho?

>> No.7401503

>he would bend to the wills of a pleb just for a relationship
You sound spooked and plebbed to be quite honest

>> No.7401511

I tend to disagree with this. I haven't ready any YA, but I don't see a specific reason for which a YA book wouldn't be enjoyed by people outside the demographic if it's well-written.

The Little Prince and Alice in Wonderlands are children book, yet I would find odd that someone is not able to enjoy this book in different ways at different ages.

>> No.7401514

>im gonna stop reading this pleb book to read a pleb book
>that'll make me not a pleb


>> No.7401544
File: 3.60 MB, 2572x3200, WorstThread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aight. Got the filesize down enough to post without really sacrificing quality

>> No.7402390

a beautiful picture

>> No.7402393

making a reddit account now, wish me luck!

>> No.7402680

>not living the shitpost lifestyle

>> No.7402720

That pic... Damn, and everybody hates me because I like little girls.

>> No.7402744
File: 112 KB, 584x600, lawd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7402745


>> No.7402764


>> No.7402778

Is this the same John Green that's on youtube?

>> No.7402786


>> No.7402789

Oh, it's probably a good book then

>> No.7402793
File: 21 KB, 600x330, Lord+knows+the+caliber+of+heart+attacks+that+pilot+must+_442b2ca2a535ed45cd643c86a2ed9468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and it describes your trolling ITT. As if anyone on /lit/ is retarded enough to believe in Planetary Cooling. Yet, somehow you got guaranteed replies.

>> No.7402799

>309 replies of "I don't like what you like"

jesus, I know people will say "/lit/ has always been shit", but doesn't it feel like there has been a significant decline in post quality recently? Is it summer or something? Why does it feel like we're constantly being invaded by /r9k/ and /pol/?

>> No.7402813

I feel the same way. We have video game threads and YA threads now. They're not bad in and of themselves but they just foster fertile grounds for trolling.

>> No.7402916

I thought that was the point of this board.

>> No.7403084

Fuck off, plebs.

>> No.7403160

fuck off, john green is harry pooper teir trash you giant autist pleb

I bet you like GR and think it's "deep"

>> No.7403172


>> No.7403174

sent ;)

>> No.7403252

Why do all the comments say they have cancer?

>> No.7403388

i don't know its really sad - we worked super hard on this, and all they're doing is acting like WE should be sorry for them.

>> No.7403419

This was a bait thread and it was basically 15 people treating it as a bait playground. I wouldn't let it speak to the overall quality of the board.

The biggest maymay on /r/4chan is to complain about the quality of the 'crop' and make epin jokes about it. And since this crop actually required concerted effort to take in, nobody on leddit wants to read it.

>> No.7403457

>all those angry reddit replies

Is this the second biggest troll thread in /lit/'s history?

>> No.7403641

Well like I said on the first attempt, the bait is postmodern. The screencap is bait in itself.
In the act of engaging with the bait portrayal, you get baited.

>> No.7403652

What a shit show.