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/lit/ - Literature

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7398655 No.7398655 [Reply] [Original]

what are you trying to communicate through your writing?

>> No.7398658



>> No.7398665


>> No.7398668
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the vacuity of life and angst to be alone

>> No.7398670
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That feeling when no girlfriend

>> No.7398709
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A color or a flavor

>> No.7398743

Aesthetic Beauty

>> No.7398749

The unnamed and the unnamable.

>> No.7398753

Nice pic.

>> No.7398764

Shit's totally retarded and it sucks.

>> No.7398765

as every description of an artwork published now says, "to juxtapose the sublime and the mundane"

>> No.7398783

Feel free to save it. It will be all yours :)

>> No.7398785

a good story

>> No.7398786

aesthetic mental spaces

I get in these spaces while walking somewhere for a second and then they escape me. they are almost lenses, means of looking out towards the world. I look to communicate these in art.

>> No.7398789

Nothing, using art as a means to an end and not creating it for its own sake is the most detestable moral wrong.

>> No.7398799
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>> No.7398801

I don't know, I just put ideas together in combinations and voices that feel right somehow. It's not always conscious.

>> No.7398807

That I'm a genius and everyone else is an idiot in comparison and that i should asked on late night interviews to cheers and awe for my genius and charm

>> No.7398812

My fetishes.

>> No.7398813



>> No.7398819


>Implying there's a difference

Try mushrooms.

>> No.7398823


>> No.7398825

I deserved that.

>> No.7398868

is this from the movie "Storytelling?"

>> No.7399124

My vision of the world, using proper words to attract smart-fags while I discourage plebs.

>> No.7399206

i saved this picture

>> No.7399217

Why I put on the Ban(d)ana.

>> No.7399222

A self-perpetuating cycle of self-pity and self-loathing.

>> No.7399226
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>> No.7399228

That I've spent a lot of time on 4chan.

>> No.7399239

How undeniable the inability to communicate anything through writing is

>> No.7399255

You fucking little thief, I gave >>7398753
permission to save it not you.

>> No.7399480

The darker realities of this world set against the wistful optimism of our own epistemological limitations and firm belief that unicorns are philosophically possible.

>> No.7399531

Truth and its place in a increasingly virtual world

>> No.7400990
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All these

>> No.7401009

Tastes of feeling / sonder, glimpses of life of a significant other

>> No.7401110

My incredibly niche and deviant fetishes that shape the way I view the world

>> No.7401248

the size of my genitalia

>> No.7401256

that feeling of remembering people you loved while simultaneously viciously feeling their absense and the resulting irresistible impulse to refill the void while intensely being aware that any success you have in doing so it will inevitably end in the same painful, loss-loss way

so like a kind of hyperhormonal, compulsive emotional masochism.

>> No.7401303


hi beckett


hi mr. futility


hi /lit/


hi underground man


hi genre pleb


hi poetry


hi burroughs


hi dfw


hi nabokov


hi tao lin


hi neal


hi balzac


hi hemingway

>> No.7401308

Can you... stop?

>> No.7401310


but i won't

>> No.7401311

The glory of God.

>> No.7401326

Love and reverence for everything.

>> No.7401453

How stories are recycled reality

>> No.7401470
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>writes a well thought out post contributing to the over all sense of community on /lit/
>gets asked to stop
>person who asks him to stop doesn't know how to use elipses correctly
ayy lmao

>> No.7401488
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I don't really come here for a "sense of community" personally.
I suggest facebook? Or something like that.

I was not aware someone would be pedantic about how liberally I use ellipses but I suppose when people are upset they will try and find holes in anything.

>> No.7401490

I'm trying to point to the often-neglected beauty of everyday life.

>> No.7401492


ew go back to your containment board

>> No.7401496


Just hide the fucking post

>> No.7401501

After posting a warhammer picture,
you can not talk.
Aside from that, it was a joke.

>> No.7401506
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do you think you and the warhammer guy are the only two people on /lit/???

>> No.7401507
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>> No.7401529

The horror of existing

>> No.7401533
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I'm trying to communicate money to my bank account.

>> No.7401543

hi kierks

hi hesse

hi kaufman

hi carver

hi dickens

hi kafka

>> No.7401611


this is cracking me up. do me:

that life is not a serious endeavor, and the blending of childhood and serious thought

>> No.7401674
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>hi hesse
T-thank you

>> No.7401688
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>> No.7401690

I'm trying to communicate misunderstandings between human beings.

>> No.7401720

The difficulty of the transition from devout Mormon to nihilism.

>muh emotions

>> No.7401722

I'm trying to answer the question of whether a charismatic/likeable protag seeking his own dream at the expense of others would drive an audience to hate that character.

>> No.7401723

You clearly have not read Hesse. Well maybe you've read and greatly misunderstood Siddhartha.

>> No.7401740

That I can never really communicate through my writing

>> No.7401743

>and greatly misunderstood

>> No.7401759

That the oppressors are always oppressing the weak and good people almost never win.

>> No.7401760
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Blushing buds
erupt from thawing trees
And we all remember our joys

What the fuck did you just say about me?

>> No.7401797
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Mono No Aware

>> No.7401827

It's almost 2016

>> No.7401861

Me too. What have you read that you feel "gets it".

Also trying to communicate other Buddhist/Taoist ideas of impermanence.

>> No.7401889


This is me:

I'd like to know the same thing. I have a hard time explaining things that I feel that I can't articulate with words. I need some guidance from like-minded individuals.

>> No.7401891
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>>7401256 +
>>7401690 +
a mature, nuanced understanding of childhood and the harsh introduction of innocence into an established and painful world (the Where the Wild Things Are book and movie are huge inspirations of mine) +
literal communication with other people, such that someone would read something I wrote and ask to have a conversation that I wouldn't have otherwise had

>> No.7401899

I think you should reread Siddhartha if that is what you took away from it. You should also read more than just one work by another before you make such sweeping generalizations about them.

>> No.7401901

that the journey is shitty and gay and what really matters is your destination

>> No.7401903

*by an author

No clue how I managed that, but I'll blame it on being tired

>> No.7401907
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Nothing yet. Probably the closest in style would be Proust's Overture in In Search of Lost Time, Joyce's The Dead and parts of Portrait (have yet to read Ulysses), and the beginning of Woolf's To the Lighthouse (only thing I have read by her).

The main thing I see in this is that stream of consciousness is probably the closest thing to really catching how feelings relate to time. You dont do time skips, you focus on small moments and go over them very slowly.

Salinger too but for different reasons. His stories stay in one place and move slowly and his characters actually talk pseudo-philosophically.

But honestly, nothing I have read so far really gets that feeling. Only a few gems here or there. The closest is probably Joyce's The Dead. The shift in tone and feeling once they get to that apartment is just too good.

>> No.7401912
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I should also note that for me philosophy plays a very big role in works of literature being able to pull off their themes, especially one like Mono No Aware.

It wouldnt be enough to make me experience the feeling of mono no aware when it is apparent and moving

That might just be me though. And just reading a book that made me feel it but not think would still be a wonder.

>> No.7401929
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I feel it with your stream of consciousness comment. Have you read the essay In Praise of Shadows? It's a neat little essay about Japanese aesthetics and the like. The dude's got some great short stories, too.

I'll check out The Dead. I've only read one story from Dubliner's and, now that I think about it, I did get a little mono no aware feeling.
I'm also planning to pick up Snow Country by Kawabata.
I think the real challenge for me is translating mono no aware into an authentic American version (where I'm from), not just pulling in foreign ideas.

>> No.7401943

That I understood roughly 70% of the course material covered up until this point

>> No.7401947
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No I havent, I'll read that right now if I can find that.

Also I should have said, the obvious answer to your question was Japanese authors, but I havent read that many because I am suspicious of the translations. I read Dazai's No Longer Human and utterly hated it, and wondered if anything had been lost in translation that could redeem it. I should really focus on reading Japanese literature though, I'm sure it is there if no where else.

And as far as translating it to America (where I am also from) it shouldnt be too hard. People in the west have been thinking of time and mortality in similar ways, the feeling of nostalgia probably being the biggest one, it just isnt emphasized as this constant perspective and feeling like mono no aware is, and obviously nostalgia is focused on longing for the past whereas mono no aware is more about impermanence in general

>> No.7401959
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That it's okay to be lonely, that no one has the right to tell you that you shouldn't be lonely. But, that you don't stand a chance at ever not being lonely unless you will yourself out of bed in the mornings and force yourself to connect with other human beings, or at least try to connect with them.

I want to convey that lonely people can find each other, and for a little bit, they can feel just a little less lonely.

I'm worried it's just coming out like a YA novel though. Oh well, I like it.

>> No.7401964

Save it, it's all yours my friend.

>> No.7401966
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Looking at this essay now, any essays that focus on mono no aware in literature you know of?

>> No.7401983
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I wish I knew of an essay that was more mono-no-aware-centered. I read a lot of buddhist texts and such, particularly zen stuff, and that really helps.

Americans already dwell on the past and love writng/reading about nostalgia - probably related to being uprooted from any "home country" - but it's usually portrayed too sad or too happy for me. The japanese idea is much much subtler and spiritual.

I think "slice of life" is becoming more and more popular here, but it rarely comes off as spiritual or profound. That's what I'm struggling with, i think.

Do you read William Carlos Williams? He's got a very American style that also reminds me of, like basho or something.

>> No.7401984
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>> No.7401990

questioning morality using sympathy

>> No.7401995

Thank you OP for a fun question.

>> No.7401996

It can only be the writing. If you don't know your words, don't play magick with them.

>> No.7402033

That my autism is sexable.

>> No.7402096

What are you even talking about. That's basically what Siddhartha comes down to. Although, you have to really relate to the character to realize it.

>> No.7402127


FUCKIN SPOOKY family, last night I went on the "wallpapers" board of 4chan for literally the first and only time in my life and one of the threads halfway thru th catalog was one on mobile wallpapers and I saved that and made it mine. And now here we are. It's a cool photo indeed and I'd just like for everyone to take a moment and sit back and just look at it and tell my why specifically it is

>> No.7402149

just made this my phone background. thanks bud

>> No.7402162

Life is pointless.

My stories have characters who either observe this point throughout or kill themselves when they do.

My music is lyricless but I try to make it really funny sounding to get the message across.

>> No.7402171
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>inb4 you win the argument because I'm only posting a meme against your opinion

>> No.7402564

The irreversible process of entropy in all of its forms.

>> No.7402572

>implying steppenwolfe and narcissus and goldmund weren't precisely rooted in learning to love life

i've never read siddhartha fαm

>> No.7402575

If you asked me what my message was, I guess I would just shrug and say nothing.

That's just because my real message is that life is a piece of shit, most all humans are terrible people deep down, and assholes end up ruining everything and coming out on top somehow.

Not really a message most people want to hear.

>> No.7402582

I'm tying to communicate the impossibility of true communication in the face of insurmountable barriers.

>> No.7402598


hi joyce

hi austen


hi person asking a question with an obvious answer

hi beckett

hi foucault

hi scrooge

hi wittgenstein

hi camus

hi pynchon

>> No.7402651

Pink is a warm and pleasing color.

>> No.7402675


Boy that's an awfully hot take you got there

>> No.7402676
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>A self-perpetuating cycle of self-pity and self-loathing

>> No.7402684

Camus didn't think life was pointless.

He just thought it was objectively meaningless. You could always rebel against that and formulate your own value system - he was even agnostic towards the possibility of a God.

>> No.7402685

nothing really, what do I know about anything?
I just want to make people laugh, hopefully.

>> No.7402690

tell me, what is the difference between life being meaningless and pointless? functionally.

>> No.7402691

what it is to be human

>> No.7402709

Rebellion: crucially, that you can invent your own point DESPITE circumstance. The man's philosophy (well, really, just an amalgamation of various existential thought or thinkers as he would say in Sysiphys) can be read quite optimistically. Camus never says life has no meaning, he just say that meaning has, so far, never been made apparent to us, and our response should be to create our own - which is the absurd, the paradox between the SEEMINGLY meaningless existence, and the continual meaning we find in life. He talks often of the beauty of the natural world, the bosoms of beautiful women, the feeling of sand and sun in a poetic fashion for a philosophical point - life, as mute as that bitch is, can entrance us always still in her sights and sounds.

That is why we should "imagine Sisyphus happy", because even in the eternal rolling of a stone, we can enjoy the felted touch of moss on our fingers.

>> No.7402711

That making errors is beneficial to our species

>> No.7403219

And how do you hope to communicate that?

>> No.7403223

>hi austen

the fuck

>> No.7403956

holy shit this

>> No.7404022

guys that is so profund

>> No.7404040

my struggle

>> No.7404061
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Fun escapism

>> No.7404072
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>> No.7404133

It's hard to say, really, but mainly I'm just exploring the multifarious concepts and cultural ingredients that constitute the average modern male's milieu in a world where socially nihilism and, paradoxically, hyper-vigilance are on such a parallel rise towards a vertical horizon that we all can make out if we squint hard enough but never can reach as if we're swiping away at an asymptotic piece of meat dangling in front of our tread-mill imprisoned faces.

>> No.7404137


>> No.7404144


hi wallace

>> No.7404502

fuck off /pol/

>> No.7404514

To be quite honest bludgeoning angel is pretty /lit/ to be honest, to be honest.

>> No.7404532



>> No.7404533


hi seinfeld


hi captain obvious


hi minions franchise


hi edgy memer


hi rowling


hi delillo


hi tao lin



>> No.7404535

The glory of Hitler WOTAN.

>> No.7404546

that's not a difference between meaninglessness and pointlessness

i understand the difference between the idea that if there is meaning it might inaccessible to us but it can still exist. something you can never know or interact with is, for all intents and purposes, non existence. so what is your objection again???

>> No.7404573

delillo deserves better than this, this is more like palahniuk.

>> No.7404578

ground breaking.

>> No.7404580

i took him at his word that he's investigating the context for the modern male and not just the actual people but he very may well be palahniuk

>> No.7404596

That people are complex, irrational, and far less 'normal' than they would like to pretend, and because of this, human interaction is as beautiful as it is tragic.

>> No.7404597

>no one has done your unicorn one yet

someone please, tell me I'm a faggot quick

>> No.7404602

that the only constants in existence are hardship and violence, and it is only through these in all their forms that the universe exists at all.

>> No.7404604

>Faggot Alert

>> No.7404605

You're confusing subjective meaning and objective meaning.

You also type in the most aggravating fashion possible.

>> No.7404606

You are as straight as an arrow

>> No.7404608

I just want to repackage other peoples ideas and sell them as my own to ignorant people.

>> No.7404612

on uoy

>> No.7404622

my life and my mind twisting

>> No.7404655

>You're confusing subjective meaning and objective meaning.

no i'm not, i just don't accept that because individuals can make their own meaning that makes life not-meaningless or not-pointless. was that the entirety of your objection then?

>You also type in the most aggravating fashion possible.

sorry grandpa

>> No.7404666

Well, yes, that's kind of the running theme of most Existentialist thought since Kierkergaard.

>> No.7404684

stop. you're not half as good as the first guy.

>> No.7404689
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>mfw i am the first guy

i peaked early in life

>> No.7405116

go on

>> No.7405123

there's only four new people im waiting for some more to come around

>> No.7405130

I've always been interested in writing something about how people create meaning in social relationships, political beliefs ex cetera.

>> No.7405174

There is hardly a correct answer. We must center ourselves and take all things in moderately.

>> No.7405196

what about me? >>7401891

>> No.7405221

the longer the posts get the harder it is, because you don't fit into a meme as easily but then again

hi proust

>> No.7405263

Me? >>7405174

>> No.7405340

hi siddhartha

>> No.7406393


>> No.7407413
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hey thanks now I feel validated

>> No.7407525

That all of experience is living.

>> No.7407596

A criticism of sharia law

>> No.7407883
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livin' it up with severe depression

>> No.7408300


Can this please stop?

>> No.7408315

That I'm not banned anymore.

>> No.7408317

H-Hegel is t-that you?

>> No.7408322

i never meant to continue seeing as to how the thread died, but thanks for bumping i will continue shortly.

>> No.7408337

Sometime in the future you may feel embarassed by all the things you posted here thinking you were funny or clever. Why not save yourself that?
It is also annoying for other people who come here for a bit before sleeping. If you really need to, there are other websites where you can pretend to be more intelligent than you are. It would be preferable if you went to those websites.

>> No.7408353
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Well, guess Phenomenology of Spirit is going in the backlog now.

>> No.7408358

hi bloom

>> No.7408363

I am trying to reprogram my mind into that of a sociopath, so I can live the easy life.

>> No.7408372
File: 30 KB, 482x450, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We intend to sing the love of danger, the habit of energy and fearlessness.

Courage, audacity, and revolt will be essential elements of our poetry.

Up to now literature has exalted a pensive immobility, ecstasy, and sleep. We intend to exalt aggresive action, a feverish insomnia, the racer’s stride, the mortal leap, the punch and the slap.

We affirm that the world’s magnificence has been enriched by a new beauty: the beauty of speed. A racing car whose hood is adorned with great pipes, like serpents of explosive breath—a roaring car that seems to ride on grapeshot is more beautiful than the Victory of Samothrace.

We want to hymn the man at the wheel, who hurls the lance of his spirit across the Earth, along the circle of its orbit.

The poet must spend himself with ardor, splendor, and generosity, to swell the enthusiastic fervor of the primordial elements.

Except in struggle, there is no more beauty. No work without an aggressive character can be a masterpiece. Poetry must be conceived as a violent attack on unknown forces, to reduce and prostrate them before man.

We stand on the last promontory of the centuries!... Why should we look back, when what we want is to break down the mysterious doors of the Impossible? Time and Space died yesterday. We already live in the absolute, because we have created eternal, omnipresent speed.

We will glorify war—the world’s only hygiene—militarism, patriotism, the destructive gesture of freedom-bringers, beautiful ideas worth dying for, and scorn for woman.

We will destroy the museums, libraries, academies of every kind, will fight moralism, feminism, every opportunistic or utilitarian cowardice.

We will sing of great crowds excited by work, by pleasure, and by riot; we will sing of the multicolored, polyphonic tides of revolution in the modern capitals; we will sing of the vibrant nightly fervor of arsenals and shipyards blazing with violent electric moons; greedy railway stations that devour smoke-plumed serpents; factories hung on clouds by the crooked lines of their smoke; bridges that stride the rivers like giant gymnasts, flashing in the sun with a glitter of knives; adventurous steamers that sniff the horizon; deep-chested locomotives whose wheels paw the tracks like the hooves of enormous steel horses bridled by tubing; and the sleek flight of planes whose propellers chatter in the wind like banners and seem to cheer like an enthusiastic crowd.

>> No.7408375

im trying to recommend authors to people senpai. if you disagree with me you can suggest what author you think the poster would like more. it literally does not affect you in any way whatsoever, your annoyance is unwarranted.

>It is also annoying for other people who come here for a bit before sleeping.

boo hoo. hide the thread.

>> No.7408396

>im trying to recommend authors to people senpai
Those authors are already known to most.
If they want recommendations, they will ask.
I go here specifically because I was interested in what people said here in the past,
but if the posts are all like yours, I will no longer wish to return here, so in that way it does affect me.

>> No.7408399

what i'm trying to communicate is for the reader to decide


>> No.7408401

Is this Italian futurism or something?

>> No.7408420

>5 posts out of 160 trigger me
>i do not know how to scroll down whenever i see a bunch of arrows and a bunch of his

i hope you can appreciate why i have so little sympathy for your request

>> No.7408426

It is an excerpt from a translation of Manifesto del Futurismo, written by Marinetti.

>> No.7408436

You admit your posts are bad but that you should be allowed to make them anyway?
There was a time on this website when profanities and insults would be flung at anyone who posted as you do. Perhaps we should return to that.

>> No.7408460

>You admit your posts are bad but that you should be allowed to make them anyway?
>muh 4chan is dead

where did i admit my posts where bad.

i don't 'think' i should be allowed. i am allowed.

you can insult me instead of putting on your tryhard, condescending affectation. you'll feel better.

>> No.7408462

You shouldn't self harm anon.

>> No.7408471

Go back to reddit, you pseudo-intellectual piece of shit.

>> No.7408475

let it all out anon

>> No.7408514

good one

>> No.7408521

>I, too, feel embarrassment about what I shitpost on an impermanent, anonymous hentai board

>> No.7408661

>This can't be happening! I am in charge here!

>> No.7408736

If memes are real then why is cats not real

>> No.7409515

Something emotionally equivalent to Adele's "Hello."

>> No.7409861

Jokes. I write jokebooks.

>> No.7409904

A vision
Stylish tropes
The wrongness of certain things
The rightness of certain things
The art of storytelling
And love for all these things

>> No.7410117

share one

>> No.7411510


Trying to get your mother to wrap her pussy lips around my dick, OP.

>> No.7411530



>> No.7411586

Go to bed, Jaden

>> No.7411639

Depth and loneliness mostly.