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7398289 No.7398289 [Reply] [Original]

ITT write an ode to the beauty and elegance of a girl's foot

>> No.7398301


>> No.7398305


>> No.7398306

I thought her legs were a dick at first
but alas it was even worse
they were the legs of a grill
"Ew! You're like a brother to me!"
*hits me with her purse*

>> No.7398326

degeneracy unmatched
what is next
ear fetish?
fucking hell

>> No.7398331

fuck off

you can see the golden ratio in aesthetic feet

>joyce has foot fetish
>nabakov has foot fetish
>fitzgerald has foot fetish
>stephanie meyer doesn't have a foot fetish

>> No.7398335

fart fetish
kid fetish
cúck fetish

notice the co-morbidity

>> No.7398352

Is that a cleat
Be it a feet
To not kablooey
Aloe'r her shoey

>> No.7398363
File: 69 KB, 450x298, murakamiSad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ear fetish

>> No.7398369

>>stephanie meyer doesn't have a foot fetish
I don't believe that you actually know that.

>> No.7398372


>> No.7398375

Hate her talk show 2bh

>> No.7398377

>tfw no girl to lick inside my ears

feetfags are gross though

please don't associate them with me

>> No.7398381

you can to a significant degree by psychoanalyzing her text

>> No.7398383
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She has neuroma and tarsal tunnel syndrome, my tongue finds it's way across her sole. Like praying to a god, I metaphorically worship The-Ground-She-Walks-On as an archbishop. The arch of her foot, the stretch of her toes. But the beauty doesn't matter, as when she stands to walk, she's in pain. O it is like being cursed with beauty is malignant! How can I express anything but distress toward her beautiful foot being pressed with a scalpal? If I can't sweep her off of her feet, perhaps my love and care to her carefully wrapped foot will at least bring her to stand next to me again.

>> No.7398410
File: 711 KB, 818x618, feet.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I've written this so far. I had it in mind as more of a bluesy piano song instead of a poem. So there's not as much of a meter as there should be. Just imagine Tom Waits singing it.

There she is now
Don't look surprised
Some folks are happy
To look into her eyes
But that ain't for me
A true man of the world
I know the best part
Of every girl
How are you, honey
I'm not like most guys
You know what I'm her for
And it ain't your thighs
Look a little lower
Ground and heaven meet
At the little slice of paradise
That I call your feet

>> No.7398428

That which the earth kisses daily,
My lips yearn for.
The petite tentacles of my adoration.
The meal of my fetish.
Your eyes lay upon my desperate head of hair
and my tongue dances seductively
as I am given the true delicacy of the Gods.

>> No.7398430

That which the earth kisses daily,
My lips yearn for.
The petite tentacles of my adoration.
The meal of my fetish.
Your eyes lay upon my desperate head of hair
and my tongue dances seductively
as I am given the true delicacy of the Gods.

>> No.7398432

Lying on my stomach with my face mere inches from my dream, I peer above them and into her eyes, seeking for the final mark of a approval. With a wry smile and subtle nod of her head, my heart dances to the tempo of a feisty samba.

Fully immersed and in perfect flow, I deeply breathe in the aroma of her pheromones. I simultaneously engorge my eyes with perfectly curved arches, a heavenly bridge towards 10 cerulean painted toes, magnetic in their vivid contrast to milky skin.

Before the beauty can bring my eyes to tears I shut them and allow my tongue to eagerly slither from out of its cage of teeth. A slimy pink serpant on the cusp of forbidden fruit, it gently caresses the rock hard heel. With instinctive grace, my tongue ascends up the bridge of arches, reveling in the dual beauty of the curvature and womanly taste.

>> No.7398433

This is a thread for faggots.

>> No.7398439

The bones of her toes are so delicate; I half suspect they're hollow like a bird's. She leans her head on my shoulder, as I rub away the pain of her day. We fall asleep, soles and souls, and I am content.

>> No.7398446

Killed it as far as drunken homeless blues goes

>> No.7398451

Which voice is he using?

>> No.7398453
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>not at least being a stockingfag

>> No.7398460

I was thinking a mix between "Clap Hands" and "Downtown Train". The tune I had in mind was sort of like the song "Androgynous" by The Replacements.


>> No.7398473

Pale, painted, petite, the shame of vulgarity downturns its value. The eternal foot, walking endlessly, until death do it part. An ode to a foot.

>> No.7398492

Stinky feet
making the car ride suck
fuck you stinky feet
you make life suck
you stink oh fuck
I have feet too
i'm not concerned about you
slide yourself into a pair of socks please
stinky feet

>> No.7398654

it's cool because you said feet in place of feat

>> No.7398674

A girls foot is great
It moves with such elegance
I want to lick it

The sweet feet of girls
I touch them with my penis
Wonderfully smooth

Ten little toes curl
Rubbed with lotion and fervor
And also my dick

>> No.7399138

Too old, my dear.

>> No.7399147
File: 327 KB, 495x721, 1418638512580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw ear fetish
>nibbling, licking, breathing into

God fucking damn it anon.

>> No.7399299

Ten out of ten
Would fap again

>> No.7400996

>kid fetish

implying its not natural to pregnate younger woman

>> No.7401354

If it makes you feel any better, I too enjoy having my ear nibbled on.

You disgusting degenerate.

>> No.7401528
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, Felicity-Jones-Feet-907124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foot fetish

>> No.7401553
File: 900 KB, 3108x3986, 1448203244436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any ass-guys in here

>> No.7401556

the guy wearing sandals has nice feet

>> No.7401566

She stomped on moon crescents
And heavenly things,
And the lowest parts of her
Were most luminescent,
Imprinted with paths
Of summers and springs,
All clouded allure
By boots and by strings.

>> No.7401590
File: 310 KB, 800x533, hellokatetan-birkenstocks-monterey-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7401613

William Hope Hodgson, also, had a foot fetish. The Night Land is about a guy who wanders through a wasteland, stopping, every now and again, to eat some of the tablets, drink some of the water, and drool over his girlfriend's feet.

>> No.7401621

Why don't we just pull down their pants?

>> No.7401748

I held her bunyon
It smelled of onions
Her breath like funyuns
I came.

>> No.7402396
File: 1.81 MB, 1080x1920, Pepsiadmodel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A desi woman's Feet is like a good dream.

>> No.7402400
File: 225 KB, 2048x1536, 4DesiIndianPantyhoseFeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Sheer pantyhose is an unstoppable force when paired with a woman's foot."--Unknown

>> No.7402411

For the very same reason she's wearing them: because we're not savages.

>> No.7402444
File: 104 KB, 400x410, ija.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hung out with qt and licked her feet last night

Who /footfetish/ here?

>> No.7403565
File: 202 KB, 600x600, b37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a waste of hot feet, those fucking sandals.. ew...

>> No.7404716

what was her reaction

explain m8

>> No.7405366

Girls are generally pretty chill about the feet thing, even the ones who aren't innately into it. If they like you, and don't see you as a walking foot fetish who is going to chop off their feet or something, they just find it kind of strange, but ultimately endearing or even hot that you're into some part of them that they didn't know could be sexy to anyone. Also a lot of girls genuinely get off at least a little bit from foot worship, which surprised the hell out of me.

Not a single FWB or hookup I've ever had was weird about it. As long as you're self-aware and can joke about it, and they like you, you're fine.

>> No.7405663
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>> No.7406950


>> No.7407092

Pale bridged the form relates directly to its greater,
Carrying the weight of the desires of society,
A great weakness comes from the delicate nature of this gentle protrusion,
and so i jizz all over it.

>> No.7407200
File: 51 KB, 1280x1024, t03hms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody else start out just ironically pretending to like feet as a meme but now they are a bit attracted to feet for real?

>> No.7407580


>> No.7407602

This is actually quite excellent

>> No.7408112

Delicious brown feet are the best.
My gf is latina and I love it, she has really nice feet and let me play with them

>> No.7408153

That part of thee that the world's eye doth view
Wants nothing that the bulge of pants can mend;
All tongues, the voice of souls, give thee that due,
Dripping pure want, even so as foes commend.
Thy outward thus with outward tongue is crown'd;
But those same tongues, that give thee so thine own,
In other manners do this want confound
By licking further than the tongue hath known.
They look into the beauty of thy heel
And that in guess they measure by thy feet;
Then, men, their thoughts, although their tongues did feel,
For thee, not to taste the musk of the street;
But why thy odour matcheth not thy foot,
The shoe is this, that thou must need keep shut.

>> No.7408159


>> No.7408183
File: 50 KB, 720x540, brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are brown girls so superior?

>> No.7408200

Your picture just answered your own question.

t. race mixer

>> No.7408224
File: 14 KB, 318x318, 14146859867230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because my wife is brown :3

>> No.7408225

c u c k

>> No.7408233
File: 30 KB, 674x450, Lebanon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7408468

Birkenstocks have ruined many a cute foot.

>> No.7408593

It's Asuka from Evangelion. Dunno any more specifically, never watched it myself.

>> No.7409222

flip flop
foot feet
2 platoons of 5 soldiers each
all facing the destination
no matter what

>> No.7409316


>> No.7409408

Haha you're awful