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/lit/ - Literature

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7388758 No.7388758[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Does /lit/ think this is accurate?

If so, what is to be done about it?

>> No.7388761

We already talked about this. Check the archive before making duplicate posts.

>> No.7388763

No. I want to have this discussion right now.

>> No.7388777
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>No. I want to be autistic right now.

>> No.7388782

Autist vs. autist.

>> No.7388802

Doesn't everyone read Shakespeare in high school? The notion that someone would get an English degree without reading a single word of The Bard is absurd.

>> No.7388819

Most people on /lit/ don't mind this; it's the board with the lowest confirmed IQ, after all.

>> No.7388827
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It's because you bring our average down so low. Please leave.

>> No.7388834

fucking obliterated

>> No.7388853
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>> No.7388854
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Cultural Marxism is real. That is true. But it is NOT JEWISH.

No one from the Frankfurt School was Jewish, and Critical Theory has NOTHING to do with Judaism. Critical Theory preaches the polar opposite of what Jews believe, therefore it is not Jewish but anti-Jewish.


>> No.7389077

>Does /lit/ think this is accurate?
>If so, what is to be done about it?

>> No.7389083
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>> No.7389092

it's like, walter benjamin being into kaballah and using it in his writings means... critical theory somehow has nothing to do with judaism.

>> No.7389098

>I don't understand what critical theory is but people on /pol/ told me it was evil and had to do with SJWs!

>> No.7389107

>it's tradition, it must be good

>> No.7389270

>Prager University

Topkek Op

>> No.7389296

What is wrong with Preger University?

>> No.7389299

Well there's an "a' in Prager, not an "e".

>> No.7389317


>Being right about literature ever

>> No.7389473

What's wrong with Prager University?

>> No.7389480

Are there any other countries where gender studies (and other retarded classes) are a thing ?

>> No.7389484

It's essentially a progressive theology.

>> No.7389491


PragerU was founded by Dennis Prager to lend credibility to his shockjock ramblings. The videos are always bad, and generally unfounded on anything other than /pol/tier conspiracies.

>> No.7389497

Ah, thanks anon, I had no idea. Never heard of it, and for a second there thought it was an actual (you know) university with a campus and all.

>> No.7390276

Or maybe it is, and he's just a shilling jew.

In my experience OP, and iv'e been in an unique position to see - this is in fact the case. Many countries in europe. And of course in the states.

Authoritarianism by the youth. Lenin would be proud.

>> No.7390281

yes... the rest of the western world. also south america and the maghreb.

>> No.7390723

Yes. Germany and France.

>> No.7390733

Def. Netherlands too.

>> No.7390740

>it's tradition, it must be bad
>it's "progressive", it must be good

>> No.7390743
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>great humanist tradition

Ya, political correctness sucks so bad... so let's revive humanism

ummmm does this lady realize what she despises should be humanism

>> No.7390754

Truth is just whatever your peers will let you get away with saying. There are no objective truths, only subjective opinions. Reality is what we perceive which is just a social construction

>> No.7390764

Can't stand this Prager Uni shit.

Yes, Shakespeare should be required in the curriculum of an English program, however, these other courses are geared toward making one a more well-rounded, open individual, exposing students to ideas and schools of thought which have had major impact on many fields of study, including English.

There's nothing wrong with requiring these courses which have shaped English in that a lot of lit is impacted and created through cultural influences. Shakespeare is also quite vital, even more than these other courses. However, both should be required to instill a complete understanding of culture in which a lot of literature comes from.

>> No.7390765

Conservatives are the ultimate anti-intellectuals.

>> No.7390787
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This is why humanities students should be required to study something hardscience-related on the side. External reality doesn't give a shit whether you believe it's 'wrong', son. Get dunked on.

>> No.7390796

>Prager University is not an accredited academic institution and does not offer certifications or diplomas. But it is a place where you are free to learn.

ayyy lmao
Get fucked OP, Prager's a load of shit.

>> No.7390804

Reality is just your phenomenal experience. Your belief in an external reality is no more justified than a creation myth story. In your subjective opinion, external reality is an unconscious entity so of course it doesn't care about anything. That's like pointing out that chairs can't care about anything. But the foundation of your belief is grounded in subjective experience. It's just an opinion

>> No.7390805

Yeah, well, opinions can be wrong - objective reality needs to be measured.

>> No.7390807

Nice bait image.

>> No.7390811

That's your unjustified belief. It's just an opinion.

>> No.7390812

That's your unjustified belief. It's just an opinion.

>> No.7390813

Glad we agree.

>> No.7390820

If you believe that we agree, then that belief is also unjustified.

>> No.7390831

Which is also just your subjective opinion.

You only way you can refute my position is by admitting my beliefs are no less rational than yours.

Have a nice day.

>> No.7390832


If the chart was real, there would be only about 4 columns: /b/, /s/, /hc/, /gif/ because these are the only ones that actually have enough regular visitors for mean to be useful. On all other boards standard deviation would render the data absolutely useless.

>> No.7390846

It's not unjustified. If you think it's unjustified then kill me a Wakkahatta.

>> No.7390852

They had something called feminist technoscience at our uneversity.
I live in Sweden btw.

>> No.7390853

Went to the "About" page on their website. There is a big, I guess we could call it a testimonial that reads

> We are a home school family with seven kids, that love to watch and learn. I recently registered our school, and asked my 12 year old and 15 year old sons to watch one a day, now they watch two or more a day because they love them.

>Thanks again for providing such a quality service. I cannot contribute much monetarily, but I want you and others to know what a great resource Prager University is. ”

>–Nicoletta P.

Welp. Just a random ensemble of ramblings for home-schooled autists.

>> No.7390856

No, there is no way to refute you, but the way to argue against your position is pointing out that your system of thought is utterly useless for making any kind of decision about anything. You might as well go around chanting 'Om' all day. I suggest you read Parmenides.

>> No.7390861

My thought here is that these required courses are there to prepare lit majors to be teachers

>> No.7390868

Literally Khan Academy is a more thorough education than Prager, why the hell are stupid parents making their kids as stupid as them?

>> No.7390874

prager is full of shit but i like their general stance and the subjects they talk about

is there anyone who takes similar stances who isn't also full of shit?

>> No.7390884
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>feminist technoscience

>> No.7390899

Grove City College.

Here's a political science professor speaking on a similar topic:


>> No.7390917

This video gave me cancer.

>> No.7390919


>> No.7390920

No you misread his post.
He wants videos from people who aren't completely full of shit.

>> No.7390936

I've seen videos made by pretentious art students that made me cringe less than that video.

>> No.7390947

Kengor looks very jewwy.

>> No.7390956

>I like hearing stupid opinions and conclusions to bolster my faith in my ideology but I want to hear smart people who say it.
>Here you go, someone perhaps worse than PragerU saying even more incendiary, baseless things!

>> No.7390958

What can you expect from a program made for indoctrinated homeschooled children that calls itself a "university" to give it some semblance of authority?

>> No.7390963

please don't bully people this is a christian forum

>> No.7390970

Sorry :(

I know anti-intellectuals get offended easily.

>> No.7390972

Benjamin was NOT Jewish and his cultural Marxist writings have nothing to do with authentic Judaism. This is because JUDAISM IS OPPOSED TO MARXISM. No one from the Frankfurt School was Jewish. They were all atheists except for Benjamin who was a satanist.

Real Jews do not promote Marxism or any form of Leftism because we are wise enough to know the evils of Leftism.

Calling the Frankfurt School "Jews" and Critical Theory "Jewish" hurts real Jews, because it makes Gentiles think that Judaism promotes Leftism when it does not. Every time you make these claims you are contributing to antisemitism and Jew-hate. We Orthodox Jews do NOT give Leftists consent to tell us what our religion is.

>> No.7390977

It's sad and cringe to see the company you have to keep in questioning the zeitgeist...

I do wish people would stop characterising "cultural studies" as some beleaguered set of underdog, "alternative" views. They are the dominant schools of thought in English departments.

>> No.7390981

Ah fuck, when did /lit/ become /pol/ version 2?

>> No.7390982

Firstly, everyone here who knows what Critical Theory or the Frankfurt School are realize it isn't some evil monolithic beast created to destroy civilization.

Secondly, no one brought up Judaism but you. /pol/ conflates the two. Go there and defend your religion.

>> No.7390987

We really need to stamp out these idiots if we don't want to turn into /sci/.

>> No.7390990

>They were all atheists except for Benjamin who was a satanist.
>refer to a Jew
>using a distinctly christian idea of "satan"
You're not one of those toxic "Messianic Jews" are you?

>> No.7390998

A lot of people emigrated to /his/

>> No.7391005

>Firstly, everyone here who knows what Critical Theory or the Frankfurt School are realize it isn't some evil monolithic beast created to destroy civilization.

It has everything to do with wanting the death of the West.

The whole idea of Critical Theory is to reverse our perceptions of right and wrong. A cultural Marxist does not say right and wrong don't exist. Rather, he says everything that's right is wrong and everything that's wrong is right.

>/pol/ conflates the two. Go there and defend your religion.
I already have. But you and other Gentiles must know that you are contributing to the hatred of real Jews every time you claim the Frankfurt School was "Jewish" or that Critical Theory has anything to do with Judaism or Jewishness, which it does not.

>You're not one of those toxic "Messianic Jews" are you?
No. I am Orthodox.

>> No.7391009

No one here brought up Judaism but you. Your crazy ideas and obsessive need to defend your faith shows that you belong on /pol/. You bring nothing of value to this board whatsoever.


>> No.7391012

Thank god that not everyone ITT is being a complete and utter fucking retard.

>> No.7391015

>you claim the Frankfurt School was "Jewish" or that Critical Theory has anything to do with Judaism or Jewishness, which it does not.
>The Art of Loving
>Task of the Translator
>Benjamin's "Theses"
>nothing to do with Judaism
GTFO pls.

>> No.7391029

Not to mention most of what's taught in the humanities is liberal, not Marxist.

Gramsci, for example, is heavily whitewashed by humanities professors to sound more like Foucault. In actuality, Gramsci was a revolutionary communist who was writing specifically for revolutionary communists and definitely NOT one of those "check your priv" types.

This woman is more representative of the mindset on college campuses:


Of course, she totes gay marriage and more PoC on mainstream TV as "victories".

>> No.7391069

I'm bringing up Judaism because people on this board need to know as much as /pol/ does, probably more.

Benjamin, Fromm and the rest of the Frankfurt School lost every bit of their Jewishness the second they became Marxists. Marxism preaches the polar opposite of what Jews believe. Likewise, the Frankfurt School preached the polar opposite of what Torah teaches.

The bare minimum to be a Jew is to follow the Ten Commandments. Marxism goes against the Ten Commandments by promoting the spread of lies, theft of property, the destruction of the family and the worship of equality over the worship of G-D. This is why "Marxist Jew" is an oxymoron and not a single Leftist is Jewish.

People bring up the fact that Benjamin had knowledge of Kabbalah so he must have been Jewish. This is false. Some of the most evil people who ever lived had knowledge of Kabbalah. In fact, Benjamin sounds almost identical to the long list of "Jews" who studied the Kabbalah without studying Talmud and who claimed either they were Moshiach or could bring Moshiach through evil.

>> No.7391075

No fuck off. We don't care what you think.

This board is for the discussion of literature. If you want to talk about Jewish texts, start a new thread. If you want to shoehorn your ideology into everything and act like an idiot, then go on /pol/ because they love that sort of thing.


>> No.7391078

>I want to talk about politics on the literature board and teach you guys because I'm enlightened! ;_;
No. Fuck off.

>> No.7391081

Ok can all /pol/etariats just fuck off back to your /pol/ cave. This is /lit/.

>> No.7391091

>Benjamin, Fromm and the rest of the Frankfurt School lost every bit of their Jewishness the second they became Marxists.
Michael Löwy disagrees with you m8.

He even says their Jewishness was very compatible with their "Marxism" (assuming Benjamin was even a Marxist to begin with).

>> No.7391094
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This thread should be deleted.

>> No.7391098

>>Of course, she totes gay marriage and more PoC on mainstream TV as "victories".
SJWs piss me off, but can you give me a book explaining how to db8 them?

>> No.7391105

Fuck off.

>> No.7391108

Start with the Frankfurt School. ;)

>> No.7391113

FYI I'm disagreeing with the rabbi.

>> No.7391120

I know. Both of you should fuck off to >>>/pol/.

>> No.7391128

Both of you, please, go back to /pol/. This is the place for e/lit/es.

>> No.7391146

I am talking about literature. The Frankfurt School is responsible for the major shift in the humanities from conservatism to Leftism in the 1960s. How is this not literature?

Lowy is a Leftist idiot.

>He even says their Jewishness was very compatible with their "Marxism"
Judaism is AGAINST Marxism. Not a single Marxist can call himself a "Jew." "Marxist Jews" are pseudo-Jewish who preach the exact opposite of what real Jews believe and practice.

Zizek is a stalinist idiot.

>> No.7391174
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Cultural Marxism is real.


>> No.7391183


>> No.7391193

Cultural Marxism is literally killing us.

>> No.7391199
File: 50 KB, 600x604, 1441789190976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your /pol/ trash back to /pol/ where it belongs.

>> No.7391203

I hope it kills you at least.


>> No.7391211

>>>/pol/ and >>>/trash/ should redirect to /lit/

>> No.7391215

Oh, get fucked. Benjamin wrote about some really fascinating stuff. His stuff on fascism is great.

>> No.7391237
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>mfw America is currently stuck between going full SJW and going 2000s levels of religious crazy

>> No.7391240
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>anti-free speech vs. anti-science

>> No.7391242

People are reactionaries on both sides.

>> No.7391250

>I've spent too long on 4chan and think SJWs are real and should be condemned
>can someone Validate my reactionary shit?

Think for yourself. Don't get your news from YouTube and 4chan

>> No.7391306

SJWs are real, but they are a vocal minority. I know some. They're still there though and as much as I hate the term, there are "feminazis" and a lot of hyper-PC shit today, just look at "safe spaces" at colleges: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8UTj8lQJhY

>> No.7391324

Are we being raided by redditt?

>> No.7391332

This isn't literature, so fuck off. Not every board is a soapbox for you to talk about how great feminism is or how redpilled you are. Fuck off.

>> No.7391358


>> No.7391360

Do you not know how to spell "Ulysses"?

>> No.7391365

UlYssES i do

>> No.7391366

What defines a "SJW?" what is the difference between one, and just a socially conscious person?

What is a feminazi, and why do you feel like this is an appropriate term? By appropriate, know that I mean it both in the political and social sense, as well as the connotative.

Before you answer, consider that there are morons in any group, of any sort. To define a movement by its most violent and embarrassing supporters is a practice I've found to be intellectually irresponsible. If I find those that you call "SJWs" and "feminazis" aren't because they believe in social justice and feminism, but because they're douchebags. But their heart, in most cases, is still in the right place - they're just angry, and trying to understand that anger, and understanding anger is never a pretty process. It makes more sense to me to dismiss bad behavior, not the political views of the badly behaved - which ought to be considered critically, and not dismissed outright.

>> No.7391377

Nice try.

>> No.7391403


>> No.7391412

Unless you go to a shit school, at least one English teacher will assign Shakespeare. Most schools read Shakespeare every year, likely three minimum in high school... if you're in a great school system, maybe 1+ per year from 7th-12th.

It is absolutely possible to get an English degree never reading Shakespeare in a class. I had a friend in English grad school who still hadn't read Hamlet.

But yeah with college, the curriculum is changing to match the popular areas of literature theory of right now. I do agree it is too fixated on victimhood, though we do need to be required to read some outside perspectives in literature. None of the other younger prof. in my dept. wanted to teach British lit because, as a few of them told me, it was too "white and male." Thankfully I didn't lose my shit right there.

High school isn't getting much better. My state had just transitioned to Common Core recently. Overall I love it, but there's way more emphasis on reading informational sources. Yes students need to learn to read nonfiction critically, but a good school forces the other departments to take on some of that burden so the English classroom does not have to become 1/2 nonfiction reading material.

>> No.7391414

This chart always makes me laugh because /co/ is my usual stomping ground and sometimes they beat /lit/ on their ability to read into complex material (esp. in terms of not coming off as a pretentious asshole in the process).

>> No.7391427

Maybe if you leave, then we'll start to have intelligent discourse.

>> No.7391430
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>> No.7391436

Come now, /lit/ lauds itself on being pretentious. It's like a point of pride. It can be charming at times.

>> No.7391437

When we kept having endless Christianity threads, the /pol/acks found their way here, since they've adopted Christianity as a reaction against things they don't like.

>> No.7391453
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Wasn't in the original conversation, but people who asserted that this cover was sexist and bitched so much that DC pulled it are the epitome of SJWs. I assume they don't actually get the story it is alluding to... just saw a frightened woman, which cannot be, because ladies are all strong and complex and better than men. It's like people trying to erase history because actual legit history offends people. That's fucking hyper-sensitive in my book.

>> No.7391471

Go back to /co/mblr.

/lit/ is redpilled territory now.

>> No.7391479

a sjw is someone who is generally from a privileged background and as a result has plenty of spare times to immerse themselves in the intricacies of social justice and identity politics but uses them as tools for their own ends rather than social change, this can be dumb shit like belonging to a community, self identifying, venting etc but can also extend to some unpleasant stuff like bullying and justifying abuse

because these people are generally quite privileged they can afford to focus on trivial, petty and symbolic issues; they don't understand or they don't care about the idea of "picking your battles". they have a large presence on social media and universities but very little impact on the real world

it's worth noting that "social justice warrior" is acknowledged to be distinct from "social justice activist" and the same is true for "feminazi" and "feminist", however over the past few years with the consolidation of these groups on social media and the influx of impressionable, narcissistic young people, the distinction is being eroded

mainstream feminism is petty as fuck, it's not enough to say "there are idiots in any group" when said group is gradually becoming defined by those idiots

>> No.7391481


>> No.7391487

>greatest writer of the English language

o i am laffin

>> No.7391488

If the external world cannot be viewed objectively then how do you know there is no objective reality?

>> No.7391494

Hey, I'm the original guy you were talking to and probably am going to say what the other people who have responded have said. First off, I support feminists and social justice in general, but not to an extreme. An SJW is someone who takes social justice views to an extreme and wants to silence people for their opinions. Did you watch the video I linked? I'd say you can't dismiss "bad behavior" because these people are in power and it's "racist" or "sexist" to debate or disagree with them in the slightest.

>> No.7391502

Why don't we teach more Islamic literature anyway? It's objectively better than most European literature. The Qur'an is fucking beautiful, everyone should learn Arabic imo.

>> No.7391510

>tfw US students are forced to read Huck Finn and learn to hate books
>tfw we could teach them Confessions of a Mask, Ficciones, My Life in the Bush of Ghosts, etc but too focused on nationalism

>> No.7391511

This woman isn't nearly as based as Camille "Going Mental on the Continental" Paglia.

>> No.7391514

Because Islam is a cancer, and I know without ever reading a single work of Islamic literature that your assessment of Islamic literature is wrong.

>> No.7391515

I think there's definitely some Middle Eastern lit that would be fun to teach in schools, but the vid was talking about uni education where some people will end up reading that lit if they're inclined to. Learning Arabic should only be done if you have a vested interest in Arabic/Islamic lit.

>> No.7391520

>I know without ever reading a single work of Islamic literature that your assessment of Islamic literature is wrong
Please let this be satirical.

>> No.7391524

I'm joking, but there's a lot of people who would say that with complete sincerity.

>> No.7391529

>there are

>> No.7391534

Yeah I know. I've seen it here a couple times from /pol/ posters. It felt like the original post and your reply were intentional bait/jokes though.

>> No.7391541

Because no one in the academy truly values Islamic literature, and the only reason they teach it is because they want to prove how much they love the "religion of the oppressed" so they can get some brownie points.

>> No.7391550

Was Mohammed the Ubermensch? He didn't give a fuck about anyone, saying that he saw an angel fooling everyone and then killing people and other heinous shit for the glory of God. and he got away with it all

>> No.7391551

At the college level, it doesn't fall under "western literature" and most schools don't have extensive world lit courses.

At the high school level, parents will protest saying that their kids are being indoctrinated. And yet, we need to teach more Jesus in public schools. I had a coworker who got in trouble teaching World Geography and having her students silently try meditation (no religion tied to it) for a few minutes.

>> No.7391557

Well I...

>cultural Marxism


>> No.7391558

>thinks cultural Marxism is a bogeyman


>> No.7391566

>Trash! Although being the bard himself I may be slightly biased. But it's an ok thing to study subjects that relevant to the time in which they are being studied but my work is eternal. Ergo, it's always relevant. Trash.

>> No.7391571

When we read excerpts of the Bible in 12th grade no one complained, but when we tried getting into excerpts of 1001 Arabian Nights, there were some parents who started whining about "Islamic infiltration in our schools". Thankfully, the teacher didn't back down.

>> No.7391706

Just cut out the fucking bible, it created the fucked up society we live in today. If we taught more Islamic and Asian literature, and Islamic science, we wouldn't have to put up with the shit we do now.

>> No.7391707

Nice bait /pol/.


>> No.7391713

Islam is more progressive and tolerant than Christianity by far. Shariah is just virtue ethics.

>> No.7391715

How is that bait? Do you really think things are ok right now?

>> No.7391718

That sucks. It's infuriating when people complain about books or things being thought when they're also the types who say they love free speech.

>> No.7391755
File: 78 KB, 736x856, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being progressive and tolerant
>4 men need to be present for it to be rape
>just ethics

Islam is stuck in the medieval age

>> No.7391757

People only like free speech when it suits them. As soon as something is 'racist', 'sexist', 'morally reprehensible' etc. those people are quick to silence free speech.

>> No.7391758

Yeah. It's also very true on the other /pol/tard side too.

>> No.7391779

/co/, unfortunately, spends half of its threads bitching about tumblr. So, yeah.

>> No.7391791

bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit

learn literature before learning what impacts literature

now fuck off

>> No.7391794

YEP. People are idiots and unfortunately they breed that stupidity into their kids typically. The political bullshit I heard said from my students in high school was so painful, but unlike the Civics teachers at my school, I don't believe that I should force my political positions on my students and never stepped in.

But yeah, that's not surprising. I taught World Lit but only to my Gifted students... so if I taught Arabic literature I didn't get shit for it thankfully.

Well, technically it's 500-600 years younger than Christianity, so ripe for those Spanish Inquisition years.

>> No.7391815

I don't think /pol/ users support free speech, they're national socialists.

>> No.7391820

Considering most of the g8s never took these courses being administered at unis nowadays, what does that mean. are we going to have a new kind of meta meta meme modernism wave hit us in the coming decades of lit? I for one am excited

>> No.7391826

Fun fact: Islamic jihadists have killed more people in the last month than those killed in the Spanish Inquisition.

>> No.7391853

to everyone that posted in this thread, I recommend these cool new boards where you can discuss the global zionist conspiracy among like-minded individuals.

>> No.7391854

Christianity was far more brutal. And Islam prohibits killing the innocent or forcing itself on anyone. Islam did not and does not spread by the sword.

>> No.7391865

I recommend you these websites, in turn, where you can discuss the racist, sexist, misogynist, Islamophobic, transphobic, homophobic, patriarchal, straight, white, Christian male boogeyman.

Huffington Post

>> No.7391868

>Lowy is a Leftist idiot.
>Zizek is a stalinist idiot.
I assumed Jews were good at debating.

>> No.7391880

If it's not literature, it's not /lit/.

>> No.7391918

Straight outta /pol/ I see. It should be pretty obvious by now no one on /lit/ likes your kind.

I mean this in the most condescending way possible, I used to be a reactionary, dark enlightenment kind of guy just like you, but then I started actually reading books. Read some fucking literature, nigga. After you've read some lit, then come back here for a discussion, otherwise your presence here is completely worthless.

>> No.7391919

Do you really think Islam would be better?

>> No.7391920

Then how did it spread from Mecca and Medina all the way to Bosnia? How come Muslims kill thousands monthly in the name of their prophet (piss be upon him)?

>> No.7391929

I see you still fail to see from any other perspective and project yourself onto imaginary manifestations of your 'adversaries'. Everyone who disagrees with you is 'ignorant' and 'uneducated', right?

>> No.7391936

Everyone from /pol/, yes.

>> No.7391950

Do they make you upset? Trigger you? Why do you get so upset at opinions?

>> No.7391951

Islam only allows for defensive wars, which were what the Arab conquests were about. They had to war with the Byzantines since they were oppressing Muslims and potential Muslims. And no one was forced to convert. Islam prohibits forced conversions since the ummah would be full of hypocrites. Everyone who converted did so voluntarily.

>> No.7391959


>> No.7391969

Then why does Sharia law call for pagans to be killed and people of the book to be taxed? How were these wars of conquest defensive, exactly? Why did Muslims under their paedophile prophet slaughter thousands on their conquest of Arabia?

>> No.7391976


>> No.7391979

They don't seem to understand the concept of a containment board. They're the biggest cross posters on this entire site. They ruin every board they touch by lowering the level of discourse to levels they can comprehend, which usually involves some sort of /int/ tier ad hominem or "niggerz r dumb lol". Please go back there unless you intend to discuss literature.

>> No.7391980

Do you know the context of those verses? If not, why are you asking about them? The conquests were needed to protect Muslims and potential Muslims from Christian tyrannies that existed at the time. The jizya tax was supposed to be an act of humility and a means of designating protected people. And Christianity has killed far more.

>> No.7391989

If your post doesn't have to do with literature and is just you pushing your ideology down people's throats, then fuck off to /pol/ with other like-minded people.

This board is for LITERATURE, you faggot.

Please tell me both of you are just joking. If not, unread idiots belong on /his/.

>> No.7391997

The Spanish inquisition was a single institution in a single country, and is notable not so much for the number of deaths it caused as for the questionable methods involved in investigation and sentencing, as well as for the brutality of the torture and of the executions (and, of course, for its founder, who convinced the Spanish monarchs to issue a decree expelling all Jews from the country under pain of death, while simultaneously demanding that they leave any gold, silver or money in their possession in the country).

If you're going to compare numbers of deaths, you might want to take a look not only at inquisitions but also at other processes like wars (e.g. the war waged by Catholic Spain against the Muslims of Granada at the very time when the Spanish inquisition was at the height of its power, as well as other wars going on elsewhere -- not to mention the deeds of the Christians who discovered America around the same time...). And then there's the difference in equipment: how many would current-day Jihadists have killed if they were running around with swords instead of bombs and assault rifles? How many would the Christians of the medieval and Renaissance times have killed if they had been in possession of modern military equipment?

>> No.7392000

Is that why Islam calls to kill and convert everyone? To prevent non-Muslims from being able to hold power over Muslims?

>> No.7392002

Islamic jihadists mostly kill other Muslims. The Inquisition mostly killed Jews, Muslims, and some non-Catholic christian sects.

>> No.7392010

you guys just don't like my redpilled beliefs because they prove you wrong

>> No.7392017

Muhammad, you don't actually think you'd be able to pull that taquiyya here do you? We've actually READ the Koran. This is a LITERATURE board.

>> No.7392018

>oh shit
>the lefties figured out that I'm retarded
>what would /pol/ want me to do
>oh, right.


>got 'em

>> No.7392020

Not every war against Muslims is a war of aggression against them. All Muslim countries today oppress and persecute Jews, and other Muslims. All recent non-African genocides have been Muslims trying to wipe out others. Islam is ten times as violent as any form of Christianity. How about you compare European colonies to Muslim colonies? Muslim colonies were far more brutal.
Muslims kill thousands of non-Muslims every year.

>> No.7392029

Except instead of

>> No.7392031

You don't understand. Exegesis is not allowed on the Qur'an. You are only allowed to interpret Qur'an using the Hadith, which I doubt you have read given that Sahih Bukhari is one of the longest books ever written.

>> No.7392036


>> No.7392039

Mods are asleep.

everyone be nazi, I guess.

>> No.7392041

Of course they keep the Jews in-watch. How many of those Jews in Arab countries are secretly loyal to Israel or the West? The ummah sees itself as in a perpetual state of war with Israel and the West. Of course Jews would be denied rights.

Also, what do you say to the camps Japanese-Americans were put into during WWII?

>> No.7392047

All of you are really uneducated and it shows.

>> No.7392057

How am I uneducated? Muslims only "persecute" people who persecute them. The only reason Jews and Christians are kept in-check in Muslim countries is because Jews and Christians have historically collaborated with white colonials. And Christians in Egypt are treated better than Muslims in France.

>> No.7392064

>Exegesis is not allowed on the Qur'an. You are only allowed to interpret Qur'an using the Hadith
>The ummah sees itself as in a perpetual state of war with Israel and the West
You have no concept of Islamic legal theory or theology as evident from those two statements.

>> No.7392068

Oh and
>Sahih Bukhari is one of the longest books ever written.
proves that you're baiting and/or an idiot.

>> No.7392071

>Christians in Egypt are treated better than Muslims in France.

woah there partner, you got a citation for that firearm or is it plastic?

Honestly, I don't disbelieve you, but I'd like to see some proof of this.

>> No.7392088

Excuse me, I am Muslim. I'm here telling you that you need years of training before you can interpret the Qur'an. The Qur'an was given to one man only so you are only allowed to interpret it through his acts and deeds.

Yes, we see ourselves in a state of war. The West has been attacking us since the days of Charles Martel.

Egyptian Christians aren't denied the open practice of their religion. Muslims in France can't wear the niqab, prepare halal meat, wear religious garb in public buildings, pray in public or even call to prayer. Egyptian Christians aren't denied their churches.

>> No.7392100

>I am Muslim. I'm here telling you that you need years of training before you can interpret the Qur'an. The Qur'an was given to one man only so you are only allowed to interpret it through his acts and deeds.
Obviously an uneducated Muslim based this statement. Do you even know the hermeneutic methodologies behind tafsir? There are naqli and aqli sources to it.

And there's also sciences behind hadith authentication and narrator reliability.

But you're really ignorant of Islamic theology.

>The West has been attacking us since the days of Charles Martel.
And Islamic history as well.

Not only are you uneducated, but you're also not discussing any literature.

>>>/his/ is the board for you.

>> No.7392123

My point is Westerners do not have the qualifications to interpret Qur'an. You need years of training. This is why Westerners make fools of themselves every time they try to interpret our texts.

How am I wrong about history? The ummah has been trying to protect itself from Christians since the beginning. Islam prohibits all non-defensive combat.

>> No.7392127

>Excuse me, I am Muslim
What are you doing on the internet? Aren't you violating Hadith by doing so? (outside of required work, since I'm assuming the coin image exception to the rule applies)

>> No.7392131

You're really not worth a response.
Neither are you.

>> No.7392132

Islam encourages scientific thinking and discovery. Nothing in shariah prohibits internet.

>> No.7392140

I'm asking genuine questions about the Hadiths, I'm pretty sure they're literature

>> No.7392305

Well, you're going to source that because I graduated from Paris-Sorbonne and there's not a single departement nor degree merely related to gender studies and not a single of classmates heard of it. The first and only time I read about it in a French-speaking college, it was as a minor study at UCL in Belgium and it talked about the gendered study of war, mutilation and labor in Africa.

>> No.7392377

>Tfw /tg/ is retarded

W-we're the most c-creative b-board!

>> No.7392380

It's a bait image, but your post is giving credence to it.

>> No.7392388

Please. Islam does not promote a warrior ethic like Westerners claim. We are required to be 100% peaceful until we are attacked.