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File: 271 KB, 565x807, EmshweillerPaintingForTheHouseOnTheBorderland565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7395564 No.7395564 [Reply] [Original]

This is a refreshing change of pace from Lovecraft

I'm not drowning in purple for once

>> No.7396001

that surprises me, because the prose in nightland was purple as fuck, it also was a shit novel, generally

>> No.7397079


Yeah, Nightland has that problem. House on the Borderland is bretty gud, though.

>> No.7397231

What book is me, come on dont make me google.

>> No.7397778

Look at the filename of the picture in the OP.

>> No.7397857

Yeah, but The Night Land is incredibly imaginative. Enough for me to get past the (inexplicably given THOTB) obnoxiously convoluted pseudo-archaic prose. Few can--and I don't fault them for it--but there's definitely something great buried in there. It has a cult following for a reason.

The House on the Borderland by William Hope Hodgson.

Have you ever read John C. Wright's short stories set in the Night Land?

>> No.7398275

OP here, how do you guys think The Nightland stacks up to THOTB?

>> No.7398963

>Lovecraft said so, too, but I fail to see it. Everything is dark and full of moss bushes and evil monsters that are just there for being slaughtered. And don't get me started on the end (she's dead, oh wait, she isn't).

I have not read John C. Wright's stories, but i
ll probably check them out sometime, because I like the setting after all.

>> No.7398967
File: 13 KB, 160x259, 160px-John_C_Wright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on the other hand, maybe not