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/lit/ - Literature

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7387699 No.7387699 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, I'm currently a high school senior trying to apply to a college and I would absolutely love it if anyone is willing to reach out and help me out. I'm having an anxiety attack over this right now.
I'll add you through Skype if you don't mind.

>> No.7387700

I forgot to mention it was for a college essay.

>> No.7387701

/lit/ - literature

>> No.7387706

if you are a qt 2d girl i will help you

>> No.7387723

just post here what you need help with and ill help.

i dont want some underaged b& on my skype, easiest way to get myself raided

>> No.7387782

I sat behind my cousin, watching the screen showing these bright and vibrant colors. The vivid images changed by each stroke of a button. My cousin handed me the controller and as soon as I held it, I fell in love. That moment introduced me to what we all now know as video games. Every time I visited my cousin's house, I would ask if I can play his games. It was a drive that I just loved to get when I played games. For many years as a child I pondered about who actually created these games? How do they make these games? Will I be able to also create a game and provide unforgettable memories to other children one day? That's when my passion for computers developed.

>During my summer vacation before my senior year, I met a person named Graig Taylor who worked in the video game industry. He was a student in his senior year majoring in computer science but was offered a job by a huge game development company called Blizzard. Graig was a Quality Assurance Manager, whose job is to make sure the quality of the games are up to standard when they are released. He told me "It's not always about the degree, it's how much passion you have and show if you can actually apply those skills." Graig also taught me how certain computer languages are core in the gaming industry such as C++.

>> No.7387785

I became extremely motivated and immensely passionate by his story. So much that I even created a small three-dimensional game on my own. The project took a total of three days with no breaks and was created using a software called "Unreal Engine 4." First thing I would do after waking up is working straight on my project. I loved the many challenges I faced during the creation of this project. The greatest challenge of the entire project was coding the main character’s animation when it moved. It was pretty difficult but I had perseverance and came through. After coding the animations, my next challenge was to create a very simple stage with surroundings. After finishing up on the last part, I felt that I had a breakthrough. I actually created my very own first game. I thought to myself "Wow, I'm a step closer to my dream." I was completely amazed that I came this far. I still have the file to the game. It gave me a taste of what I want to do in the future. When I created this game, I found out about my own attributes that I didn't notice before. I had the determination to work on this thing for three days straight without any interruptions because I was so passionate about it. Indeed, I was so eager that I was able to work very hard on the project.

However, I know that I can't stop here. I have much more to learn and more games to create. That's why I feel that ------- would be the best place to provide the best education for me. I feel that such education will help me achieve the goal of creating a video game with high production values that will be revered by video game players everywhere. I want to be able to create a video game that will be considered a classic to many and be remembered for years to come. My experience has also taught me that if I am passionate about something then I will try my best to accomplish any task with which I'm faced. I will bring the same passion to my classwork at -------. I will not easily quit classes just because those classes are challenging. As mentioned before, I spent three days straight when I was creating a video game. When I'm taking classes at ------- I will be just as dedicated to my classes as I was to creating that video game. That's why I believe that I will become a success at -----.

Trying to major computer science and also censored out the university name

>> No.7387867

>I will not easily quit classes just because those classes are challenging

Obviously your not. I wouldn't even bother having this.

>> No.7388092

You should lie and say a week. I spend two to three days (or more) on literally every major programming assignment (around five each semester in each programming course).

>> No.7388132
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>> No.7388165

Get lost faggot.

Books or gtfo

>> No.7388203
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>tfw writing PhD applications and want to help OP but also taking a break from writing them and want to detox and jerk off instead

Someone help OP because I know his pain

>> No.7388352


>> No.7388376

Your Skype and I will help you , sometimes it's good just to be listened