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/lit/ - Literature

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7395955 No.7395955 [Reply] [Original]

Are any book sites running decent Black Friday deals?

>> No.7396062
File: 147 KB, 626x710, GustaveDoreParadiseLostSatanProfile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did you fags get? bought milton, byron, dumas. saved 34$

>> No.7396082
File: 21 KB, 460x276, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>purchasing books that are in the public domain
Stay pleb, friendo

>> No.7396116
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>> No.7396120

>this post

>> No.7396122

>purchasing any book

>> No.7396138

>purchasing books on black friday
>not poorfag

>> No.7396256

Penguin Hardcover Classics Moby Dick and some Criterion Blu-Rays (the Zatoichi set and Kuroneko).[\spoiler]

>> No.7396314
File: 3.58 MB, 1380x1692, md.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it this one that you bought, anon?

Be warned, the white parts come off really easily. Especially on the back.

Other than that, pretty good quality.

>> No.7396315

Not many are worth it; a few quid off at most.

>> No.7396433

Amazon: Coupon code: "HOLIDAY30"


>> No.7396439

The code can only be used once, but it applies to box sets too. Time to get In Search of Lost Time

>> No.7396473

20% off Thirftbooks

Do any gay porn sites have deals today?

>> No.7396493
File: 1.63 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you guys get today? pic related is my haul

>> No.7396496

Anon, can you take a picture of the front cover of American Psycho. I bought a copy off Amazon and want to see if we've got the same one.

>> No.7396499
File: 1.19 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure thing bud, hopefully I dont fuck up and post it upside down again

>> No.7396502

Thanks anon, looks like we've got the same one.

>> No.7396503

o-oh my anon, should we start a two man bookclub? :3

>> No.7396512
File: 2.31 MB, 2448x3264, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing pham, we've even got the same F451 edition.

>> No.7396520
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But do we have the same cat?

>> No.7396525

>tfw not responsible enough to own a pet

Can barely pay for food/essentials for myself, let alone another living being.

>> No.7396531

Ah that sucks m8. Im sure you'll make more money one day, I believe in you anon!
Which book are you gunna read first tho?

>> No.7396535

Thanks for believing in me.

I've already read F451, so I'm just waiting on American Psycho to arrive. I live in Australia so it takes about 2 weeks to get here.

Loved the movie, hoping I'll love the book just as much.

>> No.7396553

nice nice, stralia' has always seemed like a cool place to live; I used to follow the skateboarding scene over there heavily

Well in a couple weeks you can expect a thread about American psycho and we can discuss it then

>> No.7396561

Nice, should be fun!

>> No.7397994

>stralia' has always seemed like a cool place to live

it's not that good

>> No.7398001

Where'd you get that from? I only see the 10% sale.

>> No.7398006

thats a troll, that code is for barnes and noble, i wish it was for amazon tho, they have lower base prices

>> No.7398025
File: 1023 KB, 2304x1296, book haul5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I technically didn't do any book shopping today, but I did get a ton of books I had already ordered in the mail today.

>> No.7398033
File: 976 KB, 2304x1296, book haul4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meant in response to >>7396493

Also these

>> No.7398039
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and these

>> No.7398044
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And finally, these. The poor mailman had to lug a tub of packages up the stairs for me.

>> No.7398056

I gotta ask: how did you hear about that Ex Libris book? I saw it recommended on a blog but the first few pages I read in store sounded abysmal.

>> No.7398100
File: 981 KB, 1660x2156, Books about Books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read it nearly four years ago and remember enjoying it, but I can't remember much about why, other than that it was as comforting as books about books tend to be. Especially when all I had back then was /lit/ for book conversation.

I just reread the preface and didn't find it abysmal, though. She doesn't have that disgusting pretentiousness that Nancy Pearl has for all those "Book Lust" series; I can't stand them. Fadiman just seems to love reading and grew up in a family of literature types surrounded by books.

You made me want to go through it again--I remember liking the "My Odd Shelf" essay:

"It has long been my belief that everyone's library contains an Odd Shelf. On this shelf rests a small, mysterious corpus of volumes whose subject matter is completely unrelated to the rest of the library, yet which, upon closer inspection, reveals a good deal about its owner. George Orwell's Odd Shelf held a collection of bound sets of ladies' magazines from the 1860s, which he liked to read in his bathtub. Philip Larkin had an especially capacious Odd Shelf crammed with pornography, with an emphasis on spanking. Vice Admiral James Stockdale, having heard that Frederick the Great had never embarked on a campaign without his copy of The Encheiridion, brought to Vietnam the complete works of Epictetus, whose Stoic philosophy was to sustain him through eight years as a prisoner of war." Relatable anecdotes about books interspersed with literary trivia, a look at how a life surrounded by family who weren't functionally illiterate might be.

If you didn't want to read Fadiman, but still liked the idea of this kind of personal-essays-about-books, you might try to see if Michael Dirda is more your type. He's my favorite for the "genre".

>> No.7398102

Oh, I didn't actually answer you, but I can't remember now. Probably saw it on a Goodreads list or something.

>> No.7398141

That doesn't sound nearly as bad as what I read in the store (maybe it was one of Fadiman's other books?). I had the impression she wrote very sentimental, whimsical, quirky columns on the "bookworm XD" life. Maybe I got her confused with someone else?

>> No.7398203

You couldn't really consider her a poseur "bookworm XD" type. Not like reddit-tier, or whatever. She might not be an academic per se, but she went to Harvard, teaches with Yale, had authors for parents. It'd be hard to not be well-read at that point.

All those adjectives probably apply to her, but I don't think any of them are necessarily negative. Quirky when you're vying for attention is different from genuine dedication to off-kilter interests. Her "Odd Books" shelf is several dozen on polar exploration, which she loved enough to work as a mountaineering instructor and to travel to the Arctic for writing assignments.

I just reread "Marrying Books" again too--there are some "whimsy" bits that fall flat, like hoping for the death of an interior decorator who arranged books by color/size. Other bits I like: "We kept my copy of Middlemarch, read at eighteen, in which were registered my nascent attempts at literary criticism (page 37: "Grrr"; page 261: "Bullshit"; page 294: "Yccch")". It's nice to hear about the authors who've sorted their books by nationality/chronologically within that (that's how I do it), and to read about someone else having the trouble of what to do with multiple copies when you merge your collections. She writes nicely, too.

I'm not sure who you'd mistake her for, but there's probably a ton of YA-blogger-type books about books like that out there. Haven't read anything else from her though.

>> No.7398431

>She might not be an academic per se
>All those adjectives probably apply to her
Then she's shit.
>I don't think any of them are necessarily negative.
Fuck off

>> No.7398438

Wouldn't take those for two bucks 2bh. Maybe the Donkey hoe.

>> No.7398443

What's negative about sentimentality?

>> No.7398449

Verso has 50 percent off all their books until the end of the year. Unfortunately the Ego and its Own is out of stock.

>> No.7398455

I know, opinions right?

>> No.7398510

30% off maxes out at $10 off for the amazon coupon.

Proust was my first thought as well. I was bummed when I put it on my wish list at $55 only to see it jump to $60+ a few weeks later.

>> No.7398524

It's Penguin, what did you expect?

>> No.7398545

Hm, yeah I guess. I wasn't expecting it to fade so quickly from just holding it.

Hopefully the B&N Leatherbound classics I've ordered don't do anything similar.

>> No.7398554

>B&N Leatherbound classics

>> No.7398556

W-why is that funny.

Did I make a mistake?

>> No.7398561

It's again a gaudy and cheap way of getting "something nice" without knowing better.
It still features pages with words on them so there's nothing wrong there, it's just the fact that it's pleb flypaper that it gets flak.

>> No.7398566

Oh, I see.

>> No.7398574

And hopefully they fuck up the printing less than they do with their paperbacks. I've gotten a few defective books from them before, never again.