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/lit/ - Literature

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7388652 No.7388652 [Reply] [Original]

Every single day I want to read for hours on end, but I end up wasting time online. Do you have advice?

>> No.7388657

turn off the computer. make it inaccessible to yourself. go read at a book store or a library or a coffee shop without any electronics.

>> No.7388662

turn your computer off

>> No.7388709

Regiment your time. Like schedule in your mind the amount of time you're going to do one thing and the amount of time you're going to do another, and be diligent about actually sticking to that schedule. Say to yourself that you'll read for 2 or 3 hours and after you're done you can go online for 1 hour. It's not enough to just say that you want to read, its important to actually set aside time to do it, away from distractions like your computer. Try to read earlier in the day, too. That way if you're done with your reading for the day by dinner you can go and do whatever bullshit you want to do after dinner with the feeling that you've actually done what you wanted to do for the day.

>> No.7389116

Yeah, turn the computer off. Not turn off the monitor, but fully shut it down along with other electronics. After that you'll only have your books to read, or you'll have to physically turn it back on and admit defeat. It's a small change but it works very well.

>> No.7389118

What if you're a poorfag who reads on his computer?

>> No.7389122
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Cut off yr hands.

>> No.7389126

Practice self-control or buy an E-reader. Reading on a desktop PC is a very underrated experience. Much more pleasant than it would seem to be.

>> No.7389130

>i really want to be straight, but i just keep sucking dicks
Have you considered you're just a faggot, OP?
I'm not a psychologist, you should probably ask >>>/his/

>> No.7389143


>> No.7389152

someone's grumpy they have to read something to stay. which title is causing you this trouble?

>> No.7389162

i like to read right when i wake up.
for some reason, that makes it easier. as soon as i open my laptop, i just want to keep checking things. even after i put it away.
so i read for a half an hour to an hour before i start. and i enjoy it most in the morning for some reason. it's just a nice way to wake up.

i also read for a half an hour to an hour in bed before i fall asleep.

>> No.7389446

Being comfy while reading helps.

>> No.7389467


1: Turn off your computer
2: If it is a laptop, close it
3: Put a note on top of it, saying "is it necessary?"
4: Dissolve automated behaviour

This isn't foolproof. If you're a fool, you'll fail between step 3 and 4. In which case literature isn't for you.

>> No.7390085

This is … brilliant advice actually. Thank you anon, I've been struggling with this since forever and I really think your idea will help.

Today was a good day to remember that /lit/ exists.

>> No.7390101

Good advice. I tend to just unplug my desktop pc, which doesn't seem like much but the extra step makes you aware of your behaviour.

What also really helps in combating automated behaviour is switching the icons on your phone around and finding yourself suddenly looking at your calendar because you mindlessly open your browser about twenty times a day.

>> No.7390113

Leave your house and leave your phone/computer/iPod there.
Read outside/library/cafe with little to no distractions.
Get used to doing this, then eventually you can read at home around all your gadgets without needing to use them.

>> No.7390159
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This is solid advice.

>> No.7390197

How can you be so poor you can't afford used books? And there's always the library too.

>> No.7391190
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Come to terms with the fact you dont actually want to read and stop torturing yourself.

>> No.7391205

Not him, but philosophy books, for example, are usually very expensive where I live, and sometimes the only option is imported ones.

>> No.7391323


You never hear a junkie go "every single day I want to shoot dope for hours on end, but I end up wasting time online".