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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 84 KB, 620x412, wallace_shakespeare_franzen-620x412[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7388982 No.7388982 [Reply] [Original]

>Claire Vaye Watkins joins a growing chorus against the literary default of "white male writer"


Thoughts on this article? Tbqh I'm getting sick of seeing DFW everywhere.

>> No.7388995

I'm not clicking on Salon

>> No.7388997

not even clicking this trash. shill your clickbait nonsense elsewhere

>> No.7389010

What's wrong with salon?

>> No.7389012

>sexist book world
not gonna read the article, but if the book world was sexist, then right now I would not have to be slogging through Karen Joy Fowler, who doesn't know how to write a sentence that is not cliche

>> No.7389034

I didn't even read your post but saw it was salon, so I assumed it had to do with how white men are the source of all evil in the world.

>> No.7389035

salon has written like 50 articles about DFW already and it reads like the author was furiously rubbing her clit with one hand while she typed with the other.
Not surprising since the "staff" (unpaid because it's full of pathetic loser cunts) are all college/uni- "educated" (sociology degree or something equally pathetic) or recent graduates.

Clickbait nonsense indeed. It boggles my fucking mind when people think the Huffington Compost or the Washington Compost are real news sources, learn to think you goddam sheep, and the fact you can't tell there's something "off" about salon, which is 50x worse, just signifies you are borderline retarded and should stop posting forever

>> No.7389042

I know very liberal feminist people who even know Salon is mostly garbage. Just let that sink in.

>> No.7389045
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It's a whiny leftism website run by cunts

I'm as sympathetic to leftism as anyone but every article salon publishes is a waste of five minutes.

They also hate white people

>> No.7389051

I think hating white people is justified based at least on that pic.

>> No.7389329

here you go, faggots

>> No.7389330
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>> No.7389370
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>Let's burn this whole motherfucking system to the ground

>> No.7389387

Friendly reminder to male readers - you owe women writers nothing
I read for my pleasure not their approval. Fuck reading Bridget Jones Diary

>> No.7389391

"the ever astute Jennifer Weiner"

>> No.7389393


>The stunning truth is that I am asking, deep down, as I write, What would Philip Roth think of this? What would Jonathan Franzen think of this?

Externalizing the blame for her own neuroticism. Lame.

>> No.7389401



Take it to /pol/ they'll rage over anything, even clickbait.

>> No.7389420

Apparently her husband's name is Adam Bonin. Talk about patriarchal.
>Jennifer Bonin-Weiner
ayy lmao

>> No.7389422

We will always love DFW more than them.
And it just breaks their little hearts.

>> No.7389469
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>In a gloriously righteous Tin House essay “On Pandering”
>the link gives 404

Whats the point in reading someone's opinion of an opinion peace, if I cant even read the original thing?

>> No.7389488

Strange, when I click it I get directed to the article at this link: https://archive.is/XNdrv

Are you browsing at work or something?

>> No.7389508

They can never be free until they learn to not give a shit what we think of them. As long as they worry what we think of them we will always oppress them even if we couldn't care less what they do.

>> No.7389509

>tfw some fuckhead on VICE tried to write a serious political diatribe on Egypt's low electoral turnout
>tfw it's your job to summarise these idiots for an actual Egyptian magazine
>tfw you quickly leave a four paragraph essay, citing about ten other factors, every contradiction in his article, and basing a pronosis of millions of young Egyptians attitude based on one fucking guy, who literally said "I've had freinds who've joined IS"
>tfw the ironically moustached tweedy hipster cunt still hasn't responded, despite four more comments calling him out
>tfw you realize he's their seemingly dedicated Middle East reporter, and his shit is coming under my new section
>tfw you are going to be ruining every article he writes for months until he learns actual journalism

I may start posting pictures of El-Sisi looking upset to his twitter.

>> No.7389511


I like your dedication. Go for it, follow your dreams and principles.

>> No.7389512

They write articles solely for clicks

>> No.7389519


This is one of those clickbait internet drama threads from /pol/ (that's all /pol/ is these days).


>> No.7389524

It's got pics of Franzen and Walrus though. And that is all that white men read.

>> No.7389526

>The requested URL /blog/41314/on-pandering.html was not found on this server.

Thanks for the archive link though.

>> No.7389553

Do you acknowledge that Muslims are a cancer upon the West?

>> No.7389627

I don't know why your computer is fucking up buddy. Here's the direct link: http://www.tinhouse.com/blog/41314/on-pandering.html

>> No.7389678

>Externalizing the blame for her own neuroticism

First world feminism in a nutshell.

>> No.7389738

Not at all, and I'm a Catholic/Agnostic. The Egyptians I've met are incredibly funny and relaxed people, their sense of humor is basically 4chan's (no, I'm not joking either; imagine hearing regular holocaust jokes in a working office or on your first day, being told that the burger you just ate may give you Hepatitis C [which wasn't a joke, they just wanted me to eat it first before telling me about the health scares, and warning me not to fuck the local girls without condoms]).

I think Islamism is a cancer however, and Egypt is evidence of that with Morsi's disastorous rule (Egyptians are very much against all forms of political Islam now). The religion itself is neither particuarly good or bad, perhaps a bit violent, but it can be read in so many fantastic and beautiful ways, just look at Arabia in the 13th C when it was THE most advanced area of the world, or even the behaviour of devout men like Saladin compared to the Crusaders. I think the Bible's message of love is more appealing to me, but faith can be taken in far too many directions to paint a particular book with one brush. There are worrying aspect of Islam, and there are good ones; what Muslim countries lack is a proper education to embrace the positive elements.

>> No.7389740

>They also hate white people
There is literally nothing wrong with this. Do you think it's wrong to hate cis men aswell?

>> No.7389744

>The Egyptians I've met are incredibly funny and relaxed people, their sense of humor is basically 4chan's (no, I'm not joking either; imagine hearing regular holocaust jokes in a working office or on your first day, being told that the burger you just ate may give you Hepatitis C [which wasn't a joke, they just wanted me to eat it first before telling me about the health scares, and warning me not to fuck the local girls without condoms]).

The whole world except American and Western European university campuses makes jokes like that.

>> No.7389746

sometimes i pretend i don't exist though, would i still be a cis and what should i do about it :/ ???

>> No.7389753

Unfortunately, my whole world has been America and Europe up until that point. They've certainly kept unbelievably relaxed, the security at Cairo we're cracking jokes about my passport and just waved me through with a grin - I can see why they've been helpless at taking Daesh out, you'll routinely see policemen napping even when there's a significant risk a battered old van could drive past and spray them to bits. I mean, for fucks sake, they blew away eleven pickinicking Mexicans with apache canon fire by mistake, and then two separate government offices immediately blamed eachother for it.

>> No.7389794

human stupidity is unfathomable

>> No.7389798

>I wrote Battleborn for white men

haha oh my jesus, family.

>> No.7389851

So, why don't they just stop reading white male literature and start reading beautiful, perfect, literature written by women and PoCs?

Or is it not enough that they stop reading things that they don't like, do they want to force white men to stop reading literature they like and start reading crap by women and PoCs?

Why do some people hate the free market of ideas so much?

>> No.7389856
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>There is literally nothing wrong with this. Do you think it's wrong to hate cis men aswell?

>Do you think it's wrong to hate cis men aswell

>Do you think it's wrong to hate

Yes. Yes I do think it is wrong. If you're preaching Hate then you ARE wrong.

>> No.7389861


>> No.7389864


Fuck off Mira :)

>> No.7389872

"And my evidence suggests that men read do books by women."

Do people even edit things anymore before they shit them onto the internet?

>> No.7389884

>that opinion
>that use of capital letter
Hahahahahahahahaha fuck off and die.

>> No.7389890

Sexism & the image of women as secondary to men will not die until desire itself dies.

The one with more desire has more power because he is more worried. Men tend to desire more than women—& who can blame either of them?

The only error lies in assuming that both sexes are identical... such an idiotic mistake!

>> No.7389894

Reddit tier. Please go away.

>> No.7389911
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>that opinion

What of it?

>that use of capital letter

The "H" was an autocorrect accident and lack of proof reading after changing it. It originally came out "Haye" which I've never used before. The ARE because when I worded it out, I naturally emphasized that word, so that's how I wrote it.

>Hahahahahahahahaha fuck off and die.

Yeah, nice. You seem like a good sort. How about being constructive and supportive and see how that works out for humanity, rather than being sour and miserable.

>> No.7389918

>What of it?
You think that oppressed people aren't allowed to hate their oppressors.

>> No.7389942


>The one with more desire has more power because he is more worried.

So heroin junkies are among the most powerful people on the planet.

Dude what.

>> No.7389943

How do cis white men oppress you exactly?

>> No.7389946

Zey our our new 'joos', to be vrank. Zey are filthy liar und should be ashamed and kept in ghettos.

>> No.7389948

You claimed that hate is categorically wrong, which would mean thar oppreased people's hatred of their oppressors is wrong.

I don't hate men or white people BTW.

>> No.7389963

I'm not >>7389948 by the way. I'm a different anon - I just see people bitch and moan about 'cis white men' and can't work out why anyone would be so bitter.

>> No.7389964
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It's not that I don't think they aren't allowed, it's that they shouldn't. "If You Wanna Make The World A Better Place...I'm Starting With The Man In The Mirror."

Oh I just ignored the fact that you used the word oppressed. It wasn't out of malice I just don't understand the whole cis/SJW/tumblr" thing.

Also it's 1:00 in the morning and I've got to be at work in 6 hours so I'm going to bed, but I'll be back on first thing tomorrow morning.

Good night.

>> No.7389970

hatred isn't an invalid emotion
c.uck ideology

>> No.7389973

>If I act kindly to the upper class I'm sure they'll stop exploiting me!

>> No.7389993
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>men are upper-class by definition

Feminism is the bastard child of Marxism, and the useful idiot of capitalism. Blame the men as a group while the rich fuck you in the ass :)

>> No.7389998

I didn't mean that. I was talking about oppression in general, so I used a different example this time.

>> No.7390014

>"...fantastic piece for Buzzfeed earlier this year"

It hurt to read that.

>> No.7390017

We are distracted from oppression by oppression.

>> No.7390040

SJWs really are just a bunch of intellectual circle jerkers in their own insulated bubbles, aren't they?

>> No.7390122

more like unemployable

>> No.7390138


>> No.7390143
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Yes yes! White males are evil cultural oppressors who must be stopped! We need to burn white culture to the ground so that we can rebuild it in a more progressive and inclusive fashion! Hehehe!

>> No.7390152

Fuck off /pol/.

>> No.7390160
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>> No.7390167


Finding 6 white people making virulently racist statements is impossible though :^)

>> No.7390176
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>post relevant quotes that make you uncomfortable

Find me ONE Caucasian academic with as much prominence as either Susan Sontag or Time Wise making an overtly racist statement like calling an entire group of people "cancer" or celebrating their "extinction."

Do it, I dare you.

The double standard is obvious.

>> No.7390190

i love how you think those quotes are relevant.

>> No.7390194

Lol, all white. I doubt they actually said that. Now back to /pol/ with you!

>> No.7390204
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I love how you think your post has content.



>> No.7390219

Back to /pol/ with you. This is /lit/.

Jesus. Why has there been so many board jumpers lately?

>> No.7390225

>accusing people of shitposting
>while shitposting

true /pol/etariat

>> No.7390232
File: 607 KB, 500x330, Hitchens.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>JIDF shillposts without content

btw here's the sources for those quotes from earlier:

>you’re on the endangered list.

>And unlike, say, the bald eagle or some exotic species of muskrat, you are not worth saving.


>The truth is that Mozart, Pascal, Boolean algebra, Shakespeare, parliamentary government, baroque churches, Newton, the emancipation of women, Kant, Marx, Balanchine ballets, et al., don’t redeem what this particular civilization has wrought upon the world. The white race is the cancer of human history…. [her italics]


Still waiting for some comparable quotes made by Caucasian academics.

>> No.7390245

/pol/etariat indeed.

>> No.7390249
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Are you an Australian Jew?

>> No.7390255

>an opinion piece about another opinion piece

wew. journalism has really gone to shit

>> No.7390257

A British Christian. The fuck are you interested?

>> No.7390267
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>> No.7390277

>>itt: people keep validating the /pol/tard by replying to it

zzz it's almost like /lit/ wants to be a shithole

>> No.7390283

Takes a jew to post this.

>> No.7390284
File: 369 KB, 500x550, Celebrate!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse you but I am a cis-gendered male and my pronoun is "him" not "it."

Check your privilege and stop oppressing me.

>> No.7390295

New article just published on The Guardian website:

>World Book Night criticised for all-white 2016 giveaway list

>Fifteen-strong roster called ‘a sadly wasted opportunity to be truly diverse’ as space is found for Carol Ann Duffy and Matt Haig but not a single BAME author


>> No.7390307

That's a trash list anyway tbqhwy.

Also what the fuck is a "BAME"?

>> No.7390309


>> No.7390311

They are right, Carol Ann Duffy shouldn't be there - she's an awful poet.

>> No.7390316

lol @ ur #fragilemasculinity

>> No.7390323


>I have a dream, that one day, people will be judged not by the content of their character, but by the colour of their skin.

>> No.7390324


>> No.7390325

>let's be inclusive by accentuating our differences

>> No.7390327
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>> No.7390328

>let's be inclusive by only including white people

>> No.7390334

>lets make inclusiveness rather than performance the goal of a competition

>> No.7390335
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>> No.7390337

I'm a weedy little bisexual who spends all his time in the library. I'm not sure I have any masculinity.

>> No.7390340

You're insane.

>> No.7390348

But it wasn't about an award. I was about giving away free books.

>> No.7390349
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If pointing out Academia's rampant hypocrisy of preaching tolerance while simultaneously bashing whites makes me insane, then I take it as a compliment.

>> No.7390367

is Salon a false flag to convert me to Salafism?

>> No.7390374
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>> No.7390377
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Oh no not this again.

>> No.7390379

>he thinks majority-white academia 'bashes whites'

It's almost as if racists are too stupid to go to university and see for themselves

>> No.7390389
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>> No.7390390
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>> No.7390395
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I graduated five years ago (I was the last class that was required to read Milton and Shakespeare before they were removed from the curriculum for being "too old, white and male.") and if anything the situation has gotten worse since then.

If anything, the fact that universities are majority white yet this anti-white rhetoric is still pushed in every "social sciences" department is evidence of a systematic effort to destabilize and deconstruct white culture.